The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, October 28, 1905, Image 12

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12 THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 1»05. Fromme Hour Sale. From me Hour Sale. FROMME SYNDICATE FLYERS For 10 BIG RESORDlBREAKING HOURS EACH DAY. There will be announced on the floor of the sale, different specials for the hour announced. These hour prices are for the first three days only. After the first three drys, specials will be announced on the floor. It will pay you to come every day as there will be special bargains offered in exceptionally good values every day. Beginning at the hour of 8 a. m., Beginning at the hour of 9 a. m., At the hour of 10. o’clock. r (iS^J ajj /CfX (psf q we will sell good Outing Flannel, worth 12J*c the Mens’ Suits, worth $7.00 for $2.48. • yard for 6>,'c. Mens' 15c. Hose 3c, Ladies' 15c. Hose 6c. Ladies’ Jackets worth $6.00 for $2.48. At the hour of 11 o’clock. Good white cotton towels 312c Ladies 10c. Hundkerehiefs, 2c, f I Mens’ 15c. Handkerchiefs 2c. Good dress Ginghams, worth 8c. for At the hour of 1 o’clock p. m., Mens’ Unlaundried Shirts 5c. Rovs’^Jnlaundried Shirts 5c. At the hour of 3 o’clock p. m., Fine apron Ginghams, worth 8c. at 4%c. yard. At the hour of 2 o’clock p. m., Good yard wide Madras Shirtings worth 25c. the yard for 9c. ■ At the hdur of 4 o’clock p. m., Good 3 yd. Sheeting for 4c. yd. 20 yards only to a customer At the hour of 5 o’clock p. m„ Mens’ fine 50c. Shirts, made of fine Madras at 19c. each. We vail have on sale all the time such an abundance of bargains that it is impossible to describe the many beautiful things. But all we can say is come and see. Let your eyes be your market and your own common sense be your judge that we are selling good, honest mer chandise cheaper than most merchants can buy them for. Merchants desiring to purchase any of these goods must come early as between the hours of 11 a. m., and 9 p. m., we positively will not sell any goods at wholesale. Counters Piled High, Stacks and stacks of fine Clothing, Shoes, Hats, and Gents’ Furnishings for men and boys’ will be likened to a powerful magnet which will draw crowds for miles around. Your Money Back If You Want It. Stock Upset and people in confusion. People excited waiting, talking and wondering how we can cope with the crowds that will pour in. Dont miss the Great Sale. Positively no one allowed in the building until November 2d, at 8 a. m. I hereby agree to return all money If goods are not as sold. Mm FROMME, Manager•. Mark the date and mark it well. Let nothing keep you away. The hour is set The date you know. LOOK FOK THE BIG KED SIGN AMD FLAGS. Fromme Factory Syndicate and Manufacturers’ Outlet Sale, VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. .2, lE3.£s.XX_ 23 0-^.30 IF'.A.IREl BST "CT 23 2T 23 33 jr r or' 15 Mile® to IF*urchasers of $22.00 Worth of Merchandise or- Over. & ,r : . . 1 .. ‘ /■ A