The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, November 04, 1905, Image 10

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THE VALDOSTA T ^ r^^r , SATXJKDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1905. 4. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN * 4. 4. At the Madison Square Garden In New York City a number of young women representing various states of the union are contesting for points in perfect contour arrayed in pink and black union suits. t + ^+ + +4 , + + , H ,, f' + 4, * 4. FROM A WOMAN’S 4* 4. POINT OF VIEW. 4. 4- * Women m Irondile, ,111., a town 5,000 people, are raising a popul subscription to deport the town's only idle man. They propose to send him Just as far as the money they collect will pay fare, and there will be return ticket. She puts on her clothes the wa 1h**> should go and after she gel them on she walks as a woman should walk—with chest erect, head up straight, hips back and with light, bouyant step that bespeaks happiness and energy. The wing hat is still In fashion. Gay colored wings form the only trim ming to may of the new fall models. Double wing effects ore used on the under brims of the hats which show the very narrow front brim in < to lengthen the side line. Miss Grace Weiherbee of New York daughter of on- of the proprietor of the Manhattan Hotel a beautiful and gifted girl, who had all the ad vantages of education and society that money brings, is now living on the Shoshone Indian reservation, the wife of a full blooded Indian. She has adopted Indian customs and seems very happy. The Outdoor Air League of the ifornla women has achieved an Ira portatit success by the enactment by the state legislature of a bill provid ing that $100,000 of any moneys which shall bo collected by the state from the United States, on account claims arising out of the civil war and various Indian wars, shall be devoted to further forestry Interests. Ono does not have to be very old to rembmber when there was not a woman's club !n the United States, now there are about four thousand, with a total membership of 235,000 Every state has Its federation, includ ing from fifteen to twenty clubs to three hundred and the state federa tion represents from one thousand to thirty thousand women each. Lace Is the most exquisite trim ming today, .just as it was in the days of our great-great-grandmothers. The lacea used Tfow dTTl&£, perhaps, from those of two centuries ago, but in a very small degree. This year It will bo real baby Irish crochet ,or real Bruges lace, duchess or Mechlin, all of which have attained a wonderful prominence in tho world of fashion this year. CRIMINAL JUSTICE. In an address at Little Rock, Ark., last Wednesday President Roosevelt had the lot lowing to say in regard to the quick enforcement of the law's against crime: "We urgently need In this country methods for expediting punishment; methods for doing away with delay, methods which wllll secure to tho pub lie an even chance with the criminal At the present time tho right of ap peal Is In certain cases so abused as to make It n matter of the utmost difficulty ultimately to punish a man sufficiently rich or sufficiently influ ential to command really good legal talent. "If tho law is reasonably speedy and reasonably sure it takes nwav our great excuse for lawlessness. If some horrible crime Is committed and the people feel that under the best circumstances there will beb an Inde finite delay in tho punishment of tho criminal and that the punishment will be uncertain even when the time for administering it comes, then a premium is put on that kind of law- breaking, which more than any other 1s a menace to the law. "I earnestly hope that some sub stantial Improvement shall be made in the direction of securing greater expedition and greater certainty in the administration of criminal Jus- tice.” Love is L’ind, so also is hate. —)o(— “The half is better than the whole," but nearly e»ery one prefers the whole. —)o(— Beauty is often skin deep, but, like ugly, It Is just as often through and BADBLjDOD WEAKENS THE SYSTEM AND INVITES DISEASE This New Waverly through. —tot— Beatrice Fairflax says “women need praise and petting,,’ As if they didn’t get it—the single ones. —)o(— Are angels male or female? Both, of course. Who would want to go to heaven if they were all of one se: — )o<— It Clark Howell is a rascal and Hoke Smith a hypocrite, and one is the other and each Is both, how are we to discriminate? — tot— Mrs. George Yoerger w’as taught to box by her husband .then she be came so clever at the art of self-de fense that she refused to obey him, Moral: Woman, learn to box and you won’t have to obey. -)ot- Valdosta baby when she is tired she Is too heavy to walk. We seen grown-ups when they were eo full to walk, but never knew wheth r they felt light or heavy. huv THE INCOMPETENT CLERKS The recent order from the White House empowering cabinet officers to dismiss peremptorily incompetent clerks said to have been provoked oy the impoliteness of a chauffeur who zigzagged a government automo bile used for transportation of govern- ent documents in front of the pres ent’s carriage. It should be known that nothing trivial had anything to do with this oessary and Important order. The dor has for months been under con sideration and has been frequently discussed at cabinet meelngs. Its sal- itary influence is already felt in a simulation to greater industry of a •at go number of lax and lazy govern ment clerks. A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity, when you loso your health, because indigestion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They build up your digestive organs, and cure headacho. dizziness, colic, constipa- nation, etc. Guaranteed at W. D. Dunaway’s'and A. E. Dimmock’s drug stbres: 25c. Every part of $he body ia dependent on the blood for nourishment and strength, and when from Any cause this vital stream of life becomes impov erished or run-down, it invites disease to enter. No one can be well when the blood is impure; they lacif the energy that is natural with health, the com plexion becomes pale and isallow, the vital energies are at a low ebb, and they suffer from a general brok£n-down condition of health. The system is weak ened and unable to resist tjbe diseases and disorders that are constantly assail ing it. The Liver and Kidneys, failing to receive the proper stimulation and nourishment from tfce blobJ, grow inactive and dull, and the waste matters and bodily impurities that should pass off through these channels of nature are left in the system to produce Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases or some other blood disorder. When the blood is in this weak ened and diseased condition it should be treated with a remedy that is not only thorough, but gentle in its action. S. S. S., a purely vegetable remedy, made of roots, herbs and barks, is just what is needed. It not only cleanses the blood of all impurities and poisons, and enriches and strengthens it. hut gently builds up the entire system by its fine tonic effect. S. S. S. reinvigorates every mem ber of the body, gives tone and vigor to the blood, S.S.S. ✓ and as it goes to the different parts, carries ro- PURELY VEGETABLE. P rora Ptly an d gives better results than any other medicine. It cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases and all other blood disorders, and cures them per manently. Our Medical Department will be glad to give advice without charge to all suffering with blood or skin diseases. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA» ONLY Drop-Head, ballbearing and one of the lightest running Machines on the market; five drawers, full quartered oak and handsomely finished. Finest material and workmanship in its con struction. A ten year written guarantee given with every machine. Call and see it. These special prices on the New Waverly will hold for only a short while longer. H. K. McLendon Valdosta, Qa. COLDS THAT HANG ON So frequently settle on the lungs and result In Pneumonia or Consumption. Do not take chances on a cold wearing i. j away or take something that only half cures it, leaving the seeds of serious throat and lung trouble. Cures Coughs and Colds quickly and prevents Pneumonia Coeisisi CONSUMPTION THREATENED C. Unger, 211 Maple St., Champaign, III., writes; ‘ 1 was troubled with a hacking cough for a year and I thought I had consumption. 1 tried a great many remedies and I was under the care of physicians for several months. I used one bottle of FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR. It cured me, and I have not been troubled since." HAD BR0MCH'TI3 FCR TWENTY YEARS AND THOUGHT HE WAS INCURABLE Henry Livingstone, Babylon, N. Y., writes: “I had been a sufferer with Bronchitis for twenty years and tried a great many with poor results until I used FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR which cured me of my Bronchitis which I supposed was incurable." THREE SIZES, 25c, 50o and $1.00. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY E. DIMMOCK, Valdosta, Qa. '~' 7 ’ -J- Refuse Substitutes j VALD0TA FOUNDRY & MACHINE COMPANY. Man’s Unreasonableness is offer, ns groat as woman’s. Thos 8. Austin. Mgr. of tho “Repub lican." of Loavonworth. Ind . was unreasonable, when he refused to al low the doctor to operate on his \ for female trouble. "Instead." iwva, "we concluded to try Electric ■Ritters Mv wife was then so sick, she cnnld hardlv leave her bed. and five tst nhv«dHnns bad faMo«» to re lieve her. After TMoefrle Bit ters, she was nerfeetlv cured. npd can now norhwm nil her fcons^h duties" OnnrTnteed bv W. D. D"*n- way and A V. Dlmmoek. druggists, price **Ae. Aa a atffcgostlon of the minute rem- locations of paternalism in Germany the government has ordered the rigid prohibition of corsets by the high school glrla during gymnastic exer- House Castings of Every Kind and Size. Columns, Lintels, Sills, Ventilators, Washers. Anchors, Etc. Get Our Prices Star VALDOSTA FOUNDRY & MACHINE CO., Valdosta. Ga ■aniiiuiiiiiiiiii iniiiiiiuiniimiimimimmm ■■■■■HnaaaaiiaaaiaaaMaiiiaiiaaaiiia