The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, November 25, 1905, Image 3

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- THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY,',NOVEMBER 26, 1906. YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER \ Will be a Success If Baked onfan “0. K. Range.” Because they are made right and of the right material. Sold'only by J. E. Roberts Hardware Co., 120 South Patterson Street. VALDOSTA GEORGIAN SAW MILL MEN MONEY FROM CON- WITH ROOSEVELT They Pass Resolutions Endorsing Proper Equipment of Lumber Core Deeired by the Aasociation—Want to Compel Railroads to Supply It. Car Shortage Complained of, and Railroads May bo Sued for Dam age! Because of the Resultant Losses. VICT HIRE. Lowndes County Shares in Fund engaged In dlsbu Georgia counties received by the I tor- the quarter en her 30th. ChocKKjtor th eral co.unflcs ar pee was about as large the meetings of the asso- fcnd those present displayed iferest In the proceedings rates came up for a full ! discussion, and the sentiment /members of the association . forth In the following resolu* olved: That the Georgia In- awmill association In regular kefcstort'- heartily Indorses President Roosevqjt's principles and policy for , governmental regujatlon of transpor tation companies and freight rates. • and wo hereby call ppon and urge the forthcoming congress to enact laws In sympathy with thq president's well known and specifically defined Ideas.' Them was considerable discussion In regard to the car stake and equip ment measure and a resolution adopted pledging the association' operation with the National Whole sale Lumber Dealers’ Association In securing legislation both stato and national to compel the railroad com panies to equip flat cars used for transporting lumber with stakes and binders suitable tor the safe trans portation of lumber The association, by vote, decided to employ legal counsel to aid the At torney general of Florida la his fight to uphold the rulings of the Florida Railroad Distribution of Money From On« Hun dred and Eleven Counties la Now Being Made—Echols County celves the Smallest Sum In the 8tate or Juit $97. • ,;,f .The state treasurer department Is among 111 7 < that was convict hire jfeeptem- „ the dev- F* being milled out by WWOflO^Aark, but "as the work is a large It will be Thursday or Fri day before’all the counties will have been paid. ' The 111 counties that will share in the proceeds of convict hire do not work any, or at least all, of their fel ony convicts on their public roads, and, therefore, receive the proceeds of the hire of the men tney would use for road Improvement. There are 28 counties that work felony convicts on the public roads. Lowndes county works none of her eighteen and therefore receives the money for the hire of them, which amounts to about $2,445 a year, over double as much under the present lease as was formerly received for the entire number. Chatham Is the only large county in Georgia that does not work Its pro rata of convicts, and In lieu of this will receive the largest sum paid to any one county In the state, namely, $2,000 approximately for the quarter. Chatham county Is entitled to about G3 convicts. Echols county receives the smallest .sum of money, $97. Ful ton county gets the work of 10« con- lets on her public roads, and does not share in the distribution of the! money. In some of the counties the money] will go for road purposes and In oth-j TASK TOO HARD FOR DUNNE Chicago Mayor Won't Run Again; Suffers Nervous Prostration Chicago, Nov. 22—Supporters Mayor Dunne were startled today by the report that the mayor had decid ed definitely that he would not ac cept the renomlnatlon or under any circumstances become a caudldato tor his present position again A munici pal ownership platform and an at- temp to carry It out has given the father of thirteen children nervous prostration. While no one would consent to bif quoted In regard to the matter, there were several of the mayor’s close friends who said they had positive knowledge that this would be his position., ■ '3 Former Assemblyman Arrested New York, Nov. 2$—Jos J r ; CaphlD, former member aedetobly from Brook lyn district, was arrested today on lndlctipent charging fraud In regis tration He gave ball ot fifteen thou*- -fe' BROTHER KILL BROTHER. A Fatal Accident to a Lad at the New Colony Town Yesterday. Ne^t^dn terrible accident reached the cltyjjpa morning from St. George the new'colony town on the St. Mary's river between here and Jacksonville. Eleven year old Lamar Ham wns shot and acddentlly killed yestorday by his 13-year-old brother, Otis Harn, In front of the postolfice, at that place, while on their way from the woods hunting. The tftn slipped and fell from Otis’ shoulder, striking a post, while he was in the act ot taking a drink of water, discharging tho entire load In Lamar’jl right cheek, cutting it en- tlrely away and spilling his teeth on the ground. Death was almost In- No witness saw the ac- dent has thrown a pall of ■ that community^ '*■ ■ } Ikon Pres* committee seeing Is reatenably cl Sin’s Consequence Innocent Indulgence Often Brings Trouble. Dimmock Offers Means of Escape, j . The consequences of violating. bismuth Hubgnllat e, which Is physical law are often as unpleasnnt to nil other remedies -for i as the breaking of a moral rule. The troubles, cerium oxalate, and -4 innocent indulgence of over eating j mid corrective* which prdutyfe^ brings consequences tnat amount to; action of the digestive organs, real suffering. Indigestion is not j strengthen the whole ditfestiye^ natural; it is not right; it should ! and make It possible to eat not be. A. E. Dlmmick offers a means j like and when you like, of escape In Ml-o-na tablets that Is Ask A. E. Dlinmock to.sfoo**-*^ simple and practical. j the guarantee under whicli he ee These simple tablets are composed! Ml-o-na. It costs nothing unleaa‘is^v»^. of such valuable medicinal agents as ] cures. The risk Is all hit. ‘ , ?* That play, of Bernard Shaw’s en titled "Mrs.^ Warren's Profession,” must have beta Vity bad Indeed to have stirred up bo mucli fuss In New York. Mr. Shaw made a mistake In I playing Now .TqrjgtlL- should linvo. opened at Chlcngr^VT' There nre employed It) the 1 < go poatofilce and sub station* UCC ’ people, not counting Urn Jtonds of 4se 1 p&rtments The averngo/weight ot mall bandied I, MO tons each dayjJK^ wiuiipi leaves the jj^sfoffice tunnel for the jdepy^n tmT* v three minutes. f Commission regarding; e rs It will go to the public school I freight rntes on lumber In this state. j fund. Just as the grand Juries decide. The question of car shortage was i n Terrell county the grand Jut has brought up and discussed at great • always applied this money to the pub- longth From reports made by the h| c schools, which about evenly dlvld- members o ftho association present lt| 0 s the convicts and the revenue from was shown that not more than 33 per j them between education and road Ment, of the calls for cars can be or. building, two causes that arc of vital i* re supplied by the railroad compan- j interest to the .welfare ami tho ad- Fles. The mil! men claim that they j vancement of the people. have suffered heavy losses by reason! of this shortage of cars, and without opposition a resolution was adopted! empowering the association to employ counsel to take up the claims of each member who can clearly establish a loss growing out of the failure of the railroads to furnish him with cars to transport lumber for the filling of or ders. The counsel will be authorized to institute suit for the recovery of damages sustained by such failure of the .tfe&nrfportation companies. Tht 4uqstion of mill inspection was discussed and while no positive ac tion was taken, it was seen that the sentiment Is crystallzlng in favor of Thanksgiving Turkeys. Last week the turkey outlook anything but bright, and It began to look like most of us would have to eat ’possum dinner on Thanksgiving day. The last two or three days have brought about some changes. Sever al wagon loads of turkeys have come In and have been offered for sale at prices only the well to do can pay. The smallest hens are priced at one dollar and twenty-five cents and tue prices range up to two dollars for big gobblers. This is only the begin ning of the season, and after Thanks giving turkeps have been taken from a ruling that mill Inspection be final, the crop we are left to wonder what It was decided to hold the next the price of Christmas turkeys will meeting in Brunswick, Jan. 16, 1906. be . But everything is high In this time Subscribe for The Daily Times. of prosperity. Herpicido Produces Marvelous Resu The lady whose photograph Is here reproduced-writes the following letter about NEWBRO’S HERP1UDE l“THE ORIOINAL JEMEDY THAT KILLS THE DANDRUFF CERM.” Tho Herpicido Company. | Detroit, Mich. Iam Bonding you my photograph to show what NowUm’s Horptcido has done for mo. Since I first tested it thormiuh- lv on my own hair, I have need it oxclueivoly in giving scalp treatments, aifd with wonderful success. J would not think ot trying to got along without it. Yours sincerely, u . J . MRS. ANNA CONNOR, tlair and scalp specialist, No. 2807 Archer Avo., Chicago, Il’inois. natural beamy and abundance of this lady’s hair is a s’ i iking illustration ,, , !? Hor P 1 .cido will accomplish, and this is only one of tho thousands oflettors e Homicide Company have on file from pcop’o all over the world whoaro pleased to toll ot tho marvelous results obtained by rim n-o of Herpicido' The Only Positive Safeguard Against Baldness is in the Use of NEWBRO’S HERP1C1DE i n rr ,l r^!i ,t - h0W0r, d as “Hio original remedy that kills the dandruff ft ’ . Icfpiciuc is a new, scientific nonirritant germicide and prophylactic for x-' P and positively cures dandruff, stops falling hair and prevents baldness, in II 0 wants to lose their hair and it is a mighty serious mutter to contcniplato. , ’ " *-1 j.® W1 “J unknown or so-called Hair-Growers, when you aro absoltito- !>’,•» tlat nerpieido will not only save what hair you have, but will re , i , 'ts natural luxuriance. It is the dandruff germ, which infests tho scalp, ® 8UEes , ie lalr '°, all out. Herpicido will eradicate this microbic disease of :'„,P j 1 * j '* against re-infection, and your hair will tlicn grow as na- I • ln cn L ’^; NEVVBRO’S IlEKPICIDk lias reached iltc pinnacle of fame as a preparation and enjoys a distinction strictly its own. As a Iiair Dressing— -Herpicido is truly exquisite on account of its dainty and refreshing „. odor whicli is characteristic—it beautifies the hair and leaves it soft, glossy, light and fluffy—it contains no oil, greaso or sedi mentary substance neither does it 6tain nor dyo the hair. j Stops itching of the scalp almost instantly.| Destroy the cause—you remove the effect. At Druif Store. ll.Ol. Send lOo In stamp, to tho Herpicido Co., Dept. L-, Detroit, Mich. A. E. Dimmock A Healthy lisir. Special Dandruff is an Actual Disease and a very nerioufl one, for it leads sooner or later to chronic baldness, which is incurable—the disease must be treated in a thoughtful, perhutent and scientific manner. The dandruff germ must be destroyed and kept out of the scalp with NEWBRO’S HER- PIOIDE, because it is tho only rem edy that will actually kill the dan druff germ. s *0 Unhealthy H«lr-