The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, December 02, 1905, Image 10

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PUJI/ l ; **){} L' iil,
Every C»t»rrh sufferer dreads the return of cold weather, for at the 6rat
cold breath of the season this plague of Winter is fanned into life with all
its miserable symptoms. The nostrils are stopped up, and a constant drop
ping of mucus back into the throat keeps up a continual hawking and spit
ting, the patient has dull headaches, ringing noises in the ears and a half
sick, depressed feeling all the time. Every inner lining and tissue of the
body becomes inflamed, and secretes an unhealthy matter which is absorbed
into the blood and distributed to all parts of the body, and the disease be
comes constitutional. The catarrhal poison brings on stomach troubles,
affects the Kidneys and Bladder, attacks the soft bones of the throat and
head and if not checked leads to Consumption. A disease so deep-seated
and dangerous cannot be washed out, neither can it be smoked away.
Spray*. washes, inhalations, etc., are useless, because they only reach the
membranes and tissues, while the real cause of the disease is in the blood.
S. S. 3. cures Catarrh liecause it attacks it through the blood; it goes into
the circulation and drives out all unhealthy accumulations and catarrhal
matter, and when this is done every part of the system receives a supply of
rich, pure blood. Then the inflamed mem
branes and tissues heal, all discharge ceases,
the depressed feeling of the body is relieved, and
every symptom passes away. S. S. S. goes to
the very root of the trouble, and by purifying
Dliort V VCfiPTARI C and enriching the blood and building up the
rUnc.LT VtktlSDU. entire system, cures Catarrh permanently. If
you have Catarrh do not waste time with local remedies, but begin S. S. S
and write for our book and any medical advice without charge.
“ “ — — J
THE . . .
We are opening np onr now line of JRugs, and tlioy are undoubt
edly the prettiest ever came to Valdosta. Let ui send \ up some for
-on to select from. DON’T fail to look before yon bny elsewhere.
Yon'U find it to yoar interest .to call on ns for anything you
fhomas Furniture Company,
*■■■■■ a'fc ■■■ iT
10 BILL low
A 8core or More of Witnesses In the
Case Were Examined, but the Evi-
dence was not Sufficient to Return
a Bill, so it is 8aid.—Many Bills
The Grand Jury ended It# labors
yesterday afternoon remaining In ses
sion for nearly ten days. unusu
ally large amount of business was
put before the body and much busi
ness was attended to.
The presentments, as they were
read in court yesterday, are printed
In another part of this Issue.
Among the many special matters
that the grand Jury had before It was
a special presentment against Tim
McDonald, charging him with com
plicity In the murder of the Carter
children. During the trial of the
Rawlings case, frequent use was
made of McDonald’s name. The
grand Jury had alreatjjv-returned
no bill against him, though it had
made a partial Investigation of the
Solicitor General Thomas made an
efTort to get all of the evidence pos
sible In the case and lay It before the
grand Jury so that they might be
guided In their returns by the best
light that could be secured.
The case went over from.last week
and other witnesses were examined
this week, with the result that the
grand Jury returned no MIL
This Investigation has been so com*
plete that it seems that It 14 sufficient
to put an end to the suspicion, if
such existed, that McDonald had any
thing to do with the killing.
About Coughs, Colds and Bronchial
Troubles Given ty^hegi People *
Valdosta by Oui
At our old homestead Monday and Tuesday,
Nov. 37th and 28th. Will be at my office
Wednesday Nov. 29th at 7:30 o’clock.
L. C. Holtzendorff,
Over C. S. Bondurant’s Drug Store.
"In oondaoting a l.rge
ot a greal
bronchial trou-
r ni
Any woman who neglects female trou
bles which could he cured, simply con
demns hersi-lf to the life of an invalid.
G. F. P. (Gorstle’s Female Panacea), the
edy for female disorders, has stood
great rtm-
crucial test
of time for scores of years, and lias always been so uni
versally successful in the treatment of women’s diseases that wc aro
selling it under a tnoncy-back guarantee. Nothing could b> n better
test of our confidence in .his preparation, and no ofTer could put tho
medicine to a severer trial, yet G. F. P. (Ger tie’s Femnlo Panacea)
upholds its past reputation so perfectly and infallibly that WC make
you this guarantee gladly a d m good faith:
Go to 1,our denier, get a bottle of G. F. P, (Ger.i tie's Female
Ihnacca,) take it to the last drop, and then if you can truly eay you
received no benefit, return the empty bottle and get your money.
It is the only female remedy sold under a guarantee which
ens" relief or no money spent You can choose between thia
i remedy and a heavy doctor a bill.
“I had miscarriage, and 1 fe since has been a raisory. Doctors
led to teheve me, and I was unable to more without assistance,
began G. F. P. (Gentle’s Female Panacea) took two
bottles and could get up and walk. It is now keeping me up
80 I can do my house work, and I am improving steadily.
Mrs. Elizabeth McDaniel, Sneads, Fla.
at all Druggist*.
Gerstlo Medicine Co.,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
This guarantee authorises any druggist to refund the pur
chase price of a bottle of G.r.P. (Gorstle’s Female Panacea)
to any woman who buys it and is not benefited by its use.
we naturally meef _
at this season of (ho vest who
from coughs, colds and bro
bles. %
As these troubles are easily controlled
if the right raeaus is taken we want to
say to the people of Valdosta that we
guarantee our cod liver oil preparation,
Vinol, will cure hanging ou colds, stub
born coughs, bronchial and lung trou<
bles, quicker than any preparayon w«
have ever sold, because it is the most
perfect preparation of cod liver oil ever
oompoandod. It contains no oil or
grease to clog the system and up-set the
stomach, yet it do •» contain every one
of the fifty odd medicinal elemonts act
ually taken from fresh oods' livers in a
» concentrated form, ana is there-
e best cod liver preparation ob
tainable. Vinol is not a patent medi
cine; everything in it is named on the
back label of the bottle and you know
what you are taking so without reserv
ation we indorse and guarantee Vinol to
strengthen every organ iu the body to
do it* work as nature intended—to cure
coughs, colds, bronchial troubles, in
crease tho upfietite, build up the run
down, fin'd and debilitatod, and create
strength and renewed vitality for the
If Vinol fails to do what we say wo
will refund every dollar paid for it.
Y< a know us and know we will do as
we agree ” A. E. Dun mock, Druggist.
A Purely American Day Which Comes
Down to ut From the Puritans,
With 8light Changes in Mode of
Thanksgiving Day is distinctly an
American holiday ,says the New York
World, its origin resting with the
Puritans, who first celebrated It In
1621. At the same time the Puritans
abolished Christmas, which they con
cluded was a relic of prelacy and
should not be observed by free think
ing people. Thanksgiving Day, it
is needless to say, has proved a popu
lar holiday with their descendants,
though Christmas has also come into
its own again.
There were no football games In
1021, the Puritans contented them
selves by eating turkey and dodging
Indians. Later, along in 1771, the
day became a good excuse for riot
ing between the whigs and the To
ries. the former objecting to having
the day proclaimed by governors ap
pointed by the Crown.
Strange to say, it Was not until
1860 .more than two hundred years
after the first Thanksgiving Day that
there was any effort made to establish
it as a national festival. This move
ment was started by Sarah J. Hale,
editor of Godeys Lady Book and oth
er publications—the same energetic
woman to whose efforts the 1 building
of Bunker Hill monument in the city
of Boston is attributed.
Many states in the union adopted
the day as a regular annual event
and It was fixed thereafter by guber
natorial proclamation.
Nowhere else is Thanksgiving cele
brated with the zest that Is given it
in the New England states, where it
originated. There It ranks as the
great annual family festival, In many
parts even overshadowing the later
Joys of Christmas.
The day is a natural holiday in agri
cultural districts, as it usually marks
the close of the year’s work iu the
George Washington had given na
tional prominence to the day, how
ever, as far back as 1789, when he ap
pointed twenty-four hours of celebra
tion In November for the whole coun
try.’ Again, in 1796, it was proclaim-
the president’s mouth that
jpive thanks
. . . * y ^
Madison once issued a Thanksgiv
ing proclamation also, but it did not
become a regular presidential custom
until 1863 when Lincoln set apart a
day. From that time on every pres
ident has observed Thanksgiving Day
Like most holidays of the sort Its
true purpose has long since given
way to other things, and football
games, special theatrical matinees
and receptions now, to a large extent
take the place of the ascetic ceremo
nies of the old times. There are
some places yet, however, where
good, old fashioned Thanksgiving
Day is still observed.
Rencwsiheh-;r,nioies it r v attain,restoresthetreshness. Just
what you ne:c if your it r is faJed or turning gray, for it always
restores the col >r. Str-s .’'tiling hair, sl~
s. i. mu no.,1
Stork*, Cotton, drain and Prowl- * '
V aloni. Room* 7, Kltmwollor Build- • •
Ing, 112 VV«it Bay Street.
Private Wires to PrincipaLMarket,
Center. Phone No. 1172.
Florida Bank and Trust Co,;
Fire Insurance.
Tornado Insurance-
Insure Your Property With
Blitch & Richardson,
If you want the best insurance in the
best companies. We represent nothing
Strickland Building, 108 S. Patterson
Street. Valdosta, Ga.
B. S. Richardson,
Valdosta, Ga.
James M. Johnson,
Offices in Ashley Building.
Cash For Timber Lands.
I have clients for all timber and farm lands I can get listed
from 200 acres up. If you intend placing fictitious values, I
can’t handle your property If you are anxious to sell, I have
buyers. Give full information. Write today
Sam W. Jones, Valdosta, Ga.
C. B. Peeples,
Paints, Oil, Varnish, Brushes, Fine
Mantels, Tiling, Grates, Brick,
and Cement.
I Sell “White Rose" Lime, the Best Lime Made to the
SoDlh, and Atlas and Lehigh's Portland Cements.
Alphabet of Proverbs
grain of prudence Is worth a
pound of graft.
Boasters are cousins of liars.
Denying a fault doubles It
Envy shoots at others and wounds
Foolish fear doubles danger.'
God teaches us good things by our
own hands.
Ho hns hard work who has nothing
to do.
It costs more to revenge wrongs
than to suffer them.
Knavery Is the worst trade.
Learning makes a man fit company
for himself.
Modesty is a guard to virtue.
Not to hear conscience is the way
to silence It.
One hour today Is worth two to
Proud looks make foul works of
fair faces.
Quiet conscience is quiet sleep.
Richest is he that wants least.
8mall faults indulged In are little
thieves that let In great ones.
The boughs that bear most hang
Upright walking is sure walking.
Virtue and happiness are motlser
and daughter.
Wise men make more opportuni
ties than they find.
You nevor lose by doing a good act.
—Philadelphia Record.
A South side woman threw 115,000
into the stove to test her husband’s
affections and the resulting divorce
suit shows that the test was effective.
Mr. McCurdy, president of the New
York Mutual, has cut his salary right
square In two. However what’s left
will enable him to shoo the wolf
away and buy baby a handsome
Christmas present.
Rakes. I occupy my own building, pay
no rent and sell cheaper than any one. 1 *
C. B. Peeples,
113 Bill Ave., West. VALDOSTA. GA
A healthy man is a king in his own
right; an unhealthy man is an unhap
py slave. Burdock Blood Bitters
builds up sound health—keeps you
S. W. Jones,
Haal Estate, Renting and Investments
of neighborhood, I have a nico six room
house. Hot and cold water, Porcelean
lined bath tub. - - Price $2,250.00
On Rogers Street-»a a* good
neighborhood a* Valdosta affords, I have
a special bargain in a two story resi
dence. Eight rooms besides the large
halls althrough the house. Size of lot
90x210. - • - Price $3,000.00
62x210. - - - Price $2,000.00
On Troup Street-A one «tory, «ix
room honse, Rood locality. Lot
75x215. • ■ • Price 92,250.00
On Forest Street—1 hare a 4room
house on lot 120x105. • Price $800.00
I have several extra bargains in resi
dence and vacant lots.
See 8. W. Jones for real estate.
Place your renting property with 8.
" ’ * ame will receive proper
In order to Introduce “Harris’ Select",
whiskey, wc will give absolutely free. ^
size (34 inch) leather finish linen lined
ThU ia an unusual opportunity to get this serviceable article without cost.
{ Full quarts “Harris’ Select’’ shipped in suit)
case, express prepaid. (
I guarantee satisfaction or refund your money. I hare thousands of mail .
order customers all over the South, who are pleased with my goods and my methods.
Orders filled same day received. No. C.O.D. shipments.
«. H. HARRIS, 13 Walton Sl„ Atlanta, (a*.
( Full quarts “Favorite” Rye, the largest se.l-)
■J ing popular priced whiskey on the market, !•
(packed in plain cases, express prepaid.)
( Gallon (jug) “Old Rye” 5 years old packed )
) in plain case, express prepaid. i
has a fine Leather Quart
Leather, Spring Bottom »
Back. U elegant!v painted
fscturet^Sy us her*
in Atlanta. Georgia.
‘ Southern Buggy
Regular retail price *3.<X> to $73.00.
CJ 9Q For this fin* Collar and Hame,
nickel mounted Harness, sold with
every GOLDEN EAGLE BUGGY, regular retail
price 112.50to $13.00.
Catalog aud full descriptioa sent on request.
15S-160 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga.