The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, December 02, 1905, Image 2

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Hie Asricultural Department Makes
Its Annual Showing.
Corn artd Hay Lead Other Crops in
Total Value, While Cotton Comes
Third anti the Dairy Cows Come
Along Wttli 665 Millions 'of Dollars
WttHhiugton, Nor 28—The annual
report of the secretary of agriculture
wl * made public yesterday.
T. K e secretary says that it is in the
highesr degree gratifying to present
evidence of the unprecedented pr«»s-
p*»'il' which has in recent y«
war. «-d the diligence of the farmer
and the pfforts of his department
yeu- (if u (’.equaled prosperity i
been added to the most remarkable
aerie* of sitnilur years that has come
to 'he farmers of this country. Farm
crop-, have never before been harvest
ed at H'.ich a high general level of
production and value. Corn has reach
ed Its highest production over 2,700,-
flOi* n < 0 bushels, of a total estimated
value of $1,216,000,000. Hay comes
second. with a value of $606,000,000.
Cotton Is expected to yield $575,000.-
000. The short crop of wheat of Inst
year is followed by one of 684,000.000
bushels, and Its value, $525,000,000.
overtop* the highest value ever be
fore reached. While only one crop,
forn, reached Its highest production
this year, four crops—corn, hay,
whent and rice—reached their high
est value.
No crop but corn produces the In
come that the dairy cow does. The
e*tjRmt« of the value of dairy pro
ducts for 1906 reaches $605,000,000
The farmer's hen competes for prece
dence with wheat, poultry products
aggregating half a billion dollars in
young and handsome woman
old rich and decrfplt
The World is Using 12,000,000 Bales
a Year and There is Activity all
Along the Line.
New Orleans, Nov. 28—The very se
vere losses sustained by Mr. Price
and his fo!lowers recently emphasizes
again some of the phenomlnai Influ
ences at work In behalf of cotton.
Briefly summarized these are: Ex
traordinary activity In cotton milling
industry, Immense demand for cotton
goods, every prospect of a very short
yield for the 1905 crop, and the lately
developed power of the farmer
through concert action.
With the world consuming more
»n 12,000,000 bales of American cot*
ton annually, or 24,000,000 bales in
two years, and with America produc
ing a tittle less than that quantity
in two years, the supply is now in a
fair way of falling below the demand,
thus producing practically famine
These facts are well known to the
bull speculator and that harbinger
of prosperity to the grower of cot
ton is therefore spreading his nets
and has already caught many a bear
who had sold cotton which he did not
I th
The Savannah Factor. Hold Over
50,000 Barrel* and Have Not Made
A Sale In Two Week*.
Savannah, Ga. Nov. 28—The naval
atoms situation In tho Savannah
market presents today a condition
unprecedented In tho hlatory of the
trade at this market.
For two weeks not a sale has been
made, the receipts have been pouring
In In record volume, and as a result
factors are now carrying an unsold
stock of slightly over 50,000 barrels,
valued at 2400,000 according to the
basis of values at which last sales
were made. The allied exporters,
the chief buyers of rosin In this mar
ket, made a bid the middle of the
week offering a cut of approximately
24 . a round barrel but ths hold
unanimously refused to accept
Costly Souvenir programs for "When
We Were Twenty-One. 1
Manager Grinin, of the Valdosta
theater and Manager Courtney of
'When we Were Twenty-One” Com
pany have decided Jointly to provide
a sufficient number of handsome and
costly souvenir programs, one of
which will be given to each lady at
tending the evening performance on
Thanksgiving day. This is the first
Thanksgiving attraction ever played
in Valdosta and it la the purpose of
the management to comdemorate the
event ^u. a fitting manner. The sou-
<bak vfioro than 20
fhy exporters, the' remain
led by factors. Tho con-' Qjn Wa , Discharged* Accidentally
dltlon was brought about by n diver- whne Near 0ca!a Yesterday.
Club Ut! p,nce uf 1,11 shipments from Florida | 0( , a|a Fla Nov -8—L. J. Carinl-
lo'» Angelo* In dcvacHbing’the pro- T! Vnl* i ^ was acc,denta,ly kll,ed yc8ter *
of tho nlllo.l ovnortnru to hoM tho ^ ^ ^ own gun J, 0 upon
log with the gun upon his knees. It
aMpped, the hammer striking against
iho log. The full ohnrgo of shot
st nick Mr. Carmichael. He was from
Benton Harbor, Mieh. whence his
family was to start for Florida tomor
row to make their future home In this
The Porte Continues to Aek for Modi
fications of Terms, but the Powers
are United and They Will Accept
Nothing but the Terms Already Of
fered the Turk.
Constantinople, Nov. 28—Detach
ments from the international fleet
were landed at Mltylone Sunday af
ternoon, according to Instructions,
and occupied the customs and postal |
The governor protested with much I
vigor, but unavailingly. The fleet will
take no further action until Thurs
day evening, when, if the sultan fails
to utilize the Interim to accede to the
demands of the powers, the fleet will
occupy the island of Tendeos, off the|
coast of Asia Minor.
The porte continues its effort to ob-1
tain a modification of tho terms of
financial control of Macedonia, but
the unanimity of the powers, Includ
ing Germany, as to the necessity of
compelling a full acceptance of the
demands, appears complete, and dip
lomatic circles are satisfied that the
porte before long, will do nothing but
bow to the will of Europe.
fine Clothes Makers
YlOU’RE robably well
convinced, by now, of
the desirability of a
good warm Overcoat, li
not, a few minutes
spent in our Overcoat
Department will soon
bring you to our way of think
—Which is, for one thing,
that our SCHLOSS Belt
Overcoat (as shown on the
left) is about the best thing
for Winter that a man could
own. It covers you right
down to your shoe-tops: it’s
warm, sightly and comfort
able. Made from heavy,
plaided Cheviot, with a Belt
that tucks in out of sight when
you don't want it.
Here’s a Coat that’s a com
fort on nippy days and wintry
nigfhts and at the same time
neat and stylish enough to be
worn anywhere. All the other
good styles here, too,—Box-
Coats. Regulars and Pad-
docks at
$10.00 TO $25.00.
^ —)o(-
-'***A member of m woman'
. of the nllled exporters to hold the
! market up, or even to enter it, with
such heavy additional offerings to
' take care of
} The receipts for the week were
• 24,589 barrels againRt 13,613 for the
| same period last year and, for the sen*
i son, 494,719, against 448,628 Inst year,
ceedings of tho club says-
"We have a little music first
To soothe tho troubled mind.
And th*'n we turn onr Jnwbones loose
Amt agtinto tho wynd.’*
Twenty young women of Gays, 111.,
have organized a corn husking club. | The shipments to dato were 456,215
The Idea originated with the women | f or ,j u . same period Inst year,
members of the Presbyterian church, j - - -
nnd all week tho girls have been
making descents on noarby cornfields
They hnvo husked nearly 5,000 bush
els to date. At tho rate of four cents
a bushel $200 hnvo been netted for
the church fund.
Many 13s on Quarter.
If you ara superstitious about the
nurnbe 13 you ought not to carry in
your pocket or uso In any way a sil
ver quarter dollar. Do you happen
to have one about you now? If lo
take it out and see how It teems with
For instance It has 13 stars, 13 let
ters In tho scroll of the eagle's 'teak,
13 fenthers In the eagle's tall, 13
feathers in tho eagle's wing, 13 paral-
Meeting Made Some Change* in the
Ordinance Regarding Buildings.
Council Chamber, Nov. 20ib, 1905.
Called meeting of Mayor and Coun
cil held this day. Those present.
Mayor Briggs, Councilmen Jones,
All Service Resumed.
The Southern Pacific and Union
Pacific lines reach nearly every state
in the West, with steamship lines to
China, Jnpan, Hawaiian Islands, Aus
tralia an^l India.
Round trip homeseekers rates to
Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma and old
Mexico, each first and third Tuesa»y
Through Pullman cars three days
each week from Washington, D. C.,
to San Francisco via Atlanta, Mont
and Blalock. * and Southern Pacific "Sunset Route. 1
The folUlng ordinance wnennanl- Cheat> one-way colonl.t rate, from
mouely pneaed: a11 I ’ olnta ,0 California and North-
An Ordinance to Amend Section 121 ***‘,^ m Febn,ary 16,h untl > A » riI
of the Code of the City of Valdosta
Section 1st. Bo it ordained by the
lei bars on the shield, 13 horizontal Mayor and Council of the City of
stripes, 13 leaves on the olive branch, j Valdosta and it is hereby oraalned by
13 arrow heads and 13 letters In tho the authority of tho same that sec-
words "quarter dollar." j tion number 121 of the Code of the
■ "■■■ j City of Valdosta be changed to read
Unidllla 8tore Robbed. i as follows: No person shall be per-
Untdiiln. Ga.. Nov. 28—The store mitted to erect or begin to erect
of Morgan Brother*, of Untdllla, was! within the fire limits of the city any
th. 1905.
Requests for Information cheerfully
General Agent,
124 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga
R. O. BEAN, T P. A.
broken into and robbed Saturday
night. There is no clue to the rob
bers yet. W. H. Bcddlnfleld’s barn
was burned at the same time.
wooden structures or other struc
tures of inflamable material within
one hundred and twenty feet of any
street, nor within thirty feet of any
otuer building and this only by unan
imous consent of entire City Council.
Section 2. Be It further ordained
all ordinances or parts of ordl-
Mutineera Must Surrender.
8t. Petersburg. Nov. 28—The gov
emment announced today that unless tha
mutineers at Sebastopol surrender j nances in conflict herewith be and
before night an armed force would be the same are hereby repealed,
aaed^ ' j Bv unanimous consept of Council
! permission was grunted T. G. Cran-
Korea Protests to Uncle Sam. ford to erect a sheet Iron stable to
Paris. Nov. 28—Korea will protest the west of West Alley and east of
to the United
against Japan
over Korea.
States aud France J Toombs street, same to bo located
assuming authority not Uss than one hundred and twen-
I ty feet from any street and not less
- — — j than thirty feet from any other build
There being no further business,
meeting adjourned.
M. A. BRIGGS, Mayor.
A. W. VARNEDOE, City Clerk.
New Public Printer,
Washington, Nov. 28—Charles M.
Stallings was sworn In today as pub
lic printer.
Admiral Odoil, of tho Republican
•hip .has hoisted the "rebel board
A nose for ne'fcs Is usually accom
panied by a tongue for telling 1L
The Play Last Night.
The play last night in which Miss
Florence Davis appeared as "Tho
Player Maid” drew a very good audi
ence and the play wan enjoyed, though
it was not the kind of a play that
Valdostans’ like. The entire comp
uy was strong and the costumes very
handsome Miss Davis, as the Imper
sonator of an actress, was good, but
she would show up to better advan
tage in a different play.
Three Turkeys at One Snot.
Messrs. Zflch Parish and L. A. Dav*
is, of near Howell, in Echols county,
went out after a Thanksgiving tur
key on Tuesday, and not only got one
each, but one to spare. They were
fine young gobblers, and all three of
them were killed at one shot by Mr.
Davis. The gentleman was standing
In a thinck clump of bushes and only
saw one turkey when he fired
Some men have so much book learn
ing that they have no room for com
mon sense.
Queen Quality
Full Line Winter Styles
Our Fall and Winter styles and weights of this famous shoe
for women are now in. This season's line is \a surperb one in
very respect, and we want to ask our lady friends to call and
. Jtt
ee the display while it is unbroken.*,
Our large stock of Men’s and boys’ shoes is also very