Newspaper Page Text
Men and Women Unanimous About II.
Many women weep and wall and refur*
to be comforted because their once me .-
niAcent tresses have become thin an!
faded. Many men Incline to profanity
because the flies bite through the thin
thatch on their cranluma It will be good
news to the miserable of both sexes, to
learn that Xewbro's Herpicide has been
placed upon the market. Th!r !.- *'*
scalp germicide and antiseptic that acts
by destroying the germ or microbe that
Is the underlying cause of all hair de
struction. Herpicide Is a new prepara
tion, made after a new formula on an
entirely new principle. Anyone who has
tried It will testify as to Its worth. Try
It yourself and be convinced. Sold by
leading drugglsta Send 10c. in stamps
for sample to The Herpicide Co.. De
troit. Mich.
A. E. Dlmmock, Special Agent
Petition tor Charter.
GEORGIA—Lowndes County.
To the Superior Court of said county:
The petition of S- W. Lane, of Jacksonville,
Florida and D. C. Ashley, of Valdosta, Geor
gia ,respectfully shows:
First. That they desire for themselves,
their associates, successors and assigns, to be*
oome incorporated under the name and style
of the Valdosta Investment Company.
Second. That the object of their association
is for the purpose of engaging in the business
of manufacturing lumber of all kinds out of
pine, cypress ana any other kind of wood; to
buy and sell the same; to purchase, lease, own
and operate steam sawmills, and planing
mills; to purchase, lease, own and dispose of
and to hold options upon lands, timber or tim
bered lands of all kinds; they desire authority
to buy, rent, lease, grant, mortgage, incum
ber, improve, or otherwise own, use, enjoy,
dispose of rnd deal in any and all kinds of real
ana personal property; to purchase, hold, deal
in and dispose of all stocks, securities or other
obligations of any other corporation existlni
under the laws or this or any other stats, or o
the United States; to issue bonds or other evi
dences of Indebtedness; to borrow or lend
money on notes, bills, bonds, deeds, mortgages,
or other obligations; to manufacture naval
stores from growing pine timber, and to carry
on and operate a general turpentine business
in this state and elsewhere, and to use. own,
manage such property whether real or per
sonal as may be necessary in the operation of
suoh business. .
Third. They also desire the authority to en
gage in and do a general mercantile business
cither retail or wholesale, with all full powers
incident to suoh business.
Fourth. That their object is to do any
all of the things above specified. They also
desire the right to form or enter Into partner
ships with the other corporations or individ
uals In and out of the state of Georgia for the
purpose of carrying on any and all of the
business aforesaid. , .
Fifth. That the capital stock to be employed
by them, in said business, actually paidin.U
one hundred thousand dollars, ($1001100-00
divided into shares of one hundred aqua
($100.00) each; that each stockholder sh»
liable for any obligation of said corpora
the amount of his unpaid subscription, an
addition thereto to an amount equal to t
par value of the stock owned by him, each
stockholder to be liable individually and
ratably only, and not one for another.
And they desire the right to increase
their capital stock from time to time
to any amount not to exceed two hundred
. thousand dollars. ($300,000.00.]
Sixth. They desire the power to pass such
V by-l"ws as may be necessary for the operation
' and control or said company; to sue and be
sued and to have a corporate seal.
Seventh. That the principal office of said
t- company for the carrying on of said businesses
X will do in the city or Valdosta, in Lowndes
. Aoouuty, and -* '"* *- * -*
tioners ask __ m _ __
r “ ® to hsve offloWand agencies in
_Uewhere in adjoining states id
Ed all of said business aT~— **-
At they deal]
of twenty 1201 years ,
Jate of this Indenture with the privilege of
’newal at the expiration of said terra.
• Wherefore, your petitioners pray for them-
.ipilve* and their associates, that they may be
incorporated for the purpose* and with the
rooffent and for the time aforesaid, and with all
other rights, powers and privi’eges as a
usual and tnedent to such corporations.
Attorneys fof Petitioners.
Filed in office this Nov. 10th, 1905.
Clerk Superior Court. Lowndes County, Geor-
Georgia—Lowndes Ceunty,
I,R. T. Myddelton, clerk of the Superior
Court of tala county, hereby certify thnt the
, above and foregoing is a true and correct copy
of the original petition filed in ray office this
Man and Hit Nephew at Buchanan
Accidentally Shoots Niece
Buchanan, Ga., Nov. 29—Mrs. John
Prater, who was shot yesterday af
ternoon by her uncle, J. S. Gann, Is
still In a serious condition and her
physician, Dr, E. B. Hutcheson, sayB
her wound Is very dangerous and he
has no hopes for her recovery.
The shooting occurred at the home
of Mrs. Cilia Brown .Instead of Mrs.
Prater’s. Prater had recently moved
to a farm and he and bis family bad
come In to the circus.
It Is learned this morning that
Charlie Gann was using very bitter
language to and had knocked his un
cle, J. S. Gann, down, the latter upon
recovering opened fire with a pistol
Two shots were fired, both going wild
of the Intended mark and one ehot
entered the right side of Mra. Prater.
November loth. KM.
Clerk Superior Court, Lowndes County,
GEORGIA—Echol. County:
WiU be sold on the flr*t Tuesday
ber^next. at public outcry nt the court houne
in said oounty, within the legal horn of Mile,
to the highest bidder for cash the following
described property
Lots of land numbers
me hundred and thirty’
nine (180), one hundred and fifty-eight (158)
and two hundred and thirty (230), In the thir
teenth district of snid county.
Bald property levied on as the property ol
Mrs. E. H. Cordell, to satisfy an execution is
sued from the county court of said conntr in
favor of 1 Epstein & Bro.,
* * r “ ' “ * * Tovember, 1905.
favor of I Epstein A Bro., against
E. H. Cordell. This 2nd dsy of Novel
11-5*41 E. li. PRESCOTT,
Executor’s’ Sole.
State of Georgia—Lowndes County:
By virture of an order of the court of Ordi
nary of said county, there will be sold before
the court house door In said county, to the
highest bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday In
e purpose
legatees of the last will of j. A. Winenbaker,
deceased: Twenty-one (21) shares of stock of.
The Lowndes Alliance Warehouse Company
This Ath day of November, 1905.
Executor of last Will and Testament of J.
A. Wisenbaker, deceased.
Application for Dismission,
GEORGIA—Lowndes County:
Whereas, KU Strickland, administrator of
Joe Corbett represents to the court in his pe-
titon. duly filed and entered on record, that ne
has fully administered Joe Corbett’s estate.
This Is therefore to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to
■how cause if any they can, why said
administrator should not be discharged from
his administration and receive Letters of Dis
mission, on the first Monday in December, 1605.
Two White Men Held on Charge Al
leging Cattle Stealing.
Starke, Nov. 29—Sambo Grlffls and
Acker Williams young white men were
given a preliminary trial Saturday
before Judge Dekle, on charge of cat
tle stealing, It being alleged that they
stole nineteen head of cattle from
Morgan Redding and drove them to
Jacksonville and sold them there.
They were held in $1,000 bond each
to the next term of circuit court. Sam
bo Griffis was also held for blind tiger
making his total bond $1,800. The
parties are in Jail in default of bonds.
After trial another warrant was
sworn out against Sambo Griffis for
killing and selling some cattle of N.
D. Wainwright. Warrants are out
against these parties and Will Marr
on other charges of like character.
All the parties live near Highland.
Grip Quickly Knocked *Out.
“Some weeks ago during the se
vere winter weather both my wife
and myself contracted • sotere colds
which speedily developed into the
worst kind of la grippe with all its
miserable symptoms,” says Mr. J. S.
Egleston, of Maple Landing, Iowa.
“Knees and joints aching, muscles
sore, head stopped up, eyes a -d nose
running, with alternate spells of chill
and fever. We began using Chamber
lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets,
and by Its* liberal use soon complete
ly knocked out the grip.”
It Is a good plan to take a dose of
the Tablets when you have a.. cold.
They promote a healthy action of
bowels, IJver ana kidneyi, which
Hundreds of New Faces Seen at tha
Drug 8tore.
The Plant Juice remedies which are
being introduced in this section for
the first time seem to be accomplish
ing even more than is claimed for
them by the advertiser, and the num'
her of people who have called and
voluntarily given their endorsement
to its healing qualities increases day
by day. Within the past ten days
hundreds of sick people who have
been using the remedies have been
calling on the druggists to express
their gratitude and to give testimony
of the wonderful results of the use of
the medicines.
Many people would be surprised to
witness the number of people calling
for Plant Juice ana recounting with
out request the great benefit derived
from the use of these medicines. But
to A. E. Dlmmock it appears to be an
every minute occurrence. Concern
ing this feature of the business, Mr.
Dlmmock said:
"To an outsider the many calls
that I receive after the medicines
have been advertised In a city, from
people who have taken Plant Juice
remedies have come to tell me what
it has done, may seem to be very un
usual, but ever since the introduction
of this medicine I have been having
the same experience every day, and
therefore it occurs to me as a matter
of course. A sick man or a sick wo
man who has been benefltted
made well in a comparatively short
time is tne most grateful person In
the world. Probably you don’t know
it, but about nine tenths of the dis
eases with which human beings are
afflicted are due primarily and fundi
mentally to stomach trouble. Ther
stomach Is, practically speaking, the
furnace which runs the machinery of
the entire body. Human life is sup
ported by the food which is taken in
to the system, and every bit of that
food must be prepared or digested by
the stomach In such a manner that it
can be turned into rten blood, bone,
sinew, etc., and the minute it becomes
out of order the entire system is de
ranged and much suffering is the re
sult. The results accomplished by
Plant Juice seem wonderful when you
do not understand the nature of the
remedy. As a matter of fact, the
principle thing the remedy does is to
put the stomach in good vorking or
der in a very short time, and In con
sequence the action of every other or*
gan is Improved at once, and good
health is the result.
M. J. Warren, one of the best known
citizens of Thomas county, had been
afflicted with deafness for more than
twelve years. He had tried almost
every remedy known without relief.
He was persuaded to visit A. E. Dlm
mock and stated his case to him.
When the nature of the ailment was
known, the treatment prescribed for
Plant Juice Liniment was Immediately.
The application of tht« lipftt,
j applied to
, $60,000 for Bonds. *
New York, Nov 28—E. D. Randolph,
treasurer of the New York Life In-
ie sui
ly rubbed with liberal
the liniment. The finger dipped In
the liniment was Inserted in the ear
and withdrawn with a kuick motion,
following which Mr Warren declared
_ 4 . . - .. . the improvement in his hearing was
surance Co., testified before the in- perceptible at once. The cure was 11-
surance Investigating committee to- 1 lustrated to the audience in a common
day regarding the deposits of nigh 1 conversation between the palent nnd
class bonds with the First National. th f ° p ? ra ‘ or ; T' 1 ^ audience was
_ , , , .. . . . „ , , i astonished at the result.
Bank during the period of financial. j ane Bridges, a well known lady
stress. For the transaction the New I who had been afflicted similarly for
York Life received sixty thousand practically the same length of time,
dollars and Interest. I « ,ven the same treatment
, with the same satisfactory result,
thus proving tne efficacy nnd wonder
ful reliability of this wonderful medi-
There have been numerous oth
Certain Cure for Croup.
When a child shows symptoms of iC | n e.
croup there is no time to experiment' e r cases as pronounced in their result.,
with new remedies, no matter how Us the ones Just recounted, but spare
highly they may be recommended, forbids the enihneration of them nil
There in one preparation that can al
ways be depended upon. It has been
in use for many years nnd has never
been known to fall, viz: Chamber
lain’s Cough Remedy. Give it and a
quick cure is sure to follow. Mr. M.
F. Compton of Marsel, Texas, says of
it, “I have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy in severe cases of croup
with my children, and can truthfully
say it always gives prompt relief.”
For sale by W. D. Dunaway,Valdosta,
Ws furnish 75 per oent. of the Operators
-*“ fa America. Our six
schoolsare the^armetexclusive Telegraph
Schools IN THE #OR-~ ~
_ IN THB*^ORLD. ~Es tabUsKed *0
^eara srul endorsed by all leading Railway
We exeente a $250 Bond to eyery student
.j furnish him or her a ,-_
from $10 to 900 a month In
“ * oun tains, or fr
Slates weet of
<T upoh a RADII
a can enter at any time. No vaca
tions. For fall particulars regarding any
of aw Schools write direel to our execu
tive office at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue free.
Ilia Moist School of Telegraphy.
Olneinaall, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y.
Cure Colid, Grubs, Fever
and all diseases of the
horse''and cattle family.
Sold by A. L. Tolar, I2I
Central Ave., Valdosta.
We Sell Iron Fence
FThe Stewart Iron Works Company
l Whose Fence received, the Hlrhest Award,
“fieM Medal," World's Fair, St. Louis, 11M.
I The most economical fence you can buy.
Price lees than a respectable wood fence. Why
gsr^oue now with a neat, at- ^
Many a skin setting- rough
these days when it fought to
be smooth and soft.
Violet Benzoin Cream
Prevents chapping — cures chapping. Fragrant—
quickly absorbed—very healing. 25c.
G. A. Carswell Co.,
W. H. Mashburn.
Dealers In —
You can
find us in
the Brick
Stable on
va » a an ■ a *|§i iiietit
■ iiiiiiM
p-W $1
Ocala Remains Wet
Ocala, Fla. Nov. 29—With tho re
turns from a majority of all the pre
cincts in it is certain that Marion
county remains in the wet column,
the prohibitionists being defeated by
from three hundred and three hun
dred and fifty majority.
A. V. Simms, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Lowndea County:
Mrs. W. J. Llnberger, guardian of W. J.
Llnberger. has applied to me for a discharge
from her guardianship of W. J. Limberger,
. This is therefore to notify all persona . „, HI>
earned to file their objections, if any they.,
hare, on or before the flr»t Monday in Deoem- teed
ber next, elae she will be discharged from h is
Torture of a Preacher.
The story of the torture of Rev. O.
Moore, pastor of the Baptist
church of Harpersville, N. Y. will
interest you. He says; "I suffered
agonies, because of a persistent
cough, resulting from the grip. I had
to sleep sitting up in bed. I tried
many remedies, without relief, until I
took Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption Coughs and Colds, and
which entirely cured my cough, and
saved from consumption.” A grand
cure for diseased conditions of the
Throat and Lungs. At W. D. Duna
way’s and A. E. Dlmmock’s, drug-
I gists; price 50c and $1.00, guaran-
Trial bottle free.
guardianship as applied for.
A. V. KIMS, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Lowndes County:
To all whom it may concern:
Lugene Boston having applied for guardian-
ahipjof the person and property of Albert a Te- , . .... . . .
hart, minor child of Abb* Tahnrt, late of j were burned to the ground and An-
•id county, deceased, noticeLs given that said _i_ i „ t nil
ippiiction will b* heard at my office at ten I n ‘ e a colored woman, a ten
Woman Cremated at Wade, Fla.
Gainesville, Fla., Nov. 29—Informa
tion has just reached this city of a
disastrous fire which occurred at
Wade Sunday in which two houses
appiiction will be heard at my off!
o’clock a. m., on the first Monday in Decem
ber next. This Oct. 24, 1905.
A. V*. Simms,
Leave to 8ell.
GEORGIA—Lowndes County:
Notice U hereby given that the undersigned
has applied to the Ordinary of said county for
leave to sell all the land belonging to the ee-
tate of John W. Harrell for the purpoee of dis
tribution. Said application will be heard at
the regular term of the court of Ordinary tor
■aid county to be held on the first Monday in
December 1606. Jambb Kcanaos,
Administrator estate J. W. Barra 1L
This 8th day of November, 1006.
ant of one of the houses ,was cremat
ed. After tho flro nothing could be
found but tho backbone and skull.
“Suffered day and night the tor
ment of Itching piles. Nothing help
ed me until I used Doan’s Ointment.
It cured me permanently.”—Hon. Jno.
R. Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala.
People who drop Into poetry do
I not always fall into a good thing.
Since it has been illustrated that
Dillingham’s Plant Juice Liniment is
equally efficacious with the ailments
of man and beast, a large number of
cures have been effected among
horses of this vicinity and many an
imals suffering from painful injuries
and afflictions have been Instantly re
lieved by the application of this won
derful remedy.
Reports from the use of this won
derful Plant Juice Remedy are also
coming to A. E. Dlmmock daily, some
of them bordering on the marvelous.
Mr. Miller had been afflicted with
kidney trouble and a very lame hack.
He secured a bottle of Dillingham’s
Plant Juice and took it according to
directions. Colonel Dillingham has
the personal and unsolicited testimo
ny of Mr. Miller that tho improve
ment in his condition is marked and
that he is now almost entirely reliev
ed. This is one of tho hundreds of
cases which are hourly coming un
der the observation of A. E. Dlm
mock. ,
Those remedies can be obtained nt
Hahlra Drug Co. Hahlra, Ga., and J.
P. Carter, Naylor, Ga.
■Tiniia ■■■■■■■■ ■■ ■ e ■ ■ ■ ■ i
’ “KlfEf
u Sweet and Juicy”
“Bloodhound” and
' M
Give« More to Confederate Pensioners ™
Than Any State South. j®
Raliegh, N. C., Nov. 20—Slate An- ■
ditor Dixon wrote to every auditor In g
the south asking amounts paid to con
federate pensioners and the numbers
of pensioners. Replies are as fol
Texas, $500,000, 7,000 pensioners
Tennessee, $275,000, 3,000 pensioners;
ILouisiana, $15,000, 2,000 pensioners;
Arkansas. $203,000, 7,000 pension*
Georgia $790,000, 10,000 pensioners;
South Carolina, $656,000, 15,000 pen-;"
stoners; Florida, $288,000, 3,000 pen-1®
sloners; Mississippi $250,000, 1-1,000/1
pensioners; North Carolina’s appro- !|
priatlon is $275,000 to 14,000 pension-!^'
Auditor Dixon said: “In proportion
to number of pensioners, North Car
olina pays less than any other state.”
Accidents will happen, but the best
regulated families keep Dr. Thomas'
Eclectrlc Oil for suen emergencies.
It subdues the pain and heals the
“Brown & Williamson’s Bros.”
are Good Values and Please Ch ewers.