The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, December 09, 1905, Image 5
* W; THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURlk * 5 & : ■ " .-8*^38! > > ip' AV, DECEMISLK 9. 1905; f 13 MERCURY MAKES WRECKS NOT CURES Thousands who have had their health ruined by Mercury testify that it makes wrecks instead of cures in the treatment of Contagious Blood Poison. While it may mask the disease in the system for awhile, when the treatment is left off the trouble returns with renewed violence, combined with the dis astrous effects of this powerful min eral. Mercury, and Potash, which is I *ufTered greatly from Contagious olco a common treatment for Omits Blood Poison. I consulted physicians also a common treatment ior Lonia- who prescribed Mercury. Nothin* did gious Blood Poison, eat out the lining me any good—in fact the treatment of the stomach and bowels, produce jre&ffSfc ft Ktt chronic dyspepsia, cause the teeth to tainly cured him, and I immediately d l ca ?:u n u ke spo, i ffy ' t , ender m i 0 S“d«2d t nS“iJc n . <l SftePSuMJiS! affect the bones and muscles, and leave This was two years ago, and I can truth- its victims complete physical wrecks. VaANDERS. Another effect of this treatment is mercurial Rheumatism, the worst and most hopeless form of this disease. There is but one certain, reliable antidote for this destructive poison, and that is S. S. S. It is the only medicine that is able to go into the blood and cure the disease permanently. S. S. S. does not hide or cover up anything, but so completely xjjTjA drives out the poison that no signs of it are ever 11 fch i Hi iM seen S. S. S. is made entirely of roots, ® • herbs and barks, and while curing Contagious PURELY VEGETABLE. Blood Poison, will drive out the effects of any mineral treatment. We offer a reward of for proof that S. S. S, contains a particle of mineral of any kind. Book with instructions for self-treatment and any medical advice wished furnished without charge. 77/E SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Shoes, Shoes. * * + * * Shoes for you all. New * styles brewing. Some- * thing doing for men. * Stacy Adams & Hanan * Dorothy Dodd and Ultra for ladies. Girls and boys don’t * •J* forget Moloney and + Excelsor. You now * what they are. Come | and see. * , . '•!*&;’ * * ❖ + * * + + * + Dorris & Thigpen, Valdosta, Georgia. 1R0BERTS & JONES, —■ Dealers In — aTl kinds OF MULES p and HORSES You can H ’ find us at our new stables now be ing built in rear of the Roberts and Cranford ; building Several Attempts Passenger Trains at Heartpine and a Posse Stood on Guard Last Night Picking up the Man Who is Believ ed to be the Guilty Party. .. A dastardly attempt has been made for several nights to wreck trains on the Georgia Southern road, at a point near Heartpine, and last night the wrecker was captured by Superintend ent O. M. Grady and a party of watch ers. Last Friday and Saturday night ob structions were placed upon the track, crossties and scantlings being used. Sunday night, a piece of scantling was braced against the switch so that It threw the truck wheels of a passenger engine from the track. During the same night three other trains were stopped In order to move obstructions from the track, all of the trains being on the lookout and under control of the en< gineers. Yesterday evening, Superintendent Grady, Special Officer J. M. Gates, of this city, Section Master J. M. Per kins and C. H. Malone went to Hoart- pinc and remained during the night to see what would happen. During the night Superintendent Grady, who was standing off to one side doing guard duty, saw a negro coming along with a cross-tie on bl« shoulder and then saw him lay It across the track. The superintend ent immediately arose and halted the negro at the point of a gun. The ne gro declared that he was carry!: cross tie to a h ouse about ft hi away to bo cut up for use In potatoes. Mr. Grady made him hold hands while he gave a few yells for the other members party. The negro gave his name as Will Osborn, who has been sentenced once or twice to the c&alngapg vagrancy. He was carried to Adel ai rant sworn out against him, was sent to Nashville for confinement In jail. It is believed that th* negro”s chief aim was to see a wreck-, as there Is nothing to show that he has any mal ice against the railroad. Superintendent Grady had offered a reward of $250 for the wrecker and for the second time in ms career, he will claim his own reward. The superintendent was greatly pleased at the arrest. MILLION FOR RUSSIAN JEWS. iFire Insurance. ornado Insurance. Insure Your Property With Blitch & Richardson, uu want the best insurance iu the companies We represent nothing Strickland Building, 108 S. Patterson Street, Valdosta, Ga A. J. LITTLE. A. B SMITH Little & Smith ATTORNEYS AT LAW Valdosta, Ga. Office OverJFirst National Bank T #A.S. PENDLETON C WHOLESALE GROCERS We are sole agents for the El Naeional Cigar manufacturers of clear Havana cigars. Faina Nacl and Triumpho National brands. No Brands are i popular. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. The A. S. Pendleton Co., Valdosta, Ga. io:i;il more | Schofild’s Iron Works, I MANUFACTURERS OF iff Grade Machinery, | MACON, OEOROIA, I !■■■■■■■■■■■1H■■■■■■■■■■■■■ I Will Be?-Away At our old homestead Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 27th and 28th. Will be at my office Wednesday Nov. 2QthJat 7:30 o’clock.*!} L.C. HoltzendorffT DENTIST. ; Over C. S. Bondurant’s^DrugjStore. That Much Forwarded and Another Million to be Raised. New York, Dec. 5.—Jacob II. SehifT, treasurer of the Russian Jewish Relief Fund, has forwarded a million dollars to Lord Rothschild in London. Of this amount nearly four hun dred and thirty-one thousand was raised in New York and of the grand total twenty per cent was given by non Jewish contributors. It; lias been decided by the national com mittee to raise another million. RACERS BEHIND THE RECORD. Bicycler* Have Lost 85 Miles in 33 Hours on Six Day Race. New York, Dec. 5.—Twelve of six teen teams that started in six day bicycle race at Madison Square Gar den, were still in the race when the sun rose today. The riders are be ginning to show the strain. Twelve teams were tied for first place at 9 o'clock this morning at 594 miles, two laps, more than] 85 miles behind the record for time'in six day races at 33 hours. In Mad Chase. Millions rush In mad chase after healtli, from one extreme of faddlsm to another, when, If they would only eat good food, and keep their bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life j Pills, their troubles would all pass away. Prompt roller and quick cure for liver and stomach trouble. 25c at W. D. Dunaway’s and A. E. Dlm- raock's drug stores; guaranteed. Arrived From the Orient. Sanfrancisco, Dec. 5.--Pacific Mail steamer, Manchuria, arrived this morn ing from the Orient, brought among other prominent jieople, Lloyd C. Gris- om, United States Minister to Japan, and Luke E. Wright, Governor-General I of the Phillipines.