The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, December 09, 1905, Image 6
14 THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1905. CONFERENCE AP- Many Changes Made in Stations Rev. M. A. Morgan Comet to Val dosta and Rev. C. A. Jackson goes to Cordele—Dr. Morrison Again Pre siding Eider of the Valdosta Dis trict/—Rev. B. E. Whittington to Trinity, Waycross. The South Georgia Conference ended its session at Americus with the announcement that Valdoata would be the next place at which the conference would be held. Just before this announcement was made, the appointments of the min isters were read out as follows: Valdosta District—H. M. Morrison, presiding older. Valdosta, M. A. Morgan and A. W. Williams. Lake Park, B. P. Fain. Quitman, F. M. Christian. Hahira, N. A. Smith. Milltown, W. W. 8towart. Moultrie and mission, J. C. Flan ders. Norman Park, J. M. Iteeso. Adel, J. M. Tlppins. Sparks and Nashville, J. T. Ryder. Tifton, J. W. Pomingoos. 8yc.amoro, L. B. McMichael. Ashburn, If. I*. Myers and P. Ken- dul. Arabl, R. M. Booth. Cordele, C. A. Jackson. Sumner, L. M. Walker. Sylvester, R. E. Bailey. Doorun and Parkville, R. A. Sowell Mystic Circuit, J. F. Yancey. Fitzgerald, W. L. Wooten. Sparks Collegiate Institute, C. W. Woodward. Waycross District—K. Road, pre siding elder. Waycross, First church, J. A. Har mon. Trinity, B. E. Whittington; J, C« O. Brooks. Brunswick, First church, R. Kerr. McfCendroe, J. W. Lllloy. , Darien and Woodbine, G. P. Ilov- lere. St. Mary's, J. C. Cummer. Wnito Oak, G. A. Martin. Atkinson, M. Booth. Jesup, W. F. liixon. Blnckshear and Pierce, J. W. Tin- ley. Nichols, 1. It. Kelley. Douglas, S. A. Hill, llroxton, H. C. Brewton. Alapaha, J.. C. Griner Wnresboro, B. C. Pickett. Folkston, T. F. Drako. Ilomerville, A. B. Wall. iUntcnville, O. K. Hopkins. McRae Dlatrlct—J. B. McGchee, pre ding older. Me.‘.no. E. W. Whiting. T elona and Lumber City, W. L. Wrt ,l»t. AbbevlUo nnd Wright, W. T. Stew art. Al mo circuit, M. A. Phillips. Co<i ir Grove, C. i\ I .owe, supply. Dexi r, J. P. Dickenson. Coctuvn, J. W. Simmons. Empire A. 1‘. Sogass. Eastman, B. S. Sentell Cbnuncoy, II. S. Allen. Mt, Vcrno.:, J. B. Griner. Clnne. C. ( . nines Guyalo and Mission, J. S. King. Uazlehursl ami Mission, S. 11. Hearn. Baxley, W. C. Davis. South Baxley, H. C. Erwin. Rochelle. .1. P. Chat field. Flnloyhon, J. L. Merritt, Dublin District—C. W. Mathews, presiding elder. Dublin, J. If. McGoheo, Dublin Mission, J. I.. Scruggs.. Brewton circuit, W. R. Hixon. Wrightavitle, J. B. Thrasher. Wrlghtsvllle circuit, I. K. Cham bers. 8tatesboro, G. N. McDonald, • Bullock Mission, R. S. Stevens. Quincy Circuit, C. T. BIckley. Zonr circuit, P. H. Crtmpler. Hagan and Claxton, R. R. Norman. Glenvillo circuit, J. S. Lewis. Lyons and Collins, S. W. Adams. Brooklet circuit, H. S. Adams. Stlllmore and Milton, C. W. Snow. Belleville circuit to be supplied. Gr&ytuount circuit, R. M. Westloy. Ohoopee circuit, S. F. Wlghtm&n. Vldalla circuit. A. W. Reese. Garfield circuit, E. C. Wells. Nannie Lou Warthen Institute— W. P. Quillian. Savannah District—J. M. Lovett, presiding elder. Savannah—Trinity and mission, Guyton Fisher. Wesley Monumental, W. N. Alnos- worth. Grace, E. F. Morgan and John Swain. Epworth, A. P. Tyson. Eden circuit, R. T. Wiggins. Guyton, J. D. Christian. Springfield circuit, J. D. Matthews. Oliver circuit, Obo P. SJmmona. Rockyford circuit, E. P. Sullivan. Millen, Solon Bryan. MldviUe circuit, T. B. Kemp. Lawtonville circuit, Lee McDonald. Waynesboro, J. H. Scruggs. Mt. Zion circuit, G. D. Moses. Sylvania circuit, G. D. Moses. McBride circuit, N. M. Kemp. Girard circuit, J. M. Rushton. Hinesville circuit, W. T. Clarke. Taylor’s Creek circuit, C. W. Lit tlejohn . Pembroke, J. T. Lowe. North Macon District—B. Anthony, presiding elder. Macon, Mulberry Street, T. D. Ellis 1 Vlnevllle, J. A. Thomas. East Macon, W. S. Johnson. Jeffersonville circuit, P. W. Ellis. Allentown circuit, W. Kitchens. Gordon circuit, J. W. Arnold. Irwinton and Mission, H. Stevens, Washington circuit, R. Everett Sandersvllle, L. W. Colson. Tonnllle, J. N. Peacock. Warthen, T. C. Gardner. Avera circuit, J. P. Dell. Mathews circuit, J. N. Hudson. Louisville, W. W. Scab. TxxilsvUln, W. W. Seab. Wad ley, W. G. Allaben. Bartow circuit, C. A. Norton. Davlsboro and New Hope, G. F Austin. Rlddlevllle circuit, A. Kelley. Editor Wesleyan Christian Advo cate and conference missionary sec retary, W. C. Lovett Agent Orphan's Home, W. Huckabee. Professor Wesleyan Female College R. Jenkins. 8outh Macon District—J. B. John son, presiding elder. Macon First Street, W. H. Budd. Second Street and Mission, J. M. Bass. Centenary, J. E. Seab. Bibb circuit, J. O. Harrison Bonalr circuit, J. D. Snider. UnadiUa and SnoW circuit, S. S. Kemp. Vienna circuit, W. Anthony. Plnehurst circuit, A. Lester. IlawkinBvllle, J. H. Matthews. Fort Valley, T. J. Lang. Marshallvllle, P. W. Darley. Montezuma, L. J. Ballard. Ogt*fcorpe and Liberty, T. LAND FRAUDS How Many Innocent Buyers 1 Are Michael. Macon County circuit, G. W. Chil dress. * < Knoxville and Roberta circuit, G. C. Ingram. Perry and Providence, T. E. Dav enport. Byron circuit, W. T-ane. Missionary to Cuba, E. E. Clem ents. Missionary secretary. J. M. Glenn. Columbus District—J. O. A. Cook, presiding elder. Columbus, St. Luke, O. F. Cook. St. Paul. J. W. ShofT Broad Street and North Highlands, F. Griffin. Rose Hill, J. J. Ansley. East Highlands, L. O. Davis. Cntaula circuit, H. J. Graves. Hamilton circuit, J. P. Bross. Midland circuit, Y. A. Davis. Wnverly Hall circuit, J. R. Jordan. Geneva circuit. G. W. Thomas. Talbot ton, R. McCullough. Talbot circuit, W. C. Glenn. Butler circuit, A. E. Bazemore. Reynolds circuit. E. E. Gardner. Bethel circuit, R. B. Ross. Marlon circuit, H. M. Pearson. Buena Vista, J. F. Foster. Cusseta circuit, C. M. Mocks. Missionary to Cuba, 11. Bard well. Americus District—W. F. Smith, presiding older. Americus nnd Mission, J. P. Wavd- law. Sumter circuit. J. H. Allen. EUaville circuit, W. K. Dennis. Smith vllle circuit, E. M. Overly. Bronwtiod circuit, M. F. Beals. Parrott circuit. N. H. Arratstead. Richland circuit, C. E. Cook. Stewart circuit, O. L. Evans. Springfield jind Georgetown, J. W. Bridges. Fort Gnlnes circuit, C. F. Clarke. Dawson, O. B. Chester. Cuthbert, J. W. Malone. Plains circuit. T. I. Nclso. Shellman nnd Graves, W. E. Arn old. Shellman circuit, H. Brewton. Lumpkin, W. D. McGregor. Edison circuit, C. J. Matthews. President Andrew Female college, H. Bush. Theo Copeland, Louisiana confer ence. Thomasvile District—E. F. Cook, presiding elder. Thomasvllle, J. M. Outler. Albany, T. H. Thompson. Bainbrldge, J. A. Smith. Blakely, W. I^angston. Boston circuit, W. T. Pafford. Dixie circuit, Reese Griffin. Cairo, H. P. Stubbs. Falrcloth circuit, S. E. Glenfell. Bold Spring circuit, J. W. Hines. Climax circuit, J. C. Parker. Attapulgns circuit, M. W. Car michael. Brinson clrcvtt 13. E. Rose. Jakln and Donaldsonville, J. N. Lands are Sold Time After Time to Innocent Buyers—Frauds Perpe trated in Oregon on a 8cate Exceed ing Anything Ever Known Before, People all Over the Country frauded. Salem. Ore. Dec. 6—Far more se rious than any previous development of the many land frauds perpetrated in Oregon are charges made In a let ter to Governor George E. Chamber- lain yesterday by State Land Agent Oswald West, who asserts that by means of forged certificates of sale of school lands. Eastern bankers have been swindled out of large sums. Not content, the land agent asserts with having defrauded Oregon of BOO,* 000 acres of school lands, nearly all the state possessed, by means of [Mummy” entrymen, land operators prepared printed certificates of sale and assignments and inserted in them descriptions of the school lands, for which certificates had previously been Issued, and by forgeries of sig natures and the great seal of the state of Oregon, sold the lands time and again to Innocent persons In the East. Mr. West says: T have discovered a large number of these forged certificates in the hands of Eastern bankers, and the magnitude of the frauds will not be known until the subject is given pub licity and the Eastern holders have sent in their certificates for examina tion. It is possible that for every genuine certificate outstanding there may be from two to a dozen fraudu lent ones.” -yi Mr. West concluded by saying, tftftt the forged certificates are so ifeU ex ecuted that It Is difficult to distin guish them from the originals. Governor Chamberlain todi that there , was no, limlj to her of forged certificates have been made. Few of the who possess forged certifh known so far, but from the fact that persons in New York, New Jersey, Ohio and Florida are in possession of them, officers fear that when: •tju whole number develops It will Include peoplo In every state east of the Mis sissippi river. Governor Chamberlain said that at present he was unable to say who the fraudulent operators were. APPEARING OLD You cannot afford to grow oH. In th<*He days of strenuou.* com;- It la nectary to maintain as Ions possible ones youthful appearance. It Is impo.stlb'.e to do t\u , . . ..:, . : talnlng a luxurious growth of hair. The presence o*f Dandruff Indlcaicn t presence of a burrowing lives and thrives on the ro<ti» ot t hair until It causes total b:. ■ Jnc-i-i.. .N'ewbro’a Ifer.olclde Is the .inly !:n'\ destroyer of this pest, and it h: a.: ef> tlve ns it Is delightful to uso IferpleMe innkes an e'^gnr.t h*»*r dr.; Ing as well as DandrufT cur”*. Are*r>t n substitute—'here ’ one Fold bv lendlntr dr-"e'»t«. fir. i •>-. "farms {' r "ample to The Ilerplchie C* Detroit. Mich. A. E. Dimmock, Special Agent. |S. 1. RAWLINS l Clf BROKERS Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provl-* * ■Ions. Rooms 7, Itltzvroller Build-* • log, 113 West B»r Htroot. 4* Private Wires to Principal Market \ ] • • Center. Phone No. 1172, , , | Florida Bank and Trust Co J JACKSONVILLE, PLA. INTERESTING? THOMAS DTCIDEDLY SO. THE . . . Furniture Company. ASSORTMENT: RUGS, ART SQUARES, WINDOW SHADES, ROCKING CHAIRS, And STAIR CARPETS. TWe are opening up our new line of : R edly the prettiest ever came to Valdosta. , *on to select from. DON’T fail to look before you buy’ elsewhere. i, and they are undonbt- iofc us send * up some for Thomas Furniture Company, 127 streeT° n ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ | A Snap In Cane Mills I, TE offer the Celebrated Golden CANE MILLS as Follows s COAL MINERS SUFFOCATED; OTHER FIRES REPORTED. Charleston, West Ya., Dec. 5.—Sev en coal miners were suffocated at Fort- on, on Oab'n Creek last night. The were in a drift mine when the wooden stack of the ventilating for- naco caught fire and was consumed. Fifteen Men Burned. Chicago, 111, Dec. 5.—Fifteen men wore burned last night, three fatally, by an explosion of hot metal in the plant of the lute'national Harvester Com pany. Fire at Manassas. Va, Manassas, Va., Dec. 5 -Fire early today swept business part ot town. Loss more than one hundred thousand dol lars 13 Lives Lost on Steamer. Halifax, N. S., Due. 5.—Thirteen lives were lo t in the wreck of tho steamer Luinberg, off Amherst Harbor, Magdalen, island, yesterda?. No. L Now Modol “ 2. ’ New Model " 12. New Model “ 14. New Model “ 16. New Model “ 12x New Model “ 14x New Model • 41 1. Old Model •• 10. Old Modei " 12. Old Model * 15 00 20 00 28 50 - " 83 50 45 00 80 00 43 00 18 50 13 50 23 00 THESE PRICES FOR SPOT CASH ONLY W. H. BRIGGS Hardware Company. Grip Quickly Knocked Out "Some week, ago during tho se vere winter weather both my wife and myself contracted severe cold, which speedily developed into the worst kind of la grippe with all its miserable symptoms,” say, Mr. J. S. Egleston, of Maple Landing, Iowa. "Knees and joint, ,chln& muscle, •ore, head stopped up, eye, a .1 note running, with alternate spell, ot chill and fever. We began using Chamber. Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablet,, and by it, liberal use soon complete ly knocked out the grip." It I, a good plan to take a dose ot the Tablet, when yoa hare a cold. They promote a healthy aetton ot the bowel,, liver and kidney, which I, always beneficial when the system Is congested by a cold or attack of the grip. For sale by V.. D. Duna way, Valdosta, Ga. Jones. Pelham circuit, c. W. Curry. Camilla and Baconton, W. H. Dlltch. Hilton circuit, C. W. Jordan. Arlington circuit, C. M. Ledbetter. Faeevllle circuit, J. W. Wells. H. C. Jones, Sunday school agent. Youngest Whiskey BUT IN WATCH House in Valdosta. 1NE LEAD. ME GROW ||| A X7T7 the right kind of goods at .the right prices and am in position ■ lin m^j tQ g Jve better g 00c js at lower prices than any of the older m established houses in South Georgia. My motto is new methods and new ideas The world’ls moving too fast to hold to the old way. I want your business, and to! get it, 1 know that I must give you good, honest measure at the lowest prices, with pelite gentlemanly treatment. I pay especial attention to mall orders, givingjthe quickest service^ possible after orders are received. Some of My Special Brands. Old Bob Rye, : : Sandlin’s Blue Grass, : Long Cotton, : : 75 “ 11 4 Horse Shoe, : : : 75 “ “ 4 Rose Valley Rye, : : ; 1.00 '* “ 4 Jefferson Club Rye : : : 1.25 “ “ 4 Old Parker Rye, : : : 1.50 “ “ 4 Freestone Corn, : : . 75 4 I have a full line of Ryes, Corns, Gins, Rums, Wines, jBrandies.Hetc.BWrite me for prices. Address Postoffice Box 441 or Phone No.' 20' .. ^ £2552 SEND ME YOUR ORDERS. ~ i YOURS1FOR BUSINESS, ; H- J “Cap” SANDLIN,!^ valdosta^ga. $1.00 per quart, 4 quarts deliveredjfor $4.00 1.00 “ “ 4 *• “ “ 4.00 3.00 ‘ - H 3.00 1 not delivered 4.00 ' “ 5.00 ‘ “ 6.00 ‘ “ 3.00 ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■!■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■