The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, December 16, 1905, Image 8

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3 i T - : 'T? ’ 3 t i r • • - « '■ ; ■ ■ * ■ ■ THE VALDOSTA TIMESr SATURDAY, DECEMBER W, 1905. ; - .,200 er. aliable Parties. 4ITE AT ONCE FOR FACTORY es and Money Saving Plan. uve’References Also., , CARTER&DoROVGff 1 Valdosta, Oa. Youngs Island, S. C., Cabbage Plants FOR SALE. I am now prapnrod to unppjj mj on«tomari with the heet known ..rlaliM of WakeBeld Cabbage Plant*, grown In the open air, niar ■alt water, gnarantee.1 •« *tand imvwe coM and head trne. Price per thoneand <1 50, Uinter quantltlee a matter of correapondence. Special term, made to agent.. All order, are packed In mat, light baekete to reduce ogp>:n.e and receive iny p«;rHonal attention. PiantH ara RhlppEvI C O. V wh«n money do** not accom pany order. AdrlroH* all order* to D. W. MAYER, BKAUF 'Tc. e insurance . rnado Insurance. riHure Yonr Property With ch & Richardson, want the Imst insurance in the inpantes. Wo represent nothing kland Building, 108 S. Patterson Valdosta, Oa. PATENTS O VCARS* KXrERICNCK. Otir CHARGE* ARE »del, photo or sketch for report on patentability. E LOWEST. ,UJned._ or^FCC R^ETURNED. INfRINCEMENT ----- - enurtN. PutenfN obtained throinfh on. AOVKR* TISEO and SOLO. free. TRADE-MARKS, PER- 6IONS and ©ORYRIOHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8* Patent Office * WA8HIH0T0N, D. C MSm There it no opium or other harmful »ub- itance in Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It may be given to a baby as confidently as to an adult. It is pleasant to take, too, and always cures, and cures quickly. It is a favorite^with mothers of small children for colds and croup. HE r A S. PENDLETON CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS. We are sole agents for the El Nacional Cigar Co., anufacturers of clear Havana cigars. Fama Nacional id Triumpho Nacional brands. No Brands are more ipular. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. The A. S. Pendleton Co., Ml Valdosta, Ga. WHOLESALE SHOES Tin* tnrrchnntM of Gnorffin, Florid* snd Alabama onn rst« money by baying tbHr HtockN here. Fall linen carried. No need to go Baltimore, Bo*ton or other factory mnrkoU. We duplicate their Igoodn and prices and can bats you the he»*ry freight charge*. Mlller-Jones Shoe Co., Valdosta. SS Harper Rye “On Every Tongue.” Tut tifically distilled; naturally aged; best and safest for al. uses. a Sold Bv /•—— J. E. (iORNTO & CO., Sole Agents. ). B. Peeples, -DEALER IN— Paints, Ok, Varnish, Brushes, Fine Mantels, iling, Grates, Brick, Lime and Cchient. HOW HRS. ROGERS III DEATH. of a ang- A New York Paper Declares That Two Deputies Held the Ro0e Taut While the Woman Was Strangled to Death—The Rope 8tretched and Her Feet Touched the Floor. New York, Dec. 13—Since Satur day considerable attention has been given the story published fac a New York paper by William Hotter, which the official announcement the execution of Mary Rogers * Windsor, Vt., is emphatically denied and the sensational announcement made that the woman was not hang, ed ,but strangled to death by two deputies; that the hanging was badly bungled and when the trap was sprung the rope was so long as to al low the woman's feet to rest on the floor. The paper says. The hanging was bungled. An imperfect strand of rope used .which, when subjected tft-: full weight of the woman’s' » stretched and sagged; her feet 8^^. ed the floor, her form doubled- dp spasmodically, and to put a quick Mid to the sickening spectacle two depu ty sheriffs seized the rope and, drag ging the body free from the grbttAd, held It suspended until life whs lex- tlnct. She died ,not on the crosstree of a gallows, hut suspended In the air at the end of a rope held taut by the hands of ghastly faced deputies. For fourteen and one half minutes this horrible scene lasted. Then the hands that held the rope relaxed and the body of the dead woman dropped down until, with the feet resting lightly on the floor, the frame slowly bent backward and was only pje* vented from falling in a heap to floor by the knotted rope about the throat. | After the hanging strenuous were made by the cffl&alf to keep the detai|%p£flie b» BROTHER KILLED BY It was the Second Fight In Which Sumter County Brothere had En gaged, In Which Pistols Were used. Coroner Goes to the Scene for an ’ Inquest Amerlcus, Ga., Dec. 14—Melg Pow ell, a farmer 22 years old, shot and Instantly killed his brother, Thomas Powell, last night at their home In ie country near Amerlcus The homicide Is supposed to have been the result of a former disagree ment between the brothers, wherein Thomas Powell received a pistol wound In the arm. The first difficul ty was suppressed and only recently became public. Yesterday the Powell brothers came to Amerlcue and upon returning home late last evening the tragedy resulted, Thomas Powell receiving a bullet In his brain Coroner Duckworth Is at the Pow ell home tonight conducting an In- vcstlgation of the homicide, and the details in the case are not ye} known here. Thomas Powell leaves a family. Both men stand very well In their community CHASTEN BURNED TO DEATH. Farmer Awoke to Fnd Hlo Homo Was In Flames, Thomasvllle ,Ga., Dee. 13—Herbert Chasten, a prosperous farmer living fifteen miles northwest of Thomas vllle was burned to death last night In a fire that consumed his dwelling house and contents. He had been to Cairo to Bpend the day. Anticipating a late return, he sent his wife and child to a neighbor’s to spend the night, so he was alone at the time of the-fire. He built up a b(g fire in his upstairs bed room, went to sleep and awoke to find the bed Jn flamej made his cs^apq from the house - so'ewvere that be died this morning at 9 o’clock. Subscribe for The Dally Times. ns,l for Btolry, i, Rank-1 For hard colds. Tronchiris, asthma, and coughs of all kinds, you cannot take any thing better than Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Cherry Pectoral. Ask yout own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. - I had A terrible cough for weeks. The, i took Ajrer’A Cherrv Pechirn! .uni only .i. • tatelv cured in*." , St. Joieph, Midi. bottle coni plate I i for i Coughs, Cold yell “White Rost" Lime, the Best Lime Hade in the •■uni, and Atlas and Lehigh’s Portland Cements. McCormick & Plano Mowing Machines •uid Bakes, Parts of all Mowers and Hakes. I occupy my own building, pay no rent and sell cheaper than any one. . B. Peeples, 113 Hill Ave., West. VALDOSTA, Ga| Ing one of Ayer’s Pills nt h*!cHI»> In- the ^pfllcial report pi given out It was stated that “there were no sensational incidents In con nection with the hanging.” Mrs. Rog ers’ execution was declared to be “free from harrowing incidents.” It was admitted that “the woman’s feet barely touched the floor for an in stant,” but the impression conveyed was that the hanging was devoid of sensational or untoward incident. The newspaper correspondent has positive confirmation of the facts stated In the opening paragraphs of this article. The scene when the weight of the woman’s body stretched tne rope un til her feet scraped on the , floor, whereupon the frightened deputy* sher lffs jumped to the rope, pulled It’taut and thus held the body suspended In the air, was a truly horrifying spectacle. Among those who connrm this ver sion of the hanging Is former Judge Charles A. McCarthy, of counsel for Mrs. Rogers, Deputy Sheriff who saw the whole spectacle, !y admits the truth of Mary Rogers’ hanging to be ns stated above. They did not cut the body down. Tho noose was simply slipped over her head and tho body placed In the t r pui« V l? waiting casket. Opinion Is divided ns to whether the woman’s neck was broken whether she was slowly strangled to death while held suspended In the air by the three deputy sheriffs. The official report states that “her neck was broken at the second ccrvl8|‘ver- tebra by the fall, and she lost*<con- sclousness instantly.*• ** HELP TO INDICT BROTHER. Ohio District Attorney Placed In Un enviable Plight. Napoleon, O., Dec. 13—“Let no gull ty man escape, no matter who he ma* be,” the words of Prosecutor Thomas Conway to the grand jury yesterday, meant the Indictment of his own brother. Conway prepared the papers and pracUcally made the case himself which resulted in the indictment of James Conway, a wealthy and lnfluen tlal citizen of Liberty Center, as go- between In the alleged sale of tho of fice of superintendent of the country infirmary. To Abolish Canal Commission. Washington, December 13—Repre sentative Mann, of Illinois, today in troduced a hill abolishing the Isth mian canal commission and giving the president discretion to put work of building the canal under o»o of tho executive departments and m operate the Panama railroad throifci same means. ■ -a. ■w & W •* « H 1 ; <r t - v • J Aif" ;/3 r-v tores color to gw „s r,ail «:* i.) The hair scops failing, grow, i dandruf." disappears. An eleren; dress!” -a LA Si wiJLK.S A i weceYvr j rich a: .' ft us ■ ■BRURRIBIRHiaRIHI mir Deal res In aOinos OF MULES and HORSES You can find us at our new stables now be ing built in .rear of the Roberts and Cranford building ■■■■■■■■■■■■SB■■■■■■■■■■■■■ DtClDEDLY SO. . THE . i THOMAS Company. | . ASSORTMENT: RUGS, ART SQUARES, WINDOW SHADES, CHAIRS ' Ufu MM AMAMlMM MM M AM. IIma A M k ■ ■ L " . *» We are opening np our new line of'Rugs, and tfcey are undoubt- euiy the prettiest ever oame to Valdosta. Let ua send np some for •on to select from. DON’T fall to look before you buy elsewhere. You’ll find it to your interest to call on ns for anything you reed. Thomas Furniture Company, 127 |’ t ®‘ t 8 Y son -H-I-I-M-H-M-M-M"! H-H- JOHN I. ROBERTS ; • Can save the people^throughout Valdosta’s ! territory good money on A BOUT buying one or mor« rockers for Christmas and we wish to call yonr attention to onr line. Forty-five different styles to select from, at the low est possible price for the same val ues. Onr stock of beds, bureaus, tables, children's chairs, kitchen safes, etc., will interest you. We can save you money on OLOOKS, TRUNKS, PICTURES, and SEWING MACHINES. GIDDENS FURNITURE COMPANY. 122 Ashley Street —r :: BUGGIES AND WAGONS, * Also on’ high-grade, hand-made harness, manufactured in his own factory. His stock in all lines is very full and his facilities are better than ever before. A call or corres- dondence solicited. John T. Roberts. VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. •I-H-H-M-M-M-I-M-M-I-I’-I- ■H-M-M-M-H-W-I-H-l-I-I-I- H