The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, December 23, 1905, Image 4

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THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SAT Lit DA w ECEMBEK 23,1905. HEALTH INSURANCE The mao who Insures his Ufa b wise lor bis family The mao who insures his health Is kIk both (or bb family and himself. Vou may Insure health by guard* tag it. It Is worth guarding. At the first attack ot disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and mani fests Itself in Innumerable ways TAKE —. Tutt’sPills And save your health. — To Remove*** FRE’CKLES AND PIMPIES In 10 Days, Use ....NADINOLA,.., THE COMPLEXION BEAUTIFIED 10 THE VOTER BE LONGS OFFICE THE NADINOLA <HRL (Formerly advertised and sold as . . . SATINOLA. . . . No change in formula or package. The name only has been ohauged to avoid confusion, as we oanuot afford to hare »o valuable preparation confused with any oilier.) ", NADINOLA is guaranteed, and money Will <k> refunded in 'every case where it fails to remove freckles, pimples, liver- ■pots, color discolorations, black-heads, disfiguring eruptions, etc. The worst ease* in 90 daya. Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy, and restores the beauty of youth. Moe SOots and 91.00.' Bold in each by all Sibling druggists, dr by '*”**1 druggists. Graceful Women • fur parfecl figure l» init I m love of the hvAUttful. I lie kvenu t'f t »>• ballot rop*. violat or ro»# art tsn |>rrt ion* n» tha lovely ftuwro whote breath thn* are, and while the Uvea of flow era are brief ■■Hi we can n«'y en)oy them for a day. tbe he mi Hill w.miMi (Uvea the |..««hiir* of her fra gi .in r to ita »« a pennanent bleaaing. 1 he tweet purr breat h M he babe la aogKMti v eot innocent t and liettllli—the aolt fragrance of a beautiful woman wgiirtK to the aenaea purity, health ard •legancei tha la the refinement of clvilliatloni •he la Indicative of a dealre to pleabe. an lode* ol good lull, and an unerring badge of genjlllty. Brad field's Female Regulator In regulating thoee lunar perloda In women, per mit til no wrttihlru, pale t itrrkk. turtuivd and ahupelewn nun tea. It la certain, aura and ante. It \ iitme's retm-dy.and thereU no tuch "’l t KnulMi'c." i>l »U dnwsMi,S1.0O. 0.1, 1 r.tiU, nn VVnmMi ■ „>,1—1 f—r. tmc brsoficud Regulator Co ATLS NTS, OA. Cure Colic, Grubs, Fever and all diseases of the horse and cattle family. >'o!d by A. L. Tolar, lal Central Ave., Valdosta. James M. Johnson, ATTORNEY AT LAW, VALDOSTA, GEORGIA.; OfFctft in As 11 ley Building Roosevelt Says Wh.te Men Will be Given the Offices Hereafter—When Negroes are Appointed They Will Come From States Where Their Votes are Needed. Washington, Dec. 19—The edict has gone forth from the white house that the scenes are to be shifted in the matter of public appointments and the dark side will be taken from the vision of the south and given for tiie balance of the present presiden tial term to some other section of the country. From this date henceforth negroes in the southern states will not be given any federal jobs under President Roosevelt, but those of Af rican extraction who reap the rich plums must come from some other section, from states where their race has some political prominence and significance, where their influence is worth something and where their votes count in the national election, which means that there will be some dozens of offices In Georgia and South Carolina to be filled In the next year with white men, which are now held in Washington by negroes from those states who will have to go back home and dig for a living instead of fatten ing from the national till. The plan, It Is understood, was first suggested by Booker Washington. The Tuskegee negro has just succeed ed In having Registrar of the Treas ury Judson Lyons of Georgia, retired, and has given the Job to S. Lalng Williams, a negro lawyer from Illi nois. This, in a measure, confirms the story from the white house that south «rn negroes must give way to their brothers In other sections.; Lyons has a good record, and but for some sud den change cf policy In regard to ne gro. appointments !q the soul TURNER AND SHITH clash; ler in Warm Colloq was called folded against lid.his rul- /oice of the nted for ad- passed male- elegation of Kansk* congressmen wno wanted Lyons’ job for a negro professor of their state. Rucker to Lose Hie Job. The inauguration of this policy will cut C. H. Rucker out of the Internal revenue colectorshlp at. Atlanta. He has a good record, and it has been apposed he would be reappointed, but If the plan announced today is to prevail, Rucker goes out and a white man will get the place. For the same reason. Deveaux, of Savannah, loses his job. In short, all the negroes now holding federal offices In the sonrn will he retired as soon ns their terms expire, and white men will he put in their places. There are two good reasons for be lieving the president has determined upon this policy. The President's Reason The first is that It would result fh strengthcnlrg the republican party In the south, for hy recognizing the par ty services of white men he will open the way, it is alleged, for better ma terial to come Into the party and also give It caste which It now lacks In the south. The second reason upon which the president’s new policy might be found ed Is the recent visit of Roosevelt through the southern states. On this visit he was not only received In open arms by the southern people, but he was also given an opportunity to stud* the political conditions at first hand, and doubtless gathered much Infor mation which might have influenced him to quit giving federal Jobs to ne groes in white communities. In past administrations the jobs have be-'n given the southern negroes ns rewords for services to candidates for the republican nomination. Roose volt, according to the current story, holds that this has a tendency to ward corrupt practice, and he pro poses to put a stop to such trading in negro deb gates as has been the rule THROUGH PULLMAi* SERVICE Between Savannah and Montgomery via. Atlantic Coast Line. It will be of interest to the traveling public to know that the Atlantic Coast Line will on and after December 18. 1905 operate through Pullman draw- Ing room buffet sleeping cars on trains 57 and 58, leaving Savannah at 6:45 p m. and arriving at MDnt gomery at 8:05 a. m. Leaving Montgomery at 7:45 p. in. arriving nt Savannah 9:50 a. m. For further Information call on or address tf J. J. Harris, Agent. Constantinople advices Indicate that the sultan Is allowing the powers to do their own worrying. ». The Bishop Wanta to Mak^ a Vicar- Bishop for Service in Africa, but Smith, Who it a Candidate for tbe Office, Wanta a Full-Fledaed Bishop. Other Matters that flame up In the Conference. Quitman, Ga., Dec. 1^—The fifth day.’s session of the A. BL—E. con ference closed last nightflH holding great educational ma^Hneetlng. The usual religious servhHB/ero con ducted by Rev. J. S. I mjplr, D. D The question of admit ing lay mem bers to the membersb up and Bishop Turner t their membership, and ing will appear In Thej People. A large class mission and a resolutio| ing it compulsory for Candidates for admission to take a regular theologi cal course. , / Dr. G. W. Alexander and Rev M. Johnson were Introduced. A large number were ’ presented for dea cons and elders .prderp... Revs. H. R. Bryan, E.^H. Green, and 8. M. Gllllaro were located. Revs W. H. Holmes and S. C. Pow ell were superanuated. A large sum of money was collect ed to help them. ‘ t. Rev. A'. 3 f Bennett, ,j>t Florida, made brief remarks and took leave for home, Drs. L.‘ H. Smith, M. M. Ponton, H. H. Johnson, 8. D. Roseboro and F. F. Baddle expressed their gratifi cation at the cordiality accorded them and left for their'(Wyes. The disciplinary^‘‘i asked. The educatonal mass t/eetng was addressed by Dr. J.-; Hw>per, presi dent of Morris Bro\ro r/llege and W. G. Alexander, theology, same *B ^ thus far was «&#&j5'by a remark made by Bishop Wrfiiy, .yrhen he an nounced that he was going to urge the election of Revf R. H. Singleton as bishop of Africa Said the bishop: “I want Dr. Slngldjon elected a kind of a vicar bishop, ji little the grade of presiding elder.” Dr. T. N. M. Smith of Valdosta who Is a can dldate for bishop, and seeks assign ment to Africa, arose and In a fiery an 1 eloquent speech stated that he was opposed to the election of a “bob tail bishop.” He wants a full fledged bishop elected .apld assigned to Af rica. Said he: ' Bishop, your making of a vicar bishop lb Africa and giving Divine possession of our work there, will be a sad'reminder .as long as time lasts and eternity j alone will tell the story of the mischief created by this v!cnr bishop mattltig."' He and Bishop Turner indulged In an amount of ora tory that opened up many secrets of the missionary operations in South Africa that many would otherwise never have known, had not Dr. Smith so vigorously opposed the election of a vicar bishop. Dr. Smith also said that he was opposed to the bishop suggesting or selecting a man to fill the office or place which he desires created. The church with the aid of the Holy Spirit should seek the man and not the bishop. uestions were Christmas Holiday Rate* via. Atlan- tic Coast Line. The Atlantic Coast Line announces rate for the public of one and one third first class “fares plus 25 cents for the round trty (minimum rate 50 cents) to all points east of the Mis* sissippl and south of the Ohio and Po tomac rivers. Dates of sale Dec. 22, 23, 25, 25, 30, 31, 1905 and January 1, 1906; limit Jan. 4, 1906. For students and teachers same rates will apply upon presentation and surrender of certificates clgtied by superintendents, principals or pres ldents of various schools. Dates of sale, Dec. 17th to 24th, 1905, final lim* It Jan. Sth. 1906. For further Infor mation see ticket agents, or write to, T. C. White, division passenger agent, Savannah, Ga. T. T. Myers, travel ing passenger agent. llswGt For Over Sixty Years, been used for over sixty years by mll- Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, and An Old and Well Tried Remedy — Uoni of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Bold by drug gists In every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its valuo Is Incalculable. Be sure And ask toi Mrs. Winslow’s 1 Sooth&g Syrup has take no other, j G. A. Carswell Co. SUCCESSORS TO W. H. Mashburn, Headquarters For Holiday Goods This store, as it has long been recognized to be, is still the leader in Holiday Goods and Novelties of every kind. This season we have the handsomest line we have ever carried. It is not only comprehensive, but the line is new, showing beautiful and useful goods in both foreign and do mestic manufacture. The limitations of space prevent our attempting to name the hundreds of articles we are daily receiving, but holiday shoppers may rest assured of finding here presents appro priate for ladies, gentlemen and children of any age. We cor.dially invite you to call and look through the line, and the earlier the better. G. A. Carswell Co. VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. Queen Quality Shoes. Full Line Winter^Styles £ Our Fall and Winter styles and weights of this famous shoe for women arejnow in. This season’s line is a surperb one in very respect, and we want to ask our - lady friends to call and ee the display while it is unbroken. rcarv :: ^. 31V Our large stock of Men’s and boys’ shoes"Jis" also very complete.) W. T. LANE,. Valdosta,* Georgia. j