The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 13, 1906, Image 4

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/ THE VALDOSTA T THE VALDOSTA TIMES. c. C. BRANTLEY, Editor. L. TURNER, BuoineM Manager. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE »1 A YEAR. Entorcd «t the Po»to«flee *t Valdozta Go., «• Second Claaa Moll Matter. VALDOSTA, GA., FEB. 13, l'JOfl EIGHT PAGES. It is now up to Editor Hapgood to play a return game with Col Mann. TWO VIEWS OF IT. Here are tw<S paragraph? are taken from separat^irti&Ss jhut they express an idea so well that we pub lish them together. The first ex presses our own feelings probably better than we c*>uld have stated them ourselves, while the other Je' scribes a character that can be found In almost every community: “There are always a few Items of newk that we never print. It At is something that would hurt the feel ings of anyone who might read It, or would reflect upon the character and good name of some person, we leave A pure food law say Its opponents, i it out; if it is something that, would would work a revolution In certain I no t b e n j ce ^ read about the fireside Industries. This If true, only demon- ( aQ( j j n p regence 0 f tbe children slratcg the need of a pure food law, and ladles, we never print It; If It Is Sinoe Jan. 15 the express compan- something that would make a few .Je# hare carried no'free express mat* ter. It will be a revelation to most people to learn that they ever carried anything free. hearts lighter we are glad to print It; If It Is something that would en courage anyone to lead a better life, we are anxious to print It. There ia enough that is good and wholesome to fill this paper every week In the ESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1906. .1 the vndes Undo Sam has imported sixty- eight Mllteso goats and expects that within a few years the Increase from this herd will be distributed over the ! year. We like to lead the reading "United Staten. | public into higher and nobler ways ' of thinking if we can. We like to do The people of Utah ought to give Hood Smoot an old age annuity If , all that we can for the Improvement they expect him to hang around | of society and the betterment of man Washington till his case reaches a j We believe that there Is more heariag. We are assured that people j good than bad in the world, and that on ' part of our duty is to pick out the Mars live to be 200 years old. Pos- , g OQ( j aI1( j overlook the bad. There ,lbl, thdr commissions manage to; „ of pala aad , orrow aad complete a canal after they haro once started It. heartache In this world without heap" lag coals of fire on tlge flame of The Senate Is put l n the embay- 9hama anJ „ parading , h „ running position of not being able to satisfy both Arizona and New Mex|. faults of those who err. That Is our op, no,,matter what It does with the j style and that Is the Kind of paper-we statehood bill. | believe ln making,, Jf that suits you. we are glad ra hear'Joil.say so." V.' Kurokl officially blames himself tor losing the battlo of Mukden. This 1 "DI<1 you ever see a lot of nlne-epot la a tardy but satisfactory confirms. 1 men who b* in Jqr a business tlou of the reports that were clrcu* 1 maa a nd dldd'jfvVibwVWiy? Ever lalod in at. Petersburg just after th. ; hea( theJ^Wf§Hf berate a — home .man* wfui ha.i made a success II Is said that the Pullman Car j ot wbH undertook Company will issue no more free * passes, hut! It is too much to hope that thoy will pay their porters suf ficient salary to make them inde pendent of tips. Governor Polk, of Missouri, no uncus that the grafters are on run, but everybody knows that are and that they' are oqtru^i the! ^pursuers. was the result of lax ham county, or that it wan tion of lawlessness among there would not be justlfial It was one of those things pen occasionally in all pan country, for there are men tions who are too quick to v pistol and begin the work human life. I3ut what is Savannah an Chat ham county going to Jo al Will the politicians domlm courts in trying the men who killing, or will they do as has done—let the slow-movli crees of justice follow out appointed path? It happe^J time that political feuds hold of by the political mac] that justice is strangled, nothing of the Savanndh men who did the killing acted in self-defense and are, fore, justified. We Just hap] reflect over the criticism that vannah Press once made courts here and w'e begun to if the courts there wquld measi# a ' up to the high standard which It set. The Press can be a poten^ f ac . tor in the matter If it will. Nobody blames the packei being noro with Commissioner field. Thoy say thomselves. w gave him evidence enough to* them ait to the penitentiary. Colonel EstlU's speech fits’ Waj?; cross was short, but was point. He tpuched every dor discussion in a clear, like maimer, without any lc appeal to classes or The new play of Ella WUcox has met' with sue success that It may be Insure it against the clal allege*.! poet who signs graphs "Yours poetically, Joyce." Chicago is tho Elysium Harry Rlod, the "Prince of •ays: "Anyone who works ‘lor a HY ing in Chicago Is a sucker. A good hard luck story will get you more money iu a day than you can earn honestly In a week." A Kansas paper recently remarked that "although every woman cannot have a vote, every woman can have a voter". But an exchange quickly picks it up and replies that it knows of sovoral hundred ol 1 maids who •‘are looking for theirs." It is announced that the Czar pro poses to "wear out the revolution aries." This trial of endurance be- 1 tween the supply of dynamite and tho supply of assassins ought to \ promise a rich harvest to the under* f Tho boss of the United States Sen- from Rhode Island, nominates h*r Mr. Honrzt or Mr Bryan for l)f nien who have grudges against anNXh tragedy If our"'flWMWy series u» correctly when the Rawlings-Carter fued end* ed in the killing of the Carter call* drea seven months ago, the Savan nah Press useJ the incident to show the laxity of the courts in Lowndes county. It went so far ns to say that the iragedy might have been prevent ed if the courts had not dollied in handling the cases that had arisen between the two men. The Times took the position that the tragedy was one of those unfortunate occur rences that might happen anywhere. It was due more to the malignity of the man who perpetrated the Jeed thau to the courts, for the courts are not supposed to become the weapons the presidency In 1908. Nelth these men would probably heslta’e to make the race If Senator Aldrich should he nominated on the oppo site ticket. Tho Minneapolis Journal says that one microbe breeds 140,000,000 in a day. This seems incredible, but the fiuce of it is we can't dispute It. We haven't counted them and until we can take s day off from business mat tars to do this bit of census work the Journal's count will have to stand. The total Indebtedness of tho chief countries of the world is: United 8tates. Nov. 1. 1905, $1,284,461,413.- 34; France 1902, $5.8 5^.706,403; Gen man statea $2,637,621,000; Italy 1902- OS, $2,560,605,000; Russia 1902, $3,* 414,061,73$; Spain $2,061,389,972; United Kingdom $3,366,166,333; Aus tria-Hungary $107,464,035. their foliow-men. or who rush to the courts to wreak vengeance upon those who may be disliked or ever hated. The tragedy in Savannah the other Jay did not happen in the rural dis tricts, where respect for the law is not supposed to be so high and neith er was it a result of a long standing feud. It occurred ln the heart of the city, under the shadow of the court house, the Federal court building and the city hall. It was the result of a quarrel over a political cam paign in which men were to be elect ed tp give good government to the oldest city la the state and one where the reverence of the laws should be j$ey ’in$y be the “oAts. ipjjfltas yttle but pr\i DOMINGO'S DEFERRED DP 9 t. Some wise person claims to t^vo discovered the “Joker" in the S-mtQ Domingo treaty. Of course OEpon- ents of the treaty always belied there was a “joker'* ln'lt'soite**^^ and at last the person of color kj, .been chased out of the lnternatij na i wood pile. It consists ln the provis ion that the moneys collected ‘tom the customs, of which the X/nited States has now rescued about |j t 000,000 shall be applied /o th^ Tnent of both the external and the Internal. obligations of the latda! It Is ln the payment of this Internal ilebt that tho trouble hides. Jt seems that Santo Domingo u fclessed with what Is known as a "ie jjerrqd debt.-* v Most of us would like accumulate that sort of a debt canTc* However. Santo Domingo - sueceede i. This deferred ftabt payfnont due extinct bam ’evolutionists. The arrears of erous -fpvolutlolls now amount, , ib" about $,,000,000. It y$bu? there Is a revolution,',^ ’generals" In tbe field collect cijttle, subsistence, rolling stock and. the and pay for ; them ln script Is alwaysduly'’iecordel iboks of the I government jm d ts J alike hy ’.both partly, bo-* *ithe ( "ins” ne^ver know when This script itpectlvo value, cents on the dolla^-A\ tl„ hM 0dotation -'{"Hut If Ihe present treaty go^ ■ough. It Is said that the script II Immediately touch par and q n . mbsrred bands of forgotten r«»o- jifloniatz will be brought back , M ^Wn and fragrant momory. feature of the treaty is urged aa o[ 10 of the reasons against its adoption. Personally, we can see.very little Jn the argument.. This governra^Q* seems doomed to the ejections Jjf Dominican customs, and it it with considerable honesty and small expense. So long this small service there Is a reason able prospect that the obligation^ of the Island republic will be paid there will be no foreign interfere It is admitted that as soon a? get out a half a dozen Europeai tions will step in and grab stations. The Dominican cut will have to he used {p pay thing. Ultimately they wHl ha be expended on sewers and and sanitary arrangements of ous sorts. The foreign claims not last forever. And why in th< terval should not the fielrs and sigus of the patriots who conn malaria and dysentary be paid tance for suffering for the!r i tors. It looks to us as though th' minican 'deferred debt" were a thing. It certainly Is an argu for our keeping the republic Ii der that much longer. Thereto say, by all means pass and bring Joy and gladness homes that heretofore have ui government script merely for decoration. PA88ING OF THE DISPENSARY. The South Carolina house of rep resentatives has passed a bill abol ishing the state dispensary, but this bill Joes not. abolish all dispensaries In the state. It is known as the Morgan bill and provides for a com mission to lose up the state’s business in the llfruor traffic. The abolition of ttale state dispen sary does not, according to the terms of the bill, affect the right OF counties to have their own dispen saries if they choose, not; . does it touch those who now have dispen saries of their own. The measure seems to be based upon the local option idea and all counties within the next two years will be allowed to vote on the question as to wheth er they shall maintain dispensaries or continue (he prohibition policy. By an especial provision the county <3[f Charleston, of which the metropo lis of the state is the seat, is the only county In the state that is al lowed the option of a license sys tem. Under this option 4he license for a retail saloon tk fixed at the high mark of $1,000, but the. people of the county are conceded the prlv ilege to elect, if it may be their will, to have a county dispensary or abso lute prohibition. This bill has yet to run the gaunt let of the senate, and if it succeeds in passing that body, it will still have to teceive the signature of the governor of the state, and possibly thereafter the supreme court of the state may be ailed to determine as S . * to the constitutionality of the law, which in some respect seems, at this distance to 4).e rather loosely drawn. —Macon, Tefegraph. Administrator's Sale. By virtue of an order from the court of ordinary pf Lowndes county will be sold on the first Tuesday In March. 1906, at the court house door in-said county, between the legal sale -hours, the tract of land In said county whereon W. M. Force resid ed, at the time of his death, CQntaln- ing twelve acres, more or less. In the town of Naylor, county of Lowndes, ! and state of Georgia, in lot No. 377, ! towit: About one acre, known as the,* Gin House lot; two acres lying north I of land owned by W. J. Carter,! founded the east by public road; tSo-f wo Acres bounded on the east by Mr. | sdpth by lands ow r ned by the estate 'of \V. M. Force; five acres bound ed, on the east and south by W. F. Bamberg, and on the north and west by said estate of W M. Force. Mrs. Ocean? Force, Administratrix. 7\ Administrator's Sale. By virtue of an; order from the court of ordinary 'of Lowndes county will be sold on the first Tuesday in March, 1906, at the court house door in said county, between the* legal sale hours, the tract of land In said county whereon Hannah Roberts re sided, at the time of her death, con taining one house and two acres o' land, more or less, in the north-east corner of block No. 15. lot No. 12, in Lowndes count> Georgia, and in the town'of Melrose, i 0 -. the south side of right-of-way of the Georgia Southern and Florida Railwa^fig Admlnlstratbrvof Roberts' estate. ^ • F™ By an Italian law every ciycus wnle* does not perform every act promised In the printed programme, or whlcu m i 8 i ea dfr the public by means of Pictures is liable to a heavy fine tor each offense. '•A^j - aijippiobi11> that can travel a mllb^^tw^nty-eight seconds would seem i-to,\n^i^only a pair of wings and a. rudd^r jd^he a flying machine. The evidence In* the Green-Gaynor trial at Ravaanah ila .gettrai; inter ,0 almost e W body excegt “hTf-Vrermi r,area Uy-Ul. -T- OneOLTtie Results “s. Is to pay off a mortgago the old farm. Read the fol lowing from Messra. Whei , w berry & Son. owners of the Magnolia " lt/Mlaa.: Fruit Farm. Durant, "We made $800 from one acre strawberries, fertilizers were used. Eight years ago we bought this place at $20 per acre. It was then considered to have been worn out twenty years before, bat by liberally using Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer* under peas and velvet beans, we cAn now grow almost any thing, and nave been offered - * e. Wo •360 per acre for the plaoe. V _ experimented with a great many brands of fertilizers, but find the highest per-cent, cheaper,” Now don'tyon think Vlrglnia-Carolina Fertilizers would enable you to pay off a % o you to pay off s ukiii8#ko u* you had on ~ * Well, don’t use any other. Vlrglnia-Carolina Chemical Co.^ Richmond, Va. Norfolk. Va. Durham. N. O. Charleston, 8. C. Baltimore. Md. Atlanta, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Memphis, Tenn, Shreveport, La. / of John S. ?e,-F(F . tfhe’suppos- SJtua.n's hotel, to , jrpe property fl j^prmer own* "jtj.v “ e manage- .‘"dOblnson, the The latter will nlll March 1st, ...unless some un is up, I will take harness and con- on the same old formerly, tpectfully, C. T. Stuart GEORGIA—LOWNDES ~ County. ” To all whom It may concern: A. . E. Smith, having In proper form ap-: plied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of West- j ley Matehet, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the credit-1 or s and next of kin of Westley Match . et, to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law. and show ! cause, if any they can, why perma- i nent administration should not be i granted to A. E. Smith on WestJev Matchet's estate. Witness my hand and official signature. This Feb. 9th, 1906. A. V. Simms, Ordinary. Wood’s Seeds. Second Crop Seed Potatoes go farther in planting than other Seed Potatoes, yield better and more uniform crops, and are in high favor with trackers and potato growers wherever planted. Our stocks are of superior quality, uniform in size, and sent out in full-size barrels. / / Writs for prices, and Wooo- 1906 Seed Book, giving full and interesting information about Seed Potatoes. T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, - - VIRBINIA. We carry the largest stock of Potatoes ln tbe South. Maine, Northern* grown and Second Crop Seed tfrite for prices. Application for Year’s Support. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. i The report of the appraisers ap- the highest. To say that the tragedy 1 for hides. Chicago rules the worl! - . Application for Year's Support GEORGIA—Lowndes County, The report of the appraisers ap pointed to set apart a year’s support pointed to set apart a year’s support to the widow of W. M. Force, de 1 to the widow of O. G, 'Weldon, di ceased, hsvlnk^.haen jinhr -fllaA-.this iceae«i, htu to cue air persons con- Isl la therefore to cite alT iWiVonT con- Is therefore tl cite all persoiis _ r cerned, to sho r w’ cause, If any thej cerned, to show cause, If any th< can, wjyr. said report should not be can, why said report should not l _ *' record, and be made the j admitted to record, and be made the adroit^ j au ., t ..s 0 « ^ «... —.. vuu Judgment of the court on the first judgment of the court on the first Monday. hF^March. 1906. j Monday in March, 1906. v - Simms, Ordinary. m V. Simms, Ordinary. touod jo* a J mm likp ced our bes t of last season and „ a t^Bttnary achievement. We deter- W°* m W® ic difficuI t for any one to pick a huit stock, and a careful glance will show what it^is po^ible to do when fabrics are care- J*d Iir 1 ‘ oret ^' We have a great showing °f f*»* suits. aon them inside out—every stitch, evefcy little d Ja)v shows, the touch of the master fa’-ior—no r hur work—no skipping, nothing slight ed. This is w,np):*ur suits fit so perfectly and hold their shape s so -uuch longer and better than any other kind. . a $7.50 TO $25.00. Name your prices and we will show you the strongest line to be found, for the price will more than meet your expectations. Boys Clothing Line Complete. No Name Hats* Knox Hats Clapp Shoes Manhattan Shirts. *+ ♦+ ++ *+ ********t ** t ::::******:: t v.v*v*v$v: ******************* t $