The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 13, 1906, Image 6

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rr ^ v v v -I* v ^ THE VALDOSTA SCROFULA AN AWFUL INHERITANCE 2BRUAKY i3, 1906. Wliile it is true thzt Scrofula may be acquired under certain conditions. It is usually inherited. Parents who are related by the ties of blood, or who have a consumptive tendency, or family blood taint of any character, are sure to transmit it to their children in the form of Scrofula. Swollen glands, brittle hones, X Inherited Sorofula, and about savin eyes Cfltiirrh, cuiscisitcu douics anu —— - — — -■ w.a ——— BONrS DEBTS! Al millions|. ■ THE HOUSE. generai^weak SSSSrS: S The Story of How dll CsM| ® . . , . ♦Iia. Ai*. grreat pen**, but iprew rapidly worse; *• i principal ways in which the ais f n f ac t, h»d iriven up all hope ot bsing «ase is manifested. The blood has cured, and ae a dying- man will vraap at C * BC .... at _• •_ a Itrnw. T wan iinniiadsd hv mv is manilestea. lac UlUUU ouna, anu »■■ uytug iu*u wui grasp at STn diseased Irom birth, and being in S this condition cannot properly nour- BA.«^Arter_t»kin*_.t* bottt...r/«n. thm condition cannot propcii) uuui- d.o. o. alter imiuk oouio», i te lliis c°nu fiif" re- wonderful chauro for the batter. Ic— - ish the body and Scrofula is me re tlnued to take it for about aixmontha, •nit A hereditary disease like tins taking in all about fifteen bottles, can only be reached, by a constitu- ’'ioStsomory, V” W.*H. STOCKTON, tional remedy and nothing equals . ..... S S S as a cure for it. It cleanses and strengthens the deteriorated blood, drives out all scrofulous and tubercular deposits, and there is a gradual but sure return to health. S. S. S. supplies to the anaemic, lifeless blood the properties necessary to build hack to strong, robust health, and does this gently and so thoroughly that no signs of — v w -w — the disease are ever seen in after life. Being niior I v UCCCTARI F purely vegetable S. S. S. is the best remedy for rUnLLY KtULIHDUt. Scrofula; its harmless hut healing ingredients enter into the circulation and replace wax-like, bloodless faces with vigorous Strength glowing with health. Book with information about Scrofula and medical advice free.^ THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. <mves oui an acruiuiuuo S.S.S. Announcement The New Liquor House Is now open for business. I ask the public to call and get prices, as I make a specialty of shipping mall orders, which will always have my prompt attention. Remember we run no BAR. I have had twenty-five years experience In the Whiskey Business and I assure you that I will give you the best Whiskey for the money that you have ever bought before. All I ask of you is to give me a trial. I keep all Brandies for medical pur poses. That's all. You will find me at 118 North Ashley Street. Louis Lippman, Valdosta, Ga, VALDOSTA MARBLE WORI kJ ThuK the countty^perating Jatest improved machinery for Cutting and Carving MONUMENTS You are cordially invited to pall and inspect our stock and get our prices. L. H. WAR LICK, Proprietor VALDOSTA,’ GEORGIA. Hiller-Jones Shoe Co. SHOES WHOLESALE Tht* merchnnU of Of their stockrt how Fufl lilt*' —• — . .. . ------ - other foctory market* We .In bcate tneir liruml* and price* and i mtf*l to go Baltimore, you the heavy freight char Miller-JonesJShoe Co., Valdosta. 4. *.]..!. * + +.+ ********* + + + 4* + + + + < + ... . <u 4- O^ * v. ^ 8 aj New York, Feb. 10—The inf now in the suit for divora Counted De Cartel! s. merly Miss Anna Oonld, ofl is when the countes« and h| will arrive in America, and 1 not the divorce proceeding*I anything to do with abroad. Generally, it Is bell the countess will continij abroad, bnt there are a few- she will return to Amerioa| visits abroad occasionally. Little farther informatic gained here concerning th on the day the dispatches] the fact that it was filed. Now Tackle the fate Bill. Feb. 12—President |te bill was passed by 'week almost: unani- |e Is an old saying in bat three men, the Pres* baker and’ the comptrol- teasury, are the govern ■thing that the president leaker agree on Is put house with a rush, light will come in the sen- f will be mostly over the Jfflether the railroads shall ■ght to appeal to the courts pfter the fates made by he go' into effect, silent says, convict them try them. The roads say, Jto be tried first. They de- after a rate is reduced by nission and is put into ef- prill be Impossible to get It , even if the evidence shows rate is confiscatory. They a taste of something like From a financial standp formation secured from Dillon, the attorney for tfa> ily, develops the fact th de Castellano !jf~^ ‘ money mattj his wife is j preclude j getting t He sa. orgia railroai commision rates very low. Three or pears passed before the the supreme court of the States. Then that* court said the rates had been in effect time, It would not change ne of the congressmen say that [resident Is taking patronage ffrom them and giving It to sen- to get their votes. The rail- are anxious to get the question They are tired of the agita- and remind one of the story of frog which kept crying, "rain! Ji! rain!” Finally a weary voice bo out of the atmosphere, saying, ■ell Just hush and I’ll rain." hmberlaln’t Cough Remedy the Mother’s Favorite, he soothing and healing proper- i of this remedy, its pleasant taste Id prompt and permanent cures are made It a favorite with people erywhere, It is especially prized mothers of small children, for bids, croup and whooping cough, as i always affords quick relief, and as «t contains no opium or other harmful Drug, it may be given as confidently “ a baby as to an adultr For sale ■ W. D. Dunaway, Valdosta, Ga. Marrfag* Announcement Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Che/nutt an- J nounce tile marriage of thepr daugh ter, Frank to oc* 'lom l Tt seem* that oe&tariai^ tellanes were only poor folks-^ liters' of tlie soil, warders, farmers and so on. Finally a ycuth appeared auio lg th.-m of a different calibre from lib simple, frugal, timid relatives He wa» a bold fellow, tall, strong, gay, with blue eyes end yoilow curls, ready to laugh always and equally ready to fight. He became, as was iViturnl, a soldier. He boro arms under one of warrier kings of France The Yellow Fever Germ£.. has recently been ' discovered?,£*' bears a close resemblance to“v malaria germ. To free the. from disease germs, the most-eL tive remedy is Dr. King’s Ne£ v L Pills. Guaranteed to cure all d cases due to malaria poison a constipation. 25c at A. E. Dlmmock and W. D. Dunaway’s drug stores. Involuntary Bankrupts. Application has been made Bat he was only a dragoon, i Dougherty, Ward, Little Company and thoutfh he »erved his country well, | al. to have the Mutual Co-operatl promotion did not come to him. “One day It happened that tlm king, tHfc head reviewing the troops, rode at of the column to which Oast longed. The young man’s' flora was restive. It shied now to the rigBr and now to the left. Finally, with tlffeick sliding movement, it lunged agi mount of the king himself, ders of the monarch and of the hurtled together and the king ly thrown. yHe turned pn’e with rage ant Castellano across the cheek riding whip. The blow was whole at my. The young nmi, n red welt face, bowed low over the horse] and drawing his pistol extended] forward, to the king. •Sire,’ he said, ’you hat awav uiy honor—take my life.’ ••this picturesque gallau ry ii the king. He took the young ti his favor, ennobling him in dut From this youth the Cnstellai ceuded.” Merchandise Company, of Fitzgera adjudged, bankrupts. The assets an liabilities of the alleged defunct co cern are not given. Frightfully Burned. -Chas. W. Moore, a machinist Ford City, Pa., had his hand frigh fully burned In an electric furnac He applied Bucklen’s Arnica Salv with the usual result: "a quick am perfect cure.’’ Greatest healer o earth for burns, wounds, sores, e zema and piles. 25c at A. E. Dim mock’s and W. D. Dunaway’s drui gists. ck, + This BOX of MONEY will be given away FREE to’.the ‘holder of the key which unlocks the lock. * ONE 'KEY GIVEN WITH EVERY $1.00 PURCHASE. ONLY ONE KEY WILL UNLOCK IT- * J. Y. Blitch, cat-liter of the First Na ional Bank, unlocked tliis box and put the key with the other keys ^ Videttcs Going to Savan The Valdosta Videttes hat] up their minds to go to 2 and get In the big parade Washington’s birthday. Thl expect to take forty men wlJ and they also expect to make] •b. ^ ^ •!-* *J* v * *1* * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ showing In thn parade. J. BLACK, 115 N. PATTERSON STREET, VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. Startling but True, i People the world over wei fled on learning of the burnt Chicago theater In which ne hundred people lost (heir 11 more than five times this nu over 3,000 people died froi monia in Chicago during tl year, with scarcely a passim Every one of these cases .qL nla resulted from a cold Tr have been prevented by tin use of Chamberlain’s Cough A great many who had every| to fear pneumonia nave off by the prompt use of this i The following is on instance! sort: "Too much cannot be | favor of Chamberlain’s < edy. and especially for colds'] fluenza. I know that It cu daughter of a severe cold, a lleve saved her life when i threatened with pneumonia.” Wilcox. Logan, New York, W. D Dunaway, Valdosta. Ga] DR. RIV! CARLISLE’S l & e. POR LIVER AND BLOOD STOMACH ANO KIDNEY SBrrriCURESgg.- RHEUMATISIYK "5* IN ALL FORMS""* Backache, headache, tooth ache, inflammation of the kid neys, gravel, neuralgia, sore throat, dipt heria, sprains, bruise*, contracted cords, mus cles aud stiff joints, cramp colic aud cholera morbus, bil lions colic, chills aud fever, bites of insects, reptiles aud mad dogs, croup, caked breast*, suppressed menstrua tion, corns, felons, palpitation of tne heart, piles, gonorrhea, erysipelas, etc.: ZZZ "SMft FOR INTERNAL andJEXTERNAL USE. __ GARLISLE2& ICO., MACON, -1 GEORGIA Price.H* 501 Cents. FOB3UU.E uy;dimmock. -fcffcffc-fcffcjfcffcfSvfc-ivfc-fc ‘ Machinery FOR SALE BY Valdosta Foundry & Machine o. VALDOSTA, QA. PROMPT /. SHIPMENTS. Machinery at Ticknor, Georgia. FOR PROMPT SHIPMENT. One 10x16 Filer and Stwell Twin Engine Feed, for wire cable. Good condition. .. 0ne „:,°; lnch FII er and Stowell Edgar with three 20-Inch inserted saws. Al condition used only short time. * new 6 N °‘ 65 Cove * Gunu °e r - Practically One Butterworth & Lowe Lathi Machine and .Bolter combined. Fair condition. Machinery at Fairfax, Georgia, FOR PROMPT SHIPMENT. Two 70 H. P. Atlas Ret. Tub. Boilers. Used about two years and 8 months Machinery at Jasper, Florida. Two 60 H. P. Return Tubular Boilers. Machinery at Waycross, Ga. One 8x12 Frick Engine and Boiler on wheels. Used only short time. steel Machinery at Bakers’ Mill, Fla. Six Cylinder Boilers. ' y One 60 H P. stde Crank Engine. One Slab Conveyor, 30-foot pan. 600 feet 3-4 chain. Rigging complete. AT VALDOSTA. 5 One 16x24 Rhode Isli, One 22x28 Side Crank One 14x18 Side Crank One 12x18 Side Crank i One 12xlB Center qfth . One 12x14 center Craa One 12x16 Side Crank All Sizes of Small Eng. One 12x20 Filer & Stow„. v «wi One 10x16 Wilklna Steam Ifcefljj?' One 8x12 Beck Steam Feed. One 7-lnch Shot .Gun FeM. «. . PfOne Gardner BJilcx Pd. 2if>lg-S;ic.|.a.| "Feed. Didc. JSJ» — c jss One 20-B/P. UtSOTVinRK 5 All Size* and Kinds of Small Bollera Two 6 In. Deep Well Pumps. 400 feet 30 pound Rail. One Swing Cut-of| Saw. One Saw Hammerer's Anvil. One Home-Made Stave Machine. One Circular Resaw, carge lot Circular Saws. Large lot Iron Pulleys. All sizes. Large lot second hand Belt. WOULD IT PAY YOU TO Buy a Planer? •rf* BARGAINS FOR QUICK SALES. and One 16x10 Inch No. 44 Berlin Planer Matcher. Used about 2 years One 26x12 inch Beijamin Machine Co’s. "MONEY MAKER’’ Sizer. In perfect order. One 15x6 inch Frank Planer and Matcher. A good job shop machine. One 24x6 inch Frank Planer and Matcher. Medium light pattern for a small plai t One 14x4 in. H. B. Smith Planer and Matcher Overhauled and In good shape. One 24x6 in. Tar Heel Planer and Matcher wood frame. One 6 lb. Williamsport Outside Moulder. Ready for use: in good shape. Write us for detailed specifications and pri ces on any Machine you can use. Castings, Columns, Lintels, Sills, Ventilators, Grate Bars Etc. OUR LIST IS CHANGING DAILY Write U! for whit you w»nt. We mike i «peciilty of trading in Second-hand Machinery. VALDOSTA. - , - GA. ■