The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 13, 1906, Image 8

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JI>A*. FJEBBUAKr 1 3 ,1906. 'at the <Ut Wednesday ani day nights at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Evelyn Quarterman 'return* ed Saturday night from a visit to friends In Montexuraa, and Marshall* vllle. Wm. Henry viriitin of Ashwbod and Columbia E. Parish, of Adel are in the rnce for representative of Bor rlen county. Mrs. L. M. Carswell and her daughter, yina Laura Mae, of Perry 21a.. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Carswell, of this city. Messrs C. P. Henderson and W. P. Do rough have returned from Sa vannah. where they went on business connected with the Henderson-Cran- ford Company last week. Mrs. T. J. Chandler and children returned Inst, week to. their homo in Vicksburg. Miss., nfter a visit to her mother Mrs. H. W. Carswell. She was accompanied home by Miss Fan nie Mae Carswell, who will spend several months In Vicksburg Superintendent O. M. Grady, of tho Georgia Southern road, is In the city today looking, after the plans for rebuilding the depot. He says that a handsome freight depot Is to oe hullt at once and that room will be loft on the road's land here for a handsome passenger depot later on. Mr H. M. Myrlck, of Boston, has purchased from Smith, Coppage & Company one hundred acres of the that <pn ^maktJ-tcp same Showing, of one that will compare- with It? A sheriff’s sale was advertised in Thi Herald, the o clal organ of Dougherty county in May 1904. From thep until the present month or during a period of twenty-one months; hut one other sale has been advertised. That was In the month of arch last nearly a year ago. This gives an Idea of the prosper* ous conditions that have prevailed and still prevail in this county. Sher iff’s sales are most plentiful in the communities where "hard times" are in the saddle, and are, by the same rule, fewest where times are best,— Albany Herald. PAY UP NOW. The Times jvill revise Its subscrip tion list In a few days and those sub scribers who have not paid up will be stricken from the list Our list embraces more than 4,000 names and the expense of sending the paper to this great throng Is very large. In order to meet our Increas ing obligations we are forced to ask for prompt payments of subscription, as well as other accounts We trust that our subscribers will not wait for us to send them state ments of accounts, but will make their remittances either In person or 6 gallons. with a paint ttaht was ha tion: 12 gallons. Same pi Gilbert, did both jobs One^cosi the other $64. Better go by the name,\ ‘I Tours tifuly, 12 F. W. Do Woe A Co. P. S. W: H. Briggs Hardware Co sell our paint. Little Claude Ferrell redently he came the owner of a pretty nittleponj so he Is offering his goat* a|nd wagon for sale. * i - IN THE 80CIAL REALM. Valdosta has recently added anoth er club to her list for the pleasure . ci iiuu iici uoi lur ujc yicKouic Door place a mile and a halt above o[ the people „ kDOWn the city on the Aahley street road. | „ the „ 42 c]ub .. and Is an organlza It It understood that he wil build a handsome home there. Mr. X. O- Culbreth. of Tarver, was a visitor to the city Saturday. Mr. Culhreth expects to make Valdosta his future home after a year or so He Is oqp of the prominent turpen* tine raen IphiH section and has also •ojoir property here. ^ The roof of the Boone building on * " the corner of Hill avenue and Wall afreet has been torn off and another jfStbry Is to tfe added to It. The build* lhg In to be beautified and improved " - and will be occupied by the Valdosta Bank and Trust Company, which re cently purchased the property. Mayor Briggs has recently receiv ed a report of the mayor's court at Albany, showing that about five hun- Jrel more cases were docketed there last year thau here and also that the aggregate fines were greater. The av erage fines, however, were almost identically the iayie thing, there not fceltg more than five cents difference fa the average. jT ( m' Uon composed of twelve of the most popular girls of the school girl set. The club was entertained by Miss Claude Davis Saturday afternoon at an exceptionally pleasant meeting. After an Interesting and exciting game of "42", refreshments of heart shaped cakes and cream were served The score cards were dainty, hand- painted hearts pierced with arrows* The home was artistically decorated In green and heliotrope. Dr. Edward O. Guerrant ComlnQ. Rev. Mr. Carson announces that a series of meetings will begin In the Presbyterian church the first of April. He has secured the promise of Rev. E. O. Guerrant, D. D., of Kentucky to do the preaching. Dr. Guerrant is one of the most eloquent and successful evangelists In the country. Mr. Carson considers the church fortunate in the promised presence of this distinguished man and consecrated minister. The peo ple of Valdosta may look forward to a rich gospel feast A. E. DIMMOCK’S IT£8T. Sold Hyomei for Years And Know it Wil Cure Cata rh. A. E. Dinmiock has giv en Hyrmei a moit thorough and remnr cable test. For a long time he has offered to refnhd the money to any purchaser < >f {Hyomei, if it failed to beueflt.$tT ’ The remedy has made <o many cures among his customers that hd lias urged its nse in the most clu one cases cf catarrh. Breathed for a few mil >ut» four times day, through the inha c*r that comes with every outfit, it sooth esthe iritated mucous membrane of th e lose, throat and lungs, kills thecatar rhilgehns, and restores complete health. J The complete Hyomei mlfUcctsonly (1 and consists of an inh akv that can be carried in tho pocket or pu&e, and will ast a lifetime, a medioii te iropper, and a bottle of Hyomei. It this is not suf ficient for a complete cure, additional bottles of Hyomei can lbe obtained lor 50 cents. ; Compare this small expense with the fees charged by specialists, and remem ber, too, if Hyomei does not core, A. B. Dimmock will return your [money. WANTED—A good joverseer tenant tor 4-horse farm. Good place for the right man. White or colored H. L. Byrd, Supt. convict camp. 2-5 dlt w2t. I WANTED—One shingle sawyer; must understand keeping up saws. I'owell Bros., Klndertoji, Ga. WANTED—500 barrels good svru; delivered within the next ten dayi Will pay cash. South Georgia Syrup Go. * '! 22-sw-lm FOR 8ALE OR RENT—New four- room house on north Jchnson street. Apply A. H. McCardel over National Bank. . j 2-6 2t IA)ST—One black hone mule; has a gray spot where top home string. About 0 years old. Heavy set, weight about 900. Howard for return to N. H. Smith, Cecil. Ga. 2-6-sw-4t WANTED—A good overseer or ten ant for 4-horte farm. Good place for the right man. White or colored. H. L Byrd, Supt. Convict Camp. 2-5-dlt-w2t FOR RENT—^Thirty acres land one and a half miles from town, clear of stomps, suitable for waterme'ons and hay. 2-13-2t S. M. Myrlck. Send $1.00 to B. J Donaldson, Meg- itts, S. O., and get a .sample box of —Plant* for your garden. 2 -13-4t THE CAT CREEK NEW8. | Cat Creek, Ga., Feb. 12—Mr. afar- Webb, of this community has one to Atlanta. | There will be a box dinner given King's Chapel school Saturday ib. 17th. A nice program has been ranged consisting of Bongs, speech- i and dialogues. County School Com Pdssioner C. L. Smith and Col. J. Gary have been Invited to be the (speakers of the day. Everybody is ■cordially invited to come and bring well filled basket. Mr. T. J. Smith attended the ed- atton rally at Milltown Tuesday. H. Swindle was a visitor ois Sunday. *! Uss Susie Matlhis visited the jfl at King’s Chapel Tuesday.. \re w as a party given at' the ft Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaw night. Those in attendance Messrs. Brodie, John, Jack and 3haw, Perry Hutchson, Mack J Perry Swindle, Claud© Clem- Witch and Bob Taylor, Caulle pansfleld Smith; Misses Rosa >ela Clanton, Verdie Smith and ■ Shaw. They all enjoyed them- \very much. Henry Sirmans of Valdosta, luting friends and relatives May. |jide Clements of Adel is fveral days here. Bradford made a busi- to Milltown Monday. Victimizing School Teachers. The attention of State School Com- lissioner W. B. Merritt has been died to^ the fact that a number ^ men are going about over the state selling school teachers in various communities on the ground that •se books have received his in- (rse to the ^school teachers inhrdl •rsement. "Ccvpimlssicner Merritt ftated today that this i 8 a fraud tqrough’out. He has given his te nement to no such work and stat- tat he knows nothing of it except it be has head through correspon dence. WEDDING BELL8 SUNDAY. A Number of Marriage* Reported From Various Part, of County. A number of weddings are report- ed today as having occurred Sunday. Mr. E. J. Idneberger. and Miss Eva Chason were married several miles below the city by Rev. L,,R. Christie. Both of the young"'jfeqple are well known and h».ve many friends in the county. f Remerton, Mr.' L. C. Cowart and Miss Lou Combess were Joined n the holy bonds, both parties be- ing well and favorably known. “ r - ?’ Lr N1Ch0lB0n and Miss Toy Hilliard ^ere' mSri^J. in the Ousley ¥**}«* B. Johnson and Miss MettldfOgfeal near the I Florida line. Approaching Mbrriage. Annouycanent lami^o, the mar Dr w it '“d Maud& Smith and r. W. H. McCartney, the ceremony t* * P ' aCe at it!!® home of the 23 t 6 ° n avenue Wednesday, Feb The bride Is one of Tifton’s most popular young ladies and the groom “ manager of the Tifton Drug Co., He came to this city from Valdosta two years ago, and Sobers his friends here by the score. The marriage w) „ be quite a soclal event.—Tifton Gazette. Remove FrecKIes and Pimples IK TW DATS, WITH WADINOLA A w ...THE COMPLEXION BEAtITIrICR (Formerly advertised and sold as SafcinoU.) A few applications will remove tan or •“fewness and restore, the beauty of youth. NADTNOL \ !■ S vi--uterd and money refundec. __ rsmeve fecdWc*. pimjdes, :iv:r-s-"r' . collar discolorations, black-heads, dims ring eruptions, etc, In twenty days. the skin toft, clear ant healthy. Endorsed by thousands. Price 50 cents cad SJ.00 by all leading ruggis-s, or by mail. Prepared by National T oilet Co., Paris, Tona. Sold in Valdosta by all Leading Druggists. 2 10 w 2t We have just received 16 to 20 fine Kentucky horses and about 30 high grade Kentucky mules which we are offering cheap either for cash or good note. It will pay you to see us before you buy. Davis- Stewart Stock Co., Quitman, 6a. 2-6-3t. Married In South Carolina. The Valdosta friends of Miss Jen nie Keller, of Savannah, will learn with interest of her marriage to Mr. Willie Righfon, of the latter city, he ceremony occurred In Columbia, onr43unday, Feb. 11th. PREPARING MEDICINE FROM DOCTORS’ PRESCRIPTIONS correct is every • Will you Entrust Your Prescrintinns fn Our Care? a a. W£U- ZCESSORS TO %llWASHBURN. and Glasses adjusted to cor rect any optical defect, by the only exclusive specialist in Sonth Georgia. . , First-Class Service Satisfaction Guaranteed GEO. B. WOOD. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. OFFICE: Over Dimmock’s Pharmacy DON’T BUY YOUR FERTILIZERS UNTIL YOU SEE Major J. 0. Varnedoe. He has prices that will entertain you. He represents W T Lane, who handles Kainit, Acid Phosphate, The Old Reliable Lane’s A. D. Bone. FARMER’S SPECIAL COMPOUND. Ill Tiitse to al Prices te Una Im 8m. A. H. DUKES, WHOLESALE HAY, GRAIN, FLOUR AND FEED SUPPLIES. I self nothing less than sack, box or barrel lots, and < t save yon money if you bny in these quantities. I travel no salesmen on the road, thereby giving the trade the benefit of this saving in eipenses. SPECIAL—I bought 3 cars of No. One North Carolina Seed Peanuts before the rise in price, and will give the trade the advantage of|same. In old Plant System depot. A. H. DUKES, Valdosta, Qa.