The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 17, 1906, Image 11

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THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY i7, 1906. The only form of food made from wheat that is all nutri ment is the soda cracker, and yet—the only soda cracker of which this is really true is Uneeda Biscuit The only soda cracker scientifically baked. The only soda cracker effectually protected. The only soda cracker ever fresh, crisp and clean. The only soda cracker good at all times. EG In a dust tight, moisture proof package. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY TICKETS SOLD ited Guest Gets §400 lor Cord to Alice's Marriage. The President is Said to be Wrathy and the White House Attaches are Trying to Find Out Who it Was That Disposed of the Bid to the Great Event. ro sm£ PRiMARr tg BE HELD. * 4- i r PE V GEORGI [■’f* 4 , *J , *J , *|*4 , *f , »|**!**J - *i**!**| # *J**! # *f**|* # J**|**| , *l**l < *| , *j - Atlantic Fertilizer j Company, , JOHN LANE, Mgr. Factory: Corner River and Alabama Sts. Office: 104 South Patterson Street. * + * + + + 4- * 4* 4 4* 4* ^ ^ 4* 4* ^ ^ 4» A * 4i 4. PETITION FOR CHARTER GEORGIA—Lowndes Country To the Superior Court of snld County: The petition of H. E Miller and .1. 14. Cran ford. both of Mild county end state, shows unto ganlxe themselves and such other persona may be associated with them intoncorpoi tlon to be known as the GEORGIA NAVAL STORES COMPANY. Second. Thnt the object of said corporation lfl pecuniary gain to stock holders, and the principal business they propro<e to carry that or manuf cturing naval stores. That desire the authority to buy. hold options, ob- bond, mortgage arid otherwise; to hold nnd dispose of the stocks, securities anil obligations of any other corporations; to enter into part nership with other corporations or individuals and to do any and all things that maybe ne cessary for the manufacture of naval stores. Third: That the principal place of business of said corporation will be in Valdonta, Lowndes county, Georgia, hut petitioners de sire auth >rity to do business nnd have agencies in any other state or territory of the United States. Fourth: That the amount of capital stork of said corporation will 1>« Twenty Thousand (<20 000) Dollars, divided into shares of one hundred (flUO) dollars each, all of which has I actually been paid in. Petitioners desire the right to increase its capital stock to any a-i.ount not to exceed One Hundred Thousand (UOO.OuO) Dollars. I Wherefore, petitioners pray thnt they and their associates may be incorporated for the term of twenty years with- the privilege of re newal at the expiration of said term, for the purposes and with the powers aforesaid and |h all other rights, powers and privilegm usual and incident to such corporation Jan. 19th, 1000. CRANFORD & WALKER, Petitioners Attoneya. Notice ot Intention to Organize Bank and Trust Company. To the Honorable Secretary of State, for the ' State of Georgia: The petition and declation of B. P. Jones, L. Boone, Frank Roberts, C. L. Jones, W. Johnson. W. B.Conoley. John T. Roberts, W Fender, G. W. VarnandC. L. Smith respect fully shows: I'd- That they are each and all residents the city of Valdosta, in said state. 2nd. That it is their desire thnt they, their ,«Hociates and sucCest shall be incorporated GEORGI A—Lowndes County: of Lowndi . » above an_ and co» rect copy of the .his day filed in my offlc This 19th day of Jan. 1C00. . R. T. MYDDELTON. Clerk Superior Court of Lowndes County. petit: ■ pplication for Year's Support. RGIA—Lowndes County. 6 report of the appraisers ap ed to set apart a year’s support le widow of O. G. Weldon, de- id, having been duly filed, this 8 therefore to cite all persons con- lerned, to show cause, if any they why said roport should not be tdmi'.ted to record, and be made the udgment of the court on the first Monday in March, 1906. A. V. Simms, Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the itate of John D Peters, Sr., late of said coun- r. deceased, to render in an account of their emands to me, within the time prescribed by iperly made out. sil persona indebted to said decea f»DT requested to make immediate p ,ent to the undersigned. This January under the name of VALDOBTA BANK TRUST COMPANY. Hrd. That the location and principal place of business of the proposed corporation will l>e the said city of •Valdosta, but they desire the privilege of establishing agencies and other places of business elsewhere. 4th. That the amount or capital stock of said oornoration will be Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, divided into two thousand shares o me hundred dollars each, but they desire th< privilege of increasing said capital stock ti. Twenty Thousand shares or Two Million Dol lars in the manner prescribed by the act of the General Assembly of said state, approved De cember Sid, IH0K, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of Trust Companies, to define their rights and powers, and for other P fitC That the [purposes and nature of th< business of the proposed corjMjration are f animation and conduct of all such busim -an legally be conducted by either or both Trust Companies or Banks under the lawi Georgia. •ith. That they desire nil the rights, powers and privileges which the laws of Georgia au thorize the exercise of by either or both Bank ing and Trust Companies. 7th. That of the capital stock subscribed, over twenty-five thousand dollars hn« been actually paid in by the subscrib ers, and the same is in fact held nnd la to be used solely for the business and purposes of the corporation. W®. .That notice, with specifications »„ , c cjuired by law, of the intention of petitioners to organize such corporation has been publish ed once a week for four weeks in the Valdosta Tiro** 8 ; a newspaper of general circulation published in said City of Valdosta. 5 H. L. Boone, Frnnk Roberta, C. L. Jones, W. B Johnson, W. B. Conole For Sale And ready for Shipment, fimfCabhagt Wakefield Cabbage Plants, grown in open air from best selected seed. Prices less than 5,000 $1.50 per 1,000. 5,000 to 10,000 $1.25 per 1,000. Special prices on larger Quantities. Cheap, expre-s rates to all Middle and South Georgia and Florida points. Full count and satis faction guaranteed. Send P. O. Money order with all orders. S M- GIBSON & BRO, JOEL PETERS, Administrator of John D. PH ■s, Hr. Fire Insurance. Tornado Insurance. Insure Your Property With litch & Richardon, I voa want the best insurance in the Lt companies. We represent nothing It the best btrickland Building, 108 S. Patterson et, Valdoeta, Ga. Syrup Wanted We are again in the market for good Georgia Cane Syrup in good cypress barrels in any quantity delivered to Jliis place or in large lots at any railroad station near here. We also want a few car loads of cot ton seed and will take them at any shipping point in oar lots or delivered hero in smaller quantities. Write us for prices before selling. Farmers Supply Company, HAHIRA, GEORGIA. Washington, Feb. 14.—Four hun dred dollars Is the price paid for an invitation to the Roosevelt-Longs' worth wedding to a speculative guest who, it appears “needed the money”. Word was received at the White house today from an unquestionable source that an invitation to the wed ding was sol ! to a person more anx ious to witness the ceremony than the original holder of the precious card. Efforts are being made to locate the purchaser of the ticket with view to canceling the invitation. The limited list of invitations has been carefully scrutinized and White House officials realized that they have a difficult task before them to spot the holder of the $100 card and turn it down when it is presented. Othes Reported Sold. There are further reports of ac tive speculation in the much prized | invitations, but the case above clt ed came to the White House so di rect and so well supported as to jus tify Investigation. The actual num ber of invitations Is not as large by several hundred ns has been general ly stated unofficially. It was intend ed originally to limit the number to 1.000. The standing space in the east room will not permit more thnn 700 people to comfortably test its ca pacity. There will be no seats for any one, not even for Bishop Satter- lee, who Is to perform the ceremony entirely unassisted. The choir boys were cut out to make room for more important guests. The platform upon which the bridal party will stand and the ribboned aisle from the grand corridor to the altar also take up considerable space. Chairman Youmans Says There is no Need of Hurrying the Primary, at Last State Convention Fixed Date Between July the 10th and Septem- ber 1st. Atlanta, Ga.. F»*b. 14.—The state democratic executive committee will be called together In March, hut the exact date has not been fixed as yet by the Chairman B. B. Youmans. Chairman Youmans was at the capitol this morning in cosuit at ion with friends there, and when seen by a reporter said he had not yet de cided on the date for calling tho committee together. He said, howe’er, that It would be sometime bet wee? the latter part of February and the first of April, which was. In substance, stating thnt the meeting would be in the month of March, as has been the custom for years. Mr. Youtnans snhl there wi great hurry about the matter ns the ist state convention passed a reso lution fixing the date for the next invention within the dates between July 10 nnd September 1. This means that the primary will to be fixed before July 10 in II probability, even though the state nvention is held some inter. Many favor the latter part of June for the primary, though of course, this will be determined by the ex ecutive commltee when it meets. Mr. Youmans would not have much to say in reference to tho proposi tion to have the state convention In Macon, Tumors Conquered Without Operations Unqualified Success of Lydia E. Pinftham's Vegetable Compound in Cases of Mrs. Fox and Miss Adams. DINNER TO JUDGE SPEER. MAY MOVE EXPERIMENTAL FARM Hon. J. J. Connor Spends Day in Griffin Conferring With Citizens. Griffin, Ga., Feb. 14—Hon. J. J. Conner, of Cartersville, spent today in Griffin for the purpose of confer ring with a committee of representa tive citizens In reference to the re moval of the Georgia Experimental Station to Athens. Mr. Connor is author of the bill to appropriate $100,000 to provide build ings and equipment far the state ng rlcultural college alleged to be lo cated at Athens. It has been known for some time that an experlmentalomrdflyubmfwy than an effort was being made to move the experiment farm to Athens and Spalding county has waged a de termined ^flght against the plan. Mr. Connor proposes to give Grif fin an agricultural high school in re turn for the station, but Spalding won it in an open contest in which he entire state participated and it is the purpose of the citizens’ com mittee to meet all demands and to keep the station where it Is located hy all principles of right. Mr. Mills Lane to Honor His 25th Year on the Bench. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 14—One of the most pleasant events scheduled far next week in Savannah is the dinner to be tendered Judge Emory Speer, at the DeSoto hotel, on Sat urday evening, by Mr., Mills B. Lane, to commemorate the 26th anniver sary of Judge Speer’s taking his seat on the United States court bench. It has now been a quarter of a century since Judge Speer took tho oath to administer the laws Impar tially and fairly and during thnt time he has been a very active and busy man upon the bench. He is right now engaged in the trial of the big gest nnd most important case in his career, that of Greene and Gaynor, for conspiracy to defraud the gov ernment. The dinner of Saturday evening is to be very elaborate an affair In v/ay suitable for the event It is to emphasize. One of the greatest triumphs of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is the conquering of woman’s dread enemy, Tumor. So-called “ wandering pains’* may come from its early stages, or the pres ence of danger may be made manifest by excessive monthly periods accom panied by unusual pain extending from the abdomen through the groin aud thighs. If you have mysterious pnins, if there aro indications of inflammation, ulcera tion or displacement, don’t wait for time to confirm your fears and go through tho liorrorsof a hospital opera tion; secure Lydia E. Pinkhara’s Vege table Compound at once and begin Its use and write Mrs. Pinkham of Lynn, Mnss., for advice. Rend these strong letters from grate ful women who have been cured: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— (First letter.) “In looking over your book I see tlwt your medicine cures Tumors. I have beeu to a doctor and ho tells mo I have a tumor. I will bo more than grateful if you can help I do bo dread an operation."—Fannie D. Fox, Bradford, Pa. Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— (Second Letter.) “I take the liberty to congratulate you on tho success I have bad with your wonderful medicine. “ Eighteen months ago my period* stopped. Shortly after I r&t so badly I sub mitted to a thorough examination by a phy sician, and was told that I had a tumor and would have to undergo an operation. “ I soon after read one of yqur advertise ments and decided to give Lydia E. Pink- ham’ s Vegetable Compound a trial. After [ five bottles as directed, the tumor is ly gone. I have again been examined periods around ’ r well. It .ydia Pinkhatn’s Vegetable Compound in the house.”—Faunie D. Fo-, Bradford, Pa. Another Case of Tumor Cured by Lydia E. Pinklmm’s Vegeta* lile Compound. Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— “ AI k)ut three yearssgql had intense pain in my stomach, with cramps and raging hcmlm j—- ————it-—« »— — but fin< examined .... I had a tumor. I felt, sure that it meanfrtay death warrant, ! was very disheartened. 1 spent hundred* of dollars in doetoring, but the tumor kept growing, till the doctor said that nothing but* - o|ieration would save hie. Fortunately I the We# •<*sponded with my nurt in one of the I npou mitting to an oiieration, ana I at onco started taking a regular treatment, finding to my great relief that my general health began to improve, and after three months I notiood that tho tumor had reduced in size. I kept on faking tho Compound, and in ton months it hod entirely disappeared without an oper ation, nnd using no medicine but Lydia E. I’inkham’8 Vegetable Compound, ana words fail to express how grateful I am for the good it lias done me."—Miss LuelU Adams, Colon nade Hotel, Seattle, Wash. Such unquestionable testimony proves the value of Lydia E. Pinkham** Vegetable Compound, and should give confidence and hope to every sick woman. Mrs. Pinkham invites all ailing women to write to her at Lynn, Mass., for advice. Lydia E Pinkham’! Vegetable Compound i a Woman'! Remedy for Women'! lift. o♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • SEEDS ! ...NEW STOCKS COMING IN... I O' UR new seed stocks are now coming in and the sooner you give us a call the sooner we will have the pleasure of ♦ showing you how large and how well selected are the lines of (isrden, Farm and Flower Seed we have se ected--all fine “sure-to- grow” seed INSANE MAN CHASED WOMEN. MANY APPEAL FOR PARDON. A New York Man Suddenly Loses His Mind In Tampa, Fla. Tampa, Feb. 11—A well dressed nnd apparently wealthy man rogls- taring as Charles D. Smith, Now York, claiming to bo a steamship agent and advertising specialist, went suddenly Insane nt tho Tampa liny Hotel nnd tried to rout a party of Indy guests In the ladles cafe, creating a panic. Two policemen were summoned and took Smith to Prison Commission Held Monthly the police station ,where ho acted Meeting Yesterday. wild!-. Smith claim* that hlB tarn- Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 14.—The prison Ny I la Orlando, Fla., spending (he commission Is In regular monthly winter but Inquiries failed to reveal session today with all the members their whereabouts. He Is still con' present. An unusually large number ; lined at the statlah giving vent to of appeals for pardon or amellora- frequent outbursts.'' ♦ a. a. Carswell company. SUCCESSORS TO X , W. H MASHBURN. $ tlon of sentences are to be consid ered by the board, and their meet ing is likely to continue for a good part of the week. Governor Terrell commuted the sentences of two Griffin negroes, Lem Greer and Sim Smith, both con- demneu to death for murder, a few days ago, and the commission wili take these cases up this afternoon tomorrow. ,The other cases aro largely unimportant and aro for minor offenses. Letter to C. C. Joyner, Valdosta, Ga. Dear Sir: This story cuts two and teaches two sets of peop’i Father Galvin, Westerly, R. I , had his church and residence p-unf- Good Job; and this is how he went at it: Measured all carefully—seems to known Devoe. Then got bi Is from the painters, paint supplied by them and by him. Saved $70 by using Devoe. One of those painters ought to have got. that money. Yours truly F. W. Devoe & Co. 13. Take cold eislly? Throat tender? Lungs weak? Any relatives have consumption? Then a cough means a great Cherry Pectoral deal to you. Follow your doctor’s adv,ce and lake Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens, prevents. was. v.r:..«s k’".w it Weak Lungs ffi-l!3!rl!*fc4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 < + * + + , l , **F4-4*4‘4-*l-4.{. JE^Tliis BOX of MONEY will be given away FREE to'the |holder of the key which unlocks tl e lock. ONE KEY GIVEN WITH EVERY $1.00 PURCHASE. ONLY ON6 KEY WILL UNLOCK IT- J. Y. Blitch, caidiier • f the First National Bonk, unlocked this box and put the key with the other keys, J. BLACK, 115 N. PATTERSON STREET, VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. •;* i* ’• *:■ •:* -:- t + 'H- 44- New goods every day at Tho Har- ^ , , . . Ayer’s Pills increase the activity of ley's; business gnawing all the time, ttw liver, and thue aid recovery. FERTILIZERS My connection with the Armour Fertilizer Works enables me to give the trade the very best goods on the market at the least cost. See me before buying. Office In rear of the Merchants Bank. H. Y. TILLMAN.