The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 17, 1906, Image 8

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a THF, V ALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUAKY 17. 1906 JOARD OF TRADE MEETING. ! MR. JESUP MAKES A CHANGE. is Made State Superintendent of Agencies for Mutual Benefit. j > take from the Macon News of l»th Inst., the following refer- j 9 to a former well-known Valdos- ‘ His friends here will rejoice at ; MEN QUIT SELLING.! ! Largely Attended Meeting Was Held Yesterday Afternoon. ^ompiainl was Made Becau Congestion of Traffic m ' of Die Atlant c Coast Lin Place.Many New Member to tl»e Organization. e of the ie Yards at This Added Wednesda eslerdayn aft*- the purpo »f coriHi.lerlng the prop »slMon which 1 in been mark* the city by the Hen- lerAon-Crn nford Buggy Company* j'jMnf! to the re-establishment of hat enterprise here. A committee coriHisting of Me.ssra D. C. Ashley, C. R. Ashley, W. L. r ’onvorfk* and W. B. Conolly wan ippointed to canvass for subscrip- Iouh to the fund for taking fifteen ‘housanil dollars worth of the pre- 'erred shsk in the enterprise, as >er the conditions which the compa ny had named for re-entering busi ness hen*. It is understood that somthlngover on thousand dollars was subscribed ( /esferday afternoon * and other (mounts will be taken. Mr. D. C. ; \shley bad to go t*> Jacksonville to- lay. so the canvass was not com- j deled, but will be when he returns. I Congestion of Traffic' on A. C. L. j Rome complaints were made in j "”gard bo the congestion of traffic continued advancement in his ! :i field. , "Mr. Joidan L. Jessup, one of tht l»st known life insurance men in G-orgia has terminated his connec t‘.onwith f be Equitable and from now on he will be superintendent of agen <'les in Georgia for the Mutual IL-ne- .!fe Ii:f N. J. thre Mr. Je yea 1 had charge of the Equitably, h in Macon and in that, tini more businr the history of the company be- ! tracts They Want This Year I Agents on the Road are Notified not to Make Any More Contracts, as Ertfire Output Has Been Contract ed for—The Farmers are Far Be hind With Their Work. (From Wednesday Dally as been in the life insurance for the past fourteen years has builded a reputation for The fanners of this section aie further behind with their crops than at this he representative of the Mutual Ben 1 •fit in Macon and with him will be ; ti. ityle," but the modern hat for lots to answer for. Buldheads are growing rr jus every day. Hats mal yards of tlio Atlantic Coast Line \ breeding places for the par; , - „ , which sap the life from the it. tills place, and the following res-' fc a j r . dution was adopted: 1 When your hair begins to fall .... . . .. . . your scalp Is full of Dandruff Whereas, The service of the At- sure algn tha t these countless ge lantlo Coasl Lino Railway in dellv-; busily at work, ering cars after arrival in Valdosta hhnself that places him in The front I tbo5r bave been iD man >' > oars rank of insurance men in the coun* j time. Most of them have don 1 noth lry i ing at ail by way or preparati In, due Mr. J. F. Mercer will continue as j the wet condition of the 8 dl and to the continued rains. A The fertilizer factories, it is said, ansoclati.l Mr. 0. D. McClure, an- j have called all of their agontftli and other you tig Macon man who has I ar 6 making no more contracts^ Their made a reputation for himself in the • sales have reached the full capacity Insurance business. j of the factories and no more ^orders "Mr. Jos up will he under Mr. Clar , are to be taken for wholesale, onco Angler of Atlanta, tae state : The sales of fertilizers are salj to •agent for the Mutual Benefit and his bave been very heavy and the out* many friends will he glad to learn I T°°b is that more fertilizers v/ill be that his headquarters will still be In j U8e< * this year. Ordinarily this Macon." j i wol, lJ mean a greater acreage In cot ■ ■ * J ton, though it is claimed that this is vniio uat ’ not true this year. The farmers are farming on a more intensive scale and more fertilizers ar£ used per acre than formerly. It is not believed that there will be any increase in the cotton crop through this section. The bad weath er will help cut down the acreage, even if the farmers had not already decided to plant less of cotton. Bigger Yields A given number of acres fertilized with Farmers’ Bone produce a greater yield of cotton, than the same acreage with ordinary fertilizer. Farmers’ Bone does more than that. It makes it possible to reduce the acreage and increase the yield. Try it this year. The man who uses FARMERS BONE S<rllnh One, Dut It Makes Trouble. usually buys a hat that 1 KILLED BY MACHINERY. There is but one way trouble ami kill th*» germs—tb has boon very bad, one firm claim-J to apply Nowbro’s Herpleid iiiK !*> lutve had twelve ear loads *”J. r> T, !l ,uro ’to” nm*”'" 10 •»f goods Ued up in their yards, some j Sol.1 by lead, of them having been there for days . tw^j* and weeks, and. A. E. Dimmock. Special Agent Whereas,, appeals for relief to th? local authorities bring no relief. Therefore, be it resolved by the ValJosta .Board of Trade, That w<* respect fully request the proper o'- ... , . . . , fleer. t„ lavontlKate this stale of of. b >' t, ' rbln an " «»">»» Ca,hoI ‘° mls ‘ r00m olllng tbe m “ hlner * aJd ln fairs and place 'the blame where it John Thigpen Met His Death in Eastman Works. Eastman, Ga.. Feb. 14—John Thig pen. a young white man who was a former resident of McRae, and who had accepted a position on Tuesday last with the Eastman Oil and Fertl- instantly killed Boxers Barn Missions. Peking. Feb. 1.1—A dispatch from U*er Works, was Amoy today confirms the report of here today, the destruction of the English Pres-, Mr* Thigpen w«n the boiler belongs, and to give Valdosta ship pers the service to which they are entitled. It is understood that 1 th sions at Changpu, thirty miles from some way unknown becapie en Amoy, by a mob described as hiding tangled in -the machinery,-which re- been composed of Boxers. The dam- * suited In his immediate death- age amounts t 0 $50,000. The Ameri* j There were no eye witnesses to can missions were uninjured. Details ! Hie unfortunate accident. bad bee pr •vfmisly taken up with nrojaektng. and It slat- hue a number of CrBnte „ the railroad official ©d this morning them would bo here today In their private cars to Investigate the com plaints and see what the trouble Is. The hoard of trade has taken on now life recently and many new members have been added. The list of members at the present time Is ns follows, taking in almost every business man In tlio city: M. J. Ghauucey, J. M. Wilkinson, First National Bank, W. L. Holder, Harley Hardware Co., J. E. Culpe\> per, C. C. Varnodoe & Co., A. E Dimmock, J. A. Dasher, E. P. Rose, Merchant’s Bank. X. Holcomb, E. M. Ashley, c. S P 'n birnnt, D. Cl. Griffin, C. n. Peeples, J. L. Staten Co., A. S. Pendleton Co. J. 11.! Howard, J. Cl. Cranford, B. S. ! Richardson. Davis Bros & Co.. R. i A. IVoplos, J T. Roberts, C». A. I Carswell Drug Co . .1. H. Henderson, j W. B. Conoley, Dr. Talbot. J. R. % Boring & Bro„ Ingrain & Hewlett, j Oliver. Williams & Grimes. Valdosta j Times. J. Flasher. C.lddens Furni ture Co.,I* Lewis Lippman. J. M. Fryer. J. H. Boring & Co., Bell &l Kirk, W S, Coley, J. K. Cuuthtvn, j W D. Newsom. Sloat Bros., Dorris, & Thigpen, Dalton Grocery Co., S. i WILL BE HANGED FOR CRIME. Breedlove. R. E. King. J. J. Me, W. Bentley, Georgia Fer tilizer Si Oil Co, Star Steam Latin- dry. W. F. Bamberg, Ousley & Co., Standard Furniture Co., Vallosta Meat Market. G. A. Whitaker, L. W. Scott, L. R. Christie. Ros^vie Rouse, Wilcox Si Patterson. J. M. Johnson, Geo. H. McGhan & Sons, J. W. Pinkston. Carter & Dorough. J. E. Springer & Co, Converse Bros., J. P. Dimer, Smith Livery Co.. W. II. Goodwin, Dr. J. C. Wilson, A. T. Woodward. L. J. Mlxson, J. W. Manlove, J. Black, Jones & Youles, Rape & Butler, J. E. Gornto. E. V. Gooding. L. W. Green. Mlller-Jones Shoe Co.. Val dosta Packing Co., J. L. Harris. Robert Black. Valdosta Mercantile Co.. Cranford & Walker. Ham Bros.. E. R. Smith .& Holmes, C. C. Jo March 15 Set for Date of Execution of Willie Andrews. Washington,. Ga., Feb. 14—Willie Richard Andrews, the confessed criin Inal assailant of the 5-year-old daugh ter of J. B. Roberts. In this county, on Jan. 20. was tried today and sen tenced to be hanged on March 16. Judge Holden convened a special term for the negro’s trial. Since the crime the negro has been confin ed in Richmond county jail and was I brought to Washington this morning ; He will be held in Washington Jail j until the date of his execution. Involuntary Bankrupts. Hargadln-McKittrick Company et. al. have filed a petition in the;United States court asking that J. J. Four- Barber & j tain & Son., general merchants, at !. L. Mil- , Tifton. he declared involuntary bank* girl face or a brave b<-y fa the pillow, adds test to Then, if ever, she ahould physical, mental and mot a MOirib'k'5 FRILND ap throughout pregnancy will of parturition, and no m >tf U.l to be healthv. hear*.v, * Our treatise " Motherhood *' nta The bradfiixo Hegulat burnt. J. T. Webb. O. P. Jones. ! rupts. A ^ AcI tlireetl >' on flic liver. I \ i;r/\#ec^ I W-4 I lev They cure consiipation,! r\ VCl biliousness, sick-he..dache. 1 VI U1 *■*-&*-> gold fo:- ?0years. ^7^.,: j Wart your moustache or heard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use KILLthe cough ANO CURE THE LUNCS *™ Dr. King’s Nsw Discovery ___ /'fONSU.T.PriON Price rOn 5 OUOKSand 50cSf$l.C - v ot - p , ?r ,'i.rif 1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■£■■■■■■■■■■ DON’T BUY YOUR FERTILIZERS UNTIL YOU SEE „ Major J. 0. Varned^e He has prices, that will entertain you. He represents W T Lane, who handles Kainit, Acid Phosphate, The Old Reliable Lane’s A. D. Bone. FARMER’S SPECIAL COMPOUND. til These Gi al Prices less ban tin On, ■■■■■■■■■■■a■■■■■■■■■■■■ •MO ,'LY LACK. PATENTS FEC nETURNCD. EXPCFliCHSt. CHARCKS ARC TRASC-MARKS, PEN- COPYRICHTS quickly obtained. Ooijoilte U. 8. Patent OfTtcei, WASHINGTON, D. C. H PAlMtand Practice Exclusively. • j '.SJ :.futu dt.-A't <f 7 UalwJ StaUi Taunt Offle*. h V/A3H1NGTON, C. C. ■□■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■BIB BBBBBHBBBBB BB BBBBBBBIBBB Bl EIIIBB1BIII BB .'EBBIBBII1BB BBDBBBBBBBBQB Thomas-Dekle Hardware Co., ... HEADQUARTERS .... Hardware Mill, Turpentine and Gin Supplies. Painls Oils, Brushes Sash, Door9 and Blinds. Buck’s Cook’ng Stoves and Ranges, the very best. Crockery ?md Glassware. Ellwood Fence, the most popular fence on the market. The Ellwood is built like a bridge, braced, supported and tied. No stronger or more substantial structure possible. Ellwood fence will hold your hogs, cattle, horses and poultry. We have all sizes in stock and cam make prompt delivery. Come to see us when in the market for anything in our line. j The Thomas-Dekle Hardware Company. ■ BBBIBBBBB "B IB IBhlllBIIII II B B ■ B |\b I I □ B B Bl QBBBflflBlll HEADQUARTERS FOR FLLWOQDwoviFi >*= POULTRY, RAES’T iFiQ LAV li,-t is I actica ' kSmi ' kiLWOOO FIELD FENCE (STAMQAR0 STYLE) MADE IN SX hEICtlTS taorougliiy effi- c i e n t under^ every possible condition. EVERY ROD OF ELLWOOD FENCE IS GUARANTEED. If you want your fencing problems satisfactorily solved, call and see the ELLWOOD FENCE and let us show you for how little money you ' can get absolute satisfaction. i