The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 24, 1906, Image 7

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THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 4 , 1906. L BE SPOT ON TUESDAY, FEB. 13th : We begin our regular : SEMI'MNUIL CLEARANCE SALE. at these ran We need not remind you that this is an honest sale, for our sales are too well known to the public to need defense as to their fairness. We ho d these sales to dispose of surplus s:ock, believing it better to sell them at some loss rather than to carry them over to another season. OUR EN IRE STOCK OF MENS’ BOYS’ AND CHILDRENS’ SUITS Mens Suits, Youths $12.50 Suit i, Now $8.35 Boys and Childrens $6.00 Suits, Now $4.00 “ 10.00 " . “ 6.70 « 4 4 44 5.00 “ ■ 3.35 “ 9.00 “ “ 6.00 44 44 44 4.50 " 3.00 ' “ 8.50 44 “ 5.70 ,! 4.00 2.70 “ 8.00 “ 5.35 44 « << 3.50 ' “ “ • 2.35 “ 7.50 *•* “ 5.00 44 44 44 3.00 2.00 “ 6.00 44 “ ■ 4.00 44 4 4 2.50 “ 1.70 5.00 “ 3.35 ,. .. 2.00 “ 1.35 Mali's Pants one-thiid uff. Boys’ Knee Pants one-fourth off. Men’s and Boys’ Sweaters ou«-third off Our entire stock of Winter Underwear for Men, Boys and Children go^s at oue fourth uff Don’t miss this opportunity to save money. You don’t have such a chance ,-often Carried over from 1905 will also go at 1-3 off. These suits are of the best grades ar.d makes, and the patterns are beautiful, and you can get a rare bargain in .one of them RULES OF SALE No Goods sent on approval; nothing exchanged unless agreed upon at time of sale, and nothing taken back- 150 SPRING WEIGHT SUITS: M A. BRIGGS, “The One Price Clothier. RAISING FLAG INSTITUTE. Patriotic Emblem to be Thrown to the Breezes on This Day. Washington’s Birthday Suggested a Unique Movement Among the Sev en Hundred Pupils in Attendance Upon the School—Musical Feature of Oratorical Contest. (From Thursday’s Daily’.) Today is Washington's Birth Jay and is a national holiday throughout the country. It Is probably more generally celebrated than that of any other American patriots. There is no special celebration in I 0 f a band of traveling horse traders. Valdosta except by the pupils of the ! or gypsies, which appearej there last Vaidosta institute, who will fling an j October. American flag to the breezes during I the day. There will be no formal bought Mule’s Neck wa, Broken, ceremony and the raising of the flag I Tllls n,ornln s a ne * r0 ,,0 - v was will be quietly done. | nul,os hltched to a ljad of wood along Patterson street when an electric car came along from the GLANDERS OVER IN CLINCH. State Vetinary flakes an Investiga tion and| Reports. The report of Vetinary Peter F. Bahnser, who was sent by Commis sioner Hudson to Investigate the cases of glanders which have devel’ oped In Clinch county, yesterday submitted his Yeport to the commis sloner. In this report the vetinary discus sed each of the several cases which he saw. told of the manifestations of the disease, and of the means used to treat it: also of the means used to quarantine and fumigate. He recommended that, in the ab sence of laws allowing the destruc tion of infected stock, the attention of the farmers be callei to the grave nature of the disease and that theyb c urged, If they prefer to treat a sick animal rather than kill it, to quaran tine the diseased cattle and thorough ly fumigate all bafns where the sick animals were confined. He said that the disease had been brought to Clinch county by the stoc* The patriotic emblem represents every pupil in the school, every one of them having contributed to its purchase. There are seven hundrel pupils and each one contributed the same amount, the money being used In purchasing the flag, which is to float proudly from the flag staff on the new building. The school had a holiday and the pupils were allowed to spend the lap as they saw fit. Most of the larger boys went hunting, while the smaller ones spent the day in playing about home, while the girls had parties and other functions for their enjoyment. The Oratorical Contest. The oratorical contest which is to occur on April 20th between pupils from the high schools of this section Is enlisting a good deal of interest The cohlest is to occur in this city and the occasion will draw a good crowd from the other places that will have contestants. A musical contest has also been added, a representative from each of the schools taking part in that The musical contest will consist* of a pia- ho solo by a pupil from each of the schools for a handsome medal. This will add interest to the con test and will increase the rivalry be tween the various schools and their representatives. BRANTLEY REPRE SENTED STATE. Congressman Presented Rawlings Case Before 0. S. Court. . fly Request of the State Attorneys he Presented the Matter in Washing ton—Only the Question of Jurors is Involved and a Speedy Decision is Expected. (From Thursday’s Daily.) Congressman Brantley represent ed the state of Georgia in presenting the motion before the United States supreme court to advance the Raw lings hearing before that body. The only question with which that court has to deal is the constitution al question In regard to the selection of the Jury, the defendant’s objection being based upon the fact that peo ple engaged in certain callings were the jury list. It Is believed that a decision upon this point will be -reached In a short rime and* that the motion will be granted. Then the hearing upon the main question will j given In the neighborhood follow. It Is probable that Attorney Progressive hearts was pin; IN THE SOCIAL REALM. • (From Thursday’s Daily.) ““After the theater Wednesday even ing Miss Willie Pearl Davis gave a delightful Dutch supper for her ,the Misses Hawkins. Those .fire Misses* Hawkins, Wil lie Pearl and Nanle Lou Davis, Mes srs. -Harrell, R. W. Davis, R. Myd dlfton, B. W. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Coley. / Wymodausis Meeting. The open meeting of the Wymo- dnusis club yesterday was largely at tended, and a most interesting pro gram was rendered by Mrs. W. H. Griffin and her committee. The picture contest was a pleasing fea ture of the afternoon, Mrs. J. L. Staten and Miss Mallio Bacon each receiving a blue ribbon. At the con* elusion of the program light refresh . ments were served. ; PENSIONERS CANE MR. WRIGHT. Tlie Compifollsr General is Hand- ! soniely Remembered. Confederate Pensioners of Lowndes County Present the Popular 8tate Official with a Beautiful Cane, as a Testimonial of Their Esteem and in Recognition of Services Ren dered Them j The Confederate veterans anJ ! widows of this county, through Or- ! dinary A. RECKLESS SHOOTER FINED. Miss Camilla Stevens entertained at whist Tuesday evening for the Misses Hawkins of Amerlcus. Those j rented a handsome gold-headed cano invited were Misses Hawkins. Willie I to Comptroller-General. Wm. Pearl Davis, Nanle I.ou Davis, Ab bott. Messrs. Shaw, Clower. Stephen* Davis Harrell. Cheney. Delightful re- f-eshments were served. A Neighborhood Heart Party. Mra. W. P. Dorough entertained i pensions, at a few friends this morning at an In I fed by the formal heart party, the occasion be- ( lng one of a series of small affairs cently* j d, Mrs. - See Roberts and Jones for fine horses and mules. They have just re ceived an extra nice shipment of farm mules, turpentine and timber mules. 21-w-tues and sat park. The team met the car at the corner of North sreet and began to rear, one of them falling to the ground ar.d the other on top of it. The animals remained motionless | wl]| g0 lo Washington to argue that j china nut bowl? After the game u for a moment and the negro began to que8tton . llmilRh vel ,- little argu- [ delightful luncheon was served. ment will be required, as the matter it • • • which is to be decided is not clouded j mIks Stisle Pardee will entertain in the least. Thursday evening for Miss Willie Rawlings Gets New Bible. j Pearl Davis’ guests, the Misses Haw- J. G. Rawlings received a lot of | kins of Amerlcus. spiritual advice, as well as a new ref erence Bible Thurslay. Both came from the same source, a gentleman living at Ilahira. He sent quite a lengthy letter to the sheriff and asked that It be deliv ered to the condemned man. In the letter he asked Rawlings to quit hunting out references about the wrath and condemnation of God and look for those about His goodies* and mercy, which endure forever. Among the passages which he points out are the Cth chapter of Matthew, tile 18th chapter of Mat thew, 24th to 25th verses, about a certain king and his debtors. Also Romans, 4th chapter and 10th to 24th verses and Ephesians. 2-3. What effect? the reading of those chapters, will have upon Rawlings hope for the future remains to be seen At present, however, he thinks there is no hope and rather than have to continue subsisting on Jail food he wants to bo hanged and end it all, so far as the "earthly taber nacle** is concerned. yell that one of the mules’ neck had been broken, as he heard it crack. The animals were finally extricated j from their tangled position and the hoy drove on whith his wood. The scene was quite an amusing one, de spite the distress which the situation brought to the boy. A Correction. In the advertisement of Mr. J. Donaldson, of Meggett, S. C. f who is advertising cabbage plants The Times, the printer made an un fortunate error in the price. The price should have read $1.50 per 1,QQ U per single thousand, or In lots of 5,000 plants at $1.25 per thousand, instead of $1.75 per 1,000 as the printer made it read. We call the at tention of our readers to the correct ed advertisement which appears In this issue. mom but Mr Insls WANTED— Those who consider their eyes worth more than 50 cents to see me, if they have any eye trouble. I relieve the cause of all eye trouble. Geo. B. Wood, eyesight specialist. Party with $1,000 wants to buy an interest In a good business. Can fill place as clerk or bookkeeper. Ad dress. X. Y. Z. w 20-wlt-J2t Wright, of Atlanta. The gift was made in appreciation of the volun tary services Mr. Wright has render ed the Confederate pensioners in connection with the payment of their 1 has been acknowledge Comptroller In a very itching letter which wo print below Tin pensioners felt like, they tght to pay the ordlnarv for pre- ■ ring the pipers and paying over d In fact he Is 'allow* j ipulated fee In each -Mmms declined to re- ■ y. and when the pen-1 •I, the ordinary sug- ! that tliew make Comptroller al Wright a suitable present, d. Mr. Wright has done trtuch :ary work in preparing pension s, and has saved the pension er! considerable money by preparing receipts for the various sums and thereby saving the expense of the or dir,ary having to go to Atlanta for the money. The ’suggestion by Mr Simms was enthusiastically received and a very handsome cane was pur* • * * chased. Mr Wright’s name was en Mr. A. C. Howard, of Doerun, was graved on the head and the gift sent in 'h»» city on business yesterday. by express a few days ago. I Boi ow ia 'ii- Wright's letter: Big Turnip In Berrien. j Atlanta. Ga., Feb. 20, 1900. Mack Patten, of Mllltown, has rais- Judge A. V. Simms, Valdosta, Ga. ed a turnip that weighed fourteen Ed. Will ams, Colored, Fined $100 for Monday Night’# Work. (From Thursday’s Dally.) Ed Williams, the negro who took a seat near the negro Odd Fellow hall Monday night? and fired about eighteen shots from a long-barrel, 44 calibre revolver at negroes In that nelghborhoo i, was arraigned before Mayor Roberts Wednesday utul plead guilty to the charge against him. Ho said that he was drinking and that he had nothing against anybody and that, usually, he was not that klnd> negro. was fined $100, wnich ho paid, drawing a purse from fits pocket which contained something like $140 After the trial ho was sent back td the city prison to await the uction of the state courts, it being supposed that warrants will be sworn out Simms, have Just pre- \ gainst him by one of the parties who were hit by bullets from his gun* The other negro Joe Mitchell, who was arrested at the samp time, was turned over to the sheriff of Mitchell county, who reached the city Wed nesday afternoon, and carried him back to Camilla. It is not kuown what charges are preferred against Mitchell In thut county. rol Hart and Solicitor Thomas j. .jj, Harvey winning the prize Miy. J. H. Stokes and her son, J. H. Jr., left this morning for Mobile to attend the MarJi Gras in that city. Mrs. O. H. Pafford, of Waycross, has returned home after spending a few days visiting friends and rela tives here. P"l»- Issueing Tax Executions. About seventy-six executions were Issued from the city clerk's office to* day against delinquent tax payers In the city. About two-thirds of them I were against negroes and the re- I mninder against white people who j have neglected to attend to the little j matter of paying their taxes. Some j of the whites are well known citizen* [ who have simply overlooked this im i portant duty of the citizens. An of ficer will probably Jog their memory a bit luring this week. Dear Sir:—I beg to acknowl- nf tht > uroo*t I«*dgo with my great pleasure the re- rounds, which Is one of the largest of fh „ beautiful walking cane ■(•ported this season. When Editor whlrh you were delegated by the 4erring, of the Tlfton Gazette, reads Confederate veterans and widows of his item he will probably regret that j Lowndes county to present to me as i. waged a crusade to have himself j a loving token of their appreciation ind Tlfton cut off from old Berrien *i .CO to B. J Donaldson, Meg- getts, S. O., and get a sample box of Cabbage Plants lor your garden. 2-13-4t For all kinds of surety bonds ap ply to B. 8. Richardson, Valdosta Ga little them. Ice I have rendered beautiful gift, dictated the grateful hearts of the donors, is more highly prized than mere words can express, and I shall ever cherish It. as a substantial testimonial of -their love and esteem. Please say to each of them, how ever that the little service I have And Other Industries, Too. A Jealous neighbor alludes to Val dosta as the center of the hot air In* dustry in South Georgia But Val dosta is a growing town—Savannah Press. FOR SALE—'Weil*'established bi cycle, gun and general repair shop at a bargain. Reason for selling, l have a business In another place that demands al of my time. W. H. Good win, Valdosta, Ga. 15sw4M6t WANTED—50() battel* good ‘■yrn]* delivered within the next ten dav*. Will pay cash. South Georgia svrup Co. * 22-*w ln> done them and which I shall contin ue, has been really *‘a labor of love** and the consciousness of doing a kindness for one of them Is more than ample compensation for any thing I may have done. Goj bless each ami every one of them as well as yourself, dear judge, Faithfully yours, Wm. A. Wright