The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 03, 1906, Image 4

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THE PLAQUE OF WINTER Every Catarrh sufferer dreads the return of cold weather, for at the first eold breath i the season this pi a true of Winter is fanned into life with all its mis rabl>- svmptoms. The nostrils are stopped up, and a constant drop- •iojj if nu, . haflc into the throat keeps up a continual hawking and epit- f-v? t p wist has dull headaches, ringing noises in the ears and a half f-'-i'-' p. nTi - ed feeling all the time. Every inner lining and tissue of the Jealy Ik com. s inflamed, and secretes an unhealthy matter which is absorbed antn the blood and distributed to all parts of the body, and the disease be- roevra constitutional. The catarrhal poison brings on stomach troubles, ■s. «. rue Kidneys and Bladder) attacks the soft bones of the throat and Jw.,.iari,i if not checked leads to Consumption. A disease so deep-seated dangerous cannot be washed out, neither can it be smoked away. Spravr. washes, inhalations, etc., are uselesa, because they only reach the membranes and tissues, while the real cause of the disease is in the blood. S. S. S. cures Catarrh because it attacks it through the blood; it goes into the circulation and drives out all unhealthy accumulations and catarrhal matter, and when thia is done every part of the system receives a supply of rich, pure blood. Then the inflamed mem branes and tissuea heal, all discharge ceases, the depressed feeling of the body is relieved, and „ every symptom passes away. S. S. S. goes to •QBjf • the very root of the trouble, and by purifying •uwia ursrTini F and enriching the blood and building up the x(f«it.LT VfcUfc I ABLE.. ent j re py S t em , cures Catarrh permanently^ If you Ttnve Catarrh do neft waste time with local remedies, but begin S. S. S. write for our book and any medical advice without charge. a THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GO. IMMENSE GAIN IN DRINK BUSINESS. Bars Men from Employment Every line of busitie*» is beginning to shut its doors absolutely to drinking men. Kuninesficompetition lias liecoineso kerii that only men of steadfast habits can nod employment. Employers do not i The Oldest Whiskey House in Georgia ESTABLISHED IN 1881. 1 OLD SHARP WILLIAMS Pure Pint- Old Rye By l!>« rsllon IS Ml 4 full quart* W. E*pre-R prepaid. QF.O. J. COLEMAN RYE Pure PenRrlvtinin Ilye, rich and w»etllow By the R*llon Vi.76. 4 full quart* W OO Kxpre prepaid. ANVIL AYE Pure HubHtential Family Whiskey, or the gallon #-’50. 4 full quart* 12.90- Expreae prepaid. CLIFFORD HYE By the gallon W’26. 4 full quarts I2.M. Kxpr.n* prepaid. OLD KENTUCKY CORN Direct from the Bonded Wnrahohse, Fine and Old. By the jrjlon W.00. 4 full quarts W 50. Kxpreee prepaid. OLD POINTER CLUH CORN Kich and Mellow. By the gallonJ2.50. — j full quarts *2.90. Rxprer* prepaid. Wo handle nil the lesMiig brands of Rye uiid Bonrlion Whir kies in the market, and will save von from 25 ja-r cent, to 50 percent, on yoni purchases. Sen*• for price list am! catalogue—mailed frce’npon application. She Altmayer & Flatau Liquor Company. MACON, GEORGIA. Empio; dieted to fit condit rink. that are ad- att is not in handle responsible work. I drinking i to Meet the Demands. Both of the Railroad Yard* Have Been Blocked With Business and Both are Preparing Large Exten sions of Track Facilities—At Work Night and Day. (From Tuesday's Dally.) There has been an enormous in crease In business of all kinds at the depots here and what. fs thought to be sufficient track facilities for years has proven to be Inadequate for the business of this year. The Georgia Southern yards are blocked with cars Just as the Coast Line a were a week .%go, and both roods are working tneir switch en gines day and night In placing cars. The Georgia Fertilizer an.l Oil Co., alone, is giving one crew about all ihat it can handle every night. From fifteen lo twenty cars are loaded dally and these would ^increased If it were not for the fact that the com pany has been unable to employ enough laborers to do the work. The Coast Line has given orders for extension of Its dray tracks and also for a number of changes in the yar.js here that will adJ to the capac ity of the road for handling the bus- in<*««. & drinking diseases the system. No "will power” meal is necessary. • Cures Whiskey and Beer Habib Take OERINE Quietly at Home! To core without patient’s knowledge, bnv ORRINK No. 1; for voluntary treat ment; buy OKRINE No. 2. Price, $1.00 per box. Cure Effected or Money Refunded ■ Book on "Drunkenness” (sealed) free on reonest. ORRINE mailed (sealed) on r> S?Pt of fl by THE ORKINE CO., Inc- Washington, D. C., or uoid in this city by 3$ A. E. DIramock, Patterson Stt Valdosta, Ga. A PECULIAR ACCI DENT JO LAD Young Owen Thompson Killed While s Father. ■ JOHN T. ROBERTS ■ H Can save the people throughout Valdosta’s ter- = ritory good money on BUGGIES AND WAGONS, Conducto r>i Hubert, one of tHe nt conductors on appointed yard master in order to hurry up = SPANISH TWO-CROP ; * PEANUTS. : Early Ninety-day Corn. Chufas. Velvet Beans. Cock’s Prolfic Corn. Rocky Ford Canteloupes. Reason Melons. j ! Rattlesnake Melons. . = lijnj Burt’s Spring ^ - BEST STOCK - LO WEST PRICES Cm Sm Bon Durant’s Drug and Seed Store. Valdosta, Ga. ' at 'this plat tin* iiusines! It is said also that the Coast Line is planning for a numb) and ariiirion* ami -that before foi wnrditJjj^.|)*Hi separate’ build!’ The Georgia its new depots ding muehvtracl ing them toward in alb of the curve an<TT^ will ‘be use of the It Is snld, too.-yr buslnescs of \l5$s- roads is-:• keeping pace with the freight business In its Increase The Coast Line's Increase here for January was thin tn ■ the largest on They Were Stretching a Wire Fence When the Wire Slipped From the Clamps, Throwing Them Against the Boy’s Head and Producing a Wound that Ended in Death. (From Tuesday’s Daily.) \ peculiarly sad accident was re ported to The Times rrom the Mor- dghborhood of Brooks county this morning. •esulte; “to sfretch , Owen Thompson came along volunteered his services to help Also on high-grade, hand-made harness,‘man ufactured in his own factory. His stock in all lines is very full and his facilities are better than ever before. A call or correspondence solicted. John T. Roberts. I VALDOSTA, - GEORGIA. ■lISBIBBIlBOBIIBIBRaBBB Harper Rye “On Every Tongue.” Scientifically distilled; naturally aged; best .and HiMones Shoe Co. | SHOES 1 Tstnr by leaps ariTbourj and the outlook Is that it will Unite to make as good a showing/ C. B. Surhans Testifies After Four Years. j B. Burhans. of Carlisle Center, N. ... writes: "About four years ago I wrote you stating that I had been entirely cured or severe kidney trouble, by taking less than two bot- j ties of Foley's Kidney Cure. It en- 111 rely stopped the brick, dust aedt- , ment, and pain and symptoms j kiJnoy disease disappeared. I glad to any that I hae aov< ! return of any of those during the four years-that sed uud I am evidently cui,^ eufod, and heartily recomn leyfs KJJney Cure to any , fering from • kidney 4g ‘. They were stretohing the wire, so as to make the fence tight and se* cure and had a very heavy pressure upon it The wire happened to slip , through the rUijr^j^ghpowingl^^ml —SdfCSt|for All llSCS. _—-X Sold By the young man on the head produc« ing injuries from which he died about twelve hours later. He lingered unconscious until death came to end his sufferings. He was a pupil In Prof. Ratliff's school at that place and was 1 one of the most promising boys in that section. His untimely death is regretted by all who knew him. % E. GORNTO & CO., Sole Agent. WHOLESALE rbr m«rrh*nt« of OeorcU. Florid* and Al»b*m* can raon*y by baying fivtr Mturka hrrr. Full line* c.trrlnl. No need to go Baltimore, Boston or i.(fi»r f-etory markets W* duplicate their |gooda *nd prices and can save —»u *nr freight rh*r*e>*. Miller-Jones Shoe Co., Valdosta. + + + + + + + + + ***** + + * + *****’>4. Ib9Mm s to t 4- + + + + 4* 4* 4- 4* 4* + 4* 4 t v t l* 4* 4* 4* 4. + 4. 4" 4* 4* 4* 4 1 4* 4" 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 44" - 1 \ , lunue u; >iulk or uis pruivcuug ui. Heard SoW-Good frult tVc ' es . clc - , He ha » “ ecur0j “>e — ■_ « headquarters of Torty-four telephone Sevqn or eight couples of young last evening nod enjoyed n; on tho srnpliophonen' and nn«r,..The oronM'Vemained there un.’. ff ho arc an > on e thl ‘ subscribers. a til about tea o’cioek. . EJa'dn morning tl^e forecast,.Tor ..tho ! 2 iday and the nnxt day will be tele- m Do Foley & . Co„ Cht Honey and Tar. nr ■ 4-, + 4- 4- 4- 4- This HOX of MONEY will be piveu away FREE to the holder of tli.- key w hich unlocka the lock. ONE KEY GIVEN WITH EVERY $1.00 PURCHASE. ONLY ONE KEY WILL UNLOCK IT- J. Y. Blitcli, caiduer nf the First National Bank, ‘unlocked tins box and put the key with the other kevs J, BLACK, PATTERSON STREET, VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. 115 N. Upon. originated, . - '»t nnj lung remedy, and o* «eCBatt?of the merit nud popularity of Foley', Hon ey and Tkr many Imitations are offer ed for the MJmlnc. These worthless imltatloiflk have similar eoundln? names. TOewarf of .them. The gen uine Foley’s Baser and Tar la In a yellow paekate-: Aak ftp It and re fnse any aubefUm,'- tt"J» the best reme'» for } mo., wed. Buffalo feao>' egg poacher, poach es tho fffti la i .minutes. To keep moats warm..'use; the poacher The IKiaohof.'anpa;, make' most desirable moulds for'j«lly")6r v <0rn starch pu.l- dlag By puQl la|;^e ip the lower pan the cooling tropes* mky bo has- tonol. See Miss Isabell SmlUi at The Hnrtey^#JjS. * iV. • Dangers OF Pneumonia. A col.l at this time if neglected is liable to cnuso * m^monfa which is so often fatal. ;m(k et^\waeu. pa ttent has recoiAjd |he ltitigs are weakened, makfhg them pTecnliarlv susooptlhle to devolhpnjcut of oon sumption. Folios Kouey and Tar will stop the eqtigh. hesil ihe Inngs and prevent pneumonia. LaOrippe coughs yield quickly to the wonder ful curative qualiUes'Qf Foley’s Hon ey an! Tar. Ttjpre. is nothing else "Just as good.”v» -ton. wed. frL direct of Georgia so that they will be of the forecasts In plenty of make needed plans for the if stock or the protecting of Dealers In lAfciiNos OF MULES and HORSES the hotpt rtiral phones. headquarters, of • these . mpatlieF, and 'then the 1 up each of the sub- rs ,aad;kft(fy th.-ia- 'of - what ' il .eipeeteC,' in the vw-ay' - y This wlll.oiso be beneAt, in the feendlrig out bulletin wpjrnlflipVor' cold waves iird ' heavy will greatly increase tU»f the weather M»JV‘It) all the state. . . ‘i Clears tHe Com. Grind Laxative Fruit ulates -^‘the liver and cleanses the system an complexion of pimples and It is the best laxative for w chlldrej$-/as It is mild and and does not gripe or sicken,* is much superior to pills. Jar waters and all ordinary catliai it does not Irritate the stoi^di owels. . mon. wed. frl. • '• * ARRESTED FOR PER^jtiXY. jfj Nea* York. Feb. 2r-4)li>trfct_ Af. turney erome today ai\1midifed En , the hearing for a Jew trial fo£,Albert] Patrick James Jordan one oft the witottWpg .from Texas confessed that he ^^Bjfcglitted perjury on the witness v §tand. His arrest was or j derei hjP' Jeronie last night and Jor dan ig now in the.Toombs. I You can find us at our new stables now be ing built in rear of the Roberts and Cranford building FENDER LUMBER CO., DBALBKS IN ALL KINDU OF Also Shingle*, L*th*,I5Scroli: Worh~*nd|a<oald1ng*|or All Kinds, date*, fUnlngl Kill and Lumber Yard on |Vnldosi* Southern Railway Between Georgia southern M Florida and Atlantia Coast LI as Railroads