The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 10, 1906, Image 3

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WORK or BUILDING - TO Canning Factory Stockholders to The Company Will Name a Building Committee and B;g;n Work, as the Stock is Fully Subscribed—Depot Contract May be Let Today—Other Building News (From Tuesday's Dally.) The capital stock of the proposed canning factory has been fully sub scribed and the stockholders will have a meeting this afternoon for the purpose of naming a building com mittee and to take such other steps as may be uecessary in order to put the project under way The factory is to be built so as to handle this year’s fruit and vegetable crop, and it is estimated that it will create a market for a vast quantity of garden truck, such as tomatoes, etc. The oldfashioned, small toma' toes, will probably be in better de mand than the large ones, which are grown principally to snip. The com - pany will also can sweet potatoes and will handle five or six hundred bushels a day for that purpose. The factory promises to be worth much to the city creating a great de mand for large quantities of garden truck, to say nothing of the money which it will turn loose In wages. To Build the New Depot Superintendent O. M. Grady, of the Georgia Southern and Florida road, is expected In the city this af ternoon on business in connection with the new depot here. It is prob able that the coiltract for the build ing will be given out at once, though no particular date was set for It. Several contractors have ade bids on the work and it is said that some contractors will meet Mr. Grady here this afternoon to take up the matter with him. The depot is to large brick structure and it is said that the brick work alone, exclusive of the furnishings for offices, etc., will cost in the neighborhood of $20,- 000. Improvements in Bank Building The Merchants Bank is planning, tc make many extensive Improve* 'ments In their bank building, both on the outside and on the interior New tile, or marble, floors are to be put in, and the building is to be con verted into a modern bank building. This structur^, when it was erected • one of the most up-to-date build lngs In the city and it has held its own very well even during the pe riod of Improvements all around It. The improvements which are con templated will put the building again in the front rank of modem struc tures. 8ome Building Notes Brick is being placed upon the ground for the new steam laundry to be erected, for Mr. A. C. ' Short, near the Georgia Southern and Flor ida depot. Machinery for the new laundry has also been ordered and will arrive as soon the building can he completed to receive It. The work of building the new home for the Valdosta Door and Sash factory, which was destroyed by fire some weeks ago, is progressing satis factorily. New machinery has been ordered and the concern will be run' ning again before long STOKES SELLS INTEREST. Messrs. Norman Buys One Third of Southern Lumber Co. An important business deal made here Saturday afternoon by which Mr. R. L. Stokes disposes of his interest in the Southern Lumber Company to Messrs. M. D. Norman, J. B. Norman,. Jr., and John T. Nor man. The consideration was about twenty thousand dollars and is a good interest in one of the best pay ing enterprise* in Moultrie. The Southern Lumber Company operates planing mills and deals in dressed lumber. They have a large planing plant at Kingwoo.l, another at Tonraine and another at Tifton. The business has been owned by R. L. Stokes A. Huber and J. D. Stokes. Mr. R. L. Stokes has been in charge of the Moultrie office, and it is understood that he sells on ac count of the condition of his health The office work was too confining to him. The business has been in operation for three years anl has paid well from the very beginning.—Moultrie Observer. PROSTRATE NEGRO FIRED. After Being Shot Down Himself he Killed His Assailant. There was a fatal shooting at the still of J. E. Haddock & Company near Doerun Saturday night. The af fair was the outcome of too much drluk and of jealousy. The negro killed was named Jesse and was one of the best hands on the place. He was killed by another negro named Will Carroll whom he had attemptei to kill, and it is likely that the killing was justifiable. It seems that Carroll went over to the home of “Jesse" and while both were drinking they fell out over some woman. As Carroll wag leav* ing the shanty he was fined upon by Jesse and shot down. He had a pis tol but It was unloaded and he had only one caftridge In his pocket but he rallied and put his one cartridge in his pistol and returning to the door shot Jesse through the heart killing him instantly. No arrests have been made, and it is not likely that any will be made —Moultrie Observer. COURT COMES TOD Many Cases Settled, Some Con- CHICAdO’S -SINKING SPELL” Illinois Tunnell Causes Gradual Set tling of Big Buildings Chicago, March 5—Chicago is grad ually dropping into the "bore” under the streets known as the Illinois Tun- The big Marshal Field store started down today and smashed the glass In two big show windows, skyscraper across the street has set* tied until tenants are becoming frightened. The Pullman building has kone down so far that It is split from basement to the turret. The Gield wholesale structure on, Adams street has been sinking for month's, and Is still going down. At twelve dif ferent street intersections there depressions in the streets. BOY AND MULE DROWN. Boy Died With Foot in Stirrup and Hand on the Rein. Savannah, March 6—A peculiar story of a tragedy comes to Savan nah from Pooler. Sixteen days agq Mose Bailey a negro boy, was sent into Bryan county to get a mule be- onglng to a white man. He did not return. His mother feared some thing had happened to him. The man who owned the mule feared the negro had run away with It. Sunday the mule and rider were found drowned In the Ogeechee river near Meldrim twelve miles from Sa* vannah The boy’ feet were In the stirrup and his hand held tight to the rein. He had been dead several days when foupd. NAVAL 8TORES CONDITIONS Little Doing In Turpentine Circles at Present Savannah, March' 6—^There is lit tie doing In naval stores circles just now. The advice from the country is that there has been a very *ren ral box cutting and that about as ny trees are to be worked during he coming season as In the past. The cut of new boxes has not been extensive. Operators, factors and- exporters are awaiting the beginning of the new season and for that rea son there is not a great deal of ac tivity. The dally receipts are light and the market for ten days passed has been Jevold of unusual features The Docket was so Full That Many Cases Were Set for a Special Term in April, but When Court Met There Was Little to do—Railroad Case Was Settled. (From Tuesday’s Dally.) The jury which was drawn for the March term of the city court was this morning discharged until the sec* ond Monday in April, at which time a special session will be held to take up some matters that were crowded over from the session that was to have been held this week. When the docket was being ar ranged there was enough business on it to keep the court busy for a full week and many cases were crowded over to the special term In April Yesterday morning the out look was bright for a, busy session and jurors were chosen with a view to keeping them at work for a week, at least. The first case on the docket, that of W. T. Harris, of Quitman, vs the Atlantic Coast Lin, a suit for dam ages, was settled yesterday afternoon In a conference between the attor neys in the case. The exact terms settlement were not learned, though it Is said that Harris received something like $1,600 for his injuries. He claimed that a porter pushed him from the train while It was running and that he sustained serious injuries i a result. After this case was settled, It was found that other litigants were not on hand and several cases were dls* missed on that account. Still other cases were continued. One or two small matters were tak en up this morning and passed upon, but the Jury was not given a case4 Judge Smith will hold a short crimi nal session next Friday. UNHAPP1NES8 DISPELLED. Men and Women Unamimoaa About It Many women weep and wail and refuse to be comforted because their once mag nificent tresses have become thin ‘ auf men..ljicllnjto/J>refai>£. How’s Your Liver? It will pay you to take good care of your liver, because, If you do, your Uver will take good care of you. Sick Uver puts you all out of sorts, *nakes you pale, dizzy, sick at the stomach, gives you stomach aclyf headache, malaria, etc. Well U^r keeps you well, by purifying your Mood and digesting your food. There is only one safe, certain and reliable liver medicine, and that is Thedford’s Black-Draught ‘ “For over 60 years this wonderful vegetable remedy has been the standby la thousands of homes, and Is today the favorite liver medicine in the world. It acts gently on the liver and kid neys, and does not irritate the bowels. It cures constipation, relieves con gestion, end purifies the system from an overflow of bile, thereby keeping the body In perfect health. Price 25c at all druggists and dealers. Test It. KILL™. COUCH m CURE thc LUNCS * >n< Dr. King's New Discovery FOR ” " sscr SUMPTION Price GHS and 50c &J 1.00 'OLDS: .»■” Free-Trill. and Quickest (Junj’Tbr all THBOAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. A Boj. if Money GIVEN AWAY. Every purchaser of One Dollar's wortk of goods from ns is given u key to the hoc . J5- of money as shown in the illustration. tzr Among the keys to be given away i* 1 ucdcc tuc onv nc 0110 t,iat wi * 1 u, ^ ock t,ie box, au< * the loofcy HERE S THE BOX OF holder of this koy is entitled to open ttw MONEY. box and take the contents. Contest closes April 25th. Box will be unlocked by whoever holds the key, on May 5* 1906. E. R. SMITH & CO., Valdosta, Ga. WINE AND LIQUOR MERCHANTS. Announcement g The New Liquor House Is now open for business. I ask the public to call and get prices, as I make a specialty of shipping mail orders, which will always have my prompt attention. Remember we run no BAR. I have had twenty-five years experience In the Whiskey Business and I assure you that I will give you the best Whiskey for the money that you have ever bought before. All I ask of you is to give me a trial. I keep all Brandies for medical pur poses. That’s all. You will find the at 118 North Ashley Street. Louis Lippman, Valdosta, Ga, , ORINO Laxative Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to take A. E. Dimmock, Valdosta, Ga. Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It is guaranteed When Danger Comes Dependable Harneu li a dood sate-goaid axainat it. With a liar- new of our -i ake von kun/v roa have a reliable kind that will etand mniSt-altwIdiiiR-. ThiaJifbecaute it It made or ' The first quality f oak tabued leather darefuliri ed with the .trongest kind of hardware from bit to bnol Don’t forget we handle the South Georgia Boggy. The beet to 1» had in both lines you will find at our plaoe. Oomo to tee na. Ingram & Hewlett, 108 W. Central Ave. because the, diet: tfifinlgh the thatch on their cranium*. It will bo news to the miserable of both .ores, ttl loam that NeWbrols Herplclde has bev’n placed upon the market. This Is the new scalp germicide and antiseptic that act* by destroying the germ or microbe that Is the underlying cause of all hair de struction. Herplclde Is a new prepara tion, made after a now formula on an entirely new principle. Anyone who ha3 tried It will testify os to Its worth. Try lUrn s“n V d n Mc In *** + 4-** + + ++ + * + + + + * + + + + + +*+++ + + + *********- for samplo to The Herplclde Co.. Do- ^ “ — C » R. B. BItIE y ENICK, FRED. ORlMtf, C. P. THORNTON, •£• trolt. Mich. • * Pres. & Tress. Gen. Mgr. Beci ry A. E. Dimmock. 8peclal Agent. T iaT^s^v . .. Z' ^ The Eiks Had a Social. The Elks had a couple of candl- lates on hand last night, Mr. West brook Coley and Mr. Davis, of Dim mock's store. After the ceremonies In the lodge room, a luncheon was rved In the parlors. The menu consisred of Swjps. cheese, sliced meats, rye bread, pickles, olives, crackers, gluger ale lager, etc. The spread was one ol the best the Elks have had at their Informal affairs and the evening greatly enjoyed. Georgia's Oldest I. O. O. F. Lodge. Savannah March C.—Oglethorpe lodge No. 1. I. O. O. F. last night celebrated Its 6-lth anniversary. This lodge enjoyes the distinction of being the oldest Odd Fellows lodge in the state and besides has the oldest mem* ber of any lodge In Georgia. James Clemence has been a member of the order for forty-five years He was the guest of honor last night. “Suffered day and night the tor ment of Itching piles. Nothing help ed me until I used Doan’s Ointment It cured me permanently.”—Hon. John R- Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. Mrs. Rawlings on a Visit. Mrs. J. G. Rawlings and her iris- er came over from Coffee county an u spent a couple of days here on a islt to J. G. Rawlings and Ills ons. Mrs. Rawlings has not given up hope of saving the lives of her ons and she expeers to work to that n 1 as long as there Is any hope of ccomplishing anything. Celebrated Emmett's Birthday. Savannuh, March C—The celebra* tlon last night by the Ancient Order of Hibernians ani the Irish Ameri can Friendly Society In honor of the birthday of Robert Emmett was a very pleasant occasion. There were several speeches among the best be ing one by Mr. P. J. O’Connor. Large Crowd Attended. The first night of the Williams Comedy Company drew a large crowd to tile opera house last night and the play was satisfactory for the price.. The company Is playing at popular prices and mingled through the plays are some catchy specialties. It Is far easier to find fault at a boarding house than it is to find a satisfactory meal. Drunkenness Physicians pronounce drunken ness a disease of the nervous ays* tem. No "will power" can bea.’ the stomach membranes which have been burned and scared bj alcohol. Cures Whiskey and Beer Habit riRRTNE removes the craving for fiqhor by acting dirue*ly ohthb eff*ct*<1 nerre». The Atlas Copper Works, f MANUFACTURERS OF improved j„ r pentine Stills & Supplies BEST EQUIPPED PLANT IN UNITED STATES. + Special attention to repair work. I All classes of copper work solicited and prompt delivery of work. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP THE VERY BEST. EXTRA STILLS, WORMS, CAPS AND ARMS ALWAYS ON HAND. ** + + + *** + + ** ****** *+ * * + * + * * **** + + ***** toring the stomach a i normal condition, i A healthy man Is a king In his own i right; an unhealthy man Is an unhap py slave. Burdock Bloo.' Ritters builds up sound health — keep3 you 1 well. proving tl»‘ prim-- anu restoring me health. Nc san itarium treatntent or publicity. Tocure without patient’* knowledge, bar ORKINE No. 1; for voluntary treatment, buy ORHINE No. 2. Price $1 per box. Cure Effected or Money Refunded A registered guarantee In each box. li ** ou **Druukenne»s'’ 'sealed) mailed fre«-oi confidt-Mia.. :eipto< price A. E. Dimmock, Patterson street. Val dosta, Ga. Stalk Cutters RIDING Cultivators disk Harrows, Gasoline Engines. Farm Machinery and Farming Imple- ments of all kinds. W. H. Briggs Hardware Co. “Everything in Hardware.”