The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 10, 1906, Image 4

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. . Hf THE VALDOSTA TIMES, S ! TURDAY, MARCH 10, 1906. MAKES WRECKS NOT CLUES Thousands wm; nave had their health ruined by Mercury testify that it makes wre^ :instead of cures in the treatment of Contagious Blood Poi. c -n. "While it in .. majik the disease in the system for awhile, when the treatment is left off tl: trouble returns with renewed violence, combined with the dis astrous eff' Ls of tiiis powerful min eral. Mercury, and Potash, which is I ■uff^red grreatly from Cont*~Jou* ■Iso a common treatment for Conta- Sh^rfwrtSd VerSi^NM'lfiS* d?” jdons Blood Poison, eat out the lining me any rood-in fact the treat: ■r.'. «f the ctomach and bowels, produce i'fr'.lid’toM m™lmt s!s°i’‘bit* ‘--i- Chronic dyspepsia, cause the teeth to tainly cared him, and I imraodi ' -i ' iccay make spongy, tender gums, !°SS5»“ & th5°Sl.';. : '‘ ! * DETAILS OF RAIIi ROAD DEALS. THE GREATNESS OE GEORGIA. it in MU victims complete physical wrecks. BotunrOrMn^.D.'*. SANDERS. Another effect of this treatment is mercurial Rheumatism, the worst and most hopeless form of this disease. There it but one certain, reliable antidote for this destructive poison, and that 8. S. S. It is the only medicine that is able to go into the blood and cure the disease permanently. S. S. S. does not hide or cover up anything, but so completely drives out the poison that no signs of it are ever ^ seen again. S. S. S. is made entirely of roots, “ herbs and barks, and while curing Contagious PURELY VEGETABLE. Blood Poison, will drive out the effects of any mineral treatment. We offer a reward of $i .ooo for proof that S. S. S. contains a particle of mineral of any kind. Book with- instructions for self-treatment and any medical advice wished furnished without charge. mE S V/IFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAIITA, CA. The Oldest Whiskey House in Georgia iSTAPUSHED IN 1881. ' OLD 8HARP WILLIAMS Pnrf Fiat* Rte By ‘.he gaPon 13.00 4 fall quarts 43 50. Expr* prepaid. GEO. J. COLEMAN RYE Pure penxyWnnln Rye, rich and mellow By the KhlJor U 76. 4 lu.l .quarts 43.00 Expre prepaid. ANVIL AYE Pure .Solwriantiitl Family Whiskey, .St t the gallon 42 60. 4 tall quart* |2.W. Express prepaid. CLIFFORD KYE Z By the gallon 42 25.“4full quarts 42 Ex pres* prepaid, kw H ... OLD KENTUCKY CORN Direct from the Bonded Warehouse, Fin., and Old By the (.-.•’lion |3.C0 4 fell quart* 43.60, Ex pres prepaid. OLD POINTER CLUfe LORN We handle nil the h aoing brands of Rye and Bourbon Whikies in the market, and w ill save you firm 2T> per cent, to 50 percent, on your purchase^ Semi for price list anti catalogue—mailed free,upon application. I he Altmayer & Flatau Liquor Company, MACON. GEORGIA. SPANISH TWO-CROP : PEANUTS. ■ Early (Ninety-day Corn. CltUf**. YtiVCt Pwww —'corn. F Rocky Ford Canteloupes. Reason Melons. ■ Rattlesnake Melons. Burt's Spring Oats. Harden and Field Seed. BEST STOCK - LOWEST PRICES Cm Sm Bondurant’s Drug and Seed Store, Valdosta, Ga. SUB For Sale And ready fur shipment, fine Cabbage Wakefield Cabbage Plant*, grown in nprn air from U‘*t selected seed. Prices (dm than 5,000 $ .50 per 1,000. 5,000 to H>,000 $1.25 i*t 1,000. 8])ocial prices on larger miantttio*. Cheap ezpre>* rate* to all Middle and South Georgia and Florida imint*. Full count and satis- faction guarant«H*d. Send P. O. Money ontar with %il orders. S M- GIBSON & BRO-, Iliceboro, Ga. Fire Insurance. Tornado Insurance. Insure Your Property With Blitch & Richardon, Hf mn want «hr h«*st insurance in the I***»t rs*tr»j>.inie* W»- r»*pr**went nothing hot Hi*.* Ixvi -••i rick I vim! Building, 108 S. Patteiaon iftrtvt. Valdosta, Ga. Arm You A Doming Mother? Aro You Expectant? MOTHER'S FRIEND .uskrt chUJbtrth tur and aim'-it painless, by preparing til* system lor parturition, thus asset- Uix Nature, sad shortei In* laht-r. 1 he painful of childbirth UroUl -J of It--terrors, and l.;c d inger thereof k really lessened, to both mot! er tad child. The period of confinement U a!»c greatly shortened, the mothei fully develoi-ed, strong and I Harsh physics react, weaken the bowels, cause chronic constipation. Doan’s Regulets operate easily, tone the stomach, cure constipation. 2Gc. 1 Ask your druggist for them. Messrs. Williams and Middendorf Give Out a Statement of Their R cent Deals and Alto Give Some I timation of Their Plana—'Vald ta’s Name ia Frequently Uaed the Deal, But That la All. (From Tuesday’s Dally.) The following official announc ment from the Manufacturers’ Re ord relative tv> the proposed August and Gulf railroad which will be of the biggest trunk lines in south, will prove of gre^t latere locally as shown in the scope t/id e< tainty of this project The Georgia and Florida Constru tion Company,. Incorporated has bet organized at Richmond, Va., for ti purpose of uniting and forming L trunk line out of the seyeral Georgit railroads purchased by the syndicate ganized by John Skelton Wifi Hams of Richmond, J. William Ml<jj dendorff of Baltimore and their a# ates. Information from Rich mond received by the Manufacturers’ Record says that the Construction Company, with an authorized capital of 50.00U to $90,000, has the follow-* ing directors Douglas H. Gordon of Baltimore, president, and represent ing the International Trust Company of Baltimore, which is a member of the syndicate: K. L. Bemiss, vice president, and F. E. Nolting, Treas- urer. both of Richmond: A. H. Ruth erford, of Baltimore, secretary; Al ii rt II. Carroll, of Baltimore, Lewis C. Williams and L. M. Williams, both of Richmond. Buys Six Roads. The syndicate has thus far pur chased six railroads in Georgia with a total length of 227 miles. They are the Augusta and Florida 30 miles long, from Keysville to Midville; the Midville, Swainsboro and Red Bluff, railway, 29 miles long from Midville to Swainsboro; the Millen and South western railroad, 63 miles line, from Millen via Stillmore to Vtdalia; .the Oclllaj and Yaldoflta-Pitlro4Ul. 50 «j long, from Haxlehum via. Bro: and Ocilla to Irwlnville; the Douglas Augusta and Gulf railway, 57 miles long, from Barrows Bluff via Brox- ton, Douglas and Pinebloom to Nash ville, and the Nashville and Sparks railroad, 12 miles long, from Nash ville to Sparks The Millen and Southwestern has a small branch of four miles from Durdenville to Monte. It will be necessary to use only part of. some of these roads to form the proposed trunk Ine. The Connecting Links. To connect these various proper ties and make the proposed contlnu* ous railroad from Augusta to Vnldosta It will be necessary to build links as follows: Augusta to Keysville, about 20 miles, connection between the Midville, Swainsboro and Reb Bluff railway and the Millen and South western railroad, about 10 miles; VI- dalla to HazlehursT about 25 miles: total. 80 or 90 miles of new construe’ tlon. The proposed extension from Val dosta southeward Is not yet definite ly decided upon. The object Is to reach the Gulf of Mexico, and this may be done by building to Tallahas’ see to connect with the Georgia. Flor* Ida and Alabama railway, which would take It to the port of Carabelle or a direct line south might be chos en. From 50 to (50 miles of new line m!£ht be Required. The Story. The Empire State of the South has 59,475 Square Miles and 8ix Thous and Miles or Railway Lines—Geor gia Has Nearly 8,000 8choolt $50,- 000,000 Deposited in the Banks. Georgia's area embraces 59,476 square miles, and or nine climate belts in the United States, eight are represented. The lowest With an an nual temperature of 40 degrees, the highest of between 70 and 80 degrees Georgia ranges eleventh in point of population, with 36 persons per square mil*. Georgia has six thousand miles of steam railway lines, Georgia has 7.7S6 public school •houses, 10,360 school. teachers and 490,103 pupils. The cotton crop of Georgia in 1902 was valued at more than sixty-nine million dollars. Corn crop at more than nineteen million dollar to crop at more dollars, ami suga than two million Georgia ships loads of tile li;s Pota- than three million • cane crop at more Spread the World's Table along every line of longitude from North to South; every parallel of latitude from East to West; pile thereon the foods of every clime and Uneeda Biscuit will surpass them all in the elements which make a perfect world-food. In a dust tight, moisture .proof package. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Miller-Jones Shoe Co. thousand < .watermelons ev- WHOLESALE ry se The Valdosta Baseball Club. Manager Starr, of the Valdosta Baseball club, has tw’o or three no tices in this Issue of The Times hlch should be read. The ladles are especially Interested in the one hlch offers n season ticket to all games and the grand stand for the best guess as to the color of the uniforms and trimmings to be wx>rn by the Valdosta club. The team which has been selected the approaching an extra heavy is freely predicted that they will win the pennant. The Sa vannah Press of yesterday said that many sports there are already pre- the Valdosta Tree*. Remerton are and twenty trees this ich to the ap‘ pearance, as well as to the comfort of the place during the summer months. About five hundred of these trees were planted last year. The commercial p**ach orchards of Georgia contain sixteen millior trees. The value of Georgia forest pro ducts in 1900 was fourteen million dollars, and immense tracts of yel low pine and hardwood are yet un touched. Georgia has one hundred and elev- eri cotton manufacturing enterprises, operating 1,192.189 .spindles and 26, 645 looms. In the production of bleached cot ton goods Georgia rank^, fourth in the United States. Georgia has fourteen woolen goods manufactures capitalized at $455,114, an Increase of 183.4 per cent in value of woblen products in the de- qade ending ^with 1900. • Georgia has thirty-nine national two hundredLand forty-three.i>th SrTtanks; with an aggregate capital of $15,146,000; reserves of $9,000,000, ppd 'deposits of more than $50,000,000 l the he;»vy freight ohargi Want War Records for Georgia. Congressman Livingston has intro duced a joint resolution authorizing and directing the secretary of war to permit the Georgia soldier roster commission to make, or have made, copies of such company, battalion or regimental rolls/and rosters for the records in the department as the state authorities may desire. This resolution is introduced In conformity with the wishes of the Georgia commission. The war de* partment authorities are perfectly willing to give access ro the records for the purpose of having copies made, but cannot do so without a joint resolution of congress. A Revelation. If there are doubting Thomas’ or Maidens fair, or those unfair, who fain would be fair, let them use Dr. Felix Gouraud’s Oriental Cream and prove the efficiency of what the proprietors have so long tried to im press on the minds of all, in nearly every part of the world. As a skin purifier and beautifler it has no equal or rival. If the reader would prove the virtues of Oriental Cream, use it where a scratch or slight cut, where a black-head or pimple is troubling you, then you see its heal* ing and purifying qualities—If it doe* Its work well, then read the ad vertisement again for further testi- mony of its virtues, and by using Oriental Cream renew both youth and beauty. New Road* are Wanted. The county commissioners had a number of applications before them roads yesterday. One of the applications was for a road that was granted three years ago, but. had been overlooked and not opened. Two applications came from the Naylor district, one from Dasher and from Lake Park. The con^mls- not fully agreed as to grant these applications or not, but they will investigate Miller-Jones Shoe Co., Valdosta. Harper Rye “On Every Tongue.” Scientifically distilled; naturally aged; best and safest|for al> uses. 1—Sold By J. E. GORNTO & CO., Sole Agerit. JOHN T. ROBERTS « Can save the people throughout Valdosta’s ter* ® ritory good money on BUGGIES AND WAGONS, A Safe Cough Medicine for Children. Ia buying a cough medicine for hildren never be afraid to buy Cham berlaln’s Cough Remedy. There Is from It and relief ls al- v> follow. It Is especially colds, croup and whoop ing cot gh. For sale by W. D. Dun* away. Vale If a Also on high-grade, hand-made harness,'man ufactured in his own factory. His stock in all lines is very full and his facilities are better than ever before. A call or correspondence solicted. John T. Roberts. man’s heart Is all right hls not far out of line. VALDOSTA, GEORGIA.