The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 10, 1906, Image 5

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THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATlfRDAV, MARCH iO, 1906. ♦ * * * * * * * ** + *♦ ******************** ❖ * * 4* * * * ❖ ❖ ❖ * * * * * * * * ❖*❖❖**■:♦******** * t**************^^ <• £ ! AVERY’S DISC CULTIVATORS. * Gantt Cotton Planters and Guano Distributors. ; Vulcan Steel Beam Plows. Dixie Plows. * Georgia Ratchet Stocks. Double Stocks. * Plow Gear. Steel Shapes===Tke Best Made. * Kokomo and Pioneer Wire Fence. . . , . . * The Mpst Complete Line of Labor Saving Farm Tools Ever Carried in Valdosta j —PATT AIM'D 9FF OTTT? | J. E. Roberts Hardware Co., ; BUILDERS’ HARDWARE. *******4,^^ ********************** ********************* ’**************** STOVES AND RANGES. * * * + *** ***** *** *****************, HOKE#PLIE$ ALBERT. TO “GOOD SHIP IS SINKING.” Major Gillette Tells Why he Will Re turn to Philadelphia. Savannah, March 7.—Discussing his reasons for leaving the Engineer" ing Corps of the United States army to accept the position of Chief Engi neer of the filtration bureau of Phil* adelphla, Major C. E. Gillette sat’d today: “The good ship Philadelphia was in distress and as I was on board by voluntary assignment It would have been desertion for me to have left, even to take a life boat.” He says he expects to give Phila delphia filtered water in 14 months and cut down the number of typhoid The Candidate Returns the Attack and Says That Paid Politicians are a Menace to the People—He Also Charge. That Insurance Companies fever cases existing there, Had Albert on Salary List I Atlanta, March 7—In view of Al-i bert Howell, Jr.’s attack on Hoke Smith printed on Sunday, Mr. Smith 1 reference to Mr. Howell in his speech at Danielsville will be of In terest fo the public. / A Journal special says: “Mr. Smith said in part: 'The hired politician Is one of the greatest ob stacles to legislation and administra' tion in behalf of the masses of the people. Employed Representatives. “ ‘With the employed political rep- From the Wheel of Life. Here are some epigrams and phil osophy from Elen Glasgow’s new ndvel, “The Whoel of Life.’” The trouble Is that you don’t live on the earth at all, but in a ltttte hanging garden of the imagination. Somehow, success looks like sel fishness. * He who gives up his happiness and Is still happy has gained not only the beauty of his forfeited Joys, but has added to his own/i strength that is equal to the Btrength of his unful filled desire. I accumulate nothing but habits. Virtue is another name for wisdom resentatives of the railroad compa- and that is often found late, and in nies holding tl^e controlling position I hard places. OLD FOLKS TESTIFY. PETITION FOR CHARTER, All Old People In Valdoeta and Their GEORGIA—Echols County: Children Take Notice. | To the Superior Court of Said A time comes to every one when County: the life forces begin to fall. We be-I The petition of A. C. Garbutt, of to , feeI / flat T e . ar ? go,ng 'J own , Coffee county, Georgia. J. F. Bailey hill and perhaps that the end of ac- i A . _ _ „ ’ . tive service, If not life, Is near. and A. S. Bailey, of Lowndes coun- These extracts from some letters j ty, Georgia, respectfully shows: recently received from old people j That they desire for themselves, should be interesting reading: Mr. A. J. Baker, of Evansville, Ind., says, “I believe there is no oth er medicine equal to Vinol for old people. I would not take $1000 for the good it has done me.” *nrs. Sarah J. Windrom, cousin of the late United States president, Zachary Taylor, says, “Vinol is a God-send to old people. I am seven ty-six years old, but owing to the strengthening qualities of Vinol, I feel young, active and well today.” Mr. Jos. Bankson, of Decatpr, 111., seventy-eight years of age, says “Vinol has made me strong, active, they may deem best and well.” j own stock, tools and their associates, successors and signs, to become incorporated under the name and style of a. G. Garbutt Lumber Company; that the object of their association Is ror the follow ing purposes, to-wit: Carrying on a sawmill and lumber business, manufacturing lumber of all kinds whatever out or pine, cy press or any other kind of wood; to buy and sell tne same; to purchase, lease, own, operate and sell steam millB and planing mids and to use In connection therewith dry-kilns, in says ! necessary in or out of this state, as buy and implements PETITION FO.. CHARTER. STATE IP GEORGIA —Lowndes County: To tho Superior Court of said County: The petition of D. Ingram and Guy A. Carswell, of said State and county respectfully shows, That they desire for them- STATE _ County Court of Said County: 'he petit U>i - e.7 state' shows: i First: That they desire for them selves, their associates, successors JF GEORGIA — Lowndes Superior of A. F. Langforl a, both of Valdosta; la county, respectfully selves, their associates, Accessors JP'STSff and assigns, to become Incorporated -Li?® VaI ' under the name and style of “The j Inwell Manufacturing Company.” The term for which pe- to be incorporated of the machinery of the democratic party, entertaining your office hold ers and giving them passes, how can their Influence fall to impress Itself upon legiolation? V ^Wthile the employed politicians are about the state capitol dlstribut* ing favors you are quietly at home working to support ^your families. I have called particular attention to two men in Georgia who have been employed by corporations to influ ence legislation. “ T have called attention to Judge Hamilton McWhorter because the j Men have ruled the world In two ways, they have made the laws and they have made the Jokes. I haven’t faith in salvation that must be worked out by somebody else. Starving Isn’t half as bad as writ ing trash. Money has as much relation to hap piness as the frame has to the fin ished picture—all It does Is to Bhow It off to the world. There are two things one should never change—a perfume and a lover The Joy of living, after all is not Mr. A. E. Dlmmock says, “Vinol f and all other property necessary to owes Its virtue to the fact that it operate steam mills; to buy, own contains ' In a highly concentrated f and lease railroad iron anJ engines form all the active, curative, strong-! and operate tram roads and railroads thenlng and body-building properties! 11 # * or the purpose of becoming of cod liver oil. It makeB rich, red j cotnmon carriers, but to use in the blood, healthy body material andifitoduct of their said business; to sound, steady nerves, la this way^4vu and operate electric light plants It repairs worn tissues, checks the-, tod machinery, and engage in* the natural decline of the aged and re- manufacture of ice, and to buy and places weakness with Strength. Ev ery aged person in Valdosta should try Vinol'on our guarantee to refund the money if it fails to give satlsfac* tion.” A. E. Dlmmock, ’druggist. sell steam, electric and gasoline en glncs to be used In the conduct of their business or otherwise; to man ufacture from rough lumber all kinds of building material, to deal in all kinds of wood, pine, cypress and TRANSPORT INGALLS ON REEF8jhard wood, and to do a lumber and _____ naval stores brokerage business, and _ ...... . ! also to do a general merchandise Battalion of Twentieth Infantry on business; to manufacture brick and Board Wer© Rescued by Guards. I artificial stone to be used In erect- Manila, March 7.—The Inter-Island ing dry-kilns for their own use or transport Ingalls Is ashore on Ra* I * 0T . at wholesale or retail to the _ - _ .. .. . I public generally: to engage in the porapo Reef, off the southern coast manufacture of turpentine and naval ers ask to fe incorporated is twenty ' ‘l , *»? * i. 88 JTS.VS fthtt 0f renewa ' I ™" i; The capital “°sa,. 3rd. The iapital stock of the cor- corporation is to be two thousand poratlon Is to be one thousand dol- dollars ' divided Into shares of $101 lars, divided Into shares of twenty- each. Petitioners further ask the five dollars each. Petitioners, how- privilege of Increasing said capital evor^ajik the privilege of increasing stock from time to time to any Id^lSapltal stock from time to time amount not exceeding in the aggre- t exceeding In the aggregate gate ten thousand dollars, and also $5,000. ! to decrease said capital stock from 4th Twenty-five per cent of said ' tiro® fo time not lower than the ”* :ol stock of $1,000 has already original amount of two thousand pai l in | dollars. 5th. The object of the proposed ! Fourth: The whole of said capi- corporatlon is pecuniary profit and j tal stock of two thousand dollars haa gain to Its stockholders. Petition’ already been actually paid in. ers propose to carry on the business I Fifth: The object of the proposed of compounding ana manufacturing corporation is pecuniary gain and proprietary medicines and selling Profit to lt$ stock holders. Petition- tender by Governor Terrell to him j in having a thing, but in wanting It. of a place upon the supreme court bench carries proof to the public of the extent to which the influence of hired politicians has reached in the state His Insurance Connection. “I have called attention to Mr. Al bert Howell, Jr., not because he Is a brother of Hon. Clark Howell, but be cause proof before the New York leg lslative committee showed that even the insurance companies have sought to reach your legislature by political pull. “The testimony showed that the New York life insurance companies and the New York Mutual and New York Equitable spent over $500,000 in five years to influence legislation In 'different states In the union. The testimony showed that the scheme of the insurance companies was to ‘get the right man’ in each state, one politically so strong that the leg islator ‘who went agalnsthis wishes wouldgo out of politics.’ “The proof showed that Mr. Albert Howell, Jr. was the man whom the insurance companies got In Georgia, and that they paid him $1,500 per year. It Is unnecessary to show Just what these men do for companies which hire them. No man is so fool ish as fo suppose the corporations would hire them unless they produc ed results.” All life Is an evolution into the consciousness of itself. Clears the Complexion. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup stim ulates tlu liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and clears the complexion of pimples and blotches. It is the best laxative for women and children as It is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or sicken. Orino is much superior to pills, aperient waters, and all ordinary cathartics as It does not Irritate the stomach and bowels. mon. wed. frl. of the Island of Luzon. She will probably be a total wreck. A bat talion of the Twentieth Infantry, en route to Manila, where they were to transfer to the transport Sheridan for the United States, were aboard the Ingalls. They wero rescued by a coast guard cutter. The transport LIscum has been sent to take off the soldlerh’ baggage and render any as sistance. The sailing ot the Sheri dan has been delayed. We read a good deal about politi cal land slides at this season of the year, most of which is done to stlmu late courage. NEW YORK AMERICANS. Birmingham, Ala., March 7—The New York American Baseball team arrived here today and immediately Farmers Greatly Behind. The farmers are said to be fur ther behind with their crops than they have been in a long time, due to the continued rains. They have really done very little by way of pre’ paring the soil. It Is understood, too, that they con' template planting provision crops more largely than ever before. The low price of sea Island cotton the past year will drive them to this. Do Not be Imposed Upon. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley’s Hon ey and Tar many Imitations are offer ed for the genuine. These worthless Imitations have similar sounding names. Beware of them. The gen uine Foley’s Honey and Tar Is lr\ a yellow package. Ask for it and re fuse any substitute. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds. Geo. W. KEENE, DENI 1ST, Lake Park, - Georgia. CURRAN R. ELLIS, ARCHITECT, Dr. Clarence Whittington. DENTIST B. S. Richardson, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Valdosta. Ga. PHCENIX LODGE NO. 4. I. C. O. F Meets every Friday evening at eight o’clock, Ashley Building, oorner Patter-on 8t. and Hill Are It is said that Dr. Nunnally wants a joint debate with Hoke Smith, but begun spring practice. The team will It remains to be seen whether he will remain here until March 23rd. j get his wants or not. CRANFORD & WALKER, Attorneys-at-Law J ALDOSTA GEORGIA Office* Ashler hnlMina. room* I ®nrt j WOODWARD & SMITH, LAWYERS. OFFICE UPSTAIRS IX COURT HOUSE. ! stores by all of the methods in use, Including manufacture by wood dis tillation, and to do such general deal* Ing In merchandise and commissary stores as they may deem necessary to, carry on their sale business or for profit to the stock holders. They ueslre authority to buy, lease and own all such property, real and personal, as may be neces sary In the conduct and carrying on ot the business aforesaid, and to sell, convey, let and mortgage aud dispose of In any manner, at any i-Tie they may deem proper. They desire the further right to engage in farming and truck farming and the right to purchase and sell land for farm purposes whenever they may see fit to do so. They desire right to borrow n.oney and secure the same by mortgage or otherwls and the right to issue bonds In the discretion of the board of directors anfl t0 secure said bonds by mort gage or deed of trust oa any cr an of the property of said corporation They also desire the right and privi lege to form associations or partner •hips with any other corporation or with individuals for the purpose of conducting or carrying on any simi lar business. That their object is to do any and all the things above specified and, especially, to engage In the manufac ture of lumber and turpentine and to deal In timber and timbered lands for the profit of the stockholders hereof. That tue capital stock to be em ployed by them In said business is fifty thousand ($'50,000) dollars, all of which Is actually paid in, divided Into shares of one hundred ($100) dollars each, and tney desire the right to increase their capital stock from time to time ro any amount not to exceed two hundred and fifty thousand ($250,000) dollars, and slm ilarly, to decrease the capital stock not below the original capitalization' that there shall be no personal IK blllty of stoc holders who have paid their subscriptions in full. They desire the right and pjwer to pass such by-laws as may be necessary for the government and control of said company; to sue and be sued, and to have a corporate seal. That the principal place of carry ing on the business of said Company will be in the town of StatenvIIle, in the county of Echols, State of Geor gia, but your petitioners desire and j the same both by retail, and sale, and buying and using L, tides or medicines necessary to the ,-'impounding and manufacturing fif’d • ■•oprletary medicines and petitioners to be em powered with all the rights and privileges and to do and exercise all necessary acts that properly and le gally pertain to the business of com pounding and manufacturing propri* etary medicines. The principal place of busi ness of the proposed corporation will be the city of Valdosta, Ptattf anl county aforesaid. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under name and style of “The Inwell Man* ufacturlng Company,” entitled to the rights, privileges and Immuni ties and subject to the liabilities fixed by law. This Feb. 9, 1906. H. W. CARSWELL, Attorney for Petitioners. GEORGIA—Lowndes County: I. R. T. Myddelton, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the petition for char ter as appears of file in my office. Given under my hand and seal, this February 10, 1906. R. T. MYDDELTON. Clerk S. C. Libel for Divorce. GEORGIA—Lowndes County: T. W. Nicholson, vs. Florence Nicholson, Libel for Divorce. Thedefendant, Florence V. Nich olson, Is hereby required personally or by attorney to be and appear at the superior court of said county, to held In and for said county on •‘Ird Monday in May next, 1906, \ and there to answer the plaint* complaint for divorce as in re- * thereof said court will proceed as to Justice shall appertain. Witness the Hon. Robt. G. Mitch- 11. Judge of sail court this March 3rd, 1906. R. T. Myddleton, I Clerk S. C. >w»w propose to carry oa th4 busines* bricknrt!-l flclal stone and other /bonding ma terial; to contract f for and build , . houses and other structures, and to contract for and do street and rood paving;, and they further , desire the power and authority to trade In and handle all kinds of ouildlng materi als, an! all other such artlc’ss and’ things as may be profitably handled and sold In connection with their said business. They desire the pow er to act as general or special agents of other persons or ‘companies In selling or handling any article or ar ticles appropriate to their said busi ness or usually and conveniently connected with their busines-i; and to make contracts, to act ns such agents, and to exercise the usual powers and to do all other necessar? and proper acts which pertain to or ma.i he connected with tald manu facturing business, and the sold business of dealing in and selling: all sich articles and things as may be profitably connected with said business. They further desire the power and authority to lease or own such real estate as may be necessary In their sali business. Sixth. The principal office and place of business of the proposed corporation will be in the city of Valdosta, said state and county, but they desire the right to establish branch offices, agencies and factories elsewhere. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be made a body corporate in the nemo and style aforesal J, entitled ,to the ^ rights, prlvibg s and immunities and subject to the liabilities fixed by law This February 27th, 1906. WOODWARD & SMITHS Attorneys for Petitioners. Filed In office this February 27th, 1906. R. T. MYDDELTON. Clerk Superior Court Lowndes coun- tr, Georgia. GEORGIA—Lowndes County: Myddelton. Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, hero by certify that the above and fore- of this State as may be deemed I going is a true and correct copy of proper and necessary to the inter est of said Company. That they desire to be Incorpora ted for the period of twenty (20) vears, with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of such time. Wherefore, your petitioners pray fh:t they and thetr associates and successors may be Incorporated for the purposes aforesaid, under said ''Quorate name, with the capltaL and for the term aforesaid, and with** the rights aforesaid, and that they may have conferred upon them, their .as■•oclates and successors, all the rights, powers, privileges and lm- murlfles as are usual or incident to -uch corporations and to do such other things as are allowed to cor porations under the la'lVs of this JAS. M. JOHNSON. Petitioners’ Attorney. Petit n for corporation filed In the ask that the right be conferred upon ; Clerk’s Office this 8t.h day of Febru- such association to have agencies j ary, lyo6. and offices and carry on said burl- GEO. W. PRTNE. ness at such other place in and o-1 Clerk Superior Cfcurt Ecuols County. the original petition filed In my of fice this February 27th 190C R. T. MYDDELTON, Clerk Superior Court Lowndes Coun ty, Georgia. FOR 8ALE: GEORGIA—Lowndes County: Will be sold on the first Tuesday In April, next, at public out-cry, at the court house, in said county, with in the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a full and complete description: 16 acres of lot No , being part of the Drew Vickers lot. and bounded the north by Sam Lucas, on the i gy Dr. Stafford, on the so«»tb Prince Irwin and on the west by Fender. Said property levied on a• the property of Doc Wilby to satis fy an execution issued from the su perior Court of said county in faw>r Lewis, Robinson & Company against Doc Wilby. said property be ing In the possession of Doc Wilby. This the 2nd lay of March, 1906. J. F. PASSMORE, Sheriff.