The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 10, 1906, Image 8

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THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH i0, 1906 See the Nice Assortment of Spring Lawns and Suitings AT THE ehpire store, 111*"North Patterson Street, Valdosta, Georgia. A Nice Line of White Goods Expected Every Day. VARIETIES OF CRAMPS. Curious Affliction* of Men In Various Walks of Life. One of the curious consequences of the modem division of labor is the crAmps thnt attack those who con stantly use their hands in one partic ular manner. Writing cramp was first to appear being quite unknown until the in troduction of steel pens. It affects men far oftener that the fair sex, and, singularly*, those who suffer are not literary men, but copyists. It Is almost incurable and even when the left hand 1b used the cramp very soon crosses over to It. Musicians of every kind are attack ed. Among pianists it Is chiefly la dles ambitious to become profession' als who are the victims. Violent pain, weakness and fatigue* of the arm mako playing nn Impossibility. Violinists are affected both in the fin gors of the left hand and the hand that holds the bow. Clarinet players get cramps of the tongue and flute players get cramps in the larynx. Telegraphers suffer very often, and they call It "loss of the crip". Tailors get oramps in legi as well _ hands. Smiths and carpenters ~ get what is called "hammer cramps." resulting from the enormous number of blows struck. It Is estimated that a forger of knives and scissors strlk' es 28,000 blowh every day. Drivers get cramps In the hand, especially in the case of those who break in hnrd mouthed horses. Cigar- makers, watchmakers, photographers, auctioneers, sawyers, billiard play* ere dontlsts, turners, stampors, weav ers, painters, money counters nnd ballet dancer—all suffer from their own peculiar cramps and often so so* voroly that they havo to exchange their employment for some other. NEW BOAT LINE TO NEW YORK. Brunswick 8team*hip Co., Formed With $1,500,000 Capital. Atlanta, March 7.—Announcement has just been made of the completion of all plans for a new steamship line between Brunswick, Ga., and Boston and New York. It will be known as the Brunswick Steamship Co., H. M. Atkinson of. Atlanta being its presi dent. Orders for four freight steam ers have been placed with the Fore River Shipbuilding Co., of Quincy, Mass. Contracts have been let for piers and warehouses at Brunswick to cost $500,000* The capital stock of the company Is approximately $1,- 500,000. The stoamshlp company will carry freight at first and passengers later on. It will be operated in coiijunc* tlon with the Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic railroad. GREAT TRIUMPH FOR COL. DILLINGHAM’S PLANTJUICE. REMOVES MONSTER TAPE-WORM FROM L. J. STURDIVANT OF THOMASVILLE, QA. Doctors in Both Bohemia and Amerl- STATE OF GEORGIA — Lowndes County: To the Superior Court of Said County The petition of the Dalton Grocery Company, a corporation of said county, respectfully shows: 1st. That at the May Term, 1904, of the Superior Court of said county, petitibners were duly incorporated under the name and style herein stated for 4 and during the period of twenty years. 2nd. That pursuant to the order of incorporation, petitioners was du ly-organized, and since that time has been, and still is, engaged in the eri ca Utterly Failed—Had Afflicted : terprise authorized by the order of Him for Ten Years—He Publicly !>corporatilon Thanks Col. Dillingham and Hia Fir«t Term of Grady Court. Solicitor General W. E. Thomas and Stenographer Britt Davis went over to Cairo this week to attend tho SUICIDE KILLED WIFE FIRST. Dr. Henry L. Whitebeck, of Buffalo Believed to Have Been Insane Buffalo, N. Y.„ March 7.—Henry L. Whitebeck, a physician and dentist, killed his wife with a ham mer today and then bleW his brains out with a rifle. • Whitebeck walked up behind his wife as she was sitting In a rocking chair and struck her a terifllc blow on the temple with a hammer. Then he laid the hammer on a table and walked Into the next room, where he took up a rifle, rested the butt end on the floor, placed his forehead against the mouth of the barrel and pulled tho trigger. Tho top of his head was blown off. Whitebeck recently had been a patient In a sanitarium. AN IMPETUOUS WOOER. Proposes 5 Minutes After Meeting; Refused, He Knocks Girl Down. Wilkes-Barre, March 7.—Because she refused to marry him, Louis Or- first session of tho superior court of , K Qna * of Dupont, last night knocked Grady county. Miss Mary Forbeth down, bruised It is said that there was a lot of her face and loosened three of her business from the old counties and teeth. two 'days were spont in clearing up I She had him arrested this morning the docket of old enses. Quite a am* he was locked up to await trial number of new cases have been filed j f° r asalu, lt and battery, and these will come up for a hearing ! Wo proposed to her five minutes 3rd. That the entire stock of said corporation is now ownel by O. D. Dalton, J. H. Osborne, W. M. Scott, H. S. Candlish and A. Hoagland. 4tb. It is the purpose and desire of petitioner to amend its charter and petition for incorporation by Great Remedy Plant Juice. It would be hard to find a man, woman or child in Thomasville, Ga., or for that matter, in Thomas coun ty, who does not know Mr. Joel Sturdivant who for ten years or ' striking the word "fifty thousand dol more has run a saddle and harness J lars" from the "fifth" paragraph of manufacturing establishment on 1 Sfl ld petition, and Inserting in lieu Broad street. It would also be dif-1 thereof, the words "one hundred and flcult to find a happier man in the 1 fifty thousand dollars,” so that pe- clty today than Mr. Sturdivant, and I ‘-Goner may have the privilege of the cause of his happiness is the increasing the capital stock and the fact that Col. Dillingham's Plant power to Increase the same from Juice has relieved him of a one hun dred and ten feet .tape-worm which has been afflicting him for ten years. A reporter interviewed Mr. Sturdi vant and elicited from him the fol lowing facts: Dillingham, has In his possession, I carried for ten years. The best doctors I could find tried to remove it but failed, and at times small por tlons of it was removed but none of the doctors succeeded In getting the head until I took Dillingham's Plant Juice. I went to Montgomery & McIntyres’ drugstore and purchased a bottle of Dillingham’s Plant Juice and took it according to directions and exactly In two hours and thirty minutes the worm was removed, body and all. I can honestly say I did not have the least faith in the ability of the medicine to remove the worm, as many doctors had trie i and failed. I want to say that I can’t express the relief I felt in part ing with that horrid monster that had caused me so much trouble and pain these long ten years. I shall always keep Col. Dillingham Is grateful remembrance for tht relief his remedy gave me. While my health was not as badly affected as tape worm affects some people, yet it was a great annoyance to me in my business. I had to eat an early breakfast and along about ten or eleven o’clock I would have to get time to time, in the discretion of the said corporation, not to exceed the ] sum of one hundred and fifty thous' { and dollars and also of decreasing j the capital stock In like manner, not. _ - below the sum of ten thousan 1 dol-1 “That horrible tape worm,” salJ lar»„as provided In Its charter. ! Mr. Sturdivant, "Hat Mr. .JkK. By uw>nlmous vote of,,the. Watt*, general agent for Col. stodk-holders of the petitioning cor- Ion, It has been determined that Iteration, petitioner file its application for such amendment, such vote being had at j the regular meeting of the stock- j holders of the corporation. | Wherefore, petitioner prav 8 that, an order be passed amending its 1 said charter as herein set out. WOODWARD & SMITH. Attorneys for Petitioner. Filed in office this March 5. 1906. R. T. MYDDELTON, Clerk, GEORGIA—LownJes County: I, R. T. M.vddeltou, Clerk Superi or Court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a petition for charter as ap pears of file In my office. This March 5, 1906. R. T. MYDDELTON, Clerk S. C. nt tho next term. The most important case that will come up for a hearing at this term of conn is that of tho state against Throlkold, charged with the murder of William Drew. The case Is at tracting considerable attention on I P re *s *he suit, account of the prominence of the par ties connected with it, and the coun sel employed both by tho prosecution and defense. Judge A. S. Rodden- bery, Roscoe Luke and Theo Titus are in the prosecution and Hammond & HAmmond are for the defense. The case will be called tomorrow morn ing after they had been Introduced. She was so surprised that she could do nothing but shake her head and when he repeated the proposal she replied with an emphatic "No." Then, enraged, he used his fist to Notice. To all, and especially those who may not know the facts as herein after shown by receipts: Office of Comptroller General, Tax Department. Atlanta, Ga., May 10th, 1905 « . . . . . . .. .. i Mr. D. C. Sirmans, agent tor M. a heavy lunch to feed both the worm ! M Monk, T C Dln „. T i u * I Dear Sir: Your final settlement a n ift m ?. * ha 5 don !i 1 of 1904 taxes received and found cor- S?*»•“ d " C ’° r ‘ , !S V 3d M , ° a " d ! reel. I enclose receipt* which bal- *55 caa n,',n" J.? n ,.. L Mr ? “, ,ts I ances the account for that year, o’ ninv.? rt, nR ‘ a „, re l’ resc “ tiul '^1 Many thank* for your good work tvre, R. Thomas. Jr., and at *».-J ' a,gnea| G. B. Burtons Testifies After Four Years. G R. Rurhans, of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes: "About four years ngo I wrote you stating that I had been entirely cured or severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bot tles of Foley’s Kidney Cure. It en tirely stopped the brick dust sedl* ineut, and pain and symptoms of kidney disease disappeared. I am glad to say that I hae never had a return of any of those symptoms during the four years that have elap sed *ud I am evidently cured to stay cured, and heartily recommend Fo ley’s Kidney Cure to any one suf fering from kidney or bladder trouble." moa. wed. frl. Secretary Taft* wants an army of 100,01)0 men. but the secretary will hardly be able to get that many un employed people at this stage of the game. An emergency will have to arise before he can secure them. Dangers of Pneumonia. A cold r.t this time if neglected Is liable to cause pneumonia which is so often fatal, and ovefi when the pa tient has recovered the lungs are weakened, making them peculiarly susceptible to the development of ocn sumption. Foley’s Honey and Tar will atop the cough, heal the lungs and prevent pneumonia. LaGrlppe coughs yield quickly to the wonder ful curative qualities of Foley’s Hon ey and Tar. There U nothing else "just as good." -ion. wed. frl. $3,000,000 FOR CRIPPLES. Philadelphia. March 7—Announce* was made at the opening of the Wid- ener Memorial Home for Crippled Children yesterday thnt P. A. B. Wtdener who gave $2,000,000 for the building of the institution, has donat 'd $3,000,000 more for a maintenance fund. The Income from this will be dbout! $150,000 a year. PII..I Pllesl Dr. William*' Indian Pile Ointment! la prepared to cure piles, and DOES! IT in abort order. Raay to apply; j cry box guaranteed; 60c and $L All druggists or by maiL WILLIAMS MTG. CO, Cleveland* O. < w*-™/ W. A. Wright, the ! Comptroller General. one See below for ordinary’s certificate ?? n j GEORGIA—Clinch County: •Mr. . Thls j 8 to certify that David Sir* mans, tax collector has made full Dillingham s Plant Juice remedies 1 settlement with county for taxes col are for sale by A. E. Dlmmock, Val- j i ec ted for the year 1904. This April dosta, Hahlra Drug Co., Hahlra, Ga.. <>oth 1906 Times-Enterprise office. Any doubting the above statement write the above parties or Sturdivant, Thomasville. Ga. and J. P. Carter, Naylor, Ga. Wood’s Seeds. Second Crop Seed Potatoes go further in planting than other Seed Potatoes, yield better and more uniform crops, and are in high favor with truckers and potato growers wherever planted. Our stocks are of superior quality, uniform in size, and sent out in full-size barrels. Write for prices, nnd Wood's 1906 Seed Book, giving full and interesting information about Seed Potatoes. T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, • • VIRGINIA. We carry the stock of Pot.toe, tu the Sooth. M.lno. Northern. Grown an.t Second Crop Seed Write for prlcei. (Signed) J. T. Davit, Ordinary C. C. As to Mr. Jesse Wllkerson being hirel by my bondsmen to go wl'h mo to collect the taxes, which I have heard was reported. It Is wholly un true and without foundation to sup port It. I employed him at my ex pense As for final settlements with the state and county for the taxes of 1*105 I am not required to mako earlier than the 20th day of April. 1906. If there be any person doubt' ins the above to be true, I most re spectfully request that they call on me for a full explanation which I am fully prepared to make. This Feb. ;nca. 1906. 0. C. Sirmans, Tax Collector, Clinch County Little & Smith. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Valdosta, (Ju. Office Orer First National Be.ok FOIELSKIDNEYCTOB Makes Kidneys and Bladdsr Right j Preparing Medicine X From Doctors’ X PRESCRIPTIONS | ^ not only our most important duty but it I ^ is also the work we most like to do, work in the excellence of which we take pro fessional pride, work to which we give un stinted endeavor. No mother is more careful with her first- X born than we are that each individual pre- X scription prepared here shall be absolutely cor- X rect in every particular. ' X Will you entrust your prescriptions to our X care? T G. A. CARSWELL COMPANY. ♦ t SUCCESSORS TO X ♦ W. HMASHBURN. ♦ wkl PENDLETON GO. WHOLESALE QR0DERS. We are sole agents for the El Nacional Cigar Co., manufacturers of clear Havana cigars. Fama Nacional and Triumpho Nacional brands. No Brands are more popular. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. The A. S. Pendleton Co., Valdosta, Ga. VALDOSTA MARBLE WORKS. The best equipped plant of the kind in the country, operating latest improved machinery for Cutting and Carving MONUMENTS You are cordially invited to call and inspect our stock and get our prices L. H. WARLICK, Proprietor. VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. Monftv to Reliable Parties. I Write at once for factory prices and Money Saving Plan. Cive References Also. ME I Promptly obtained, or err return rn I *0 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE. O’irCHMCKSAM THE LOWEST. Semi model, photo or dketch for expert search end true report on patentability. INFRINGEMENT suiU conducted before Zi courts. !*&tcnu obtained through us. A OVER- ****** n<1 ,*« V ' D ’ f,w - ™*M-»«ARIC*, PM- CIONS and COPYRICHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office. WASHINGTON. D. C. DSWIFT&0