The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 31, 1906, Image 14

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14 THE VALDOSTA T. SATURDAY. 31 ARCH 31, 1906. GEORGIA — Lowndes STATE County To the Hon. Philip Cook, Secretary ..of State: The petition of H. B. Peeples, Joseph A. Alexander, N. T. Peeples and J. W. E. Powell, residents of Nashville Georgia, and of R. D Stevens, W. Coley, J. F. Lewis, J G. Stevens, Jr., S. M. Varnedoe and W. H. Griffin, residents of the city of Valdosta, said state and coun ty, respectfully shows: 1. That they desire to form railroad corporation, pursuant to the provisions of the Acts of the General Assembly of Georgia, approved De cember 20, 1902. 2. The name of the rallroal com pany for which petitioners thus seek Incorporation, Is to be the Valdosta & Nashville Railroad Company, the same not being the name of any ex isting railway corporation in the State of Georgia. 3. The length of said road, as nearly as can be estimated, will be thirty miles. 4. Said road will run from Val dosta, Lowndes county, Georgia, or some point near thereto, in a north ward direction to Nashville, Georgia, through the counties of Lowndes and Berrien; the principal places, from which, anJ to which, it is to be con structed being Just above mentioned. 6. The amount of the proposed capital stock is $300,000.00, in shares of $100.00 each, all of ’said stock to be common stock, of equal dignify. C. Petitioners desire to be incorpo rated, as aforesaid, for and during the term of ninety-nine years 7. The principal office t proposed corporation will be In the city of Valdosta, said state anJ county. 8. Petitioners do Intend In good faith to go forward, without delay to secure subscriptions to the capital stock, construct, equip, maintain and operate said railroad 9. Petitioners show that they hnve given four weeks notice their Intention to apply for a charter by publication, according to law. Wherefore, they pray to be lncor porated under the laws of this state. H. B. Peeples, Jos. A. AlexanJer, N. T. Poeples, J. W. E. Powell, J. G. Stevens. Jr., R. D. Stevens, W. Coley, J. F. Lewis, 8. M. Varnedoe, W. H. Griffin. ' GEORGIA—Ixmndes County: Before me, D. S. Wilson, of said county, an officer of said state, duly authorised by law to administer oaths, personally appeared W. H. Griffin, J. F. Lewis and W. Coley, three of the petitioners, who on oath say that the names subscribed to the petition to which this nffldavlt is annexed, are the genuine signa tures of the persons named therein, and that the facts state ’ In the pe tition ara true, to the best of depon ents’ knowledge, Information and be lief J. F. Lewis, R. D. Stevens, W. H. Griffin. i Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 6th day of March. 1906. D S WILSON, N., L. C. G Lowndes Sheriff’s Sale. GEORGIA—Lowndes County: Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in April next, at the court house In said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, fo cash, the following property towlt Part of lot of land number three hundred and slxty-slx In the eleventh district of LownJes county, Georgia, being In the southern portion of said lot, and containing one hundred and ninety acres, and bounded on the north by that portion of said lot nod by the estate of David Car ter and the part of said lot deeded to Mrs. S. I. Carter by T. M. Cook; on the east by the original land line, on the south by the origi nal land line and on the w’est by the original land line Also one hundred and twenty-five acres, more or less’ of lot of land number three hunlred and sixty-five (365*) In the said dis trict and county, being that part of said lot 36.1 lying north of Wolf-pen branch, and being In a triangular shape, and hounded as follows: On the north by original land line, east by Fish-Fond Bay, cornering at a point at the bay, south by Wolf-pen branch and west by lanJs of Lyman Carter. Levied on as the property of Mrs. S. I. Carter to satisfy a fl- fa issued from the City Court of Quitman, In favor of T. M. Cook, against said MrH. S. I. Carter. The excess, If any, will he claimed on an’ other flfa Issued from said court In favor of said T. M. Cook against the said Mrs. S. I. Carter, now in my hands, with Instructions to hold tip and apply same. This 9th day of March, 1906. Also at the same time an! place will be sold on the first Tuesday In April next, at public outcry, at the court house In said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the high est bidder for cash, certain property of which the following Is a full and complete description: Eight bun dred and fifty yards white sheeting, hree hundred yarls drilling, one hundred yarls bed ticking two hun dred and fifty yards cottonades, five hundred yards checks. Said property leaded on in favor of the Oliver Chilled Plow Co., and against J Wheeler. Said property levied under a flfa issued from the county court of Thomas county at the Sep tember term 1905. Said property levied on this 8th day of March, 1906. . F. PASSMORE. Sheriff SUIT ON RAWLINGS PEACE BOND. Suit was Filed in the Superior Court Today Against Rawlings and his Bondsmen,—The Amount .of the Bond, $1,200, to go to W. L. Carter, Who Swore Out the Warrant. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Suit was filed In the superior Said STATE OF GEORGIA—County Lowndes. To The Superior Court County: The petition of F. A. Duncan, Marion Curry and E. U. Barber, all of said state and county, respectfully shows: 1st. Thnt they desire for them selves, their associates, successors and assigns, to become a body cor porate under the name nnd style of Valdosta Wood nnd Fuel Company. 2nd. Petitioners ask to be Incorpo* rated for the period of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. 3rJ The capital frock of said cor poration Is to be one thousand dol lars, divided Into shares or one hun dred dollars each, all of which has been actually paid In. And petition ers doslse the privilege of Increasing said capital stock from time to time to a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars, and they likewise doslre the privilege of decreasing the capital stock, similarly, not below the origi nal capital of one thousand dollars. 4th. The object of the proposed Incorporation Is pecuniary gain and piuflt to Its stockholders. Petition ers propose to carry on a general wood and fuel business at wholesale or at retail, to purchase, sell and ideal generally In wood, coni nnd oth er fuel, and to do all other acts usual and necessary In tho conduct of such ' business. 5th. Petitioners desire to be em powered to buy, hold and sell and to make Improvements on real estate; to receive, and make and execute Geeds and mortgages to the same; to take and give mortgages, deeds, or other liens allowed by law to se cure debts, to borrow and lend money, and to exercise all other rights, powers and privileges that may be incident to and necessary In carrying on said business. 6th. The principal office and place of business of said corporation will be In the city of Valdosta. In county and state aforesaid. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be Incorporated under the name and style aforesaid, and that they, their associates, successors and assigns, be entitled to the rights, powers, privileges and immunities usually granted to corporations under the laws of the state of Georgia, and subject to all of the restrictions and liabilities Imposed by law. & WILCOX & PATTERSON. Attorneys for Petitioners. GEORGIA—Lowndes County: I, R. T. Myddolton. clerk of the Superior court In and for said coun do hereby certify that the fore- ng is a true and correct copy of i original petition for charter of In this office. This February R. T. MYDDELTON. Clerk. Notice. To all. and especially those who may not know the facts as herein after shown by receipts Office of Comptroller General, Tax Department. Atlanta. Ga.. May 10th, 1905 Mr. D. C. Simians, agent for M. . Monk. T. C.. Dear Sir: Your final settlement of 1904 tnxes received and found cor rect. I enclose receipts which bal ances the account for that year, Many thanks for your good work and prompt settlement. Yours truly, (Signed) W. A. Wright, Comptroller General. See below for ordinary’s certificate GEORGIA—Clinch County: This Is to certify that David Sir- mans. tax collector has made full settlement with county for taxes col lected for the year 1904. This April 20th, 1905. (Signed) J. T. Davis, Ordinary C. C. As to Mr. Jesse Wllkerson being hire! by my bondsmen to go wl'h ire to collect tne taxes, which I have heard was reported, It Is wholly un true nnd without foundation to sup port it. I employed him at my ex pense A? for final settlements with the state and county for the taxes of 1905, I am not required to make earlier than the 20th day of April, 1906. If there be any person doubt’ Ing the above to he true. I most re spectfully request that they call on for a full explanation which I am fully prepared to make. This Feb. ra 1906. D. C. SIrmans, Tax Collector, Clinch County Citation for Settlement. STATE OF GEORGIA — Lowndes County: At chambers, this 14th day of March, 1906. The petition of M. V. Connell, El la Hlers, Hattie Godbolt, Ida Moore, Mlunie Brigham. Housey 'Hires, B. Clayton, Robert Hackle, Alice Wheeler, heirs nt-law of Anna Clay ton. lecensed, for a settlement of the administration of John Clayton and I. N. Clayton as administrators this morning against J. G. Rawlings principal, and D. C. Ashley and W. T. Lane, bondsmen, for the $1,200 bond /Jlhat Rawlings was under to keep the peace when the Carter chil- Jren were killed. It will be remembered that W. L. Carter swore out a peace warrant against J. G. Rawlings a day or so before the tragedy and he gave the bond, Messrs. D. C. Ashley and W. T. Lane going upon It. It Is under stood that Rawlings secured them and the case in court Is simply to give legal directions to the payment of the $1,200, which, ?t Is understood will go to W. L. Carter. It Is possible that the payment of the bond may be contested on the ground that W. L. Carter was not hurt by Rawlings, but that would amount to very little, as the bond wa3 fixed to make him # “keep the peace" and the evidence In the case so far shows that he did not do this, The following are the declarations In the case as prepared by Carter's attorney, Col. G. A. Whitaker. Allegations in the Case, “Georgia Lowndes County,—To £ Superior Court of Said County: “Joseph M. Terrell as governor of said state suing for the use of W. L. Carter brings this petition against J. G. Rowlings. W. T. Lane and D. C. Ashhv all of said county and il’.eg?* as fallows: •First;, Heretofore, towlt, on the 10th day of June 1905 the said J. G. Rawlings as principal, and W. T. Lane an 1 D. C. Ashley as securities, entered Into a bond In the sum of twelve hundred dollars payable to J. Terrell, governor of Georgia, and his successor In office. «■ Said bond conditioned that If The said J. G. Rawlins shoal J keep the peace as against the person, family and property of W. L. Garter, that said bond-should be void. A copy of said bond Is hereto attached and made a part of this petition. Seco. d. On the 13th day of June 1903. the said J. G. Rawlings vio lated the conditions of said bond by counseling, procuring and command ing Alf Moore. Milton Rawlings. Leonard Rawlings and Jesse Raw lings to enter upon the premises where the said W. L. Carter reside! with his family, and after so enter ing upon the premises the sail Alf Moore. Miton Rawlings, Leonard Rawlings and Jesse Rawlings acting In concert and In pursuance of a com mon Intent and purpose, and acting under the procurement, counsel and command of the said J. G. Rawllng3 did kill and murder one Willie Car ter. and Carrie Carter who were the minor children of the said W. Carter. “Third, The killing of the said chil dren of the said W. L. Carter done at the Instance, suggestion and under the direction, procurement and counsel and command of the said J Rawlings, and In violation of the THE TRAGEDY NEAR Additional Particulars ot the Ter- I l Special Jury Convened by Judge Mitchell is Today Investigating the Killing of Jonathan E. Bryant by His Son Bart—The Old Man Was Beaten in a Horrible Manner. (From Tuesday's Daily.) Lumber Lumber, PENDER LUMBER CO., IM11 IKALKK4 IV Al.f, HI Alto Shingle*, Lath*. 8* Office, Planing Mill and Lu ffc-r ween (ieojgi* Southern & FI .rid* «nd Atlantic * OoasT Line Railroads. oil Work and Mouldings of All Kinds. • Yard on Valdosta Southern Riiilway. A telephone message to The Times from Nashville this morning gav< additional particulars of the brutal bearing to death ot old man Jona than E. Bryant by his son Bart, his home some miles east of that place. The trouble between the men curred on Saturday afternoon night and 'notwithstanding the der Bryant was very aged and fee b!e, he lived until Monday morning. As soon as his death was report' ed, Judge Mitchell, who Is now hold lng the criminal session of the perior court at Nashville, drew special grand Jury to Investigate the crjme, the regular jury for the term having been dismissed last Friday The Investigation Is now under way, and there is little doubt that* Bart Bryant, the son, will be Indicted for murder. It is likely also that will be tried this wee*. Drs. L. A. Carter and W. Goodman made a postmortem amination of the old man’s remains and It Is said mat the physicians teil a terrible story of the inhuman beating administered by the son The elder Bryant's body was bruised and blackened all over by the force of the blows, his hair and beard pulled out and one of his hips knock ed out of Joint. A piece of the hip bone Is said to have been broken off- The old man was sick In bed the time, anJ his son is reported havq Jerked him out of the bed and kicked and cuffed him unmercifully. Bart Bryant is reporte 1 to have been drinking heavily for several weeks anJ be was no doubt under the Influ^r of Thlskjj^ w,he,n he com- assault though the Times of Anna Cla>ton at <he March term | con j lt i, m9 of said bond and which of tho court of Ord nary of Lowndes ..... ,, . n n,*iin„ a, county haveinK been duly filed and It Mnduct of the sMi J G R awlln 8 3 ” ... ..... . heretofore sfateo amount to a Urea. 1 __ fflONHMAR ■tops tlx • coutfh pad hesto land* appearing to be Just and proper it ordered that a citation Issue saivl John anJ I. X. Clayton as such liulnlstrators to be and appear April term of said court and make a ful settlement of their administra tion of Anna Clayton’s estate at the Instance of M. V. Connell, Ella Hlers. Hattie Godbolt,. Ida Moore, Minnie Brigham, Housey Hlers, B. L. Clayton, Robert Hackle, Alice Wheeler, helrs-at-l&w* of Anna Clay ton. and that this order operate as the citation required, when a copy of the same Is served on John Clay ton an.l I. N. Clayton ten days be* fore the April term of said court of Ordinary. Echols Sheriff Sale. GEORGIA—Echols County: Will bo sold beflre the court House door In Stateavllle., Ga., first Tuesday in June, 1906. the following described property: Lots of land Nos. 66, 67, 0. 71, 142. 143, 144 and 75 in the 12th district of Echols county, 194, 14S, 90 anJ 48 In the 16th district of Echols county. 440, 302, 396, 385 and 349 In the llth district of Echols county. 202. 146, 147. 159, 270, 346, 353. 364, 305. also 100 acres of lot 201 and 300 acres of lot 569 In 13th district of Echols county. Levied upon as unreturned wild land for its tax for year 1905. Levied on as the property of un returned wild land to satisfy within fl fa and coct This 4th day of March 11906. E. G. PRESCOTT. Sheriff Echols County. Ga. heretofore sfatea amount of the conditions of said bond “Fourth. The said J. G. Rawlings by reason of the breach of the said bond as stated In paragraph two of this petition has Injured and dam aged the said W. L. Carter in the sum of twelve hundred dollars “Fifth. By reason of the violation and breach of the conditions of said bond as stated the said J. G Raw lings as prlnctpal. and the said W. Lane and D. C. Ashley as securi ng! on said bond hare become liable to the said W. L. Carter In dam ages In the Just and full sum of the amount of said bond, towlt: the sum of twelve hundred dollars. ‘Wherefore plaintiff prays that he have judgment against the said J G. Rawlings as principal and W. T Lane and D. C. Ashley as securities on said bond In the sum of twelve hundred dollars for the use of the said W. L. Carter. “That process Issue In terms of the law. and be served upon the said J. G. Rawlings as principal and W. T. Lane and D. C. Ashley as securi ties on said bond, and that they and each of them be required to be and appear at the next May term of said court to answer this complaint G. A. Whitaker, Attorney for Plaintiff. The Peace Bond. The following Is the copy of the J health. jnlti has been unable to learn Just what precipitated the affair. Both of them were men of rather violent tempers, and Bart w have been tried at Nashville this week on two or three counts, grow ing out of fights he has had with par ties In that section during the last year or two.He and his father have lived In Berrien county many years and are well known to most of the citizens. The younger Bryant was a fare- quent visitor to Valdosta and Is vrell known to most of the business men here, where he did considerable trad ing. Bart Bryant Is considered well-to-do and owns one of the best plantations In the county. When sober he was pleasant mannered man . He has wife and several children. It Is said that Judge W. H. Grif fin, of Valdosta, has been engaged by Bart Bryant to defend him In the bond which J. G. Rawlings was plac ed under last June to keep the peace. The bond was signed on Saturday, Jui$e K 10th, Just three days before the killing of the Carter children, the tragedy occurring Tuesday night after the bond was signed: GEORGIA—Lowndes County “Know all men by these presents, that we. J. G. Rawlings, principal, and W. T. Lane and D. C. A3hley security, acknowledge ourselves Jointly and severally bound unto his excellency, J. M. Terrell, governor of Georgia, and his successors In offi ce, In the sum of twelve hundred dot* lars, upon condition, that If the said G. Rawlings shall keep the peac as agaiust the person, family and property of W. L. Carter, then this bond Is to be void. To better secure the payment of this bond in the event of fo'feiture we, each for ourselves and families and as the head of our reipectlva families, renounce and waive all right of benefit of the homestead and exemption laws of this state, and each of us assert and say that have never taken or availed our selves of any homestead exemption under the laws of this s’ate or the United States, or elsewhere. Witness our handg and seals ‘his 10th day of June 1905. J. G. Rawlings. (seal) W. T. Lane <***0 D. C. Ashley, (seal) Heavy, impure blod-l makes a mud dy. pimply complexion, headaches, nausea, indigestion. I Thin blood makes you weak. palL sickly. Bur I dock Blood Bitters maves the blood SAVE THE PIECES and bring them to ns. No break is so bad but what we can repair it. We draw the liue only at kindling wood. Hut t sometimes happens the cost of repairing a carriage would be as great as the price of a new one, in which case we say so frankly. We also keep a full liue of COFFINS AND CASKETS .. ..on hand Out-of-town Orders Promptly Attended to. Call Night or Day. Phones 232 and281x. J. P. ULMER. My Harness Making Department is thoroughly equipped and a guarantee goes with every article turned out ot there. No factory in the country makes a better or more durable class of harness. We use the best of leathers and do the best workmanship John T. Roberts, Valdosta. G. S. & F. Railway. • THE BEHT ROUTE TO - Macon, Atlanta, Columbus, Americus, Birmingham, Montgomery, Albany, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Palatka, Tampa and all Florida Points. Four Trains Daily Northbound. No. 2 Leave Valdosta for Macon, .... 10:45 a. m. No. 4 Leave Valdosta for Macon, .... 11:25 p.m. No. 6 Leave Valdosta for Macon, . . 6:00 a.m. No 12 Leave Valdosta for Macon, . . . 4:20 p. m. Trains Arrive—Northbound. No. a Arrive Valdosta from Palatka, . , 10:25 a. m. Nof 4 Arrive Valdosta from Jacksonville, . . . ll:10p.m. No. 8 Arrive Valdosta from Jacksonville, . . 10:80 a. m. No. 10 Arrive Valdosta from Palatka, . . . 11:05 p. m. Four Trains Daily Southbound. No. 1 Leave Valdoata for Palatka, , . 4:60 p.m. No. 8 Leave Valdoeta for Jacksonville, . 5:20.. m. No. 7 Leave Valdoeta for Jacksonville, 4:46 p.m. No. 9 I,eave V aldoeta for Palatka 5:20 a. m. Trains Arrive—Southbound. No. 1 Arrive Valdosta from Macon, 4:85 p. m. No. 8 Arrive Valdosta from Macon, . . 5:10 a. m. No 5 Arrive Valdosta from Macon 10:50 p. m. No 11 Arrive Valdosta from Macon, 1:00 p. m. 1*7 and 8-2 between SchsduUs glctn abovs;art subjtct to ehanot without not let, andkhs Urns of arrival andldt oar tun of tralra is not guaranUtd, 1 Tlirough Pullman Cars from T if ton, to Atlanta. Chattanooga, Nash- ville, St. Louis and Cliicago all-the-year-round. Elegant Sleeping Can on Train No. 4 for Macon and Train No. 8 for Jacksonville. Handsome Parlor Cars on Trains Nos. Macon, Valdosta and Jacksonville. Information as to rates, routes, schedules, sleeping car reservations etc., will be gladly furnished upon application to T. L. Argo, Ticket Agent, Valdosta. Ga. S. F. PARROTT. V-P. C. B. RHODES? G. P. A., Macon.IGeorgla.