The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 31, 1906, Image 16

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i Red Race Ginger Ale. This excellent Drink seems to have caught the drinkers of Ginger Ale, as they are now calling for it and thiy are learning not to accept substitutes, and other goods claimed to be just as good. Red Race Ginger Ale has medicinal quali ties that other goods do not possess, and you should never, at any time accept some cheap goods to cool your stomach with. Bottled and for sale by I Valdosta, Tifton & Ashburn Bottling Works SAWMILL MEN IT DEATH OF MR. FRANK SPAIN. Here Yesterday. Reports Showed that the Mills have Orders to Last Them Sixty Days and That Prices are $2 to $5 Above List—Next Meeting Will be Held at Atlantic Beach two Months Hence. The Georgia Interstate Sawmill jfl.aoclatlon had a meeting at the Valdes hotel, In this city, yesterday, und It was the largest meeting the association has held In many months. There were many delegates pres ent from all parts of the sawmill holt, Georgia, Florida and Alabama, ltosides these, there were many rep- mandatives of largo lumber buying concerns, lumber Journals and oth ers interested In the lumber trade. It was said at the mooting that the body represented more wealth than has been gathered together In one meeting, at any one time In the past, in this city. * There were many matters to come before the association. although there was very little definitely set tled. except In so far as prices were concerned. The members report business ex- voeetlingly active. It was said that ardors are already booked sufficient to carry the mills from thirty to nln*- ty days, which would be nn average of sixty days ahead, if the mills do not receive another order. The demand was shown to be ur gent and strong, and this fact was emphasized by the further fact that tboso present reported the business hooked nt anywhere from $2.00 to 15.00 n thousand above the list prices The price list committee, however* recommended, notwitfistiin(Hug this • ruKUon of nffolrs, that prices be not advanced, but that the present price Hat, coast wise and interior, t>e adhered to. This took the form of a motion which was unanimously adopted by a rising vote. A num ber of routine matters came up for consideration by the association, but »o definite steps were lakon in any of them. The question of car standards is in the hands of attorneys, and it was reported as being pushed be fore the Interstate Commerce Com mission. The question of rates in Florida, and demurrage came up .and were discussed at some length bul no specltl option was taken The president was authorized and Inst meted to appoint delegates from this association to the annual meet' leg of the Nations Lumbermen’s Manufacturing Association, which convenes In St. lxmts. May Sth or •9th. These delegates will be ap pointed later by President Tift, who was prevented from attending the convention by important matters In Florida. In his absence Vice Pres ident J. B. Conrad, of Florlta, pre-• aided over the meeting. The meeting of the association wa" lield In the main parlor of the Val- j 4es hotel, and consumed ah of the : afternoon Meeting of the Hoo Hoos. At nlsht the Hoo Hoos had a meet* fnc and a cancatenatlon In the Elks Mgs room. There were twenty five j Demise of a Well Known Citizen of Quitman Reported Today .n’cwh was received bore this mom ing of the death of Mr. Frank J. Spain., Sr., at his home In Quitman. The sad intelligence brought a feeling of sorrow to the many friends of the well known man in this city, though they nod been pre pared for such intelligence for a week or more. Mr. Spain had been 111 for two weeks or more, suffering from some organic trouble. He had several sinking spells and over a week ago a report was received here which indicated that there was .little hope for him. He railed, however, and grew so much 'better that Ills family and friends were led to hope that his life would be spared for many more years of service among his fellow men. He grew much worse last night and his death occurred between mid night and day. The nows was re ceived here at an early hour tills morning, and Col. E. P. S. Den mark. Mrs. L. M. Bliteh, members of Mr. T. M. Smith’s family, the McKees, the Paines and other rela tives here went over to attend the funt rnl which is to occur at * four o’clock this afternoon. Mr. Spain was about sixty years of age ami was one of» the most prominent citizens of Brooks. He was a man of great wealth and In fluence and his Influence was always used in the Interest of Ills town ami section, and the people among whom he lived. In a time when there Is more or less prejudice among the different classes. It is very rare that men of great wealth are so popular with the poorer classes as Mr. Spain has always been. ' He was a devoted member of the Baptist church and wag one of the pillars In the church at Quitman. His life In nil departments has been useful and his death Is lamented by the high and the humble alike. “LITTLE SENSE THE SOUTH,” candidates to be initiated into the mysteries of the order, and the meet* lng was preceded by a parade on the streets of the city from the Valdes hotel up Hill avenue to Ashley street, then to Central avenue then to Patterson street and bock to the Elks lodge room. The parade was headed by a large wagon on which was a blacksmith’s anvil, forge and bellows, lighted by red fuses. Following this was the Grand Vicegerent on a donkey, from Kinder Lou. Following this were the twenty-five candidates for admission into the order, bound and chained and' accompanied by guards and hav ing the appearance of a county chain gang. Following thlB were fifty or seven ty-flve Hoo Hoos who made the air resonant with their catewaullng The ceremony at the lodge room began about nine o’clock and ended about two o’clock this morning. In the meantime a smoker was enjoyed by the large crowd present. The lumbermen and Hoo Hoos who attended the meeting here yes terday declared that it was one of the most enthusiastic meetings the association has ever had, not only In point of numbers but in the report of business being done by lumber men and finally by the excellent meeting of the Hoo Hoos. The next meeting or the associa tion will be held at Atlantic Beach, two months from now, about the 29th of May. Black Mlnarca eggs for hatching Guaranteed. Prize winning stock. W. A. Jenkins. 704 Oak street Valdosta 17-d2tlw2t President Johnson Quotes an Item From New York Commercial and Urges Farmers to Show That it is Not True—A Forceful Statement of Facts. Atlanta, March 28—President M. L. Johnson, of the Georgia Division Southern Cotton Association, has just issued one of the strongest and moset forceful statements that has yet appeared showing the grave dan* gets of excessive planting of cotton this season. iPresident Johnson’s statement is as follows: "To the planter and the people of Georgia: Let me call your attention and your earnest thought to the fol lowing extract from the New York Commercial of March 8: ” ‘The bears dwell constantly on the claim that the south will plant more cotton this spring by millions of acres than was ever planted be fore. The cotton bear always oper ates upon the Idea that there Is lit tle common sense south of the Ma son and Dixon line.’ "Do you realize what this means? If It is true, then you, the planter, are the worst bear of all, for you are bearing the market by planting more cotton than the world n^eds. The quickest and the most effective way to bear the market is to create a supply which exceeds the world’s demands The bears of Wall street are only betting that you will bear your own crop by over planting; that you and I will sell our cotton for less than 15 cents because this very over planting will force down the price. If you plant too much he will win, If you hold down your acreage he will lose “Did you ever stop to think Why mules are so high? It Is because of their scarcity; the supply Is less than the demand. By preparing to plant a large acreage you are In creasing that demand for mules and running up the price. The same rule applies to all produce, corn, oats, wheat, meat, and you are building the western markets in these prod- uctp by not producing your own sup ply at home. In other words by not producing your own supplies yoh are raising the price of what you have to buy, and by overplanting cotton you are lowering the price of what you have to sell. Is this business? Is It not the very reverse of true bus iness principles? Think about this earnestly and seriously and then de-; clde. Will you do It? j “I want to congratulate the hold- j ers of spot cotton upon their firm ness and fidelity. It has saved the ■ situation. Had It net been for their | action the market would have been j demoralized and cotton would today i be selling for S or 8 1-2 cents. It was j a sound business proposition as has already been proven. Ijet’s keep It up. I “Now Jnst practice the same sound | business sense in your planting this ! season and you will again save the ] day Disprove the truth of the bear claims which I have quoted and I again peace and plenty will be your*. ! "M. L. JOHNSON. I “President Ga. Dlv. S. C 'A. * j biSI5agi^S!BJgtg&fE.g|ggTaj^aM Schofield’s Iron Works, M 4.NUFAC T UR ERS OF High Grade Machinery, , MACON, GEORGIA, I I I Iff i Steam Engines,^Boilers, fSaw Mills, Cane Mills, Com Mills, Iron Grinders, Shafting, Pul leys, Boxing, Gearing, Iron and Brass Castings of eveiy description. We are Original Inventors of the Turpentine Distillers Steam Pumping lately equipped our already extensive boiler shops, which now gives ns largest ca pacity of any manufacturers in the South. We are headquarters for Steam Pumps, Inspirators, Injectors, Valves, Lubricators, Wrought Iron Pipe, Boiler Tubes, Pipz Fittings anrTPipe Fitters’ Ma terials. “ I a I jfi SAVE MONEY AND DEAL DIRECT WITH THE ^ANLFACTURLRS m 1 jl J. S. SCHOFIELD’S SONS CO., Proprietrs, Macon, Ga. Ob Stalk Cutters ■ RIDINGljCuitivators ■ D,SK Harrows, ■ [ Gasoline Engines. j ■ '■ S Farm Machinery and Farming Imple- j 5 ments of all kinds. 2 m | ■ ■ W. H. Briggs Hardware Co., ■ “DeVoe's Lead and Zinc Paints" “Everything in Hardware.” QE1H0 Laxative Fruit Syrup A. E. Dimmock, Valdosta, Ga. Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to taKe Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It is guaranteed