The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 31, 1906, Image 3

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lHE V KM ■ ■ ■a ■■ amiiBaiiiiiiiiiiBEiBiiii ■■■■■■■ EjUUHHaiJEJHHBB B I B Hill IHII ng | || /WWWWWwWVrtWW | First Buyers | . . are . . | Best Choosers. we will operate our business in*t! will arrange to close out our enti TALKING SACHIN! S; and other MUSI It’s a case of re=ship the st rough handling, or sell them o prices. -f- *;• 4- + + + + + + 4 , 'H 1 4 , + £8, JSATUIIDAV, MAliCH 31. 1»06. LE REASONS lllllllliailRHBERRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ■■■■BIHBIBEHII■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ -" aaBssaaa— The Buyer j . . makes . . | Tri3 Term; . MMIV»WWVM»iVW*J , section from the TIPTON STORE], anS. took of PIANOS, PIANO=PLAYERS, ORGANS, INSTRUMENTS now at Valdosta ,t considerable cost, take chances on fe they are at sure enough sacrifice 4 1 4* 4'4*4 , 4 , 4-4 , 4‘*4*4-4 , 4*4"4 , 4*4-4 , 4 , 4 , 4-4" + +-H-•H t ^ 4-+ + + + 4. We Have Decided to Sell Them, and do it Quick. ** + + * + + **** + ++ + * + + + + + + + + + ++ *** + + +4-4-4'4*4’4'4-4-4*4*4-4*4-4'4*4*4*4-4-4*4'4*4*4*4*4-4-4*4*4-4-4'4'4*4*4-4-4* Pianos that usually sell for $275.00 can be had for $172.00 “ - “ “ “ 300.00 198.00 , , “ 325.00 230.00 “ “ 350.00 245.00 Pianos that usually sell for 5400.00 can be had for $287.00 “ 450.00 330.00 “ “ 500.00 * 372.00 “ “ “ “ “ 600.00 “ *• “ “ 455.00 Our stock includes Chickering, Mathushek, Ludden & Bates, Lester, Ludwig, Crown, Ivers & Pond, Estey, Rudolph, Kohler & Campbell, Elgin, Bach & Bach, and other Pianos. Every one of them will be plainly marked at CASH PRICES and this amount is all you pay, whether you buy on easy terms or pay all cash. This Will Present an Excellent Opportunity for Small Music Dealers to Secure a Good Stock for Their SpringJTrade. TERMS These are to be fixed by the purchaser, and we pbligate not to refuse any reasonable proposition offered us Simply tell us how you wish to pay it. j^a^Bga^M^shippgd on approval, and if not satisfactory can be returned at our expemtu lb 4- 4» 4- 4« + 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4* 4* '• 4* 4* 4* 4- 4* 4- 4* 4* 4- 4- 4* 4* 4- 4- 4- 4* 4- 4* 4* 4* ' 4« 4- 4* 4* 4- 4- 4* 4* 4- 4* 4* 4- 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4- 4* 4- 4* 4* 4> 4- 4- 4* 4* 4* * * 4. *M: * * * * 4* What We Say About an Instrejment-Q Q [ § 4*4*4*4*4‘4'4*4-4'4-4*4-4*4*4*4"4-4*4"4-4*4*4-4-4*4*4*4-4'4'4"4*4-4*4*4*4*4*4’t.4.4.^.4.4.4.^.4*4*4-4*v4*4"4*4"4*4*4-4*4*4-4*4" We have always endeavored to give our patrons the best values possible to be had, and stood ready at all times to make good any claims we have made, in order to convince each Carter & Dorough customer that there is REALLY SOMETHING IN A PIANO GUARANTY WHEN IT IS GIVEN BY THE RIGHT PEOPLE. We don’t handle Pianos too cheap to be good, and no matter how little you pay, you get a good Piano; no matter how much, you get your money’s worth. Certainly there is an element of reliability in buying from Carter & Dorough that relieves one of all risk in a transaction, whether it be small or large. In this sale we are offering the public our usual line of fine instruments at prices that you can see are greatly reduced. We have no worn out Pianos and Organs unfit for use of any kind that we will put up for your inspec tion, and a visit to our warerooms will convince you of this fact. We make a broad but modest claim that! j we can show a larger assembly of real high-class STANDARD PIANOS than any firm in the state, and the PRICE-CUTTING comes on the best as well as the medium grades. Every order, whether given in person [or by mail, will have the most careful attention, and each instrument inspected thoroughly before sending out' We Pay Toll Charges For Telephone Conversations About This Sale. CALL US UP, NO MATTER HOW FAR YOU MAY LIVE FROM VALDOSTA CARTER & DOROUGH, 112 Patterson Street, Valdosta, Georgia. Full Protection in our Specalty Guaranty Largest Organ Dealers In the U. S.” ■■ ■■ ■h ■■ ■ a ■ H ■ 3 ■ B ■ ■ ■ B mm nv ■■ b* ■ a ■ a mm ■ a :: a a ■s ■■ KB «M BB EB KB