The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 31, 1906, Image 4

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THE VALDOSTA TIM] MARCH 31. I«<)6. THE VALDOSTA TIMES. C. C. BRANTLEY, Editor, f. L. TURNER, Business Manager. •UB&CRIPTION PRICE »1 A YEAR. Entered at the Poetofflca at Valdosta Oa., aa Second Claea Mall Matter. CORRUPT USE OF MONEY. I divide the Democrats. “No time to The recent action of the democrat* ! divide now when they are spilt, j Ic executive committee of I>ownde, j "Disfranchise the blacks and free county in passing a resolution con-, the whlt0 *" 1,0 tttat " tlie whltea wl11 demnlng the use of money In rhe po- | n0 ' on kcr be afraid to divide, llllcal campaign In this county, and | Mr * Walson declared In the last at the same time making a rule to , Presidential campaign that he was lirevent «uch corrupt practice, has i bacl< ln polltlc “ 10 Btay * and that be met with general approval among ihai1 reconsecrated himself to the all classes of clflzenB. except per- w °rk of putting the Populist party haps a few political heelers who are i on 118 leB8 a &ain. He has worked ready anl willing to sell themseltes I himself up to the point of believing, to the highest bidders. j that lf he can cau8e to be written ,n our constitution some hokus-pokus phrases on the subject of disfran chisement that it will remove any . I remaining fear of negro domination . a u , J jr» ~s and that then “the whites Enn>how, thlB spelln’ reform biz-j ,r y ness Is likely 2 hav ruf slodla' bcfo the arrest of Secretary Cortelyou VALDOSTA, OA., MAR. 31, 190« SIXTEEN PAGES The dispatches yesterday and to-1 dawn ' day, show the crusades that are be-1 Awful suspicion begins that Mr. Carnegie’s spelling Is a bit | np against the corrupt rocky at best. money In other sections of the coun' — 1 . 4 ..... iln politics and that then “the A warrant has been Issued for I j will not be afraid to divide;” that (“the decks will be cleared for ac jtion and he can easily rebuild a par jty that will successfully contest tt gets thru. Germans are goring to build war airships. Submarines much use against them who was chairman of the republican campaign committee, in the last na- not be 'tlonal election. Not only Mr. Cor telyou, but other men high in official positions, may have to answer to the courts on the same charges, while In New York city some of the leading officers in the insurance companies there are being prosecuted for con tributing funis belonging to their companies for political corruption purposes. It would have been almosf"Impos sible ten years ago to have found any man who would seriously think earing out warrants against men In such high positions, under such charges. As a matter of fact, There is nobody under the broad ten or a dozen years ago people did (not think so seriously on this sub- TRADE HARK P'CKinably Missouri knows where It is going to buy oil, If It ousts the Standard Oil Company. "Powerful forces” it Is said are assisting the Fairbanks boom. There are indications that it needs them. The elections In Russia appear to be as great farces as the elections were In the South unJer the carpet bag regime. If Speaker Cannon kills the state hood bill, he can’t expect to have 'of any Oklahoma towns or post-offices j ni( named after nlm. 'with the Democratic party f premacy In this state. This is wj| he means by “disfranchising blacks and free the whites.” To pl^ this game was his resolve when found, during the nineties, that could not control the negro vote 1 (which he tried very hard to do) and J cast that vote against a white Dear i ta5TE, “ ** «* Imitation Is the Sincerest Flattery” The unprecedented popularity of Royster’s FARMERS’ BONE fertilizer has induced some of our competitors to advertise Fish Guano, claiming theirs to be “ju£t as good.” FARMERS’ BONE is the 'original Fish Guano, and, to prevent being imposed upon, buyers should be sure that our trade-mark is on every bag. This is the only guarantee that you are getting the genuine heavens today that has so much time na the civil service board. Everybody works but the board. Farmers’ Bone Made with Pish F. S. ROYSTER GUANO GO. Now that Kuropatkin has said what he thought of his brother offi cer*, It might be Interesting to hear ■what thoy think of him. The report of the court-martial on the collision of the battleships has been delayed so long that the white* wash must bo peeling off In spots. I have no coa Ject. and the people of the country ' , I Telegraph w had not been educated to look upon! ■political contributions In such a se* J rlous manner. The action against that official only goes to show that * the public has a very much higher loea as to political purity than It for merly had. What was regarded a Norfolk, Vo. Columbia, 8. C, Tarboro, N. C. Macon, Oa. Laughter as an Aid to Digestion. Nothing else will take the place of ^ years ago as smart politics Is'good cheer and laughter at meals or Now York's legislature” refuses to in ' ,W " > ° k '‘" ap °n a » criminal conduct-j any other time ln the home. There j + nsk Platt and Dopow to resign their 11 nla * v l,e hard t0 convict these prom* la a vital connection between amla- j .j. seats tn the Senate, probably feeling Inent men on the charges brought j blllty and digestion—between good | j, that it would bo of no ubo anyway. against them but* It will not be so cheer and assimilation. Laughter Is )8 hard the next time such a thing oc- ,lle 1,0,1 Wend ,he liver has * and d e ocratic primary. Of course a white Democratic primary ioes not* suit his purposes, for obvious reasons, I although that system effectually cuts ! out the negro votes at the polls. | If the Ishmaellte desires to help I Mr. Watson's program along It is i an affair of Its own with which we j have no concern, except that The | 111 continue to perform I Its duty to Its readers by keeping 1 them Informed pn these questions ' _ __ which affect the Integrity of the ! Democratic party.—Macon Telegraph !4 , ^**J*4* , J'*J* , J*^* # t , ^ # *J*^ # 'l*^^*l* + *l # 4 , 4* , i - *J*^*^*^ # ^ # 4**!*^ 4 *! - 4**5* , J**i**J**J # ^*^*^*I* * * * * ***************** *•** ***** * ***************** The Greene and Oaynor case said to be within two weeks of the curs, end In Savannah, and the Jurors are In good condition for the home stretch. presslon or melancholia, is Its enemy. Numerous experiments have Lowndes county has a record for■ shown that mirth and cheer stimu- fairness In political, matters that I ,ate the secretions of the gastric should maintain during the canipalg n ^ u,c ® 3 an ^ ar ® powerful aids to di tto la year at* all hazards. The execu' \The Central railroad of Georgia, ^ af #1| hazards. ' The'execu* g " 3,i ° n - Ye 5 know,n « thl9 * n,any <*- * its the government to pay It for . ’ • us sit as gloomy and absorbed at - ’hailing the malls before the war, nn u i V6 comnilttco has doao wbat It; the table as at a funeral. In many government ought to pay It lf It, cou,d t0 Provide a fair primary elec- > tomes ecarcely a word li tton (in.! the citizens of the county , . .should rally to their support, not on-; tlcl0 food - .. sinister omen, I The meal hour ought to mean Club of tho University * a Pnoldlng the spirit but the let- 8omothl „ B bcsl(ie3 9upplyln g a mere Of Virginia, seems to have over.uok ter of the ruling. It would bo well animal function. Tlie bell which «d a cross-oyod, red-haired Afro* for voters to keep their eyes upon, calls the family to the table ought American palter, ] and cast their ballot against any can* to be the signal for a good time, “Most Dead" Is the healing which didate In the present compalgn. who generally, when nil cares should be a* exchange gave to the Item tn re*;uses money or anything else for cor- “,t° J?"1“™’the ruptlon purposes. This would he an ti me for mirth and laughter. It ought excellent way to aid the executive to bo looked - forward to by the mera* committee i n bringing about an abso* bera of tho family as the recess or lulely fair election .nooning Is looked forward to by pu- pils in school as a let-up from the .strenuous life.—'Success Magazine. gard to the demise of the anarchist, Herr Most. It should have been headed “Most Is Quite Doau." If anybody thinks Col. Estlll is not a good campaigner, Just follow him around for a little while and soe that both-hnnd shake he gives tho boys when he meets them. A. H. DUKES, Hay, Grain, Flour, Gorceries. ^PFfTAT N ,,r, * , Carolina Seed Peanuts. ■lAAH.LO ♦ Spanish Two Crop Peanuts. . guarantee all^UUUS^u ^>1, • perfect satisfaction. If not I will pay freight both ways. My prices will In terest you. In Old Plant System Depot. ♦ + + + + + + + + ** + + ♦+ * * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * + + + ** + * + *** + + •» + *** + ***************************** ** ** -J-****** HAWK VS. SNAKE IN BATTLE THEY ARE NOT FOOLS. The Sparta Ishmaellte ventures to suggest to us that “Mr. A. is noboJv’g fool." Of When a Boy Came Along and Won j the- Fight With* Pine Knot Mr. J.. L. Harris brought a curl- Gen. Wood first said that the kill* .. , ing of the Mono women and children A factional feud ln a Virginia Met'd* UB uult * ur ' A ‘ A ‘ r was “unavoidable;" now he says It osity to Waycross Saturday which j odlat church resulted In the killing P hc - V 18 nobody's fool." Of course 1s linmic Doos „, e pre9ldCTlt think'had been captured by his son, WU- of A man and woman. There is no not. Neither is Scab Wright, nor this latest explanation is also “of lie. It was a large chicken hawk < telling where a factional feud is go- Watson, uor Peek. They are all course entirely satisfactory?” Or and a black snake knotted together 1 1ng to b^nk our or what will he tho snuirt and ^ e y agree Watson. 1,008 he like best anywav : by the snake having twined himself | ■: In the November number of his mag* A negro has been lynched tn Lou- !that'^tl^hawk had pouno | Dr. Wiley, a government chemist. az j ne the Populist leader appealed ,s, ana for stealing a cow. It is Irn- 1 . . th ana b e honing to car sayi that he can matve a glass of , , . n * *. , , t4VT noS sibu to tell how thev woulihurR , d Q tho k ' hoping to car , to his Populist friends, saying: “No P« 88 ««>ie to reii now they *(*»J hare • |<y hlm away ^ 1)reJ . f but t he snake Scotch whiskey in What the doctor ought to do is to got some quick remedy for the head 8a, *l ,n the past lie is Alighting our ache** that kind of whiskey produces. Apht now and we must- hold up his hands." mule, an unceremonious way and when he If any of our neighboring states > touted himself around the hawk’a should be short of oandldbtes for ! *'ng a "d drew a hnox so tight that j Veterans of the blue and gray min* " an ' JS Governor, Pennsylvania will bo able a sal,or 1:011111 not uatle ' th ® hawk | gled together In tho most- fraternal ln hls "Interview" with the Au* to supply them ami have plenty left coull not fly away and then It be- spirit this week The old "rebel yell* gu8ta Herald Mr. Watson closed hls for her own use. |e a >»e a matter of which would kill i might have created n panic among , , ' =r-■ - T — 'the other first. tho brethren on tho other side If^t ,Uree TOlumna wlth tho,e worj3: 1 j Nleholas tongwortb Is said to he ! They were ffghtlng vigorously j had been given aa they heard-It forty 8 ° un <l T he call to duty, comrades; la much better housekeeper than his 1 when Willie Harris came upon - them years, ago. three columns with these words: “I I duty, comrades; i ; you have an opportunity. Remember yonng wife, who has be-sa hoard toi an(1 ,n S p a t c hed them both with, 1 what you and I have stood for, have | dea,aro thnl rtle hates house- J p; ne —Waycrosa Journal. A FACT PROVEN. Notwithstanding the startling ex j L144 1 keeping, ixwuros of the Insurance Investlgn. 'nlnly'trled to do nil these bitter , tlona, It Is far from certain that the Yearn. Hoke Smith Is trying to do . Don't keep roar eyes on the man New York legislature will afford the what we want done and cannot do j 5 ' n ' have heard something bad ; Skou|(1 Conl i -c . ,he non skep- romedy of effective legislation. A by ourselven." ' ahout 11 ,s raor e Important that j , lfa , u. Truth, persistent lobby Is working, against it, iv.t.™ i„ hi. !tou k00p fhem «° . vour m»iuth. [ it |. ,he .Jlghtrst doubt In tbs legislative reform. Mr. Watson tn hls magazzlae again say*: “The anti-corporation whites South Carolina does not permit dl- mint!* of any that Dandruff germ* do not Officials of the New York Life are , ed by Hoke Smith want to remove 1 ™'"' ,0r , cau,e * Y f ho ' v abo “ t ! ^ h Ucame'teuTSS*''weeS ... . .... ... 80111,1 Carolina s own a l* snip: 19 dl- It muIt he * apparent to any to return J1BO.OOO which was contrl tho fpnr of n(lgro i om i„at!on so thnt butefl to the • Republican N^ona 1 wh , „„ , r „ afraId Committee. If this keeps up Chair-! man Cortelyou anl Treasurer Bllasj to dMd 0 -’* will have to admtt that they got it. Again Mr. Watson sayts; “When Though they needn’t aay where as j disfranchisement becomes a law, the me know’ already. 'deck will be cleared for action.” | If there 1 vorce herself from the Uhlon? The flreloas stove Is one of the lat* j n ■st inventions. Just so the good I tl »* application of Newbro’i their belief is compelled by the rabbit tnnoculated with the time. must be - apparent to anjr person thi»refore that the only prevention of baldness l« the <h?«tructton of tho gertn— which i act is successfully ac«^)irp!lshed 4 hundred p«r cent, of cases by The busy men and women of the • No, they are not fools, world are they who have attained to j ar ,, onv fools in the gamo they mnst| waukee and yot he wa , not w ; ut greatness. Many nuch have endured ho among those who cannot under* "made Milwaukee famous." hardships and practiced rWI econ* 1^ Mr w „ Mn '. plain and potent ! = = omy U. 0nabl0th0m ^” eetthe ^! word,. What 1. It he "want, doner I ExI> h ort , c ^ iton •" ,0 nmn'Js of a large family ana me ( ] fear that girls are studying too much greatest men this country has pro* ^hat do the words “fighting our Why not rig up a few naval acad*>- duced have been men who have la- 'light” mean? What is “the oppor-' m i e8 f 0r the girls? bored with hands and brain, after i tun |ty” referred to? What does he \ ■■ ^ !» romnetonev remember-1 _ ; Bibles are to be put In all the room* IS year. tTn?e ton” and ad-' ^ " cl0,rln ‘ ll » 0 decta for ^ jot the Savannah hotels Of course, milting that their working jeara tlon?' 'they will bo attached to gool. stroag ^ere their happiest yjars. I He tells you: “We must unite" to chains _ ir _ Fferplclde. . . . . . Panc'lruff is caused by the same germ housewife gives US enough to eat is , whioh causes baldness and enn be pre- what we are particular about. j rente,! with the same remedy—Newbro’s ——- ! Herpiclde. David S. Rose has been nominated : Accept no substitute. "Destroy the i »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Town&Country Mixed Paint ♦ The Very Best Made | ^GOOCCC5X^9Ca;^CQ3CCCCC80arOCCCCOS^^£g££^S8 * Berry Bros., Varnishes, Atlantic White ♦ Lead, Spencer Kellog’s Linseed Oil, Atlas * and Lehigh Portland Cement. White Rose J and Hydrated Lime, Brick, Mantels, Orates, * Tiling, Window Glass and Wall Paper. * 1 Oasoline Engines, Best Made * | C. B. PEEPLES, 2 113 WEST HILL AVE. VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. T Telephone 36-x ♦♦♦♦**********w******* for hls fifth term as Mayor of Mil j Sola 5 ty i M dlnr druggists. Send 10c. ln 'tamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. A. E. Dimmock. Special Agent. Do Not be Imposed Upon. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat anj lung r.medy, and on account of the great Train wa* Derailed I merIt and Popularity of Foley** Hon- Freight Tram was Derailed I ey and Tar many lmltatlon , are offer The shoofly train on the Georgia I f.j f or *h e genuine. These worthless Southern road was delayed two Imitations have similar sounding hours or more by the derailment of a freight train between Tlfton and Sycamore last night. The accident was of HtHe consequence and wai quickly repaired. names. Beware of them. The gem ulne Foley’s Honey and Tar la In a yellow package. Aak for It and re fuse any substitute. . It la the best remedy for coughs and colds. A. E. Dimmock Dissolution Notice. The firm of Pate & Moore, 8 miles from Valdosta, on the G. S. & F. road, la dissolved by mutual consent Mr. R. O. Pate, Jr., retiring and Mr. C. D. Moore assuming all lia bilities. R. O. PATE, JR., C. D. MOORE 3 24 w 6L C. B. Peeples sells wall paper. 3-24-tf.