The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 31, 1906, Image 6

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THE VALDOM brbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkbeibbbbbbbb J r* .tat aiiaaBBauiuEitiiiiiiiiiiiBiiinvimaHB K„iiiiiiiifliiinHiiiiDiiiii. loeDinadiaBarL ■< ^^s&aiminiigHiiSijSSiiao ■■ eb IB SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1906. SLOAi BROS. We Are Now in Oufr 24th Year in Valdosta. Everything in our We complete and up=to=date. B* B« Ask your Neighbor, YiSur Merchant or your Bank about us. Send us Your Mail Orders If you want them filled right and with dispatch. SLOAT BROS., LIQUORS s Valdosta, Ga. ■r ■i ■i ii ■i ■■■■■■■■■■■■■bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbijbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ■al3UBIBIIB.IBBBIBBBBIBIIBB2l«liLuliilllBIBBBS]ByiilSlt!QBflBlll ■■■■BBBBBBBBBBBBBI BBBBBBBBIIBIIBIBB Pretty Atlanta Woman Dies and Husband is Charged With Cruelty Atl*n««, M«rch 28—The ’coroner’* Jflfy- which made an investigation of the death of Mrs. Ada Langston, the beautiful young wife of J. D. Lang* *ton, manager of a 10-cent store on Marietta street, yesterday afternoon, rendered a verdict to the effect that the woman had come to her death from natural causes, being due tc curecmic poisoning, but recommend ed that the husband be examined by the Fulton grand J.'ury on the charge of mistreating his wife while she was ill. Mrs. Langston died Sunday at her home on West Bakqr street. The | finding of several peculiar bruises on the corpse caused the police and de* j tective department heads to decide that an investigation be made at once | by the coroner’s jury. In the mean time Langston, the husband, was guarded in his house by police offi cers. Mrs. Roxie Arches, of 151 West linker street, a neighbor, testified that while on her death bed Mrs. Langstor/ had confided to her that Langston had mistreated her. “But don’t breathe a word of this to any one,*' the sick woman had begged of the witness A negro girl who work ed for the Langston’s testified that she had seen Langston beat his wife on one occasion. The man who embalmed the body of Mrs. Langston for burial said he had found a number of bruises on the corpse. He thought they looked freshly made. A Citizen of Thunderbolt Enjoins Negro’s Bath House. GENERAL WOOD AND “GRAFT. Taft Explains Why Government Paid Wood’s Expenses. Washington. $ia*eh 28—©ecretary Taft today explained In detail to the senate committee on military affairs the payment of expenses of General Wood, who came from Manila to the United Stntes last summer for a surgical operation. General Wood had suffered from an injury receiv ed in Cuba seven years ago by strlk* lng his head on a chandelier. Gen. Wood first left the islands on leave, but met the secretary in Chicago, explained his circumstances, sug gesting that he be put on duty stat us, to which the secretary consent ed. The president directed General Wood to return to the Philippines by way of London, for. the purpose of consulting a specialist. The secretary said that an officer was as much on public duty when protctlng his health as at any other time. He said General Wood was allowed ac tual traveling expenses, which was $3,000. Savannah, March 28—For a couple of days the superior court of Chat ham county has been wrestling with an injunction suit from the town o? Thunderbolt Mr. Ernest 8chmitt, who owns a home in sight of the bath house of Mr. W. W. Airmar, the mayor of Thunderbolt, is after him for permitting men and boys to go in bathing In a nude condition at hia bathhouse. Mr. Schmitt complains that hia wife and company are often shocked by the nude condition of young men and boys who leap into the water from the spring boards at the Airman bathing place. He wants an Injunc tion to prevent any such exhibitions during the coming summer. He had his fill last summer, Mr. Airmar contends that there Is nothing im modest about the action of the bath ers and he doesn't want them to be made to stop. It will remain to be seen whether the masculine company of the mayor can disport themselves during the heated term as they did last year. The court will decide the question within the next few days. Suit Grows out of Tragedy. Savannah, Ga., March 28.—In the Superior Court this morning the ! case of B. J. Seckinger vs. the Sa vannah Electric Company, an action j for $10,000 damages was assigned for trial but went over because Mr. W. W. Osborne, attorney for the de- ! fendant company was engaged In ‘ the trial of the Green and Gaynor i case in the United 8tates Court This is a very important and In- | teresting case. Mr. Seckinger was a passenger on a car of the defend- j ant company when Moore, a drunken conductor, got into a fight with a passenger and pulling his pistol be gan shooting wildly. 8eckinger was ! on the car and was shot in the foot. * Mrs. F. F. Wheeler was killed while standing on the pavement in j front of her home. Moore is now j serving a life sentence for having j killed her. There are other suits i pending against the company because 1 of the same accident and for this | reason the Seckinger case is going to be hard fought by both sides. Twiggs and Oliver are Seckinger’s attorneys. Torture by 8avages. j “Speaking of the torture to which j some of the savage tribes in the ■ Philippines subject their captives, reminds me of the intense suffering I endure.! for three months from in- flnmmat n of the kidneys,” says W. M. Sherman, of Cushing, Me.. I "Nothing helped me until I tried ELctrlc Bitters, three bottles of which completely cured me.” Cures I liver complaint, dyspepsia, blood vlis' i orders and malaria; and restores the weak and nervous to robust j health. Guaranteed by A. E. Dim- j mock and W. D. Dunaway, drug- ; gists. Price 50c. Dangers of Pneumonia. A cold at this time if neglected is liable to cauBe pneumonia which Is so often fatal, and oven when the pa tient has recovered the lungs are weakened, making them peculiarly susceptible to the development of ocn sumption. Foley’s Honey and Tar will stop the cough, heal the lungs and prevent pneumonia. LaGrippe coughs yield quickly to the wonder ful curative qualities of Foley’s Hon ey anJ Tar. There is nothing else “Just as good." A. E. Dim mock Eat What You! >>. i. ike Don't Starve or Diet, but Use Mi-o-na and Cure Your Stomach Troubles. The average treatment of stomach troubles consist of a rigid diet list, which often half starves the patient* Of course it would be foolish for any one who knows that some foods are positively harmful an.l poison ous to continue eating them, while following the Mi-o-na treat ment, but in ordinary cases of stom' ach troubles it is not necessary starve or diet if Mi-o-na is faithfully used, a tablet before each meal. This scientific remedy, for the :ure of stomach troubles, acts upon the whole digestive system, and strengthens the organs so that they are able to digest any food that is eaten without fear of distress. A. E. Dim mock has so much con- j ti lence in the power of Mi-o-na , cure stomach troubles and resulting j j ills, that he gives a guarantee with I every 50 cent box to refund the mon ey unless it cures. Stops itching instantly. Cures plies eczema, salt rheum, tetter, itch, hives, herpes, scalds—Doan’s OlnL ment. At _any_drug store. Senator Clark, of New York, is again a candidate to represent Mon tana in that august body. A Safe Cough Medicine for Children, v In buying a cough medicine for children never be afraid to buy Cham borlain’s Cough Remedy. There is no danger from It and relief is al ways sure tv> follow. It Is especially valuable for colds, croup and whoop ing cot gh. For sale by W. D. Dun* away, Valdosta. Ga. The thing that makes any man su* perlor to another is his service. Accidents Will Happen Use ForSprains.Bruises Sore Muscles,Cuts Burns & Scalds At All Dealers Price2JfJ0f6?lOO Dr. Earl S. Sloan Boston M&ssU.S.A.. Announcement The New Liquor House Is now open for business. I ask the public to call and get prices, as I make a specialty of shipping mail orders, which will always have my prompt attention. Remember we run no BAR. I have had twenty-five years experience In the Whiskey Business and I assure you that I will give you the best Whiskey for the money that you have ever bought before. All I ask of you Is to give me a trial. I keep all Brandies for medical pur poses. That’s all. You will find me at 118 North Ashley Street. Louis Lippman, Valdosta, Ga, i; j __ 11 B, A — Dealers In ■ “kinos OF MULES and HORSES Yuo can find us at our new stables now be ing built in rear of the Roberts and Cranford building