The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 31, 1906, Image 8

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8, / THE VALDOH lWi'IMES. SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1906. Early Arrivals For Spifang Special Lawn, Embroidery and Silk Sale At The Red Spot Store, “Muff Set!V RAWLINGS CASE TO COME UP. (1 Will Be Heard in (Holiest Court Attorney General Hart and Mr. Coop er to _eave the Latter Part of the Week for Washington to Appear Before the United States Supreme dourt. (Prom Thursday's Hally.) The Rawlings case la to be argued before the United States supreme ooiirt In Washington City next Mon day. Solicitor Thomas may go there with Attorney General Hart and Mr. Cooper, but thiH Is not* certain. The following In regard to the case was sent out from Atlanta to the state press yesterday: - *The appeal of J. G. Rawlings and Ills two sons, who are under sentence of death In Lowndes county for the murder of the Carter children, to the supreme court of the United States will be argued before that tribunal -on Monday next. "Attorney General John C. Hart is preparing to leave, the city for Wash- * For Tax Collector. At the earnest solicitations of many of my friends, I announce my self a candidate for the office of tax collector of Lowndes county. My op ponent, and the present Incumbent, Is a gentleman of the highest tvp;. but has amassed quite a nice little fortune since he has been In office, and does not need the office. My af flictions are such that I cannot do manuel labor, and if the voters of this county will give me their 'sup port In the coming primary, I prom ise them as faithful service as I kno w how to give. U. C. Geiger. For Sheriff. j To the White Voters of Lowndes | County: I am a candidate for re-elec tlon to the sheriff's office, subject to t.he white primary. If elected I will do my level best to All the office as I have done heretofore. Thanking the citizens for past favors. Respect fully, J. F. Passmore. MORAN A1HICKY GET IT, TOO. An Appeal. To the Voters of Georgia: There are several candiJates ask ing for your support in race now pending for governor. Russell Dawson Darsey. July 23, 1891—March 23, 1906. Of a truth, all in this life is van- ln~ some "re-'^y* Too °Hen our b*?4t laid plans — Pickpockets Who Robbed Mr. J. L'MEi zZ and a " ,s The Supreme Court of Georgia Af firmed the Sentence of the Lower Court in Thoir Case, Making the Last of the Notorrous Gang to be Sent to the Penitentiary. (From Thursday’s Pally.) The supreme court has affirmed the decision of the superior court In I he oases of James Hickey and Frank Moran, the alleged pickpock- els, who held up Mr. John T. Rob erts at the Coast Line depot here and robbed him of over one hundred dollars the day he left for Philadel phia to he at* the bedside of Mr. John R. Young. The other cases were affirmed sev eral days ago, with the exception of the case against Morris, which was reversed. This was regarded as a weak case all along and the Jury recommended mercy for the defend ant. Judge Mitchell Imposed a sen tence of only one year upon him. All of the other pickpockets have been convicted and sentenced for terms of ten and fifteen yeai*s. A remitter in the cases from the supreme court will be sent to the superior court and Judge Mitchell will make these decisions the Judg ment of the superior court. This may be done at the May ter© or special session may be’ had for thai purpose. When this is done, the prisoners For County CommL.ionor. wl " bo "' rne '' ° ver to ,he P enltpn ' We, the many friend. of J. I., tlary guara. tot-conflnemettt atworit claimed thnt tho of a?! citizen. Roberaon, of tbo PCuyror district nn- ' 11 convict camps, who are not by law exempted from nounce him a candidate for the office j t “ •ervlce on juries, should bo placed of county commissioner of Ix>wndes J . Statens Millinery Opening. In the Jury boxes. On Ibis ground It county, subject to the democratic i ? r,le m 'Hin\'ry opening on next Is charged thnt the action of the Jurj primary election. ThlB March 23, 1 ,u>sday ,he 2,1(1 of Apr11 J - F. commissioners in leaving out of the 1906. Many Friends. . St;l,t n Co.. promises to be one of the , Jinost Interesting event's of this sea- For County Treasurer. !„„„. The firm Is r.ot sparing time I hereby announce myself for re- . or expense to make this display of election to the office of county treas- unusual Interest. The^ many at- subject to the democratic prl- j tractive models In English and For Sheriff I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of sheriff of I.owndes county, subject to tho dem ocratic primary to be held on April 25th. I will appreciate the support of my fellow citizens. Calvin Dampier. Notice. Having recognized in E. W. Pres* cott, the ability to discharge with credit to himself and county tho du ties as representative, we respect fully announce his name as a candi- lngton tho latter part of the week date for representative of Echols for the purpose of representing the county subject to the democratic prl- st&te In this argument, while the de- mary. MANY VOTERS, fendants will he represented by At torney John R. Cooper, of Macon. On account of Its Importance this came has already been advanced on tbo supreme court docket, this step being taken at the state's request. ^ "Attorney Cooper Is basing the np peal In behalf of his clients, practi cally altogether on the ground that tbo laws regarding trial by Jury were not conformed to In the trial of olj < vm*»~n«twl!agH uud his sons. It Is For County Commissioner. The friends of O. K. Jones, John W. Hagan and W. F. Arnold an nounce them ns candidates for coun ty commissioners. They are well known citizens of recognized busi ness ability, who will render valua ble service to every Interest ht the county. spects they are all agree!, and it is our fairest hopes—are blasted with pc ssible that the material Interests a suddenness of a catistrophe. We ef the State would he as well € * ol ‘| awake with a start from , the most served by one as by another—as well ... : . by me as by any other candidate. ! l entranolng dream. " e s,aml Hnc But. there are certain great moral Is- ( l a >’ w ith ne’er a thought of Impend- . for which I especially stand, ing danger; the sun shines brightly ! and beauty around , no other candidate stands, for “»• SudJen,y a sha,l0W ,a,la a& ’ j humanity, for home, for women, for wart our path, a chill creeps over us, motherhood and for the children. the sun goes out, every sweet sound I stand: is hushed, and we stand in the aw-1 For oetter marriage an! divorce , T r ! lawg , ful gloom of despair. How_^oft we j For better Sunday laws. j twine our dearest affections around ! For better prohibition laws. , some loved one until every purpose, ! For better child-labor laws. and plan, and hope for the future, ' Have we not, as citizens and Chris have become centere! in the life of 1 linns, as fathers and hretaren, been lhat one, w h en , a ] most without talking and praying and working for warning, the object of our love is .' ears to bring about an improvement snatched from us. our very heart- 1 along these lines? Have w e not dis- strings are torn, and we are left i cussed these themes before our con' aIom . | n our helpless grief. I greganons and before great conven- ~ ... . I tions? Have we not appealed to the 7 , h " s „ wl !? n the slrae i people and beggej them to elect ° " n * 1 f 7, " f , , Darsey v went ! men to office who would remedy h aad b , s s! r . f aafobe n the home some of these evils? Have we not f,. tl ?.* ™ dl e "" e ' , l „ He W3S wl,h " memorialized general assemblies and „,.£„*♦ * ’ ‘? s * l . were * strong and begged for legislation that would correct some of these wrongs? Now can we consistently vote robust, happy in the pursuit of his studies. Before we hardly realized ihat he was sick, we were called to look upon the face that always bore a smile of kinJly greeting for every one. calm in the majesty of death! Loved ones and friends are over whelmed in an avalanche of grief, for all who knew him fcela person- voted for the poll- aI loss in being deprived of his gen- an 1 for the scheming candi’ companionship, and the ennobling Jury boxes the names of lawyers, doctors and other professional men. Is vlolntlve of tho letter and spirit •f the constitution which guarantees every man the right of trial by a Jury of his peers. "Should the supreme court take ibis view of tho case It would, of course, delay tho ultimate result, ns them would have to bo another trial* , mary to bo hold April 25th. Respect French leslgns W. Lang. For the Legislature. 1 beg to nnnounce my candidacy for the legislature, subject to the prl It would also upset practically nil of mary olectlon to bo held on the 25th flic courts of the state, bocauso It of April, and I earnestly solicit the Ss generally known that In not a sin- ; support of tho citizens of the county. Jury box do the names of tho j , J. R. Walker, daises referred to appear, at least only In one or two instances. This Shearing before the supreme court of i l!» United States Is. therefore,. one <tf no little Importance to the entire ....... . _ .. . . . i4 , # , subject to the democratic primary state. Involving ns It does a funda-l • .... .. mr4K » to be held April 25th. Respectfully, mental q,.cation. _ | Wi T . 8uten . With Larceny After Truat. Sheriff Passmore went to Macon tbfs morning after Johh Lawson, a who Is accused of robbing exclusive In style For Tax Collector. I hereby announce myself a can- ' didate for re-election to the offiioe of tax collector of Lowndes county, j For Tax Receiver. | 1 beg to nnnounce myself a candi- • date for Tax Receiver, subject to colored''woman~Tn ihU 'elty 'oif’about i Ihe * c,lon of t5,e •’ rlnmry - If ® le ®‘ e<1 ' *H0. Shu had him build a houze 11 wl " » er ™ tho county ,0 ,he be8t No duplicates will be furnished In these models. In addition to these they are showing Gage Bros., and Phipps tailored hats. Sea Island Cotton. | Sea Island cotton has been selling at a considerable advance during the past few days, eighteen and a half cents being paid for fancy cotton yesterday. It Is said that some buy ors are buying to fill In contracts which they had previously made, and thus the price Is forced up. The cotton men here do not anticipate any great rise In prices and some of them are Inclli^d to believe that eighteen and a Tialf cents Is an much or more than the staple will bring hen th® present contracts have been filled. , T against them in the coming election Is it tjot our duty to assert our con scientious convictions at the ballot- box? If we believe in these reforms as we say we do, should we not give emphasis to them by voting them tiiclan . . date in the past, and his promises influence of his pure young life, have proved of little worth after he Russell was born to Mr. and Mrs. got Into office He treated these /• Harsey on the 23d day of Ju- !great reforms as things of minor lm' Iy * w as always a healthy, portanee. Tell me, would it not be 8tr °ng boy having at the age of four- wise for conscientious men, for tpen developed the statue of a man. home-loving citizens, to cast their ni l nf b naturally acute, developed votes for a candidate, who for years, ra Pldly as his body. He was apt on all occasions, has stood fr these * n studies and was far dn advance principles and who now makes them of the average boy of his age A matters of prime Importance, de- striking tribute to his worth and at* mandlng suitable legislation for their tainments was the fact that the of enforcement? flcials were holding open for him a Would you' settle this matter, so position In the MHltown bank, which far as w are concerned? Then he would have taken at the end of call a aPreronce In your home; in- the present term of school. itber and wife and child. He was.the Idol of the home—and - ■■ nsclenc© and ytrnr God Justly so. He was alwaVs sweet- ei*onsiv r * e8 tW anA "W 8plrlte ' 1 ' k,nd and gentle. He had no ftreordnnre Vi’ti, *h . 6 D p,ace ^ or an ger or harsh words. He accordance with the conclusion indeed carried sunshine to all his reached. If your wife an 1 child and associates, at home and nbroa 1. No your conscience and your God disre- one ever knew him to wound the gard these moral reforms push them feelings of another by word or acr. aside—-all right—then vote for some Tt wns Ms pride that he was able to other candidate. But if they sav, assi, me many of the cares and re* aim at better th’ngs. strive for rlgh* s PonsihilltIes of the home, and thus teousness, protect your homes, your Ms father. His parents had women and your children—then vote Jf nrned rely on him so fully that 1 for me, and if elocfel, to the extent Ms going away is like the breaking ! my ability, these things shall come up of their no me. pass. Such a boy would naturaly be of i Vote according to the convictions a P* ol, « disposition, and so he was. j your enlightened conscience, and Ar nc:e ten years, he Joined : e will win a victory such as pas tke MHltown Methodist church, and never been recorded in the annals was a Mvnl and consistent member of the state. a8 l°n_g as he lived. He was actively OPENING NEXT. Taesday and i / Wednesday, APRIL 3rd and 4th. Newnan, On.* G. A. NUNNALLY. for her on Toombs street and she paid him for the work, so It is said. According to the charge .'.gainst hlm» he left bills unpaid which came up against the house after he left. It is said thnt he was living In Macon tinder the name of Alfred Lawton. He will be brought back here to- tilgh*. for trial on the charge which has brought against him here. * $150 a Front Foot Mr. A. Converse this morning e!o?»ed a trade with Mrs. M. A. Hodge for the little brick building •on Ashley street formerly occupied toy the Capital Cafe and the adjoining alley. It has a fronting of forty feet «nd sold for $6,000. or $150 a front $oot. of my ability. To Add to the Hotel. It is said that Mr. Fred Bamberg contemplates adding sixteen rooms to the'Florence hotel, which will greatly Increase the capacity of the house. Mr. Bamberg has already made many Improvements In the Florence and he Is being compliment ed on all sides for the service which he Is rendering the public. Mr. Gordon Tillman left on the west bound train this morning after spending several days in this city and section. JESSE SCRUGGS. Another Drove of Cattle Impounded. The police officers made a round For Clerk of Superior Court. this morning and found sixteen cows R. T. M.vddelton herein announc-1 nn d calves running at large upon the es himself a candidate for re-elec- streets, contrary to the city ordi" tion to the office of clerk of the su-, nance. The cattle were got In a perior court of Lowndes county sub* bunch and driven to the impounding ject* to the democratic primary. (station where they will be held untl* the fines are paid. Five head of unmarked hogs were Remove FrecKles and Pimples IN TEN DAYS, WITH WADINOLA X ^ ...THE COMPLEXION BEAUTIFIER... (Formerly advertised and sold as Satiuol*.) identified with the Sunday schools, and wns an enthusiastic supporter of the movement to build the new col lege here. His manly deportment and hls gentle an 1 winsome spirit made -him a social favorite, although so young. In ever markable way Russell was a re boy. Hosts of friends mourn with the bereaved family for the community can ill afford to lose him. But we know That his short life has been, and will still be. a ben- For Tax Receiver. I wish to thank my friends and the public generally for the support glv- a,so ‘■"•rested and put In the pound , on me In the past and to announce | this morning. If this thing keeps up myself again as a candidate for tax ! ,b ' > °™ n at hnRS a "‘> receiver, subjeet to the Democratic j *f™ „f. IfTll primary. C. 8. Bacon For Representative. I announce myself a candidate for 2*<»1ec‘.ion to :he legislature subject j So the democratic primary. C. R. Ashley. C. C. Varnedoe & Co’s, spring millinery opening will occur next Tsesdav and Wednesday. April 3rd isird 4th. See the announcement -which the firm makes in this issue mt ihc Times. wit dlt For Commissioner. The friends of W. F. Arnold do hereby announce him as a candidate | for the office of commissioner of I roads and revenues of Lowndes county, subject to the primary. as It cost8 something to let stock run at large in Valdosta these days. For the Legislature. I hereby announce myself a ~an- didate for re-election to the legfpla- lure, subject to the democrats pr! ii'hry. E. J. McR?e Horses and mules. Mitchell, at Ham Bros. Sh rt Waist Club Entertained. The shirt waist club was delight fully entertained yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Dan Breedlove. Progressive 42 was played. Mrs. C. P. Hender son. winning the prize, a pretty fan. After the game dainty refreshments were served. Smith's Sure Kidney Cure. The only guaranteed kidney rem edy. Buy it—It costs you nothing If It fails. Price 50 cents. A. E. Dlmmock. For New Road. GEORGIA—Lowndes County: Whereas, certain petitioners have made their application to this court edictlon to'those who "had The” good P™ y i»* for an ordcr K rant1n S fortune to bo intimately associated establishment of a new roal colli- with him. menctng from public road leading We laid his to rest In the frora Lake Park to Valdosta at a beautiful cemeterv at Alanikha Point.near J. C. King's residence in church last Saturday, a large throng >f ke Park Jirtrlct at landMine di- of sorrowing loved ones and friends vldlI1>! J - £. Kings and Wls- Joinlng In the sad tribute to one who beaker; thence following said land wrs loved by all. line, dividing lands of Dr. Rouse The Sunday school last Sunday and Robt. Hlneley; thence lands of passed touching resolutions on hi3 T. J. High, J. H. Carter and A. C. death. We commend the bereaved Carter; thence lands of W B. High father and mother, sisters and broth and G. B. Martin; thence lends of er to Him who can comfort and bind Andrew Frier and G. B. Martin, and up the broken hearts. If we are intersecting the public road lead'ng faithful unto death we shall see him from Valdosta, Ga., to Beiv‘*’e, Fla., again, and shall know him, in a land near the residence of G. B. Martin, where there shall be no more death, in the 16th district of said county, neither sorrow nor crying. His mem* And where as, commissioners appoitn ory will be best honored by emu- 1 ed for that purpose have revieweJ and latlng the example he left us of a marke j out said contemplate! road, i and reported to the commissioners of roads and revenues of *5Aid county j thai said road will be of much pub lic utility and con/enlence. Now i this is to cite and adm »nl.M nil p a r- b wu • sons that on and after tIie ?th day Notice to the Public. of May nex t. 1906, said new road I wish to Inform the public that I; will be granted If no go)l cause *.s have bought out the repair shop of shown to the contrary. W. H. Goodwin, and will have bep ! Wlttiess tbe Hon - Commissioners ter facilities In future for servnv the of Roai,s anJ Revenues, ibi3 March Ies in Iul ure ior servng me oorh moo r t \TVitnici tyw sweet, pure and earnest life, Farewell, dear young friend, fora little while. R MHltown. Ga., pubic. A. A. Parrish 1 have this day sold my repair Lus lness to Mr. A. A. Parrish, and I A few applications -fill .-tmovc tan or respectfully ask all of my old custo- the beauty of youth. mcrs (0 calt on - a)m ln ( utuPe f or any .- NADINOLA h guaranteed and money ... , , , „ refunded if it fait to remove freckle., th,ns in hls Ilne ' Those wn0 are ln - pimples, liver-spoU, toller discolorations, Jebted 10 wl » P leas « •*“>« *•«» black-headi, disfiyc.;.? ontftiaos, etc., in Mr Parrish. W. H. Goodwin, twenty Leaves the skin soft, clear t March 21st, 1906 and healthy. Endorsed by thousands. — Price 30 cents and SI-00 by all leading 1 Everything in paints at C. B. Peep druggists, or by mail Prepared by 3-24-tf. National Toilet Co., Paris, Term. • , Sold in Valdosta by all Leading | Pjr klnds „ f surety bond , ap . Druggists. piy to B. S. Richardson, Valdosta Ga 3 31 30d. Clerk Com. Rovl.s and Rev. FOR SALE—I have 20,000 seed cane for sale cheap and will sell to proper persons on time and take good syrup next fall at 25c per gal lon for It. Farmers Supply Co., L. M. Stanflll, Manager, Hahira, Ga. 3 27 wlm. C. B. Peeples sells Alabastlne the best wall coating known to science. 3-24-tf. Brown Leghorn eggs, guaranteed to hatch. One dollar for 15. W. R. Smith, Tlfton, Ga. 3 17w7t