The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 07, 1906, Image 1

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! i ' . ** V* TWICE-A-WEEK Ordinary'* Office VALDOSTA, GA., SATCJKD Infatuated Man Shot Ijfagan TIGER WAS NOT IN HI8 LIAR. A Peculiar Shipment of Whiskey Is Looated at Moultrie. Mayor Monk has In his possession about forty bottles of booze of the Atlanta, April and her Brothejr Killed Him. B. Wilmouth, Paul Jones” brand that he would • •witchman for the Southern rail- liko for some one to tell him what w *y *8 ed thirty years, is dead, with . . ,. • i . . . . his throat cut by Walter Hightower, o do with. The whisky was located cr Mra 1“ * " eSro h 7M da L! r tW ° 7° Carrie J. Bryant, sister of H.flhtow- and was confiscated. The merchan" , , ' ’ . . _ . „ , .. . . er, is thought to be dying from dlse came from Albany addressed to ' * , , ' . . wounds nflicted by WI mouth’s revol- Ed Fowler, a negro that has been .... .. . ANOTHER DEATH IN THEBME. The Trail of the White Horse in Green and Gaynor Case. Bereavements That Have Followed the Trial in Savannah—Capt. Ben D. Greene is on the Stand and is Making a Very Fine Witness— Many Ladies at the Trial Today. Savannah, April 5—Once more has ifoath visited the family of one of those connected wttto the fated Greene i. . ., . . .. ..he to'd her that if she went to meet ^ , I being addressed to another man the . . . . . .. and Gaynor trial. The daughtei/of j neKro j n charge could not be con- her husband he would ki| l her * Mr# * Col. Wm. Garrard, senior member j vlcted. The hackman said he had Bryant pald n0 attention t0 hl * tonight eon "" ed th8 COunty JaiL of the firm of Garrard & Meldrlm, j Instructions from the negro to deliv-! » » . »» |-* * jj I • leading counsel for the accused is fw!’QSflVule DQSCOClll \JLUD IS the latest to pass away JUie was bur I led yesterday afternoon^Snce this ver. The affair took place In the ex treme western part of the city last night. The shooting and cutting affray was the result of a mad infatuation serving a term In the penitentiary for the past six months and the po lice having^their suspicion aroused by the address watched the delivery. 1 It was taken by a hackman and ...... .. . .. _ . u . . ... ..... . of Wilmouth for Mrs. Bryant. Her delivered In one of the little houses , , , ,. . ., . . . .. ______ .. people claim that Wilmouth, who belonging to Mr. Z. H. Clark, the L ...... M , , . ' . boarded with Mrs. Joe Johns, mother of Hightower, and Mrs. Bryant, has for some time tried to alienate Mrs. negro who inhabits the house being away from home. When the tenant throats, but when she returned to the Johns horns Wilmouth endeavored to mak< them good. He waited into the*4&m where Mrs. Bryant was, and pulling hie re volver, opened fire. 8he ran and the first two shots missed, but the last went thrgggh her hips and it it thought ftp cannot live. Hightower rushed in# the room Just at hit tit ter fell and made at Wilmouth, who turned and itm into the street, pur sued by Hightower. A hundred yards from the house Hightower caught Wifmouse and literally cut him to pieces. He cut his throat and stab bed him e+veral times. According to Hightower’s statement he was so en raged that he stabbed Wilmouth as many tlntffi as he could. Hightourer gave himself up and Is this, so there was little rto be acconr plfshed further than to hold the whi** . . . . , _ . _. ___ key, which the police dlJ.—Moultrie trial began in Savannah, Mr. W. W. . Observer. ! Osborne, an attorney ror the defense* i has lost his mother, Col. P. W. Mel* drim has lost a son, Mr. Marlon Er win, assistant United States attor- ney general has lost a sister. Gen. { 8afe Robbery „ . Bruntwick . STOLEN MONEY IS FOUND Two Arrests Are Made as Result of Barr, who Is assisting in the prosecu „ tion has lost a nelce, United States ! Brunswick, Ga„ April 5-More than Marshal White has lost a relative, * 18 ' 000 to the ,2 ' C00 ,hat was > stolen and there have been other dea t ts ; from the Captain Tobias New ln families of those connected with : man Mon,ln: nlBht has be ™ recover- the case. It !*„a curious thing and is I 6 ' 1 ' John Wayne wl,h accomplice, attracting much attention. Cspt Greens on Witness Stand. Capt. Benjamin D. Greene, one of the defendant! In the Greens and Leonard Jones, both white, have been arrested, charged with the rob bery, . ** ■ Gaynor case, now on trial" Jn. tho l7° bt 7. fl ! elf _, ranlt eitr » United States court spent the entire —— of the trial of ! |eB|fH •lew of his with the Savannah river con> no of th0 ho,,sc3 ' Suspicion was cast upon these two . thnii. -T. 11 msnsge Coming to Valdosth to Practice. Savannah, April 5—Besides being the team will gather in Nashville on the headquarters for the South Atlsn- next Thursday, the 12th and will go tic Baseball league Savannah ha. with him to Valdosta for practice. The season Is to start at Valdosta on May 3d. Mr. Starr will leave here on April 10th for Valdosta. The team that has been corralled ao far for Valdosta Includes, Barber, Paine, Waiver and Buchanan, pitch- era; Molaa and Walter, catch; WII- lett, manager and first bait; Ruther ford, Covington, third and James, ir out among Its residents two managers of teams In the league in which Albany and Valdosta are to have teams this season. Manager Thomas will go to Albany In a few days to arrange for the ar rival of hia team. Mr. Arthur Starr, who owns the Valdosta franchise will be In that city soon also. Mr. Starr has been advised by Mr. Charles R. JOINED TOGETHER AT LAST. Coupla Who Were Separated Many Years United Again. A moat'remarkable story of a too brief wedded bliss, long separation and Anal reunion la told by J. D. MeBwen and hla wife, who are again one after fifteen years of vicissitude and matrimonial chances, In the land of flowers. Qn March 22, 1887, according their story, they were wed, despite of objections of the parents of the bride, who was Miss Allf Gordy Glendale, Fla., when she was but 14 nnd he but 18. For two years they were together as man and wife, and the machina tions of the wife's family, brought about their separation. Shortly af terwards Mrs. McEwen was Induced to believe that her husband was dead, though he was living In Manltee county,. Florida. This she did not discover, she said, until two months ago, when she wrote him. In the meantime, howover, Mrs. McEwen had not remained ns sup posed, widow, for she married twice after her separation from her first love. For nearly IB years she was the wife of N, E. Johnson, who died May 29, 1904. A year later she was married to A. Larsen. When Mrs. McEwen learned that her first husband was not dend she at once told Larsen of It and she said he must leave her. This he did. She has three children, onq by Mc Ewen, and two by Johnson. McEw en says he Is satisfied with (9>;e mar riage ceremony performed 18 years ago, and does not think It necessary to be remarried ^o hla wife. BLUN TOijSTAY IN POST OFFICE. Is Another Term. Assistant Postmaster General Hitch cock Says he has Made a Personal Investigation and hat Found that Capt Blun hat Rendered Efficient Service—Will Recommend his Re appointment, Washington, April 5.—Capt. Hen ry Blun, Jr., has assurances from th- officials of the postoffice department thnt he will succeed hlmsof as pool- master at Savannah. Postmaster Blun was hero yoster- day nnd had a long conference with First JAssIstnnt Postmaster General Hitchcock, relative to the adminis tration of the Savannah ofllce. When Pofmnster Blun left for home he oar- rled with him the gratifying assur ance that his administration of the Savannah postofllce Is entirely satlr factory to the Postmaster general and the latter Intends to recommend his reappointment by the president. No Change* Under Consideration First Assistant Postmast<|- Gener al Hitchcock In discussing the Blun case today, anthorlsedm e to say that he has not haV under consideration any ebargea made against Postqwa- ter Blun v iNaval stores^ tracts and his association with Capt* 0. ‘M. Carter. Capt. Greene proved a very adroit and altogether satisfactory witness under the questioning of his counsel. Mr. W. W. Osborne. He told a very straightforward story giving expla nations of all the deals that Carter is alleged to have tried to get him nnd Gaynor to enter into with prom inent Savannahian8 and others. If the witness can retain his com* posure under the searching cross ex amination of Mr. Marion Erwin for for the government he will have made a fine Impression on the Jury. They are again talking about the end of the Greene and Gaynor case. It may conclude In a couple of weeks now or it may run through the mont" of April. The masculine public is beginning to tire of it but the ladies enjoy it. April 1 meeting of the 8avannah chambT i Turn for * Cheater* rannah, 'April market took Xe short the "or*® yesterday timlWTinVlTM dun of its had not recovered at the opening this members about a hundred per cent morn,n ff* T* 1 ® belief Is that it will Nothing Is known of Wajhie, who commerce wae held last night at the had but recently come to Brunswick rooms of the organisation. The meet from Savannah. Jones is a Bruns- ing was largely attended by the mem- wick boy and served in the First bers of the chamber and there were and there wae much epeculatlon at Georgia regiment of the United aeveral encouraging talk*. to whether the membership could be States volunteers in the Spanish- Col. J.,H. Ettill, the president of maintained at the increased figures. American war. afterwards going to the chamber since Its organization Experience hae shown that this did no ° n at 8,xt J* flve a ” d a qu * r er ana the Philippines with the Twenty- three years ago, declined re-election not hurt the memberehlp at all. In- ninth provisional regiment. chosen by the directors next week worker* into the fold. And its way back to its level by tho four o’clock market call. There were sales yesterdny after to that office...HI. eucceMor will be .t»d It brought a .better el... .of lh ® opening at eleven o'clock. Ro.ln. show but little change. Death of Mr. Mai Kelly. , Mr. Mai Kelly, who has been resid ing at Rementon for some time, died yesterday afternoon after a long 111- Savann . hi Aprll 5_o ne of th . ness of some organic trouble. Hla fun eral occurred at that place and hla ture * of the «PP Mr * n « of Madame body was hurled In the cemetery Modje.ka at the Savannah theater near there.. laat night waa the courteay shown = = . - her by the member, of the Knight* Catholics Honor an Actress. PRES. BARR’8 RESIGNATION There were more than fifty ladies In of Columbus, ar. organization of Cath- court at one time today. Some of ollc young men. Madame Modjeska •them have been in attendance almost appeared aa Mary 8tuart. constantly since the trial began. | Although the lenten season prevent^ ed many Catholic^ from attending her performance the local council of It Caused Very Little 8urprlte in 8avannah. Savannah. April 5th—The reslgna' the Catholio Knights of Columbus tion of Mr. J. M. Barr as president •ent her a large bouquet of flowers of the Sooboard Air Line railway, which were handed over the foot- caused little surprise in Savannah, lights during the performance. Thl* It has been expected for a week that was in recognition of Madam’s cour- Mr. Barr would leave tho service of .had no weight at the postofllce do* tesy to the members of the order the company at this time. He has partment and such explanations as when they met In California several many friends in SavAnnah who wish , were desired wore frankly ami Bait- yeare ago. him well. ’Isfactorlly made by Mr. Blun. vannah postofllce, and H wm Hid that his private interests received more attention front him than' 'hie public duties. I have made a person al examination of the administration of -the Savannah office and you are at liberty to state that I regard Post* moster Blun as a capablo and effi cient postmaster, and I see no reason why he should not bo reappointed if he will consent to serve another term. ” — Mr. Hitchcock said in addition that there had been some complaints made against Postmaster Blun by persons who are evidently inspired by personal Jealousy or political ri valry. These reflections upon the business capacity of Mr. Blun have Get Busy at Something Useful We Have the Tools With. Which to Make* a Good Vegetable Garden or a Beautiful Lawn. GARDEN PLOWS. POTATO DIGGERS. RAKES. HOES, LAWN MOWERS. gHOVELS, PRUNING SHEARS, HEDGE SHEARS. COT- TON AND RUBBER HOSE, REELS. NOZZLES AND SPRINKLERS. THE HARK! COMPANY, Headquarters, Valdosta, Georgia. Harley Stands For Hardware, See How the Names Run Together White Fine Sash. Doors, Blinds, Paints and Cookiug Stoves. Wa Pay Far O bone Messages^ That Are Orders For Goods.