The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 07, 1906, Image 7

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THE VALDOSTA TIMES. SATURDAY, APlilL 7, 1006. 7 CITY COUNCIL’S Regular Monthly Meeting was Held An Oirdnance Passed to Prohibit Swinging Gates in the Streets— Sewerage for Gordon Street and Storm Sewers for Ashley Street. Annex to the City Prison. The mayor and coancilmen heiJ question comes how are we to pay their regular monthly meeting in the!the debts contracted? Your con*. | SOLD LAND TO PAY DEBTS. Seventy Years Ago the City of Macon Was Swamped by Debt. Nearly seventy years ago a portio” of the city of Macon’s reserve was sold for the purpose of payin&jnff the debts owed by the city at that time. This fact was brought to light when Major Smith made a search of the records of council for the year 1836. From the minutes of the council meeting which was held on the third day of that month, now almost sev* enty years ago, the following was taken: ‘ That the corporation of the city of Macon is now indebted in the es timated sum of $86,750. To us the TAX VALUE FIXED FOR MARCH 31 Last Saturday was the Day Prog- Tax Payers Must Pay for What they Owned on That Day, fn Accordance With Rule Made by Tax Commis sion—Why Secrecy is Maintained in Regard to the Day Selected. Last Saturday was the day upon which all returns of state taxes for council chamber at the city hall yes ! mIttee wouId r ^ ommend that . tbe [the year 1906 must be made. In (city surveyor be directed, under the terday afternoon. The mee ng was ' superintendence of the committee, to quite an important one, as there was I j ay off on the city common (or re- who owns a P iece of real estate several matters of interest to come * serve) in conformity to the present U p plan of the city, lots to be sold for a t . .. . , __ lease of 999 years from the first of It was decided to Increase the ca-1 * January next, by public outcry, pay* pacLty of the city prison by the addb able ha , f cagh one fourth slx months ^ u tlon of several cells to be placed In. anJ one .f OU rth twelve months and I j av or mo afterwards, the room adjoining the present prls- from the , )roceeds of tbe sale the ' on. These cells are to be arranged bo tnat they can be moved later on to ; other words any person in Georgia any personal property on that day, must return it for taxation to the state and county, no matter whether he came into possession of it Just the day before or disposes of It a A BIG DEAL YESTERDAY. Bamberg and Hickok Buy Large Tur pentine Farm at Tarver. Messrs. Fred Bamberg, of this city* :tti I Leonard Hickok, of Ruskin, on yesterday coed a trade with Messrs Frank Fender and S. A. Walker, for a turpentine farm at Alexandervllle. Besides the turpentine still there were twenty lots of land id the Jen and it is understood that the price paid for it v about $13,000 The purchasers took possession of the ulace today, ft is .'understood that Mr. Hickok will be in charge of the work. He and Mr. Bamberg both have large experience in the naval store business and both have been very successful operators. No Change Was Made. The county commisioners did not make any change in the system of working the county roads at their meeting ithis week, neither was any change made In the county cohvfct gang. The matter was discussed at considerable length but there were a desire on the part of some of the commissioners to defer action until the next meeting. Chairman McKey tbe nex annex when it is built. As a matter of fact, the councilmen Je elded upon the annex to tbe city hall. Ownership of any real or persona' j was very much in favor of Imnied* debts of ithe city, amounting to $86,- {p r0 p er ty on March 31, 1906, has,late action as he thinks that the 650 be paid.” I been made the basis of all tax re-j county is being put to unnecessary Further examination of the records |turns for this year, and the owner j exxpense by 'delaying matters.: He disclosed the fact that the sale of the i on that day must make the return j is in favor 6f selling it wo of the property thus provided for nettedj am j pay the taxes. j teams, which were recently bought hat the work will not be undertaken : rhe c ^ y $u3 t 3io, leaving a balance j This day was fixed in accordance by the county and this will probably yet. Only a temporary arrangement,^ tIle cIty treasury, after the float-1 j aw by the state tax done. ■will be made at the present time, as, lng debt had been paid. The floating ! g j on composed of Governor Terrell, 1 Chairman McKey thinks that the this can be done without loss to The : de bt at that time was about one-half I Comptroller General W. A. Wright decrease In the number of convicts | what it is now’. The population was and g^te Treasurer R. E. ParK. j makes some change in the system Dr. J. M. Smith who has been act tlien 3,000 souls, whfle now, accord- The law requires these officials to necessary, as there are not enough Ing as chairman of the board » ng to the new' city directory, It lsj name a day between January 1 and j convicts for the tw'o gangs. The health said that he could not serve , 54,000. The total assets of the munlci-1 April 1 of each year as the date for* other members of the hoard thinks I during the coming year, as he ex * ipaiity were estimated at that time 1 making returns of state taxes, and t.Wc probably there will be an in- pected to be away from the city to b e worth $200,000. Now that city ; t h e ac tion this year was taken some cren-:e in the number of convicts and much of the time, and Drs. Little j p r0 pe r ty is estimated at about $l.-*days ago. It was not given out for then the work can go along as here- MAN TO BE HJNG IN for Relatives in per. Hoping you will advise me, 1 am in Hattiesburg Jail. Yonrs tnr- ly, Sam Roberson. My home is at Phllana, Ga. My mother’s nanu is Pacion Roberson. I was horn and raised in Lee county Yours truly, Sam Roberson. The man is evidently withont friends, or he would never have tar ken tIlls method of attempting to locate his relatives. 1 Pathetic Letter of Appeal From a Former Georgian Now Under Sen- tence of Death in a Mississippi Jail—The Man Has Relatives Whom he Wishes to Reach. In a last and perhaps vain effort » locate his relatives in Georgia I before he dies, Sam Roberson, who mder s ntence to be hanged in June at Hattiesburg, Miss., has writ ten an appealing letter to (he Sa- annah News. The appeal is a pathetic one. Rob* rson’s uncle. Sam Peters, ho believ- s to be somewhere in Georgia or Florida and the unfortunate man is anxious to locate him. The ignor ance of the condemned man is pitia hie in view of hio serious condition. Our Fiscal Year Closes. The Times fiscal year closes this week and it is important that all amounts due us he paid promptly, as we need the money. Our collectors will be on the street among the mer chants and we trust that all of them will meet their hill promptly, as we have large obligations to meet this week. “Don’t look too far ahead,” says the Atchison Globe. "You go to bei to rest, not for the purpose of get ting up ami going to work again.” You cannot catch the ame rat twice In the same trap, but you can a man. This is no compliment to the man and Talbot were elected as members of the board to take his place and th~ place of Dr. Ben Burton, who re signed some time ago 000.000. NEWS FROM CAT CREEK. Cat Creek, Ga., April 5—The farm- days ago. publication, however,, as the day fix- tofrr ed is never public until after it has • passed. j The reason for secrecy about this • A Correction. The Times has been requested by News: The council also decided 'to extend p rs are very b ugy h ere planting. The' ac *i on 0 f the tax commissioner until . membera of tbe lof tee to state that 1 T1 ,^ t att * 09bu i rK ’ M * 8Sm 2 * the S.nltary sewerage along Gordon acreage ot cotton la al)out the sarae! after the Jay fixed has passed, Is tb » row whlch reported to have " 111 you please be so kind os to put street to Ashley and along Ashley L, , a3t yaar . g crop . The fanners are ] that many people who own personal °“urred at the colored Odd Fellows an advertisement In your paper for street to Webster and then to Patter-j preparing to make more hog and 'property and who desire to avoid the ^all on Monday night, happened at *“*• ° ni mJ unc am Bon street, and the work Is to be un- honllnv i payment of taxes on It, would take HoI>e Hal1 ' another colored meeting Petars - He ls somewhere In Georgia dertaken at on£e. This extension Mr. g f. h aw ^as been v ^ry advantage of this knowledge to trans P* a ^ e instead of the Odd Fellows’ i° r or a ' will give less grade and, consequent | s j ck f or aeve ral days, but ls bertter. !f er the property temporarily or send 1,01 ly will involve less cost for this work* ^ Mr. Chester D. Shaw, of Nashville ' \i outside the state and thus* avoid It was also decided to put in some | a (candidate for treasurer of Ber- twenty Inch sewerage pipes for the r j en CO unty, was a visitor here one Btorm sewerage on Ashley street, be- d ay | ast wee k. tween Webster and Gordon to con-! The beautiful home of Mr. M. W. nect with the canal. Jones near here was burned to the As to Hanging Gates. ground Friday about 10 o’clock. Mr. An ordinance was also passed re-1 Yeomans occupied the home, gardlng the hanging of gates in the i Several people from here attend- Remove Freckles and Pimples IX TXS DAYS, WITH TWADINOLA 1^...THE COMPLEXION BEAUTITIER. Any one who can furnish any infor- , . t . . _ . .. __ ~ . , J (Formerly advertised and sold as Sattuola.) niatlon as to the whereabouts of the • relatives he seeks will undoubtedly he only too glad to do so. opy of the letter received here has been given the superintendent of police, and he was asked to am through the chiefs of police and sheriffs in other places In looking for the man wanted. If the uncle still resides in Georgia or Florida, as ls believed by the unfortunate writei there is a chance of his being lo cated. Following is the letter to the Morn* ,clty as follows: ( B/ Councilman Ousley:— Be it or dained by the mayor and council of the city of Valdosta, and -it is here by ordained by authority of the same that from and after the passage of this ordinance/ no person shall be al* ed to swing a gate within the city of Valdosta in such a way as to open on any street, side-walk, alley or lane in said city; but that all per- eons be required to so swing their gates as to open on the inside of th« enclosure on the property of the own Be It further ordained that no per Bon be allowed to leave any gate op en in -the city of Valdosta after open ing or passing through the same, so as to obstruct any street, sidewalk, aley or lane in said city. Any person violating this section tor any provision thereof shall, upon conviction, be punished as prescribed in Section 107 of the city code of Val dosta. Be It further ordained that all or Ulnancts or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Bills Ordered Paid by the Council. Street pal roll $ 287.75 Sanitary pay roll 1G4.80 Water works pay roll 106.25 Ingrain & Hewlett 1.10 C. B. Peeples 12.03 Chas. Hvass 28.99 O. T. Oxford 13.31 Express Fire Dept 2.10 T. M. Ray, P. M 10.70 O. T. Oxford 20.36 M. J. Chauncey 1.17 J. W. Richardson 20.00 Manufacturers Record 5.00 C. B. Peeples 352.00 W. s. Dunbar 17 *00 iC. C. Dunbar 17.00 1C. C. Cody 12.00 ^Gus Devane 6 15.67 L. C. Yainedoe 28.70 Keuffer & Esser Co 12.42 G. A. Ci**swell Co 1.35 Frankliu 1 rnt’g & Pub Co.. 4% Rovnk fcouse 10.00 Chas. D. Reese 13 50 Jones & Youles 7.65 Ousley & Co 80.00 Marlon Curry 1.22 B. A. Deal 17.10 Boyd Fry S. & C. Co 50 Ham Brothers 117.00 Thomas Dekle HJw. Co 1.8b J- P. Ulmer 20.35 Harley Hdw. Co 9.50 Fender Lumber Co 26.88 Valdosta Ice & Mfg. Co 358.20 Boyd & Presley H. Howard ed church at Lois Sunday. Mr. J. N. Swindle, of Milltown, visited home folks here Sunday. Mr. J. J. Bradford made a busl- ness trip to Milltown Thursday. Mr. Henry* Knight who has been attending the medical college at At lanta, has been spending a few days in this section visiting friends and relatives. Mr. J. B. Moore made a business trip to Valdosta Tuesday. — Fire Alarm Yesterday. A fire alarm was sounded late yes terday afternoon, the alarm being turned In from a box at the corner of Troupe and Rogers street. The fire was In a chicken coop In Mr. Bur- dett’s yard, and It was extinguished before the firemen reached the scene* They made a good run, however, and were followed by the crowd which usually goes to all of the fires. H. F. Tillman Grain Co. . 53.36 John T. Roberts .76 J. P. Ulmer 6.75 J. T. Webb 9.00 Eureka Fire Hose Co. ... 30.64 Preston Brooks 45.00 Paul Canady 40.00 Tom Cook Jr. 40.00 W. S. Barco 31.10 Henry Sirraans 26.75 Shelton Moore 15.00 John Dukes 20.50 Valdosta Times Pub. Co. . 1.50 Austin-Western Co 73.02 Good Roads Machinery Co. 8-00 Valdosta F. & M. Co. ... 351.50 D. G. Griffin 125.00 Robert Gran* 50.00 Jesse Grant 40.00 Kinder Lou Mills 30.00 Valdosta Ice & Mfg. Co. . 108.03 C. I. Shelton 57.75 The R. J. Canter Co 4.00 J. S. Scofield Sons Co. .. 10.78 J. J. Newman 100.00 Wisenbaker Lumber Co. . 3.19 Valdosta Printing Co. .... 8.85 Ousley & Co 1.50 Briggs Hdw. Co .30 Rrlggs Hdw. Co 16.19 J. J. Newman Clerk 11.08 C. Dampier -cos C. Dampier .75 IyevI Presley 60.00 O. T. Hill 50.00 John Clayton 50.00 Jno. McIntyre 25.00 J. M. Gates 11.65 S. L. Sharpe 50.00 W. J. ClJdens 33.33 Valdosta Library 30.00 I atn in a lot of trouble. I am to ba hung in June and I want to get , ... ® r l B V “ U keepln K “'me‘ Do Y ° U 8Uffer Fr ° m K,dn ' y Troubl * ' my ,>O ° Pl0 W ° rd ' lf a ® re ‘ 8 “ ny the tax gathere. By P B , We guarantee one boule of Smith'‘chance. date secret much of this evasion or Sure Kidney Cure to benefit or cure, I [ ,i„ n ’t know Just where they are taxes on personal property Is pre- or your druggist will refund your lat go y „ u „ e go Wnd a „ to help m© find them through your pa- vented. The day flxed for tax returns this year is the same day that was used for this purpose last year. pre-; or your druggist will refund [money. Price 50 cents. A. E. Dim- mock. t A few appHca'.ior* - .1 remove tan s&liownes? and res*..La beauty ot youth. NADINOLA is saoc.y relunicd *f It faiL t-j (rsck'—. y pimple:, 'h-cr-spd ; *Hu.', black-heads, disfiguring fn--X\(>wu et*. twenty d*y*. Leaves ta* -An soti, aad hcslth”. by thousand Pricu 30 cents ani 3.1 :y all leaoiny druggists, or by mivil. Vrrparvd by National Toilet Co., P^ls^Tenn. Sold In Valdosta by all Druggists. SAD DEATH OF A CHILD. The Infant Bon of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. West Died Yesterday The remains of little Walton Kelly West reached the city this morning from Atlanta where the little one Ji«?i yesterday afternoon between two and three o’clock. The remains were accompanied by the parents oi the child and by Mrs. W. H. Wiggs of Atlanta. Mr. Will J. Kelly, of • Savannah, a brother of Mrs. West jeame over to attend the funeral to day. i The child’s death was caused by her brother, Mr. C. P. Kelly, as far as Atlanta on his way to Colorado, where he goes to live. The child at jthat time was in very good health to all appearances, and he did not show any signs of illness until Sunday ‘ morning. | The little sufferer had the best of •medical attention, but the illness was known to be of a very serious nature from the beginning. Mr. West was summoned to Atlanta and was there !when the child died ! The funeral services were conduct ed this afternoon from the family re** lidence on Patterson street, by Rev. jO. C. Carson. The Interment occur red in the city cemetery. The herea v * ( ed parents have the deepest sympa thy of many friends in this city, In .their hour of sadness. # DRINK Bars Men from Employment Every line of bantneM in beginning to •hut its door* absolutely to drinking m<*n. BuHinenti competition ban become no k<*. u that only men of steadfast habits can liud employment. i handle responsible i iking disea ~ **" system. No “will power** i meat is necessary. Cures Whiskey and Beer Habit Tckc 0RRINE Quietly at Home! without pitient’n knowledge, «... «. • - - - -oluntary treat- :e, *1.0) per o.2. Price, J. W. Richardson buy OR RINK N. meut, buy OKRINL bo*. Curt Effected or Money Refunded Btxik un “Drunkenness” (sealed) free on request. ORRINE mailed sealed? on r-i- ceipt id t\ by THE ORRINE CO., Inc., Wasbhigton. u. C., or sold in this city by 3b A. E. Dimmock, Patterson St 20.00 Valdosta, Ga. Sammer Furnishings For Men and Boys. O • Our showing of Fancy Hosiery is large and comprises nosirey. the latest effects 25c and 50c the pair. r \T .^ Nothing adds so much to one’s appearance as r ailCy V ests. a neat Vest of different material from the suit. We have a well selected assortment at $1.50 to $5.00. Neckwear and Belts. wear, and can suit any taste and any purse. Belts 35c to $1.50. Neckwear . . 25c, 50c and 75c. Underwear. We carry the very best goods, have a large stock, and sell at modest prices, 50c to $4.00 the suit M. A. BRIGGS, "One Price Clothier.” Valdosta, : : : : Georgia.