The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 14, 1906, Image 10

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10 THE VALDOSTA IftMEH, SATURDAY, APitlL 1 4 , 1»U6. HENS MUST LAY BY LAW. Legislative Bill Requires Eggs to be of Uniform Weight. The hens of Iowa will hereafter be required by law to lay eggs of the uniform weight of two ounces each. The legislature the other day passed a bill in which It was provided that one dozen eggs should weigh twenty- four ounces, and that merchants and fanners might buy and sell eggs by weight InsteaJ of by count if it pleased them to do so. But t*iere Is no provision in the art for eggs over or tinder the standard weight, nor is the r e any suggestion of a means of compromise If eggs do not tip the beam at the right notch. The pass ing of this act, however, response to the reasonable lion that eggs ought to he sold by weight instead of by count, owing to their variation in size. Under the existing practice a dozen eggs weigh* ing twelve ounces commands as high a price as a dozen weighing twice as much. In other words “eggs is eggs” no matter their size. For For Sheriff. j 1 take this method of announcing At the to my friends and to the voting pub- many of my frii lie that I am a candidate for the high a candidate Collector. solicitations of Is, I announce my* the office of tax * and important office of sheriff oi , collector of Lowiij^s county. My op-i Lown.l-s coun-. mbject to the ac- I«nont, and the'present Incumbent,! Is a gentleman of the highest tyn*. J but has amassed Iquite a nice little fortune since he lias been In offle SAP PINE TIES 6x8x8 coun tlon of the democratic primary. The |crlfr- between the two candidates already In the field is such that man* of our best citizens think it ought buitm it. ........ an, l does not the office. My af- led, I have noting"a?a“lMt" " lc,lonE are ,ucll l th3t I cannot do cither, but am -coking the .upport Iabor -» n i ,f the * of all, and thanking my friend, In | rtlls coun . t5r "l' 1 f y e me t^r_ sup- advance of the same, I am. Very respec’fully, E. H. Davis. For Tax Collector. To the Voters :f Lowndes County: y unfortunate condition of health ges-1 forbids any pursuit In the way or business requiring physical labor. For this reason I have concluded to stand for the office of tax collector before the primary to be h*ld April 23th. I appeal most earnestly to the electorate of the county for their support pledging competent and most faithful work In the discharge of the duties of that office. Respectfully. Arthur F Passmore. A Wonderful 8avlng. The largest Methodist Church In Georgia used 32 gallons of L. & M.,' mixed with 24 gallons of oil, thus mak-1 F0R TAX COLLECTOR, ing paint cost about 91.20 per gallon ! * a candidate for Tax Collector subject to the action of the white They calculated to use 100 gallons of our paint. Saved about 180.00 and also got n big donation of L A M. Dealers gladly sell L. & M-, because their customers call for It, and say they used It 12. 14 and even 30 years ago. Don’t pay $1.50 a gallon for linseed Democratic primary, and will ej pr* elate the votes of ntv friends and the citizens generally, f have con' sidered the matter carefully and have been solicited by a number of my friends to make the race. If hon ored with the nomination I beg to assure the people that I shall spare no effort to conduct the affairs of the oil, which you do In ready-for-use office in t paint. i Buy oil fresh from the barrel at 60 j cents per gallon, and mix It with L. & M. Paint. I Mr It makes paint cost about $1.20 per' GEORGIA gallon. Sold by B. F. WhittIngti business-like manner. Respectfully, D. A. Lawson. Valdosta. Burned While Working In Field Mrs. Brown, who lives In a new bouse In the oak grove north of W. D. Brown's home, was seriously If not fatally burned while working In a field*. She wash tuning trash In some way. Before she could get her outer garments off she was badly burned about the body nnd face. Mrs. Brown’s father, John Nowbcrn Sr., Informs us tha f site Is getting along very well and that she may re cover.— Nashville Herald. Human Blood Marks. A tnlo of horror was told by mark of human blood In the home of J. W. Williams, a well known merch ant of Bar. Ky. He writes: “Twen- , ty years ago I haj severe hemor rhages of the lung*, and was near death when I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, It complete ly cured me nnd I have remained well ever since." It cures hemor rhages, Chronic Coughs, Settled Colds and Bronchitis, nnd Is the only known euro for Weak Lungs. Ev ery bottle guaranteed by A. E. Dim' mock and W. D. Dunaway, drug gist. 60c an J $1.00. Trial bottle free. grateful to a candidate this county support me in Justice t to make tin State vllle Prescott Declines. Echols Conn y: I any Friends:! feel ver -*oii for announcing me a for representative o and your kind off» .* t- at the nex: election, bu > myself I must decline race. Yours very truly W. E. Prescott, April 12th. port In the coming primary, I prom ise them as faithfur service as I kno* how give. U. C. Geiger. NOTICE! To the Citizens of Lowndes County I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Tax Collector, subject to the Democratic primary, respectfully asking ]the support of the public In general and my friend In particular. As to my ability ti fill the office I can only refer th< public to my recorj when I was col lector. Promising, If elected, to dls charge my duty faithfully without b ar, favor, reward or the hope there of, other than what the law allow* mo. Mi C. ULMER. For Sheriff. # To the White Voters .of Lowndes County: I am a candidate for re-elec tlon to the sheriff's office, subject to the white primary. If elected I will do my level best to fill the office as I have done heretofore. Thanking the citizens for past favors. Respect fully, J. F. Passmore. For Sheriff I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of sheriff of Lowndes county, subject to the dem ocratic primary to be held on April 25th. I will appreciate the support of my fellow citizens. Calvin Dampier. During the next thirty days we will place orders for limited quantity of 6x8x8 sap ties. Will not take anv other size but 6x8x8. and will only take them from parties to whom we ? ive written orders. If you wish to urnish any sap ties, write us. Brown & Co., BRUNSWICK, GA. will please see that each bottle has a Coca Cola label oil it aud that the words Coca Cola are on each crown, as there are some people who will try to palm off on you some cheap spurious article which does not contain the medicinal qualities Of tile genuine Coca Cola. Bottled under the supervision of the Coca Cola Co., by The Valdosta Bottling Works, th** only authorized bottlers in this section BUSINESS LOCALS. Everything In paluts at C. B. Peep le*. 3-24-tf. F\>r nil Kind* of surety bonds ap ply to B. 8. Richardson, Valdosta Ga C. B. Peeples sells wall paper. 3-24-tf. Tax Receiver’s Notice. I will be at the following places on dates given below for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the vear 1906: Naylor, April 2. 9, 19. Cot C.eelc, April 10, 20. Hahlra. April 3. 11, 23. Ousley, 4. 12. 24. ClyaUvIlle. April 5. 13, 26. Lake Park. April 6, 16, 27. Club House, April *8, 30. Dr.sher, May 1st. Darsev School House May 3d. Valdosta on all Saturdays and dal ly after rounds are made until books close T une 1st. O. S. BACON. Tr- Receiver Lowndes Co. Ga. Dissolution Notice. The firm of Davis & Huckaby, pro prietors of the Valdosta Meat Mar ket, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. J. W. Davis has sold his Interest In the business to G. F. Huckaby, to whom all ac* counts due the firm should be paid, nnd who will pay the Indebtedness of the firm. J. W. DAVIS, G. F. HUCKABY. Valdosta. On., March 13, 1906. 3 17 w4t. Brown Leghorn eggs, guaranteed to hatch. One dollar for 16. W R. Smith, Tffton, Ga. 3 17w7t C. B. Peeples sells Alabastlne the best wall coating known to science. 3-24-tf. WANTED—Experienced all around dairy hand. Must bo good milker and understand care of cattle. Ad dress Quitman Jersey Farm, Quit- man, Gn. 4 7aw 2t Notice to the Public. 1 wish to Inform the public that I have bought out the repair shop of W. II. Goodwin, and will have bet ter facilities In future for servng the pubic. A. A. Parrish I have this day sold my repair bus Iness to Mr. A. A. Parrish, and I respectfully ask all of my old custo mers to call on him In future for any' thing in his line. Those who are In debted to me will please settle with Mr. Parrish. W. H. Goodwin. March 2lat, 1906 If you have a farm or city lot for sale, write us, we will buy them at a reasonable price. Southern Real Estate & Loan Co., W. M. Glddens, President. Tlftou, Ga. 4 3 sw lm. FOR SALE—I have 20.000 seed cane for sale cheap and will sell to proper persons on time and take good «yrup next fall at 25c per gal lon for It. Farmers Supply Co., L. M. 8tanflll, Manager, Hahlra, Ga. 3 27 wlm. LOST — Between Valdosta and Ix>ch laurel on Tuesday afternoon, a black over-coat. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at Breedlove’s store. 4 7 wit dlt Young man. young woman, do you want to be self-supporting? Would you Ilk© to bettor your condition and increase your opportunities for use. fulness and money making? Then attend Stanley’s X3uc!dok> College. Macon, Ga. 4 10 w3t Smith's Sure Kidney Cure. The only guaranteed kidney rem edy. Buy It—It costs you nothing If It falls. Price 50 cents. A. E. Dim mock. A healthy man Is a king in bis own right; an unhealthy man Is an unhap py slate. Burdock Bloo! Bitters builds up sound health—keeps you well. Dissolution Notice. The firm of Pat© & Moore, 8 miles from ValJosta. on the G. S. & F. road, is dissolved by mutual consent Mr. R. O. Pate, Jr., retiring and Mr. C. D. Moore assuming all lia bilities. R. O. PATE, JR.. C. D. MOORE 3 24 w 5t. For Sale Cheap. 1 saw mill, 40-h. p., 2 log carts, 1 stave or shingle saw, I rice mill, i oat thrash and fan, 1 second-hand saw gin. Apply to M. M. Blanton' R. F. D. No. 2. Naylor. Ga. 4 7 w 3t Guano For Sale Cheap. Four and f. half tons Extra Stan dard guano, bought for planting melons, but have since decided not to plant. For sale cheap W. L. Wlsenbaker. Notice. Having recognized In E. W. Pres cott, the ability to discharge with credit to himself and county the du ties as representative, we respect fully announce his name as a candi date for representative of Echols county subject to the democratic pri mary. MANY VOTERS. For County Commissioner. The friends of O. K. Jones, John W. Hagan and W. F. Arnold an nounce them as candidates for coun ty commissioners. They are well known citizens v>f recognized busi ness ability, who will render valua ble service to every Interest In the county. For County Commissioner. We, the many friends of J. Roberson, of the Naylt. — ♦.TYr.TT*TT- nounce him a candidate for the office of county commissioner of Lowndes county, subject to the democratic primary election. This March 23, 1906. Many Friends. For County Treasurer. hereby announce myself for re election to the office of county treas urer subject to the democratic pri mary to be held April 25th. Respect W. Lang. For the Legislature. I beg to announce m.v candidacy for th© legislature, subject to the prl mary election to be held on the 25th of^ April, and I earnestly solicit the support of the citizens of the county. J. R. Walker. Fire Insurance, j Tornado Insurance. ; Insure Your Property With I Blitch & Richardon, If yon want the best insurance in the! best companies We represent nothing i but the best Strickland Building, 108 S. Patterson j Street, Valdosta. Ga 119 ill L BROKERS • • Private Wires to Principal Market, ] Center Phone No. 1172 11 Florida Bank and Trnst Co.,:;| JACK SONY 1 l.l E, FLA. Prepared by us are just according to the physician’s order. We never substitute. Let us compound your prescriptions. We do it accurately and quickly. ■ W. D. DUNAWAY. ■ Druggist and Optician. ■ Valdosta, : : : Georgia. ■a aaaaaaaaaa n aaaaaaaaaaaaa Stalk Cutters RIDING Cultivators DISK Harrows, Gasoline Engines. jj '♦ r w *"■' Farm Machinery and Farming ments of all kinds. W. H. Briggs “Oelloe’s lead and Zinc Paints” Hardware Co “Everything in Hardware.” For Tax Receiver. i beg to announce myself a candi date for Tax Receiver, subject to the action of the primary. If elected. I will serve the county to the best of my ability. JESSE SCRUGGS. For Clerk of Superior Court R. T. Mvddelton herein announc es himself a candidate for re-elec tion to the office of clerk of the su perior court of Lowndes county sub* Jecf to the democratic primary. For Tax Receiver. I wish to thank my friends and the public generally for the support giv en me In the past and to anpounce myself again as a candidate for tax receiver, subject to the Democratic primary. C. S. Bacon jS$B€Sn3^S!3939SSigSgS5SgSSSSgjgsgsg3g3££ii&| Schofield’s Iron Works, M ^NUFACT JRFRS OF , High Grade Machinery, MACON, GEORGIA, For Commissioner. The friends of W. F. Arnold hereby announce him as a candidate for the office of commissioner roads and revenues of Lowndes county, subject to the primary. The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cure. Is Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. Your druggist will refund your money If after taking one bottle you are not satisfied with results. 50 cents by E. Dlmmock. WANTED—Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for firm of $250,000 capital. Salary $1,072 per year, payable weekly. Expenses ad vanced. Address Geo. G. Clows. Valdosta, Ga. wit Do You Suffer From Kidney Trouble We guarantee one bottle of Smith’ Sure Kidney Cure to benefit or cure, or your druggist will refund your money. Price 50 cents. A. E Dlm mock. For County Commissioner I hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election to the otn of I county commissioner, subject to the action of the democratic whtle prl mary and will appreciate the votes of the people. j. E. Webb. For the Legislature. I hereby announce myself a 'Can didate for re-eleetliro to the legisla ture, subject to tlie democrats pr! tt'sry. I E. J. McRee Steam Engines,f5Bollers,?8aw Mills. Gone Mills, Corn Mills, Iron Grinders, Shafting, Pul leys, Boxing, Gearing, iron and Brass Castings of every description. We are Original Inventors of the Tnrpentine Distillers Steam Pumping Out- We have lately equipped our already extensive boiler shops, which now gives us largest ca pacity of any manufacturers in the South. We are headquarter* for Steam Pumps, Inspirators, Injectors, Valves, Lubricators, Wrought Iron Pipe, Boiler Tubes, Pipe Fittings and Pipe Fitters' Ma terials. SAVE MO.NhY AND DEAL DIRECT WITH THE,'MANUFACTURERS For Reprcaentatlve. I announce myself a candidate for reelecUon to the legislature mbject to the democratic primary. c. r. Aahtey. J. S. SCHOFIELD’S SONS CO., Proprietrs, Macon, Ga.