The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 14, 1906, Image 3

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THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY, IS DISCLOSED The Unfortunate Woman’s Home was in Rhode Island, and Friends are Now on Their Way to Valdosta to Claim Her Body—Messages Were Received from Them After the Body Had Been Consigned to the Grave. . (From Tuesday's Daily.) Events transpiring yesterday and today have cleared up the mystery Surrounding the identity of the un fortunate young woman known here as Hazel Thompson, who was found dead in her bed at her house on Dash* er street Sunday morning. Undertaker Ulmer took charge of the woman’s body and effects and in her trunk found papers giving the names and addresses of relatives and friends in Rhode Island. From these it is learned that the woman’s real name was Lucretia M. Dewey, the divorced wife of James E. Dewey, of Providence, Rhode Is land. Her maiden name is supposed to have been Lucretia Dodge, of Block Island, Rhode Island. Mr. Ul mer sent a telegram to James T. Dodge of the latter place, informing him of the woman's death, and re ceived a telegram signed J. T. Dodge instructing him to hold the body un til the woman’s uncle could reach Valdosta on Thursday. The body had been buried yesterday afternoon, however. A message was also received from Frank A. Matthews, chief of police of Providence, Rhode Island, telling Mr. Ulmer that the woman's friends were on the way here to claim the body. A couple of women from Bain- bridge, who had known the dead wo man in that place called at the unde'* taking rooms yesterday morning to view the body, and also gave Mr. UP mer the names of the woman’s A PIONEER CITIZEN DEAD. Uncle Norman Campbell Died Yester day Near Morven. (From Tuesday’s Daily.) N*ws has been received here of the "death of Mr. Norman Campbell at h.i home near Morven yesterday after ?r» illness of several weeks. Mr. Campbell was the oldest man in the county, being 96 years old and was promint i.t in the history of the county from the days of the earliest settlers. He was of Scotch descent and was a man of wonderfully fine character. No man ever lived in ihe county who was more generally be loved and esteemed and in his late r years he has been surrounded by the tender care end veneration of friends and family. He retain?.I his strength and faculties to remarkable degree almost to the end of his lmjr iile. Mr. Campbell :s survived by three children, Mrs R)b.vl Ousdey, Alex Campbell and Norman Campbell, or., all of Morven. The funeral and interment w»!i take place todiy at three o’clock at the v>ld Camp ground cemetery near Morven. Mr. Campbell was a devot ed member of the Methodist church and a prominent Mason. —Quitman Free Press. One Wife and Two Husbands. Ordinary Simms received a letter this morning from an official of Grady county, inquiring into the mar riage of a young woman in this city about a year ago. He stated that he had heard that his son had been mar ried to the woman in question at Ha’ i, Fla., and he was desirous of wing if she had been previously married in Valdosta. The record of the ordinary’s office showed that she was married here on the 1st of March, last year, but there is no record to show that she has been divorced since then. It ig not known what steps will be taken in the case, though It appears that the young woman has two living hus bands. The Grady county man wrote as if he expected to make things warm for somebody intimating that his son was not aware of the condition when he took the woman in question to be his rife. E MORE RAIL ROAD Rumor Has it That the Williams Syn dicate is Also Negotiating for the Purchase of the South Georgia and the Valdosta Southern Roads. Tuesday's Daily.) ^ "happy pif© and mother and a ^- respected mender of society. Deeds to valuable property In Rhode Island •were found among the other papers' It is not known how long the man had been in this section of the country, and nothing except* what is stated above Is .known of her past life. She had evidently possessed more than average beauty in her face and figure, bearing traces of refinement and good breed ing. She appeared to be about twen’ ty-flve years of age. In her room found the picture of a beautiful lit tle girl, who is said to be her daugh ter, though the child’s whereabouts now is not stated. To Manufacture Stone Mr. Charles E. Davis, has return ed to Valdosta from Florida, where lie has been assisting Mr. A. Langford in ythe construction of railroad there. Mr. Davis is to be connected with the Valdosta Stone & Brick Co., a concern which is to manufacture artificial stone and brick in this city. Tt is understood that the business is to be launched at once, and will be quite an important addition to Val dosta’s creative enterprizes. The ar tificial stone is made from sand, ce ment, etc., and is said to be as dura hie as granite. It is being used very largely in the cities for building pur poses, many of the handsomest build* ings in the larger cities being made from stone made by that process. Elks Officers Instilled. The new officers of the Elks lodge were installed last evening in quite an interesting ceremony, conducted by Mr. W. D. Peeples, who acted as Grand Exalted Ruler. The new of ficers are Exalted Ruler, Dr. Steve Harris; Esteemed Leading Knight, C. C. Brantley; Esteemed Loyal Knight, Westbrook Coley; Esteemed Lecturing Knight, J. H. Henderson; Tiler, J. R. Bernhardt; Secretary, F. A. Coburn and Treasurer, L. W. Shaw. Death of Mrs. J. E. Sharpe. Mrs. J. E. Sharpe died at the family home on York street last night after an. illness of several days. She was the wife of the well known painted and had been ill olsn since last Thursday. Arrested In Waycross. Sheriff Passmore went over to Waycross after E. S. McVoy, a white man who was accused of rais ing a raugh house in the southern part of town last Wednesday night. It Is said that he smashed up some the. homo. 'TsmSF use as a weapon in a fight. He put the clock in his pocket and walked off with it, this facr constitutes the charge against him of larceny from the house. He says he had no idea of stealing the clock, and that he really forgot it was in his pocket, his .intention being to use it as n weapon in the fight. His bond was fixed at one hundred dollars in each case for his appearance here in the city court next Monday morning. The (> v >owing press dispatch has been sen’ < ut from Wa ♦u.’.ers of tne state.: "Messrs. John J. McLean, J. W. Quincey and C. E. Baker, of Doug las, George W. Deen of Waycross, and Col. W. M. Toomer of Jackson- llle. returned Thursday from Balti more where they went for the pur pose of consummating a deal with the John Skelton Williams syndicate for the sale of the Douglas, Auusta nd Gulf railroad. It is not known just what price the local owners sold t, but It Is thought that they made good profit on the trade. Rumor lias It that they sold at $7,000 a mile, which is about $2,000 more than was paid for it. The road is 59 miles long. "Besides the D. A. & G., the syn dicate has bought the Broxton and Hazlehurst railroad, except the Ocil* la end of the line. They have also purchased the Nashville and Sparks railroad which gives them a continu* ous line from Hazlehurst' to Sparks. "It i$j/ known that the syndicate is also negotiating for the purchase of the Wilkinson road from Valdosta , |to Florida, and the Oglesby road, running from Sparks down into Flor ida, via Quitman. The syndicate expects to buy hlchever one of these roads they can get to the bv.8t advantage and to connect it with their present line. They expect to connect with the James road and one or two other short lines and ultimately have an air line from Augusta to the gulf. "It is said that no changes will be made in the management of the D. A. & G., for a year or more, until the connection ip made and that Mr. Me* Lean will Continue the operation of the road.". Williams’ Indian Pile Oint ? ment is prepared to cure piles, ana DOES IT in short order. Easy apply; every box guaranteed; 50c and $1. All druggists or by mail. WILLIAMS M’F’G. CO., Cleveland, O. 'Suffered day and night the toi ment of itching piles. Nothing help ed me until I used Doan’s Ointment. It cured me permanently.”—Hon. John R. Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. When Pa and Ma Were Younjr they thought the “buggies” they rode in would never be beaten. If “Pa” and “Ala” would stroll into our salesrooms today they might change their minds. Hire’s an invitation to “Pa” and “Ma” and their children--their grandchildren, if they’re old enough--to »troll in. Surprises awaits all ages at • „ Ingram & Hewlett’s. »A^/^^t/WVN/v^/S/WV's/>A<vV* Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, ‘Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to take OBINO laxative Fruit Syrup A. E. Dimmock, Valdosta, Ga Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It is guaranteed Small Blaze Last Night. A fire alarm was turned in last night from box 43 on Wells street. The fire department responded promptly the fire being at the resi dence of W. L. Gleason on Hill ave nue. A box of wood in the kitchen caught on fire and was burning brisk* ly, the flames having been communl’ cated to the ceiling of the house. .The chemical apparatus was used in extinguishing the blaze, the loss being insignificant, though some of i the ceiling had to be torn off in order I to put out the fire. Quite a large crowd followed the department to the scene of the fire. Statement Quickly Rendered. Yesterday atternoon the First National Bank received notice from it*3 attorney In Washington, that the treasury department had made a call for a statement of the condition of the national banks on the Cth of April. Cashier Blltch Immediately made out his statement, sent it to The Times* office and had it printed, the statement being sent out In an hour or two after the call was made In Washington city. The statement shows a very healthy condition for I the bank, its deposits being consid erably above $600,000.00. Skin C. B. Peeples sells Jap-a-Lao. 3-24-tf. Healer and Beautifier. scratch or a small cut is only one of the small ills of life, and a pimple of blackheaj is but a trifling disfigurement; yet everyone at times has occasion to wish for a quick and simple treatment for these minor annoyances. The prompt results achieved in such cases by Dr. T. Felix Gouraud’s Oriental Cream will prove to the most skeptical the heal ing and purifying virtues of this p r eparation, and go toward establish ing faith and confidence In its claims to be an unrivalled skin purifier and beautifler for use, not only In emer' gencies, but as an article of the dally .toilet. At Druggists and Fancy Goods! dealers. THE CHEST WITH THE CHILL IN IT, WHITE MOUNTAIN REFRIGERATORS AND ICE CHEST, IN OVER ONE MILLION HOMES. In Food Preserving, Heat Repelling, Cold Retaining 4 Qualities and in the details of interior construction, which make the "White Mountain” Refrigerator so easily cleaned, it is uf/approached by any other refrigerator, 'j Water Coolers the Best by Test Limoges China- in Decorated and White Open Stock Patterns Ice Cream Freezers. Jersey Ice Cream Freezers, the best on the market and will cost you no more. J. E. Roberts Hardware Co.