The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 14, 1906, Image 4

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THE VALDOSTA IMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1906. CRAZY DODGE FOR ROBBED FRIE HE SLEPT. lawyer Cooper Says a Sane Man:g. Differently. Me Will Probably Work the Insanity Plea tor the Elder Rowling. and Will Appeal to the Pardon Board for the Boya—Rawl nge Meeta hie Boye and Counsel! Them. (Prom Tuesday'! Dally ) The Macon Evening News of yes terday had an interview with Lawyer J. O. Cooper In regard to the Ila*- lings gase. wlilch Indicated that lie expects to Wvirk the insanity plea In behalf of the elder Rawlings. Lawyer Cooper says that no man who Is In his right rnlnd wants to be Tiuag, and the very fart thar Raw. lings has written tile (kivernor ask ing that there he no mere delays In tie execution. Is conclusive proof ■Chii Rawlings Is a man <>f unsound mind. Mr. Cooper will probably fight for the lives of h's senior client on this fine He does not state, lint If Is gen erally understood that his efforts la With Larceny. iKfUair of Milton and J* mill be? before the par finr executive clen.ein c Rawl inns tilng %>arJ He i-ill . which father I commit had piebnbl” undertake to x’u>w that boys were dominated by their father, a::.I that they were excusable in a large measure for the crime That erunmltt'ed. provided of course, that they committed the crime charged .against them. A similar campaign was waned ef fectively In the case of young Bur- rvl! Patterson of North Heorgin, who noiiie time ago committed a crime of murder, the prison board taking the position that his father's influence led to the crime. Young Patteson was said to lu» nineteen years old. and committed the cr'me while In toxicated from whiske been given him by hi der to nerve him to bloody crime. Soy* 8ee the Old Man, The RnwlingH boys won* carried |‘‘ into the npartment occupied by their I father ln( the county Jail yesterday, j *nd had quite a lengthy talk with | <he old man. Milton did not talk any. hut was n quiet listener to the \ iggmtiopa and the counsel which man gave. Rawlings was In In boiW humor than he has been In aomo time, nnd his ndv'ee to his boya seemed be with deeper inter- <r«t In their weilfare than at* any rime recently. He told them thnt It as If nil hope was go", would have to be hanged as the law decreed, lie told their to be brave, and not give way. that Innocent men had been hitng before, and that the fact* of their innocence would make ft cas'cr for them to go through with the dreadful ordeal of dying upon the gallows After the hoys had been returned do their cella tlr talked at some length to the sheriff Jiud to others in the jail. 'Mr. Sheriff,” he said. *'! had rath' *r he In my plncc than to be In yours’ 1 He and M. A. Corbett Went out for a Good Time and Corbett Lost h!s Money—A Search Resulted In Get ting a Wad off of Overstreet, who Later Confessed. (From Tuesday's Daily ) A white man named G. B. Over- street was arrested yesterday after- noon and lodged In Jail here, charged ith robbing his friend M. A. Cor bett out of about thirty dollars in money. The two men came to the city day before yiraterday and bad been hav ing a good time around the various a loons of the place. Both of them appeared to be pretty well tanked- yesterday morning. They were at Florence hotel, and Mr. Bam- le-rg had .1 check cashed for Corbett f *r Mr. Hamburg notices that the two men were out for a good time and he rather expected Corbett to bo rob- bed. He. therefore, suggester that Corbett had better leave most of his money in the safe at the hotel, but Oorbotr Insisted that he was able to take care of himself and his money. The two men p-mal ■ d together most ,.f thA day or until f'orbett v.ejj| to his room a the 1. -tel for a nap. It Is said that he was accompa nied by Overs: reef. When Corbett awoke from his slumber, he felt for his money, and .’mind that It had dls- iiiiBiisiiaiiiiiiiii m i B ||i BBm | I , l3III I CURES BLOOD POISON. ■ All Skin and Blood Diseases, Old Sores, S Humors and Swellings. appeared. He at < j Bamberg and made whereabouts of Ov Mr. Bamberg we Southern train In ! met Overstreet tin number of bundles leave the city, lie that Corbett wished ire notified Mr. nquiry as to the ■rst reet. it to the Georg'a lie afternoon arid ro wtrh a large and preparing to fold Overstreet ;? him but Overstreet insisted thar he was com pelled to go home. Mr. Bamberg, then told him that he could not go home until he returned ro the hotel Corbett, who had been robbed of his money. Oversreet decided then to return with Mr. Bamberg, and the two went' to Corbett’s room. Oversteet was asked about the mouey_jg^j^&?d 'he knew nothing about it. Mr. Bam berg asked him If he would object to turning his pockets, and Over- “feet readily consented, at the same thrownlng his hand to his mouth, and quickly exchanging something from . . V, I the hand to the mouth, ok'ul to him ... , 1 , His motion was very quick, but nr. 1 thar all I .. „ . . ’ ,, i hlirdly quick enough to keep Mr. 1 Bamberg from see'ng that' It was a roll of hills that he had placed In his mouth—three hills of $in each. Overstreet refused to show what I It was that he puf in his mouth, nnd the two men literally had to choli the money from him. An officer was called and Over- Un-ted States Attornw Marion Er win Commenced his Speech Last Night—Mr Meidrlm Spoke Three Hours Today and Mr. Samuel Adams is to Follow Him—Other Savannah Newt. Savannah, April 10>-Wben the United States court took a recess this afternoon at? two 4’clock argu ments in the famous Gretne and Gay- nor case had not been roncluJed. Last night Mr. Maijon Erwin, United States Assistant District At torney continued his argument for th.3 government. He mile a very strong presentation of tie govern ment's side of the case. Htflaid grea 1 stress upon the evidence of Johnson, the government’s expert accountant who has testified as to the manner in which the money was disposed of by the defendants and whose testi mony the government tried very hard to break down. Erwin is not an eloquent man but he is a very thorough lawyer and his presentation of this case showed how thoroughly he .had gone Into It. Col. P. W. Meldrim spok three hours to (.ay for the defense Tomorrow Judge Samuel B. Adams has the concluding argument fo government. It Is not expected that Judge Speer will charge the Jury tin- til Thursday morning now. The charge will be a lengthy one and will be a complete review of the biggest case ever tried in the United States court In Georgia. Interest in the outcome of the trial is great. News Notes from Savannah. 1 That famous military command, The Chatham Artillery voted last night to accept the invitation of the people of Albany and attend the Chautauqua the-e this month. The Chat hams will spend April 25th and 2fith In Albany ar.d it is expected that they will have a big time. They will carry two brass guns and ft gat- fling gun with them. If the gatlinj nun Js used durin fast shooting. The members of the Junior Order United American Mechanics are look* ng forward with much interest to h* nppoararce here on Wednesday fven'ng of Hon. 7. P. Smith of Raleigh. N. C., who Is to deliver a free' lecture. He will talk upon the principles nnd objects of the order. If You Have Pimples, Itching Skin Or Offensive Eruption.. 8plotohes, or Copper-Colored Eruptions, or Ra*h on the Skin, blood feel, hot, with Itching, Burning Skin, Scab# and Scale., Suppurat ing Swelling*, Gland. Swollen, Ulcere on any part of the body, Old, Eating Sores, Scrofula, Carbuncles Pains and Ac' es in Bones or Joints, Hair or Eye brows falling out in patches, Persistent Sore Month Gums, or Throat, or Tainted, Impure Blood, then yon hare Bl- od Poison,either inherited or contracted Take Botanic Blood Balm accor H ing to dir>ctions, soon all Sores, Pimples and Eruptions will heal perfectly, Aches end Pains cease, Swelling subside, and a perfec', never to return cure made. Gives skin the rich glow of perfect health. For Old Rheumatism. Catarrh and Bone Pains Thrse diseases with aches and pains in bones, joints and back, hands, fingers, arms and less crippled by rheumatic pains hawking, spitting, nose bleeding, tinging in the ears, sick stomach of catarrh are sure signs of awful poisoned condition of the blood. Bo tanic Bio.-d Balm (B. B. B.) stops all aches and pains, the poison is destroyed and a real permanent core is made of the worst rheumatism or fonlest catarrh. Cures Itching Eczema, Watery Blisters On any part of the body. B. B. B. stops the intense itching, heals every sore, scab or scale by giving a pure, healthy Blood supply to Jthe body, Cools the blood, Cures old cases. Cancer Suppurating Swelling, Eating Sores of all kinds cured, after surgical operations, plasters, specialties and all else failed. Blood Balm kills the Cancer Poison in the blood and heal, the sores perfectly. If yon have a persistent pimple, wart, swollen glands, shooting, stinging pains, take Blood Balm and they will disappear before they develop into Cancer. Thousands of oureB of Cancer made by Blood Balm by following the simple special directions with each bottle. Botanic Blood Balm B. B. B. Is! Pleasant and safe to take.£ Thorough tested for years. Composed of Pure Botanic Ingredients. Strengthens W eak kiduys and V eak Stomachs, cures Dyspepsia—a perfect Dlood purifier. 1 had rather he happed than to have : itondp,! that ho had taken the money to keep Corbett from throwing if nway. ,, I, hi iff 1 was Hf hi i» fhe county jail on elder Rawlings 1 , . . ,, . ... the charge of stealing the money. j amounting to little over thirty dol- ilara. At the Jail he admitted the ’theft and said that he had never don« such a thing before. He also pre- to hang Komebo.# else.” *'I would not.” returned the Sher iff. “if you let' me pick my men. so Jong as 1t is my duty to do the work, j J don’t even want to hang Alf Moore, j .and much less J\> I want to hang you. j and still less the boys There is not rsough money in Georgia to make aw hang any of you unless if was ■ay duty to do so. But unpleasant a* the duties are. To perform it.” A Great Revival at Bainbridge. Rev. Carl Minor, pastor of the Moultrie Baptist church, who has been in Bainbridge this week, pass ed through Moultrie this morning en- route fo Plnetta where he was going to fill an engagement to preach* to- nm going to try rtay h© says that the revival at Bainbridge (hits been something re- R-vwlings then staled fhat he did markable . Ho Wl , nt ov ,, r Monday net warn any more reprieve, or rew ' nlght to bapt , M TOrnc who had j olnod j*te«. He wauls to tie hanged on the church 8 , nce h „ came away and the day set for the execution, and he preached bofore baptising. Six mid he was sorry thar the day is others came forward and offered for aot today. Death 's preferrable to membership. He remained until the the life which he has had to live following evening to preach and bap* winre confined a jail. tlze the 0 t b »»r six. Again there were 3t was expected that the decision s | x -applicant's for membership and <wff the l nited States Supreme court baptism. He was induced to remain veouid be given out in Washington over until this morning and during yesterday, though it is probable that the week there were twenty-six Join- Tt will not be made until next Mon* ed the church on confession of faith. £*r. Monday being the day that these Rev. Minor will return to Moultrie decisions are usually rendered. ' tills evening aud will fill his pulpit here tomorrow.—Moultrie Observer Adjudged of Unsound Mind. ’ - - ■ - . ■ - *Irs. J. S. Bailey who resides on 1 Suing Western Union. Jackson street, was adjudged of un- The Purdom Naval Stores Co., of wtmnd mind yesterday afternoon and Sparks is suing the Western Union will be sent to the state sanitarium Telegraph Co., for $3,000 damages in tor treatment. She has been failing United States court, mentally for some time, nnd her trou* The plaintiffs allege that they had Ida Is said to have been caused an option on the plant of the Pine- worry over the i.xath of a child some villa Naval Store* Co., at Cecil, wamth* ago. W*ith the treatment which expired Oct. 5, and Oct 3 jtfren her at the state sanitarium, it they wired acceptance of the offer, 5s probable that *he will be restored which telegram was not delivered to her family and friends in good and the suit is filed In consequence. fccgjJUi again. 4 —Moultrie Observer. THANKFUL PEOPLE. They are Found in Every Part of Valdosta. Many citizens of Valdosta have good reason to be thankful tor burden, lifted from aching backs, which they bore patiently for ’ears Scores toll* about their experience publicly. Here’s a case of it: Mrs. S. H. Harvard, of 203 Hill Ave., Valdosta, Ga., says: “I think that Do an’s Kidney Pills arc the very best kid ney remedy on the market, I used them for backache and never had anything to do me so much good, although I tried various remedies. My back lias given me a great deal of trouble as I have suf fered from dull aching pains across the small of my back and through the region of the kiduets. If I sat in one position for any length of time 1 could hardly get -in nnd during the night I would be un- ible to sleeo. A friend advised me to get Doan’s Kidney Pills at A. E. Dim- mock’s drug store and I followed the ad- vice. • The result was better than I an ticipated. I soon noticed an improve ment and finally the trouble was entire ly removed and I have not had a touch of it since. I sleep well at night, and feel better in every way Doan’s Pills oertainly have my endorsement.” For sale by all dealers Price 60 centa Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’i—and take no other. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Price $1 00 Per Large Bottle; 3 for $2!50; 6 for $5 00- If already satisfied that B. B. B is what you need, take 'a large lottle (test $1 at ding store) as directed on label, and a cure lseeitain, sure and lasting. If druggists'den’t ketp Blot d Paim in >otU, we will send same on receipt of price, express prepaid Address Blood Balm Company, Atlanta, Georgia. If not cured when a Right Quantity Is Used.'lYcurlMcney willlbelRefunded. 4- 4- 4-'4- 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4--S R E. BRIESEXICK, FRF.D. GllI.MH. C. P. THORNTON, Pren. Ac Treaa. Gen. Mgr. Sect-’ry The Atlas Copper Works, MANUFACTURERS OF gggg Turpentine Stills & Supplies BEST EQUIPPED PLANT IN UNITED STATES. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP THE VERY BEST. t A^oImsm'o* ooppar°wor^aolloited I STILLS .WORMS, CAPS money and cf!<> Pahnt ind Infringement Practice Exclusively. Writ* or com.) fo a • Sl^gHnth tot*, a Grip Quickly Knocked Out. ‘Some .veeku ago 'luring lh-3 se rene winter weather both my wif® and myself contracted severe colds which speedily developed into the worst kind of la grippe with til Its miserable symptoms,” says Mr. J. 5. Egleston of Maple Landing, Iowa* Knees and Joints aching, muscles ore, heaJ stopped up, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a double dose of Chamber Iain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use soon complete ly knocked out the grip.” Sold by * E. Dimmock, Valdosta, Ga. A Lucky Postmistress Mrs. Alexander, of Cary, Me., who has found Dr. King’s New Life Pills to be the best remedy she ever tried for keepihg the Stomach, Liver and Bowels In perfect order. You’ll agree with her if you try these painless purifiers that Infuse new life. Guar- an teed by A. E. Dimmock and W. Dunaway, druggists. Price 25c. Proinjfly obtained, or *EC RETURNED. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Our CHANCE* ARK THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or aketch for SlOHft and COPYRICHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Offioe, WASHINGTON, D. C. Accidents Will Happen Use SLOANS LINIMENT rorSprains.Bndses Sore Muscles,Cuis Burns & Scalds A1AI1 Dealers Price2Jf JOftfiOO Dr. Earl S. Sloan Boston M&ssU.SJl. FOLEYSHOKEPHCAR Cares Cold.i Prerent* Pncumonfx ■ ■■■■■■ IRiiBBlIBRaBIt ■— Dealers Bn onsiaai aOIs OF MULES and HORSES Yu^> can find us at our new stables now be ing built in rear of the Roberts and Cranford building The Oldest Whiskey House in Georgia ESTABLISHED IN 1881. B OLD 8HARP WILLIAMS Purs Fine Old By®. By the (sllon 13.00 4 fall quarts 13.50. Express prepaid. GEO. J. COLEMAN RYE Pare PenaylYsni* Rye, rich sad mallow By the Rsllon 92.75. 4 full 1 quart a 93.00 Expre prepaid. ANVIL RYE Pure Substantial Family WhUkey, by the gallon 92.60. 4 full quarts 92 00- Express prepaid. CLIFFORD hYE By the gallon 12.25. 4 full quarts 92.65. Express prepaid. OLD KENTUCKY CORN Direct from the Bonded Warehouse, Fine and Old. By the gallon 93.00- 4 full quarts $3.60, Express prepaid. OLD POINTER CLUi CORN We handle all the leaedng brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in the market, and will save yon from 25 per cent, to 50 percent, on your purchases. Send for price list and catalogue—mailed frco'upon application. The Altmayer & Flatau Liquor Company, MACON. GEORGIA. ( , .4--l , 4 , 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-