The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 14, 1906, Image 5

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THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY, AT, A DUU ■ ■ "iTi " ' ■■ :: We received a' big shipment of new goods for this sale Monday. Remember Saturday, April 14th, closes this bargain opportunity. If you have not visited our store during this sale, come now. 5 a a S THE EMPIRE STORE, n B | 7 111 N. Patterson St, Valdosta, Georgia. Judge Speers Charge to the Jury Will be Continued To-night, Savannah, Ga, April 11—The f** e of Greene and Gaynor, alleged con spirators against 'he United States government will rest with a Jury of their peers tonight Judge Speer’s charge to the Jury to be finished a* that time. The Judge spoke four hours this morning, from 10 until 2 p. m., and then announced that he would conclude the charge tonight. When court opened this morning the court room was crowded to suffo cation, The attendants whose duty It was to bring In the prisoners and the Jury had to laterally force their way into the presence °f the' court The ladies were In evidence in large numbers. The fact that Judge Speer was to deliver hls charge had bee.’) as under the law he has the right to 0o. He discussed the law and the evidence. He reviewed the departure of the defendants for Canada after their Indictment some ytArt ago*.He spoke of the fair trial that the de fendants had had and told the jury they were to be the final Judge of the guilt or innocence of the defendants. The whole charge was filled With those beautiful thoughts for which Judge Speer Is noted. It was In fact OVER THIRTY FEET IN LENGTH., | 80ME OUSLEY NEWS. isley, Ga, t/ April 11—Everybody' seems to be getting the fishing U ver Several fishing parties reptr’ t that the fishing In the Wlthlao'‘ JO i hee rlver Is good this year. s C. Me- Mrs. Virginia Bridges, Wifq of a Piominent Citizen of Vsldoit* Sends Great Parasite to A. E. Dim- NOTICE IK DIKE FEME —Of The-- LAKE PARK BANK, a finished effort coming from one of the clearest brains and most intellec- wIth ttie remark that,',one and a half tual men In the wuth. The great au bottles of the famous Plant Juice ha« dience literally drank In every word ,reJleved bCT moliber of that awfuI he uttered. The prlaonere aat unmov- tblnB ' ed through It all aa they had aat 1 In the course of the conversation through the speech of United States that followed It developed that Mr* Assistant Attorney General Marion Bridges had been suffering for the ■well advertised In the dally papers! Eiiwln and during he arraignment of pa3t several years with some sort and the crowd wss on hand, expect-! Judge Samuel B- Adame, who closed ' ot sh ™ach trouble, which no phys- ant and alert to hear what he would for he prosecution last night .lclan had been able to diagnose, and have to aat The charge was an ex-| If the defendant# are convicted rt ,t “ at her. ooudltlon had never lmprov- ceedingly vilftg one. Undoubtedly It j meant another fight through the ed to appreciable extent nvnwlth- jarter length than any | court of appeals end pfrhapa straight standlng the faet that she haj Speer had ever .madajto LAKE PARK, GA. ' N- ■GIB fflSIlH, HE Bum, roughly Into the cats'can stop the cate at this Juncture. L,9t w9 * k ber hu<baod Persuade. ———— ; i——. I— : himself jo procure a bottle of Dill- O ' 1 J ‘ (M A AAA r n • O Ingham* Plant Juice, and sbe began A aid ip 1 U.UUU lOr I crsian IVllgS. taklnglt with probably no more hope *■* of relief than usual. '■Mrs. Bridges kept up the treatment, however, and rioui^accldent af Moore Bros., shin mock This afternoon about 4 o'clock an . » unusual occurrence took place at A jUMt. the urgent ne operator, re- „ n . ,, • Mr , Br'ld'i, P® rtl h* l* 16 'urge-gt eaten and he says 1 F. Din mock a when Mr*. „ ,,,enty of them . Blue g £tHagfc ■ ' ife of a prominent farmer V * *»■„! on the river will open for the' r.eif came up and called for Mr> „ n H . , * i Dimmock. Mrs. Bridges seemed to W* " ; j* «* bought. that, mi m f j be somewhat excltd*. and carried in tbl* wUI be' WO of its busy seasons ^ A M-1^1 VP her hand a good-sized glass dish Mr. Young. o2 a of Ade s promt-! V 1 ^ which upon examination was fount’j nent business men, la n S a ew. to contain an immense.'’parasite, cum I da J' 8 w ltl> Mr - D. C. Harris. | nm «■«, .minus mm .•-■ , »ha ! L a iSn b ir,;;rrtir‘ h4c “ h, ' rsk,,,s “ , '“' ,h taarblng school at Olymtfa, return-1 6 ’ “ lc result - ed til her home here last Sunday and 1 Burglar Insurance Co replaces what the burglar got Is reported to be quite sick. tu o* V]* uranoe Co- pays for the building and fixtures- Messrs. Love Sims, Oscar Folsome * []® -f on “ Company replaoes what the cashier took- and Jno. Sykes, were visitors at the The Depositors Guarantee Fund payathe depositors- home of Mr. j. w. simmous last And the Bank would resume business at the same old Sunday evening. Stand. X^:^rg 0 ^s P ^' cost ^ n d 0 e t E s are Insured In the Lake Park Bank ahd It his many friends at Ousiey, last sun- f 3 ^ ou notflln g> We pay Interest on time deposits. Come day see . us. ' . r ^ T „i 3CS.vr;'' '-LAKE-park bank, lUttness trip fo Valdosta Monday. 1 * * ... - Mr. C. A. Brantley ot Savdnnnh w _ Is stopping for a tew days fishing at the Blue Springs hotel. Mr. Oscar Folsome had quite a w.. President Probably the largest! transaction of merchandise ever made In Thom- sasvi’le was perfected yesterday. Mrs. Basil Doerhoefer, of Louisville, Kj., who has been spending the winter : at ‘ the Avera cottage on Dawson street, bought a rug from the Orient al Bazaar of T. J. Oeha’s and paid for the one rug the enormous sum of ten thousand dollars. The rug was •only ten by fifteen feet In size, and It therefore cost $666,66 per squar*” foot, being more valuable than its weight in gold. Mr. Geha says that It Is the finest rug ever imported to America. It was woven by hand of pure silk by genuine Persian makers .1 It Is an Interweaving of old gold and Ivory colors with a medalion In the middle This is the second rug of this class sold here this season by the Oriental Bazaar, the other being bought by another winter cottager for five thousand dollars. — Thomasvllle Times-53nterprlse. Forgave His A Atltnta, April 11—His whole frame shaking with sobs and with great tears coursing down his cheeks, the husband of Mrs. Sallie Clackum charged with C. E. Boyd, with de serting their families In South Caro lina and elopjng to Atlancta, forgave his wife in open court when the wo man was taken before Justice of the Peace Ormand for a preliminary Vife in Court. hearing. iCIackum made the Announcement of his decision at a time when the evidence apeared most damaging to Mrs. Clackum. Justice Ormond com plied with the man’s request that the caso be dismissed. There was a teary reconciliation and the pair left hur riedly for Marietta where Clackum Is employed in a marble works. He Was Kille Atlanta, April 11—After dying a tragic death while a prisoner among strangers, his body unclaimed and nothing known concerning his horns or his people, Lewis Persell, a young cavalryman shot and killed Monday at Fort McPherson by a sentry while tiding to escape, was buried yester d by a Sentry. dty in the military cemetery at Ma rietta without military honors. The funeral service was simple and brief. His pallbearers were soldiers mem bers of he Seventeenth infantry. The post authorities have been unable to learn anything about the young man’s people. the relief she has and she wants the Hls hand and caQ Sbf In the saws and two fingers were cut off and hls hand badly, mashed. # The farmers report That the dam i W. S. WlTHAM. O. J. Baicton. S. C. KNOX, Cashier*' J ', K . EWELL BROWNT 1st Vice-President- 2d Vioe-Preeident- DIRECTORS: ' J- K. White. Ewell Brows. J- P. Prescott. j. w. POuhll. J. T. Corbett. Since being relieved of the tape worm, which measured thirty-one feet In length, Mrs. Bridges’ condi tion has rapidly Improved, the mis- as serious as was at first thought and some of them say that they ex pect a large crop. Habeas Corpus Proceedings. • Quite an Interesting habeas corpus £ erable feeilng has left hTr '^mach | c « e * rl11 be beard be,ore , JudKB f and ahe la rapidly rounding Into the car Smlth ' tomOTn,w “ ornlnR at t f n ,4 condition of a healihy and hapfiy °' ctock ' « l» a ejiae brought by L. J woman M. Sessions, of Brooks county, 1 J The case of Mrs. Bridges, like that a * alnat hl » wlfe - Mr8 ' Doty , Se “ X of Mrs. Harvard, has attracted un‘ alon » ,or the cu8tody of thelr llttle . J usual attention, and has opened the j Abner Sessions. ▼ eyes of the people to the splendid' The ‘ >Ialnttff r,lleK ''" ‘ hat h " wlf * ♦ curative powers of this wonderful ,eft Wm wlthout p,ovncat1 ° n anJ 4 ronie ,l y team* to this city, where she Is re- X In speaking of the case of Mrs. wlth relatlves - and he wan,a T Harvard, Mr. Dimmock said: "Of p0 ** e “ ! ° n of the ch,ld - ,T course I am gratified to be able to! Her * lde 01 the ca8e 18 “** kno * n T afford relief to those afflicted In the " I"* 1 ' but “ u " r, ' 8u,n,;d tbat , BhP ; f manner shown by Mrs. HarvarJ, |'f'dertako M show gemd legal + hut I never for a moment doubted, « rduDd * ,or leav1n * b,m - T,le ca8<! 4 the efficiency of the Plant Juice to' 1 * ratbei ' aa uau8ual ono - and “ tb ®»A bring about the desired results. - From P" 41 ** are very we " know "' lt: wl " X the symptoms displayed by the pa-j be wa,cbed wUh cor,8l ' l,!ra ' ,l ' ! lnter ' T tlent I was confident I knew her con-j eit ’ J dition, and therefore was little sur-, priaej when the result of the treat j ment was produced. The public J♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Town&Country Mixed Paint I | The Very Best Made "X City Court Adjourned. ^ Jfldi* 0. M. Smith yesterday^ oooixicooooooooooooooocccosee^ssees 4 4 Berry Bros., Varnishes, Atlantic White ♦ Lead. Spencer Kellogg Linseed Oil, Atlas + and Lehigh Portland Cement. White Rose j and Hydrated Lime, Brick. Mantels. Orates. ; ♦ Tiling. Window Qlass and Wall Paper. % QQCGCeOaQOQQGQ(XX)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCQOCOOOO ^ Gasoline Engines, Best Made Atlanta, April 11—A petition to place the Georgia Southern and Flor Ida and the Atlantic and Birmingham railroads, now in clata C. into clast of Similar cures effected of wVcl unt " “•« re « ,,lar Jun0 term ; thej never hear, and many of wh ch V". * XI,e<:,eJ tbat a R00d deal , , even escape my observation, but I| bu ^ a “ a w»' d b « a “* aded to at,h » The Georgia Southern’s Kates.ipZr n reatme°n7w a as ca . s aker ,i wh‘ro!» fX 1STl A with a consequent reduction of «S ba8 -suited. The medicine. anJ ° th ' per cent in the freight rate. wa. Co1 ’ D1| H“gham manufactures speak T( . .. . . _ ' ,. p heard today by the Georgia railroad, for ‘hemselves, and I am only too , . . . . commission. The commission will be ha ' ,p >' t0 ba able w P^lde relief for h better to nostnone'he I day., b - aa *« y "hcrever I £ The Dillingham Plant- Juice reme- *° the expen8e and J,,ror8 '° files can be found on sale at several * J" >Uble ° f holdlnB a 8e88,0n at of the prominent drugstores of the 7 h ‘ Ch Pml,ably very lltt1e CJU,d * city and county. A. E. Dimmock, ,one 'j has a complete supply on sale. j z. . . — These remedies consist of Dlll'.ig tain cure for pimples and sores.,’s '"..r,- Juice, the unfailing ".-n, | The prices of these medicines are edy for liver, stomach and kidney a'waya the same In the drug stores, diseases, besides being a splendid and &o In every case guaranteed to edy. The Plant Juice Lin- be of »he same effl< llment, never failing In cases of pains.. Wheal you need the remedies aches and bruises; Plant Juice Ec jour favorite druggist for them, rema Cure. Plant Juice Asthma-Cure, | These remedies can be obtained at Plant Juice salve and Plant Juice Hablra Drug Co., Hahlra, Ca., and soap—a fine toilet article and a cer J P. Carter, Naylor, Ga. Reckless Motorman’s Fault. Chicogo, April 11.—Four persons were injured fatally today when a motorman of an Indiana avenue trolley car ran into a crowd of people at the intersection of Wabash avenue and Adams street. Daley, the motorman, made no effort to stop and was persued by policemen before being arrested. Dowie Confident of Vindication." ^ rmey - The "“ t,ul " ut > 0 « ,ta m - anl ,e Chicago, April 11.—John Alexander Dowie today issued a statement through 6ne his adherents that he is confident of his ' ultimate vindication. He made no move today. | C. B. PEEPLES, S ♦ m u/esrmuAvc. moosn. ocomm. T J Telephone 3G-x ♦♦♦♦♦444444444^44 SAVE THE.PIECES Jtofi bring shem to us". No break i. a* bad bnt wliat we can repair tt. W« draw the line only at kindling wood. Bnt tt sometimes happen, the 00M uf repairing a carriage would be n« great as the price of a new one, in which case we say so frankly. We bIeo keep a foil line of COFFINS AND CASKETS .. ..on hand..... Out-of-town Orders Promptly Attended to- Call Night or Day. Phone* 232 «nd261x. J. P. ULMER.