The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 14, 1906, Image 6

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THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY, APlOL 1 4 , 1906. (HE VALDOSTA TIMES. C. C. ■HARTLEY, Editor, t L. TURNER, Rutin.m Msrsssr. IUBSCRIPTION PRICE |1 A YEAR. entered at the Posteffle* at Valdoata Oa., aa Second Claaa Mall Matter. VALDOSTA, OA., APRIL 10, 1906 TWELVE PAGES The spelling reform lg not likely to make much headway In Jorjah, Bond lllant or Mlzoory. FOR PURE P0LITIC8 The representatives in the legisla ture from Richmond county hare made an appeal to the voters of that county for a fair primary—one fre from the use of money—which Is so much to the point that we reproduce it. It is aa follows: f "No little apprehension is beingfelt by good citizens of this community interested in the preservation of pure elections, that unless wise action and preciu* ops are promptly taken by the public at large and by rhe offi cers of the law, there Is grave danger of a return In the approaching prl- Aliout 200 oysters would be requii rr.ary to former Illegal practices ed daily to supply sufficient nourish- fecting our elective franchises THE POWER OF ATTENTION. cles should not Intersect The fact that the mind ol man is In the German army, of which the eaelly distracted from say .inject In pay ■» ,efi9 «“» half our ° wn - a bachelor subaltern Is not allowed to the moot for one person. Possibly Senator Dtep^w. likewise would make. a few changes it he could live his life over again. Johnstown, Pa., having had both flood and Are, Is .prepared to expect either a tornado or earthquake. leently p*s?«-d tv> protect the o.opic ‘againsr the corruption of the ballot. 0 “Two years ago. through the over- Mr. Andrew Carnegie uaya profits by reading poetry. Many per | Oas have failed to profit by writing,v/h u. !->. If you have not visited our open-* ing sale at The Empire Store comej now,. Sale closes i Saturday nl^ht ltoykln W: Igh April 14th. John I3arry, an Irishman, was the coirmodcre of the American navy i a wonderful sea fighter and a true, patriot. contemplation, accounts slowness of tlje development of uioit minds, and for the extreme slowness of the development; of the human mind collectively. Th!ere are historical periods when general en lightenment seems to have advanced by leaps and bounds; but when one takes cognizance of the tens of thous ands of years that man has been at play In the Kindergarten of Creation, one is aware of the very gJalualani deliberate character of human prog ress as a whole; and this deliberate ness of growth, and the remains of I ignorance and superstition even In minds regarded as educated, come largely from the inability of men to \ keep their thoughts employed stead fastly on the various objects and problems of matter, mind and life. The faculty of attention is striking ly lacking in the savage man; It in’ creases as civilization increases, and ,is a largo factor In the advance of itlment of this ommun i . , _ civilization and of curture. t •itions were inaugurate " ro-l*- I When the power of attention Is ex- Mr jceptional in the Individual, he 1* set |apart from his fellows; he Is a ge nius In the business world, or pertiap* a poet, artist, Inventor, marry We, believe, unless he can show to the satisfaction of his su periors that either he or the object' tlve bride has ‘(private menaa.” Gen. Corbin, it seems, indicated some such regulation as proper in our own army. Hence these Jeers. But it is certainly worth the attention of con- feel it our mtj to call the attrition of the public to this matter in ajvanc* of Hie primary election that it n:iv be alert to discountenance such prac tices and to lake such steps as shall l>6 i ecessary to execute the law re- ROMANCE OF MODERN BU8INE8S The brilliant manner In which an American solved a Russian naval problem of a truly appalling nature Is Che subject of an article In the current Harper’s Weekly by Henry Townsend, who describes Lewis Nix on’s recent achievements in building for the Russian government torpedo-boats in fifteen weeks. The story is one of those romances gross that the present rate of pay of ! I>usln^ss with which, .s Mr. Town- the army puts a pressure in a young I sen d remarks, the world is growing officer who has to live on his pay to j daily moje familiar, but which are quit the army If he wishes to marry, j none the l esa engrossing for that no matter bow' much he may prefer • reas °tt. The task that was set Mr. dn ir.g . pure this coiLty and city. ‘In his ?liouncement card then declared: Court revlow amendments in all ( tho "new spring shades’’ and styles are being offered in the senate on tho rate bill. I It Is perfectly natural, somebody! ehourd suggest to Mark Twain for a United States senatorship. This is a OUdad Age. | Since we have eliminated the venal negro vote and Invited in to our democratic primaries all whli a voters who shall affiliate with ns and abide by he nomina tion there not only no excuse ’or deb uii hing the white voters of o«n county and state, but Its continued practice threatens the very foundations of our civil ln- f.C iitlons. * * * In case you elect my associates and myself pledge ourselves to introduce the army, and no matter how much he may be or promise to be "an ornament to the service." Meanwhile Secretary' Taft can do something of his own motion to relieve the state of things which he deplores. He can for example, modify those preposter ous and outrageous regulations of his own department which make It Imparatlve that an officer shall spend three or four times aa much on his clothes as a civilian is compelled to do. HOW CHINESE REGARD AMERICA The Cuinaman, unlike the Euro pean, regards America ns only torn- discoverer, ■ xjorarlly his home, preserves his na- j philosopher, reformer, statesman or ttonal customs and peculiarities, and j conqueror. When the power of at-'finally returns, carrying his savings j this task would have meant a loss to .fention in a community has been , w ith him. He is not attracted by! the contractor of $50,000. Mr. Nixon Nixon presented seemingly Insur mountable difficulties. He was re quired to deliver to the Russian gov* erncent, complete in every particu* lur, ten torpedo beats, and the time allowed for their construction was less than four months. Not only had all the macterial for these boats to be collecteu in the United States, properly numbered as to parte, carefully crated, and this, I of course, within the shortest possi ble time: but from tho day of tho ar’ rival in Russia of this great mass of material, only six weeks were granted to the builder In which to launch tho first torpedo boat with everything in place upon her. The forfeit for failure to perform A new organization that has been formed in Topeka la the Women's Kansas Day club, which has for Its object the colection and preservation of the early history of Kansas to instill patriotism in Kansas youths and establish comradshftp among Kansas women. Drunkenness Physicians pronounce drunken- ness a disease of the nervous sys tem. No “will power” can heal the stomach membranes which have been burned and seared by alcohol. Cures Whiskey and Beer Habit ORRINE removes the craving forliijuor by actinic directly on the effected nerve*, restoring the stomach and digestive organs rmal condition, improving the ap- oring the health. No Bau dot or publicity, itbout patient's knowledge, bay treatment -e without. . . . ORKINE No. 1; for voluntary treatment. buy ORRINE No. 2. Price $1 per box. Cure Effected or Money Refunded A registered guarantee iu each box. Book on “Drunkenness” (wealed) mailed free on request AH correspondence . ORRINE mailed (sealed) on r by the ORRINE CO., Inc., Washfagton^D. C-,or60ldby 37 A. E: Dimmock, Patterson street, Val dosta, Ga. The United 8totes la to have a 20,- 000 ton battle ship, British taxpay er* may well prepare to settle for a 21,000 tonner. Justice Harlan contends that It Is possible for a man to remain on the supreme court bench and still take an interest in religious affairs. to its passage, a bill to punish vote selling and every other spe cies of fraudulent practices at party primaries, and to still fur ther amend the election laws, of the state to the end that vote buyers and contributors to vote buying funds shall Incur the heaviest penalties for the Infrac tion of these laws." arts. j The supreme object? of the teach er Is to cultivate attention in his or her charges. When a child has learned how to pay attention, he has learnfed how to study and to learn I "Object lessons” are favorite de vices for fixing attontlon. Accord ing to the orthodox theologies, . re r::. ,r ?..!!!. passed at iiBion naa been taugM *° mttnkind Tho head of an Eskimo family giv- como*. If the piulent recovers. It Is ‘ “ ,,u 19 “" w upon largely through object lessons In the kept; If not. It la returned. i e cr,m,nal statute book, and will f orm sometimes of "progressive reve* Let nobody be .stonl.hed at sec “ P “ »> approaching prl- wioni:- and the system of aymbola tag a vigorous article In defense of tho y ' W “ that platform waa an ' In all religions may be called simply ■ »iviuuo ai ns-ia iu uutriiao tmuo v — — — - — r • . r . : _ Donato Ip- tho Hon. Ben Tillman lnj 0 “ u R oed . two yoars a *° dev ices for fixing the wah(fOrin'r**F Va9im»^oivHtetrl<klSjnt8ft»t-».^th8j[Pi one^of the magurtnoa before long. ,hen - a9 now, regarded the preserva- tentlon of aoula, for (heir suitenaace A smell' boy being asked by hl." l0n ° r ,he purUy of 1,10 ballot aa ab and lasting benefit, toucher to name the principal occu-* wa ^ 8 l ^ e paramount duty of the We see, year In and year out. the potion* of the United States, answer- j k° ur - I ed: “Manufacturing and • grafting.” “We can Imagine nothing coming and going of beliefs, customs' that popular heroes or mere popular pets; However, the Iowa man who wants *' <>ulJ vro ' e n "’ rec a| atultous to the begt ae ii e r« among books; sports, to seslgn his American citizenship «t Augusta that to bring movcm ents and fads of all kinds- doesn't have any worse opinion of on again the curse and demoraliza- whlch flcur9 . nromlnentlv only as tho Unltod States than Mr Debbs tlou of ballot hnvln. i ng r prominently only as h „. I balIot b "' lnB la 11,14 eommun- Jons a9 thoy aru ttble to clalm the at . | lty ’ bo,le '° tb,,t t 1 *® great pat- Mention of largo group* or of the en- Tiup guveruiuent print shop turns rlotlc movement of a re-unlted neo- .. . , ' uuueu peo- t j re community. The whole system out hundreds of thousands of public pie f ur a Greater Augusta would have . k ■ 9 , documents which are never dlsfrlbut- bM>n lllln ,„ ... ..... of buslncM "Ivertlsing, and the In- <od. They intend to quit this and save ° u tor pure G,ec ‘ finite number of publicity depart’ >1-00(1.000 a year. ,tloa movement that preceded It. ' mC ata-publlclty as to all sorts of Prof. Gamer announces that he m „[. C ‘ l ." “I® 15 auotbt,r pri '| wares and all manner of cauees-are has now completely mastorod the'. ' *■ 80 on re6 fr " m ballot de- nothing but means of securing atten- munkoy language. Ho expects hero-' buucbery - we believe pure elections t |on; of spreading Information and alter to be able to move freely In I* 111 b ® flrmly estab!lshe,l as the habl‘ ,„ dl , c lag action through suggestion, tosfcfonahle society. |of our community, whereas If some Century Magazine. Hoke 8mllh “got left" In coming ° f our should again resort — ■ ■— to Homervlllo. but the e*|Mtrlence b>such Illegal practices It wouldprob* MARRIAGES IN THE ARMY, lioee not compare with what Is in “bly require a decade or more to Sounding again tho note sounded store for him later on If the opposl- restore us to tho place wo now oo. " evcral months ago by Gen. Corbin lion Is to be believed. 'stimulated by one attentive mind, or ollr institutions and brings witdi him j accomplished his task, even exceed-' by a group of attentive minds, the no i QVe 0 f American ideals. To aim jtng the requirements as to speed and ! world passes through periods of great j t he United States 1s a field to be ex' ; endurance. mental activity; great reforms take'pioUoj, but nothing more. The Eu- j Ag G ermany : 'hal“flgured largely as place; there Is great material orlropcnn cast9 his lot with us, mingles a proJllcer of the paint with which. 'Intellectual advance; or there are j W lt tho population, and to a few gen- j r()d no „ e3 are Jecora , eJ , it lg on iy Imo'the'teglslature” and ‘tof'press revlvala ln ,etters and ln the p,a * tl< ' etatlons, his Identity is lost In our proper that now that countrjr 9hould composite race. He has neither pe-! brlng forth lhe dlscolorer professor culiarlties of thought nor of dress to • XeIser ls the man when a joyously distinguish him from those among j tInted no3e ls taken to the professor whom be labors, and his children be j r m s i nt0 lbe i n |j amed TO ins and are coon an Indistinguishable part of ^ capillaries with a minute platinum. > the community. Not so with the p0 | nt and p lIn)ps Q! ,t the superfluous 1 Chinese. They are not only distln- b ] 00 d. A blast of hot air forces the gulshed by their dress, language and ve j n tissues together and with a habits, but they remain entirely aep- good-bye splash of merry-merry hy- arato and apart from those among d rogen the old rose effect is gone and whom they dwell. This difference (vory has taken ila place Is due not only to the wide dlsslml-' larlfy In history, tradition and habits g | | **■■■888 | 11/E have justreceiv- | "" ed a car load of f Wagons of ail kinds. | We have a turpentine | wagon built especially | for the trade under I our brand that will | sell, at an exceed- | ingly low price and fully guarantee. And ail kind of Har. ness for sawmill and turpentine operators. B. J. SIRMANS & CO.. 203 NORTH ASHLEY. Valdosta, Georgia. b/ also to the. absence of any per- cupy. It will also Impede, If It dlj Secretary Taf t has declared tol the Thus far, no man who has made not paralyse for a time, the comtner- nl,lltary committee of tho senate that on "unauthorized," use of quotationIcial and Industrial Impulse of a re. " young lieutenant* ,ahould not bur- nmldalt * h ° , VleW “ ° f ,be ,united Augusta. .den themselves with wives oa the president,” has committed the blun- . I „ „ tier the second time. | lf baa gone abroad ln the land jv- » resent P ay - °® a - Corbin made — . erywhere that Augusta and Rlchmvmd hlnl3clf tbe ,argot of many "npleaa- rooelve a sevete "bea«ng W « Z haVe ‘bemselve. ant lf>8rs f ™"> th e wives, and still hands of an Indignant huaband." th.| fr0m |M>ll,lc l1 debauchery and de- more trom ,he flaancc8 of "young polks justloo doesnt consider It any, me a commuhlty noted for Its clean I ■ieutenants.” In communication to mWaatlon of the offence. | elections. Shall we reverse the goodl 131 ® l ,re ® s - and otherwise, these la- Fktvl. LT~Qlesslng7T(~yoars old, of worl< of receat years? g i<lies contrasted the comparative cost lUadtfoot, Mtho, who road patent j ‘ROw absolutely Impqrtant it la anJ tbe °° ra P arat,v ® return ( n hap- mWUcltu- a-lrertlsemcats until he dU-Ahat every public spirited and pat 1 P lnes * of a bride on tbe one hand CDTOted he had symptoms of a score rlotlc citizen of every class and fac- and tbe mMa h m and poker on of dteoses, hangetl himself. t _________ tion should at this time, of all others, 1,16 “^er. Siould the bill limiting fortune* | freely and voluntarily set himself In tbe col<1 llg b t ° r mature TV:Z la °' hu ® ntlre lnfluence reason tbe general and the secretary warranto u. la the belief that they'‘ n oppo,ltlon to ,h « 4 >l«btest Invasion are f ,B ,he rlght - A , ' young will take their medicine without a of lbe purlI y ot the ballot- at the ap- aD,r wl,aoul “’her menas than his murmur. |Proachong primary. P a y 19 burdening himself when There anTeome eosTMunts I n this C * U upon 0,0 publlc up <»> mllrrie, * glrl w1th 1,0 moa ^ her busy workl of ourj and among the- tbe °® CPr9 of the law to see to It own ' 1,10 C0UI>1 ® - 111 be mticli very easiest and most commonly put ,b at the law prohibiting the buying barrasaoj when they encounter so on exhibition Is that of preaching of and selling of votes and the subscrip- clally clv1llaM of their own kind as w end'pracUttt “° n °* f ° r purp06R ’ of buy,n « ^ educatloa - but of tho opposite. or tofluonctng votes shall be stent- moro mon ®y Tbelr best refuse Is ~ !>y enforced at the approaching prl- *° me pemote P 081 where there are spend ££££ reZ U> al.^ y T n '' lry W,th0U, rt>8p « t "> “ ClV '" ln9 ’ Where ,he a ™ y H pl ® chewing gum than for foreign mis atom. And the figure# would be even more startling but tor the fact that mo* of the girl* can make one piece la»t a whole wvek. whether high or low." are all po> r together, and extreme * - . s* frugality is enforced upon everybody. ■Fortune knock, once at every In such a society there are dojbtlees man's door." Fortune Is a knocker as “good times" as ln more expen- all right. ,t Te civilian circle*. But the two ctr land in which they sojourn. It wv>uld require generations to bring our people down to a plane upon which they could compete with the Chinese, and this would involve a large Impairment? of the efficiency of their work. It is not Just to the laboring men of the United States that they should be compelled to la bor upon the basis of the Chinese coolie labor or stand idle and allow their places to be .filled by an alien race with no thought of permanent j identification with our country. The American laborer not only produces the wealth \>f our nation in time of peace but be ls also Its sure defend er In time of war—who will say that his welfare and the welfare of his family shall be subordinated to the interests o*f those who abide with us for but a time, who while with us, • are exempt from draft or military j burden, and who, on their return, drain our country of its currency A foreign land-lord system is almost universally recognized as a curse to a nation, because the rent money is sent out of the country. Chinese Immigration on a large scale would give ua tlie evil effects of foreign landlordism in addition to its other objectionable features. The tea farm at Somervile, S. C.,J the only one of its kind in the west-* cm hemisphera. !» tile this year to •end 12,000 pounds of tea to market. With the kln liy ass stance of thej government of the United State* talaj farm has grownt o a point where it cam offer serious competition with the best grades of tea shipped from Chi-1 na, India, Formosa or Java. But above all, it has been demonstrated, that, barring the question of labor,' the finest tea can be successfully grown in this country, and there is nothing that gladdens the heart of > | an American more than the discovery j, that he can enter Into competition field hitherto denied him :■ CONVERSE BROS., ^ ■■ and Gent’, Furnishings Store at the old B. Converse, have ap-to-date Clothing s old stand formerly occupied by A. Converse, Jr. The business will be condnoted as infor mer years—at a close margin .EVERYTHING ENTIRELY NEVy., When a man’i advertising shows that he is thdroughly Interested ln his business, his business will become Interesting to others. Ice cream freetrrs from 2 to 20 quarts at Bayd-Fry Stove and China This store has been remodeled and prices marked in plain fig ure* so that eaeh and every man can wait upon himself lf he choses to We are Agents for Young's $3.00 Hsts and Hess’ $5.00 Shoes - The Public Is Respectfully Invited. S Converse Bros. SS!:S!i:!!!!Si:S!!S:!!SISS