The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 14, 1906, Image 7

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THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1906. BLOODY FIGHT IS AVERTED. Rawlings and Hickey Clashed in HAS HYSTERICS. Bad Epithet, Which wha[ do we find—a case of absolute not Stand—’The hysteria. •‘David Graham writing about the Phillips Treason | Senate’ for a magaxlne. Treason is an ugly word. It Is punishable by The Country it Down Wth Cate Sayt Jerome. | In a recent speech District Attor ney Jerome, of New York said: j "Public opinion goes hither and thither like a ship, but In the long; course of time it Is sweet and sune and sound and will make its port; but it lies on you to see to It that Its tracks are no longer than they ought “ to be. It is wasted power, that sen- Rawlings was Reading his Bible when timent of the community that £,*• Hickey Tried to Stop Him, Finally “P ° ac rail and back again to nn- 7 other. Today all through this nation Apolying a Vile Rawlings Would Two Prisoners Had to be Separated by Others. There came near being a desperate deaIh The Senate of , he Unltcd encounter in Fae county jail last even- states—Is It a treasonable body? ing by two the’ most notorious "Because some men are there who prisoners confined in the Jail. (ought not to be there—eorne who J. G. Rawlings and Pickpocket bou * h ‘ “>« P-IBon-^tall we say ithat the governors of our body polit- Hickey were the men who were j ^ are gulUy Q( trea80n? Basemen about to engage in murdering each i are there> but when i n the bright, other. breezy sentiments of modern news- Rawlings, it will be remembered, pa p er Uf e you assert there Is treas-f It? toothless and has had so much on> vou either lie or misconceive the trouble in masticating his food That raean i n g of the English language, the jailer has allowed him to havej “Take this treasonable body that a case knife In tile cell to use in cut j wou i d strike down our national life ting meats and other things given an( j contrast It with your representa- hlm to eat. This case knife was t j ve body swayed by popular opln- about .to play a murderous part in lon the row which Rawlings and Hickey Take the Hepburn bill 7 men voted had last night. 1 against it, and not a man able to un- As far as can be learned. Rawlings ders tnrid At. But the yelows said we was reading his Bible aloud to the mu8 t have something doing, and so prisoners in the part of the Jail y OUr popular branch said we must where he was confined. Hickey told do gome thlng, whether we understand him to quit reading, as he was tired (lt or not Wlth a president wfoo of hearing him. but Rawlings paid thinks every yearning can be con- TO BUILD BETTER Board of Education Decides to Spend Money From Hire of Convicta on School Houaea where Patrons 0 the Schools Show a Disposition to Improve the Schools. The Board of Education at Its meeting on last Friday decided to spend all of the money arising from HARRIMAN'S HOT BATHS. I> i.v»lc WORK AGAIN. i Wooden Structure on Rat Row Fell of E. H. HasrlniAU. tl:e president of the I Uulou Pacific railroad. bavtug s:;u».:e l cigars uutil his, Lrulu w:m i:i a vb.ri. j was recently advlred by L to try the rest cure at N. J., wlty a few baths thrown iu. •ays the NtWiYork World. It looked good to the maguute. so he went down to the Jeney pine retreat the other day. registering At the Lakewood hotel, with the remark that be wanted all the rest there was In the neighborhood and that be would stay a month or so to absorb it M And above all things," he contin ued, "don’t let mp smoke. Doctor says I must cut It out. Just rest aud lots of baths for me.” The next day they began to give the bathx to him. First they wrapped him tn bandages up to his oars and theu locked him la a. little cabinet, with his head sticking out The ateaui was turned on Iu the cabinet, and soon E. H. Harrimau was stewing Iu a temper- the hire of convicts on school houses J ®ture of 2)02. It was kept golug uutll .. . ..... . he felt like a Uulou Pacific steam eu- - — — — — until they are made suitable for, gln , H , MT#r perspired so much Iu !, he husln „ s8 portion of the city, the school purposes, and the Board of, his life. L . , , ..... . , .... what !■ thin dnrn hiiQiniwq?" he Are being In a little wooden building Education finds that it will be able L “ t* 9 darn bU9 , 9? ® j i demanded after he was nearly cooked near Happy Chance hall, on Ashley to assist in building about twenty through, school houses this year. The Fire was Well Under Way When j the Alarm was Turned in, but the j Fire Laddies put the Cooler on it Like Putting an Extinguisher Over j a Candle. 1 The Valdosta fire department made j another unusually gaod( record last | night. About twelve o’clock a fire •alarm was turned In from a box In To the Voters of Echols County:* At the solicitation of man., frindu, I hereby announce myself a can.ti- dato for the legislature, subject Us the Democratic primary. T. G. CULBRETH. 6.14 tf. . . . .. -strept, the building being one of the This is our famous hydrotherapy . ' . fcitlMill „ tll , Very few* of the houses In the coun* bath," replied the polite attendant I "Anybody that survives lt never • any more nervousness.” has ty are suitable for school purposes/ any most of the houses are old, uncelled i Dexplta- the excessive heat Mr. Har- _ . „ . 'rtman grew pale. The attendants and full of cracks and holes, most of^ words had struck terror clear through the glass is broken out of the win- the bandiifet and to bis heart. dows. and It Is impossible for the 1 ®* •>« You are fry,n * me ; allvsr hs yelled. children to keep comfortable when Tb* wns turned off, and the the weather Is cold or disagreeable;' railroad man was led Into another it Is, therefore, necessary to Improve room, where there was a hose, this condition. I “You’ll be all right In a minute.” Several very good houses have been “ ,d . ** * tteml . ant “ be p'ny- . ... , 41 _ 1 tof lea cold water on the railroad mag- built with the assistance of the Pat-'jyJ*, rons of the schools during the pastj Harrtmon gasped, ns the chilling year, and other houses have beeen stream sent shivers up his spine. But greatly improved by celling them, the attendant was merciless and the On account of shortage of Ice !& i he north this season caused by no lake Ice being saved there will be more north Star refrigerators usetf. this summer than ever as they are packed with guaranteed cork and taka less Ice than any refrigerator made. Boyd-Fry Stove and China Co. We can save you money on builders hardware, but can not 1 guarantee to save you over 25 per cent, and caA show you the largest assortment and most complete line. Boyd-Fry Shave and China Co. Several new styles of steel range* and a reduction made In price for this spring and summer trade. Boyd- Fry Stove and China Co. Lawn mowers from cheap to tne great American—the best known to the world, at Boyd-Fry Shove and China Co. For wedding presents see the lat- no attention to him. Hickey went in- ultutlonally enacted Into law, with a' an(1 furnishing them with patent' lee water treatment progressed until to a rage and denounced Rawlings House of Representatives typlHed by j ea ka. and the Board of Education Mr. Harrimau remarked that he guess- la the severest terms, branding him william Suiter, the friend of the peo- proposes now to carry on the work •* *>• , Bkod the steam n shade better, with an epithet that usually calls for ple where would there be safety un- Until all are In first class condition. a fight among men In this section of |eS8 the united g, ate8 Senate? I Wlt1l the assistance of the patrons the country. 'hold no brief to defend individual the Board of Education estimates Rawlings grabbed his knife and senators, but there are many men that they will be able to build about started at Hlcfiey with the evident there who were there wben we were twenty school houses this year, and purpose of making mince meat out. at our mothers' breasts, who love the Board Insists that this matter be of him. while Hickey also grabbed a , helr country and would betray It no'taken up by the various schools at murderous weapon and threatened to sooner than Davld Graham Phillips once before , he , choo ,s have dosed, cheat the gallows of Rawlings life .would. Maybe the railroads ought to and that arrangements be made to If he continued to advance upon him be checkedi but not by something build the houses during the summer with the knife. those who vote for don’t understand. 1 and before the next school term Some of the prisoners In the Jail jf that is the way we are to goverft, opens. got between the two men and k<yj>t give me a benevolent despotism. them from clashing, at the same tlmei calling the jailer to the scene. EGG SUCKING FEAT. Sheriff Passmore was at once notl ' tu>|Un , B El .„, fie,! .and he wefit to the jail and had, utr ., Thcn Drs .k vlm.rsr. Bawtings removed to the section of, To bf »bl» to sack eggs axpedltlotuly UJI^epcupif’l by his total paw- Is tot nrtch of an acomplUhment, but fHimMr' ^ W ' tThlB ImWjmtimti^aii Se’ the rules of the derour lit that way the raw contents of fnduHPg Is a fight, but that ,onr d< * en eggs lt la a gastronomic Pa man could not call him what Hick- feat of no mean significance, say* a i special dispatch from Marlon, 0„ to p v/ ®y had called h\m without getting a Cleveland Plain Dealer. Dominick fight on his hands. I Angelo, an Italian living) In Martel, Hickey Is also said to be of good east of Marion, recently performed this grit, and If the two men had come ^ the presence of about thirty together both might have been badly T ^** #n * wbo bad gathered at hurt. They were confined In a place tta fener.1 merchandise store. Then _ ... .. , .. after. finishing the Inst egg Angelo Where neither could run, and the dwnk , ^ plnt 0 f strong vinegar, fight- between them might have beenj NoW( Angelo, to give further evl- one to the death of one or both of deuce of his skin at egg sucking, says them. | that If he Is paid $5 he will consume Tried to Cut Out Again. Are dozen eggs In succession and will Sheriff Passmore and the Jailer foUaw fea,t quaffing a Pint of The Shiloh school has arranged to build a houso to cost $2,000, and the Board is assisting liberally In the building of that home. The Naylor people also expect to build & houqsj that will cost about $2,000 and jftoard. of Education will aislet any in the] holding of that house. Of course, (it Is not expected that all the housed shall cost as much these two,' and lt Is not 'necessary where the schools- are small that horn es Bhould cost more than $400 $500. Very good houses can be built for that Bum, and In that case the Board of Education will pay one- half the ccst v>f building the houses, provided the title to the land which the house Is built be vested In the Board of Education, and pro vided that the plans for the construe’ tlon of the houses receive the made another thorough wearch y«J *“• ! eat ’ lo f al , au ‘ horl «“ ^° Ta ‘ of the BoarJ of Education. terday i> see If they could find any « V. 0 ^^ W "‘ " 0t eXPend “ r mon - ooatn, a* the whisky will harden the. gy t-o build hniMM aw nrinitA mfin. aawa or any thing else which could ( MXtximmi of the eggs and render lt !» | ^ be of service to the prisoners In get digestible. Angelo, however, says that j , « a « • .. . ting our of Jail. ho will do lt as soon as the $3 la forth-1 In . orde , r 1 to ,nsure ^ bous- The search was a very rigid one,! coming. I® 8 be bu,lt ’ the of Bducat,on but no tools were found The offl j Tbo exhibition given the other night i aas Prepared plans, which will be cers, however found In the cell or raulted from a banter made by James furnished to the County School Com . . Sharrock, an acquaintance of Angelo, cupled by Hlckoy and King, two of ^ Ita nan 8a id that bis robust health the pickpockets, a place where they! i* due considerably to the number of had sawed almost 'entirely through: raw eggs which he consumed. He do- the iron walls of the cell. The place! clared that be can auck more eggs tn waa about 12x14 Inches and In some, a ahorter period of time than any man 1 ho has ever met Sbarrock offered to pay for two dozen eggs If Angelo places ft was sawed entirely through They had pasted newspaper picture* over these places making it appear that the’pictures were used as orna ments, but in fact they were used to bJde the work which had been done to make an opening In he wall of the cell. It would have taken Just a lit tie more work to have sawed entirely through the cell. It is presumed, that they Intended to use this opening to get out Into the corridvsr and then from that through the hole which was discovered several days ago,, to make their escape. The sheriff expected that small thlo saws might be secreted under the paper pictures, and these were torn *itra the walls, in order to see if sa*s were there. It was In thlf manner that lt was discovered what other werk these notorious prisoners hid Veen doing to effect their escape Iht- sheriff has employed a day guard at the Jail, and now the pits ontrt are under the eyes of guards both cay and night, the guards be fog -equired to slay in the Jail and to be la sight of the prisoners every five m rutes, day or night. mlssloner on application. It is to bo hoped that every school In the county where houses are need ed will have educational rally* at the close of their school and raise a sufficient amount of money, which, taken together with the amount that cluster of buildings that compose "Rat Row” At the first tap of the bell the hoofs of the horses could be heard rattling over the paved treets and In two minutes afterwards streams ofi est of sterling silver at Boyd- water were pouring on the burning ^iove and China Co. building. * a- — — —— — mmmmmm Many citizens went to their door* Colonel West, each one of them and windows to see If they could tell promising Jo catch more fish than h« where the fire was located. They would catch. All had very good luck could see the glow from the flames and Colonel West’s luck was unu*- and many of them started to dbme ually good. While the other mem- up town. Before they could get on bers of the party were pulling In their clothes, however, the fire had twenty-nine fine bream. he wan been extinguished. (packing away thirty-three in tho e«4 The fire was in three room frame of his boat. For a little while, he building, formerly occupied by ne caught them about as fast as he groes but was vacant at the time of could take them off his hook, the fire. The fire probably originated ———e from some negro tramps or some other homeless person taking rofugo for the night. The fire was well advanced before] the alarm was sent In, and the build ing was enveloped In flame* when the ■ firemen /arrived]. Their quick work resulted In putting out the fire leav-1 Ir.g charred timber for the roof and celling and s’ide* of the building. The building was owned by Mr. W. On the hydro, etc., baths. Mr. Harri-j 1 *- Converse and the loss Is only a man submitted until they fetched the . hundred or two dollar*, hose and then declared lt was all off. j Colonel West a* a Fisherman '••I*d rnthvr be nervous than bo shot 1 Colonel West and Messrs John [ /J "Rf ^M t L W |l^wJ reh ‘ B< ” hB ’ ald “ ha C0,fee - Fr ‘‘ nk R ° 1WrtB ttDd Ahl ! torhtiMU. . | Poeple*. went down to Brown Pond! O. -S..Fy to,,. When It was all over the railroad wax told to run around the lawn for twenty minute* without stopping. He finished thirteen lap* and gave lt up. A* the patient went back to the hotel his valet stepped forward with a box of cigars. Mr. Hardman regarded the •moke* fondly and started to reach for one. Then he remembered the doctor’s Injunction and sadly waved the valet awav. They started In again the next day A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever D R. T. FELIX GOURAUD’S ORIENTAL CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIES aa. jasx - T/a MEN’S GARMENTS FROM THE WORLD’S BEST MAKERS THE EASTER 1 Clothing Question. would devour them, and tho Italian the BoarJ will furnish, will complete went him one better by making It four the houses. < *°* on * j Let this matter bo taken up right .away and all arrangements made. The Board of Education will pro ceed upon the plan of "first come LIKE SOLOMON’S CHOIR.- Rain nedej badly. Lois of north star refrigerator expected the first of next week. Boyd-Fry Stove & China Co., have on the road a car load of north star refrigerators, which are expected to arrive In the next few day*. Be sure to wait to see them be fore buying. 1 Calvary Baptist to Bar* Bl***st Church Chorus In ftew York. Calvary Baptist church. Fifty-sev enth street, between Sixth and Sev enth avenues, is soon to have the lar gest choir In New York city. In the days of King Solomon 24,000 singers, divided iuto twelve choirs, one for each month In the year, sang iu the temple. Professor Edward Morris Bowman, mnslc director and organist of Cnl vary church, will organize the uew choir on the same linen, says the New York World. According to their merit, the singers will be divided Into four grades. By this division **aeb section will get nn off Sunday in each month. While the chii»f nim of the choir !< to lend the eougreg.itlou in the serv ice. It will also lie made a great train ing school in choral music. Any one possess Ing only n knowledge of music sufficient to n beginning will l,o received in tl, - choir From time to time promotion certificates from the •r to the li'gher grades will lie giv en t > such -»s pass the conductor’s ted*. Rehearse.|* will U* held from 8 o’clock to on Saturday nights.- The Great American high wheel ball bearing lawn mower cost* a little more than others but are guar anteed to be the best made. We also have all grades. Boyd-Fry Stove and China Co. first served," and those who first apply u> the Board of Education will receive the money for the building of the houses this year, but the oth ers will have to wait until the fund Is sufficient to supply them. A N*w Version of JmiM Eocape. The old method of whaling Is almost a lost Industry. In the April Harper's Clifford W. Ashley relates his experi ences on a long whaling voyage and Incidentally reports the following re marks of tha mate on whales and the adventure of Jonah: " There are only two kinds of whale,’ said Mr. Hicks. ‘One of ’em Is the sperm whale, the rc-t o' ’em is the oth er. The sperm w!..d.* ,* mainly valu able for bis o ! i ‘.'.a >11. you under stand;; lij; te*::, y {».. ills under Jaw II!:> :t < j::, II. : s et both ends, has out* forward ev* :t , ,ui lives only warm country. \m.v r.ght-wbule oil ain’t wo"th .s; yoj bunt him for bone. lie’ i got a whole sieve made out of sluf.-H of i!v.:., 1 iu bis moutb lu- stend of teeth. Then, be only fights with bis flukes. I if veu bet lie can use them prett. lively X "-or known of a right-wIiuKh crossing the line. Swal low Jonah? ilmnp'n! Well, u sperm whale could a-done It. but bow’d you like to swal!o.v .. woolly worm? No wonder It v.'. i :jl agin hi.-, stomach.* ” CUSTOM has declared Easter Sunday the day when one may don sum mer togs and be proper. Our preparations for this occasion were very elaborate, and we are prepared to show you anything that’s correct. We have built up our reputation for selling the best clothing by handling only the best productions of the World’s Best Clothing . Makers, And we know who they are, and buy from them. We do NOT handle CHEAP goods—only meritorious merchandise. IF VOU GET IT HERE IT’S GOOD. Suits $10.00 to $25.00. M. A. BRIGGS, Only One Price, But the Correct Price.