The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 21, 1906, Image 11

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THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY, APKILl 2i, 1906. IN MACON’S JAIL IN ’ THEY REMAIN. Prisoners Gpirrits Seem' not to Be Dampened by Their Impending Sentence to the Bars Which Shut Them Out From Sunshine and Lib* erty—Spend Time Reading and Conversing. Macon, April 18— 1 The second day's stay in the Bibb county jail of Greene and Gaynor, who were brought from Savannah Sunday morning, was in all irptpects similar to the first. The 'question as to whether or not the men have decided to make an appeal, but to go to the penitentiary and by good behavior, cut the four years sentence to three, is being seriously debated by the people well informed on the question. The men cannot give bond and thus secure their liberty during the two of three years that would be con sumed in the trial. The sentences, be fore the time the final decision could be reached, would have been served if the men go at once to the peniten tiary The amount of the fines, stu- >endous as it is, would be paid out to ittorney's before the end of the trial. Jailor Hubbard, under whose care the men are, and who makes sever al visits each day to the cell stated to them yesterday that the opinion of the general public was -that no ap peal would be made. The remark was greeted by a loud laugh by Mr. Gay nor. Both men seemed cheerful and in the best of spirits throughout yester day. J. A. Elder of Monticello who is held for lunacy at the jail, and who is allowed the freedom of the ^orridors, spent a greater part of the in conversation with the men [rough the cell “door. Mr. Gaynor [pecially, seemed to enjoy the diver- Ion and his laugh could be often [eard. Tr. Elder stated to the Telegraph yesterday, afternoon tjiat MT. Ud that since their advent Lew tourist hotel stock'was look up, according to the papers. 'he men together occupied a hos- tal cell dn the second floor of the lildlng. The furnishings have been jigmented by a table, on which are |great number of books, magazines I and periodicals. A case of Lithia wa ter was ordered this morning. Meals ale sent from the Lanier hotel and iho hpgt of cigars and tobacca is se cured by the prisoners. They spend the time talking to each other and to Mr Elder. Any request for an interview ex cept when made by an acquaintance firmly denied. The jail Is beseiged by people whose curiosity Is aroused L cocci > ing the men, and numberless I Requests are made of Jailor Hubbard dally to be allowed to see the men. These he always declines. A FIGHT OVER A FAINTED AFTER CHURCH. | R. V L. Day, Whose Skull Was Crush- "l cd Several Months Ago. jouglas, Ga., April 38—Mr. R. V. L Day, whose skull was broken In Uj places last September by John Di mas the negro who Is now In 9a* ‘•^'faanan jail, for safekeeping, after at tending revival services at the Meth odist church last night, and Just up on his arrival home, fainted and in faring, reopened the wound. His head had been trepanned in two niseis and he had lately returned Atlanta after a second opera- He was unconscious through- i® night, despite the efforts of iors. While he Is resting quiet- ay, his recovery is very doubfc- pNE ’KILLED AND ^NE WOUNDED Fitzgerald, Ga., April 18—During ; dispute li tne settlement this n. one negro man was sh >t M ki’led and a negro woman fatal- wounded. * The negro who did the shooting nade his escape, but dogs have been 1 |)ht on his trail and It is thought h* will be taken. I A Lucky Postmistress ' Mrs. Alexander, of Cary, Me., who found Dr. King's New Life Pills ’ be the best remedy she ever tried ‘ kepplng the Stomach, Liver and tIs in perfect order. You’ll agree i’tb her If you try these painless Jtffiera that Infuse new life. Guar- ■teed by A. 2. Dirnmock and W. Dunaway, ^ugglsts. Price 25c. W. V. Casey Went to Terminal Sta tion With Mrs. J. Q. Courtney, who Had Parted ,From Her Husband* When Courtney Came Along and the Altercation Followed. Atlanta, April 18—A serious trag edy was narrowly averted at the Ter minal station about midnight Monday night when John G. Courtney, a rail way mail clerk discovered his wife in conversation with W. V. Casey, a stock man employed at the Union stock yards, formerly of Valdosta. Immediately after locating the cou ple, Courtney is said to have proached them and censured them In no unmistakable terms. An argument followed between Courtney and Casey during which both men drew pistols One of the pistols was discharged the ball striking the cement flooring and rebounding penetrated Courtneys hat. Beyond a slight wound on the thumb of Casey, said to have been caused by the hammer of Courtney's revol, ver neither of the men were Injured. ourtney, his wife and Casey were all taken to police headquarters, the men being docketed for disorderly conduct and the woman being held a witness. Sometime during the rly morning Mrs. Courtney was al lowed to leave the station house upon the promise of friends that she would appear In recorder’s court at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon. Early Tuesday morning Casey was released from custody on a cash bond of $100, guaranteeing his appearance In court Tuesday afternoon The cash bond was put up by Jocob W. Patter son of the Union Stock Yards Co. The statements of Courtney and Casey differ very materially, Casey alleging that Courney’s attack on him was the result of an argument over a fine dog said to have been lost by Courtney, while Courtney de clare that It was Casey’s attentions to Mrs. Courtney that prompted him to have words with Casey. WliS* seen by a reporter at po lice headquarters Tuesday morning the two men were in adjoining cells Casey occupying No. 2 and Courtney No. 3, state department. Both of them talked freely, their statements agreeing on only two points—that being that Casey was at the terminal station with Mrs. Courtney. PAINS AMERICAN WOMEN FIND RELIEF The Caae of Miss Irene Crosby Is One of Thousands of Cures made by Lydia E. Pinkham’e Vegetable Compound. How many women realize that it is not the plan of nature that woman should suffer ao severely. To Amend a Charter. GEORGIA—Lowndes County: To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of the, Henderson- Cranford Buggy Company shows un to the court as follows?; First: That petitions* was under its present name duly jlncorporatsl by order of this Honorable Court at the November adjourned term, 1902, Thousands of American women, how ever, have found relief from all monthly suffering by taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, as It is the most thorough female regulator known to medical science. It cures the condition which causes so much discomfort and robs these periods of their terrors. Miss Irene Crosby, of 313 Charlton Street, East Savannah, Ga., writes: 44 Lydia E. Pinkham’iVegefcable Compound is a true friend to woman. It bos been of great benefit to me, curing me of irregular and painful periods when everything else had failed, and I gladly recommend it to other suffering women.” Women who are troubled with pain ful or irregular periods, backache, bloating (or flatulence), displacement of organs, inflammation or ulceration, that “bearing-down” feeling, dizzi ness, faintness, indigestion, nervous prostration or the blues, should take immediate action to ward off the seri- w ^ ous consequences, and be restored to i n May "next, at the court" house d E ?rfect health and strength by tokiiff , sa |<i county, within the legal hours ydia B. Pinkhnraa Vegetable Com-j 0t aa l e , t o the highest bidder, for oound, and then write to Mrs. Pink. ca8h all th - e following property to am, Lynn, Mass., for further free ad- w j t . r l ln6 •“ the 12t >> district of Lowndes ehar^ Thoullndf hlve bLn cLSi 8 °?? ty ' being seventy-one thereof, being the 15th 'day of Janu-’ ary, 1902. Second: That your petitioner de- sires that Us charter'be amended so that It shall have the right and pow er to lBeue from time to time Pre ferred Stock tn such amount not ex ceeding fifty thousand (dollars, under such rules and regulations and upon such terms and conditions! tnd bear Ing such rate of Internet u Its stock holders or board of directors may deem wise and lestrab'.e, and that Its capital stock be 1 increased to such an amount. j Third: Petitioner <jev>r»s that lte charter he further amended by add- Ing the words "or nijkr” between the twenty-first and twenty-second worJi of paragraph seven of Its original petition. t fi Fourth: Petitioner, avers that lta stock holders desire, feesent and au thorize the forei ae Is shown by a Its minutes filed Wherefore, petit said amendment be This March 26th, 1*06. Hendsrson-Cranford Buggy Co, By Cranford A Walker, : It* Attorneys. Filed ln Office March qcth, 1906. GEORGIA—LowndeS County: I, R. T. Myddelton, Clerk of the Superior Court of said eounty, do certify that the shove Is a true and correct copy of the petition for amendment t charter of the Hen- derson-Cranford Buggy Co., now of file In this office. R. T.VmYDDELTON, Clerk. V. In the District Court of the United Status for tho Southern District of Georgia, Southwestern Division. In the matter of the Comfort Trad ing Company, Bankrupt In Bankruptcy. GEORGIA—Thomas County: NOTICE OF SALE. State of Georgia—County of Lowndes City of Valdosta: Will be sold on the first Tuesday lu May, next, at the court house ln said county, within the legal hours for sale, to the highest bidder, for By virtue of an order by Honor-, ? h '„ P /°, P#rt 7. t 9' W .L t! able J. H. Merrill, Referee in Bank- C v» l iH n , Cty , ot ’ 1 ? cfttod * n !be ruptcy In the above stated matter, „‘ y . ol ? ,,nts, • granted March 19th, 1906, the un Jer- a ’ * ront,n {f (60) feet on signed as trustee of the Comfort ^1,. av , en , u 1 'L, an . d mnnlng back one Trading Company, bankrupt, will lTZViToXe°lo^X ml sell at Boston, Georgia, at publlo , avenue on the erne hv ^UMaV mSS outcry, free from all liens, during S„ the the usual hours of sale on the 23rd a ” the Artie* to? day of April, 1906, the following de- a certaln lo kn^ FnS rtf* scribed property: A parcel of land Kazansaatot “ * ,obn in the town at Boston, Thomas coun | Said land levied on as the property ty, Georgia, bounded by line begin- of T. M. Cook to satisfy an execu- nlng at the southwest corner of the tlon Issued by the Clerk of the City Intersection of Main and railroad Council of the City of Valdosta In streets, runnlnfc thence easterly alonfi favor of the city of Valdosta against he north margta of Railroad street T. M. Cook for street pavinTpur- 191 feet to west line of opera house poses v y This the 15th day of March, 1906. C. DAM PIER, Marshall and Chief of Police. 3 27 4w. LOWNDE8 SHERIFF SALE8. GEORGIA—Lowndes County: Will be sold on 1 the first Tuesday charge, by to doing. .:. ...... .;..*• .% .J * •]. -J. + THESE ME «FJOP * Progress of Big Dry Dock. Port Said, April 17—The drydock Dewey was reported today by wire less telegraphy as being one hun dred and fifty miles off from this port. The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cure. Is Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. Your druggist will refund your money If after taking one bottle you are not satisfied with results. 60 cents hy A. E. Dimmock. Sure of the Road. Nashville Is sure of a railroad to Valdosta. We believe It wlU be built ln less than two years.—Herald. You know rhe medicine that makes pure, rich blood — Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Your mother, grandmother, all your folks, used it. They trusted Sarsaparilla it. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts It. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it. "J 'P'-'ra terribly from indlyr.Uon end thin blood. I found no relief until I took Ayer* gfcntporiu, Four bottle* perm*- nently cured me.” * Mm. F. R. Hart. Mt. Ki»co, n. y. ? .00 » bottle. J c * TEH CO - 1 -nnMMMM for Ir,rHI M:ig»! Rich Blood CAUSES FOR-ALL DISEASES DR. RM CARLISLE’S L A Bf FOR LIVER AND BLOOD STOMACH AND KIDNEY CURES RHEUMATISM IN ALL FORMS Backache, headache, tooth ache, inflammation of the ki(j* 'b nejs, gravel, neuralgia, sore j. throat, diptheria, sprains, T bruises, contracted cords, mus- v cles and stiff joints, cramp .4* colic and cholera morbus, bil lions colic, chills and fever, bites of insects, reptiles and mad dogs, croup, caked breasts, suppressed menstrua tion, corns, felons, palpitation of tbe heart, piled, gonorrhea, erysipelas, etc. FOR INTERNAL nndJEXTERNAL USE. CARLISLE & CO. * MACON, - GEORQIA ^ * (71) acres of lot of land number seventeen (17) In said district; boun ded on the north by Mitchell Jones avenue, on the south by original Hue of said lot of land and on the east and west by marked lines, being all that part of lot of land number sev enteen .(17) -lying south of Mitchell Jones avenue, which was deeded by Byrd Hightower to Joseph Hightow er, and being the place on which Harry Franklin now lives. Said land being levied on as' the property of tbe said Harry Franklin to satisfy sn execution Issued from the city couM^v Valdosta In favor Of T, M r^SaHf'lueumor ~df the es- tatSof Mitchell Jones against said Harry Franklin. This the 2nd day at April, 1906 Price, * 50 Cents. . . . FOR BALK BY . . . E. DIMMOOK’D PHARMACY. Also at the same time and place will be sold on the first Tuesday In May next, at public outcry at the courthouse In said, county, between the legal hours of fcalp, to the hlghe* 1 bidder for cash certain property of which the following is a’ full and complete description: One stock of goods, consisting of groceries, hard ware, tinware, woodenware, glass ware, crockeryware, notions, station* tt, T. drugs, Shoes, confectioneries, which stock of goodsls now located l n the store ln Hahlra. Lowndes county, Georgia,'.occupied sag run by G. W. Roberts and now ln the possession of said O. W. Roberts, being held by him with the content of Laura A. Roberts In whose favor the execution was Issued on which the levy as de scribed below was based. Said stock of goods will remain In said store In Hahlra until after the sale because of the difficulty and expense that would thence north at right angles on Railroad street 462 feet; thence near ly west 191 feet to east margin of Main street; thence ln a straight line along the east margin of Main ... street 462 feet to starting point, to- NOTICE OF 8ALE. gether with all the buildings and state of Georgia—County of wowndes other structures now on said ,prem- j —City of Valdosta; ises Including one ginnery building 1 will be Bold on -'in firm 30x136 feet, two stories high, wlthaS In Mav noIt at tu. conrJ 1 “L," or an extension 25x60 feet, said tou“y wlthto th? 1?^ ^,,1“ three stories high; also one story 0 f sale to the highest frame ware house 02x100 feet; also cash the following one Liddell Ginnery outfit having That certaln itv to? W ? : four 70-saw gins and other fixtures; the city of Valdosta llL also one Wlnshlp Mounger Ginnery tv Genriria fmntw ^ T”.' outfit having three 70-saw gins; also oa ' un, aV e’nuo° ans , 6 ° five Sea Island cotton gins; two hundred (tn?i d r„ ? D ” S . b ^ Ck forty horse power boilers; two 36 £ tr 8 et J./LllS JJ J8t , h 0n A? hl ? y horse power steam engines; one 75 Hill avenue °nff^° a « D °^ h i.s by horse power engine; one 80 horse atree , if 881 by J\ atll , cy power boiler; one dynamo with all known thi b , y . a certala Iot fixtures, appurtenances, belting, etc., wunf hv ®, y . °i' and on th0 scale, tools, trucks, pumps, tanks, Inhl | a „ 88rt *f“ jUC know n as ithe hose and other machinery and ttx- Jo 2?. , K , aaan f 9 , > ot - tures, now kept and used in connec- n t rp J i? n >, , e( ! on a ® property , tion with said ginnery and altogeth- ii v 0 ^ 10 ® atl8fy an oxecu^ er constituting the plant of the Com* rnn«M? ? th * ^ erk of th « Clif fort Trading Company In said town , n u , tbe '“ y ot Valdfl of Boston, Georgia, except a parcel , ay ? r J >J „ tlla City of V] of lana sold by W. C. Snodgrass to a8a ! nst T * C°ok for sli the Georgia Northern Railroad Com-, P Thlf mh'Xv , Tnr , pany described as follows: Com-1 lms «y of Man mencing at the southwest corner of Opera House and running north 248 feet to a stake, thence southwesterly 162 feet to a stake, 210 feet north of i Libel the northern boundary of the A. C. npnnnTA r L. Railroad; thence west 31 feet to , ,, I1UIA ~Low Main street; south 210 feet to inter- J * w - Wa lher i section of Main and Railroad streets; | Supreme Couj thence east along the northern boun-1 J^ rm 19 °6. dary of said A. C. L. right-of-way ' the Def< 189 feet to starting point; also prop- Walker: You erty bought of F. H. Lummus Sons to be and app. Company, of Columbus, Georgia, to- Court of Lowm_ wit: One 280 saw battery condenser held in and for and one double- box press with steam third Monday in cylinder and tramper. This sa d and there to anB’ property shall be offered for sale ln Pj a * n t of divorce, — 3ulk, and the property, the title, aa * J court will pi which is claimed by Lummus Sons ^ a PP erta lP- Company, towlt: One 280 saw bat-Witness the Hon. tery condenser and one Jouble box 1 ®"» Judg© of said com press with steam cylinder and, ^ a Y °* Maroh, 1906. tramper. shall be offered for sale; „ , B- T.. MYDD1 separately; and that the remainder 1 • 24 w 2m. of it shall also be offered to be ( sold separately and the bids thus 1 _ 4 made shall be reported to the Court ; pp,,c * t,0n for Le *vo,to for confirmation. This March 21, 1906. JAS. M. JONES, Trustee. 3 24 w 4w. J. J. Boone, guardian of1 [sons and property of James,! • ard and Agnes May Boone, ha? j proper form applied to the unde? Jed for leave to sell a certain tfl :Of land belonging to said JaraJL Leonard and Agnes May Boone’s ej tate for the purpose of educating! and maintaining said minor children. hey greatly aid tl gently no Sar: Fire Insurance. Tornado Insurance. Insure Yonr Property With Biitch & Richard on, For New Road. GEORGIA—Lowndea County: Whereas, certain petitioners bare made their application to this court praying for an order granting tho establishment of a new roil com mencing from public road leading from Lake Park to Valdosta at a point near J. C. King's residence ln Lake Park district at land line di viding J. C. King's and Ml',is Wls- enbaker; thence following said land 'line, dividing lands of Dr. Rouse and RobL Hineley; thence lands of T. J. High, J. H. Carter anil A. C. Carter; thence lands of W B. High and G. B. Martin; thence lands of Andrew Frier and G. B. Martin, and Intersecting the public road lead'ng from Valdosta, Ga., to 3eit"'.e, Fla., near the residence of G. B. Martin, In the 16th district ot said county. And where as, commissioners appoltn d for that purpose have reviewed and marked out said contemplated road, and reported to the commissioners ot roads and revenues of laid county that said road will be of much pub- utility and convenience. Now this Is to cite and adra'>alaa all p“r sons that on and after the 7th day of May next, 1906, said new road will be granted If no gojl cause is shown to the contrary. Witness tbe Hon. Commissioners of Roads and Revenues, ibis Marsh 29th, 1906. R. T. MYDDELTON, Clerk Com. Roads and Kev. 3 31 30d. If you want tho best insurant-" in " best companies. We represent n.iti... bat the best Sm th’s Sure Kidney Cure. ftp only euafsnteed kidney rum- Buy It—It' costs you nothing Price 60 cents. A. E. ‘ * —' Strickland Building, 10b S. P&irersoul FOIEYSKIDNIVODM —. TT-,c- Makes Kidneys snd Bladder Rlnht have to be Incurred tot removing the same to said place aF sale. r Said property levied on as the pro perty of G. w. Roberts to satisfy an execution Issued mg the city court of Valdosta ln favor of Lanra A. Roberts against the said G. W. Rberts. This April 6UL' 1905. J. F. PAB8M0RB, Sheriff. Also at the came will be sold to the hi cash the following p. 236 scree of land, more described as follows': Lot tbs llth district county and botffidM 1 north by lands of Ed ( the east by the Withlaeoochee river on the south and want M%tgtnal land line. Levied on as (M property of H. c. Peeples tor stats aiflSoun ty taxes under s Ufa Issued by w. 1905 taten ’ ^ collector, for the year This 6th day of April, 1908. Also at the same time and place will be eold the following property to wit: One hundred acres; mors or less of lot No. 282 ln th-> llth. land dlstrlot of said county and described as follows; Bounded op the ) north by original land line, east by) Elzy Fender, on the south by tbe Burg, ■nan land, on the west by an estab lished line. Bald property levied on In favor of A. M. Chandler, trana- feree for and against W. H. Wright for slate and county taxes for the year 1904. This 6th day of April, 1906. GEORGIA—Lowndes County: Will be sold on the first Tuesday In May next, at the court housed In said county, within tbe legal boprs of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following property to « It: 380 pair of men and ladles' shoo*. I-evIed on as the property of J T. Wheeler to aatlsfy an execution Is sued from the City Court of Ttomae ville In favor of The A. 8. Potdle ton Company. Levy made by J. F. Crosby, D--|.uty Sheriff, This 4th day of April, 1906. Notice of Sale. GEORGIA—Lowndes County; _ > By virtue of an order from Honor- la to cite all concerned to show able J. H. Merrill, referee ln bank- cause nt the next term of coirt why ruptcy for the Southwestern division sa, <l guardian should not nave tuavu of tho Southern District of Georgia, ( o soil saW property after advorna (here will be sold at publlo outcry lug same ns the law directs, before the city hall In the city of This April 4th, 1998. Valdosta, at 5 o'clock p: m., on the j A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. 10th day of April, 1900, all of tho i . ' accounts due the Southern Product Company aggregating about 625,000 Libel for Divorce. The highest bid so male will be sub- GEOItCU-Lowndea County: mltted to the referee for conflrma- ~ ... , v tlon or rejection before closing, j t. w. Nicholson, Terms of sale 10 per cent cash and i **■,. . , the remaining 90 per cent when the I ; laranae Nicholson, sale la confirmed by the reto-ee i _. , , J— 1 ®* “L D1 rerei, This 2nd day of April, 1905. / ^ d ? ,e ?. daT1 t yio ™? M v - Ntth-. GEO. L. PATTERSON, owon. Is hereby required poreonall> Trustee. 1°/ by at,orne y to bo and appear a' I the superior court of aald county, to I be hold la and for said county oi. GEORGIA—Echols County; 'the 3rd Monday In May next 1906 Notice Is hereby given that the then and there to anawer the plaint undersigned has applied to the ordt ire complaint for divorce as ln re nary of aald county for leave to sell fault thereof eaid court will proceed' land belonging to tbe eetate of A. as to Justice shall apperts's. W. Carter for the benefit of debts 1 Witness the Hon Robt. G Mitch or for the purpose of distribution, ell, Judge of sail court this Marc) Said application will he beard at 3rd, 1906. R. T. Myddleton, the regular term of the Court of Or-1 Clerk 8 C dinary for said county to bo held on the first Monday In May. 1906 This 2nd day of April, 1906. I Echols 8herlff Sale. conn i. E. PARRISH, Ordinary house door in Statenvllla, Ga.. ' on the first Tuesday in June GEORGIA—Echols County. j 1808 . the following described By virtue of an order of the court property: Lote of land Nos. 66, 67 of ordinary of said county, will ho 70. 71, 142, 143. 144 and 75 ln the tL&T'LTm*. It iho*court }^ b 9 d o ,, ‘ r uJ l 4 8 0f 1 „ E Se 0l, l6 C t 0 h nt d 7 ;.tric. 5SX? HJMff Of EclMtounty, «0. % «“ real estate, situate In Ectnii eounly an< * 3<8 ln the llth district of Echolr to wit; Lot of land No. 150, In the “i nty ' 202 . He . >47, 169, 270, 346 13th land district of said county, “!?• ,64 - 395 ' »>» >00 ««"» of lor known as the William Bohanan place “ nd 300 acre * of lot 669 ln 13t,v The sale will continue from day ro' Jl,t rict of Echols county. Levied day between the same hours until “ poa *» un re turned wild land tor lte all of said property is sold Terms. ? tor year 1006. cash. I Levied on as tne property of un- This 2nd day of April, 1906 returned wild land to satisfy within ALONZO BOHANAN, fl,a and ., Administrator of William Bohanan. Thl * 4th dsy March 1906. Libel for Divorce. GEORGIA—Lowndes County: Alonzo Jenkins vs. Bettle Jenkins. Libel for Divorce, Lowndes County Superior Court, May term, 1906. To Bettle Jenkins, defendant tn the above state J case, h hereby re quired to bo and appear at the Su- E. O. PRESCOTT, Sheriff Echole County. On. GEORGIA—Lowndes County: To all whom It may concern: R. I). Myddleton, having In propel rorm, applied to me for permanent letters of admlnlst-ailon on the es tate of Tobias Berrten, late of said county, this Is to cite all and stngu .„ . ., . . lar the creditors and next of kin of Sfle | b h b vre L J. a . f ? r I Tobias Berrien, to be and appear at said county on the 3rd Monday In I IIV within the time allowed bj law anj show cause. If any they can why permanent administration shoul“ not be granted to R. B. Myddelton on Tobias Berrien's estate. Witness my hand and official stg- May, next, then and there to answer the plaintiff's complaint for divorce, and In default thereof, the court will proceel as to Justice shall appertaln- Wltness the Honorable Robert G, Mitchell. Judge ot said court. This March 16th. 1906. R. T MYDDELTON, Clerk. £ 20 2t m 2m. nature Th(« April 4tb. 1906. i, A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary.