The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 21, 1906, Image 4

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THE VALDSOTJI TIMES, aATOlUAVltnUlS, ((% I WE THANKJOUR CUSTOMERS '][ " ........ FOR THEIR COOPERATION IN MAKING ;■ 1 OUR SPRING] OPENING SALE 11 the grand success it was; and the y may rest assured that our efforts in the future, as in the past, will Id the lowest prices possible to secure the best goods possible at to Ser-T'e, THE EMPIRE STORE, ■■ 111 North Patterson Street, Valdosta, Georgia. ;; ONE NEGRO KILLS A Tragedy Occurred in Herndon’s THE FAST MAIL. Through Rural Delivery it Hasten! Oiatribution of Letters and Papers. Washington, April 16—The appro priation for the fast mall between New York anti New Orleans caused considerable debate last week In Congress. Mr. Richardson, of Alabama, made one of the ablest speeches for the bill. Ik- favored It, he said, because the fast mail train enables the psta ple of the south and southwest to get their mall several hours ear lier than they otherwise would. The appropriation he declared: "It is a donation to tbpeople for their Interests and for the public good. Why do these railroads desire to hold ■V.' It Is nn advertisement for the Southern Road. It associates . rem with the power and the privi leges of the Government. I have shown yon the tlgures that show that this 97 train, thnt gives Alabama. Mississippi, Texas and Louisiana all these great benefits, actually runs and earns less thun any other regu lar train over this 7,000 miles of rail road. Trulns stand at Atlanta and other points awaiting tbo arrival of J.V „,„ht nn.l killed nnother negro ,rttln 8‘—file fast mail train—and at gay night and killed nnother negro J|lUnt polnts fourtBen to twenty In Herndon's store at that place. , hours earlier than they would other- The Times was unable to learn At Montgomery and Mo- bile the same thing occurs, and yet &!ie name of either one of the negroes ’tla facetiously, yea, luridly denounc* and It was also Impossible to find ^ ,,nd oct * lpu ‘ i ' robblu e out what lead to the trouble between I The time was, not long since, when Item. The negro who did the kill- i there was vocifeivms denunciation In a farm hand on Touchton'. i i b ®, a « ln £•' Report 8aya That one Farm Hand Entered the Door and Began Shoot- ipg Another and Then Started to Kill Another, but was Prevented From Doing 80. (From Tuesday’s Dally.) A report reached the city yester day to the effect that a negro at Howell went on the war path Satur- SICK MADE WELL; j WEAK MADE STRONG Nervousness, Shortness of Breath and All Disease* Due to Pocr Circula tion of the Bloojl—Plant Jtjpe Gllve* certain cure for every disorder of the nervous system, and Is proved to be such by thousands of the worst cases in which the restoration to perfect health has been speedy and complete. Do not neglect the little ills, the i ir. itTiflf#. thfi aches and pains, the "all gone" ana Life to the Nerves and Tone to th* tired feelIngg that the maJorUy of Blood-—Cures Rheumatism and a) 1 .people look upon as trifles. Remem- Blood and Nerve Aff$c4ior ( ^ .1 jber that delays are dangerous and The medical praCMMoiB^RMtat-' the weak nerves, Irritable feeling to- ‘ i day. may tomorrow be the terrible misery of nervous debility, sleepless- '• " npR'H mplflnnhfilv nnrnlvalj or flinf icgly endorse and prescrll ham’s Plant Juice for iW well known physician < says: "In the treatment^ of nor oilier chronic diseases I scribed and endorsed Will . melancholy, paralysis, or that Idosta dreadful disease, paresis, that ends j’only In death. and While there is life, use this great pre-; medicine, that will strengthen the „ mb’s . nerves and hence purify the blood i Plant Juice $nd And' ft doe* all that ’and give strength to the mind and Is claimed for it. It Is of unshakable body. value and beneflt. j There is no remedy that acts so Aervoosncss is nn lndefLnitO, ; tcrm, J nicely and'surely in removing the „ cr c.-.t; s a great many (Hliagres- < Impurities, not only from the blood, -a ! nerves and bone, but from the sys- isas item generally, as Dillingham’s Plant ftffFcl better term would be nerveli 1 i un .s due ta wi the nerves and constitute* j *..ausl:ou. Kir.o Is not cam. In lit the do# saying, "I have « nd denounce Federal alrt of Internal , . .... „ ... improvements? Hero we come he- «ome to kill you, and opened fire , ora )W , ani) ns |( you simply and upon him. I plainly out of a bill that carries After killing this negro the mur- | there bo paM the sum of trlod to kill another, but some *mo Jumped In front of him aud kepi him from firing. Sheriff Prescott, of Echols county, vent tv> the scene and arrested a •egrn named Sieve Boykin, who was ♦MMi the murderer when the crime -was committed and who, It Is thought era* an accomplice In the killing. He was carried to Echols county and Landed In Jail. Is the Moon Inhabited. Science has proven that the moon kee an atmoephere, which make* Its In aome form poaalble on that satellite; bnt not tor human belnge, -who have a hard enough time on thti earth of oure; especially those who don’t know that Electric Bitters cure Headache, Blllouineee, Malaria, Chllta and Fever, Jaundice, Dyspep sia. Dlaxlncst, Torpid Liver, Kidney complaints. General Debility and Ftomale weaknesses, Unequalled as a general Tonic and Appcttier for weak persona and especially for the agel. It Induces sound sleep. Fully gnneanteed by A. E. Dlmmock and W D. Dunaway, druggists. Price only 60c. A Skin Healer and Beautlfler. A scratch or a email cut le only «ae of tho small Ills of life, and a pimple of blackheaj le b"t a trifling disfigurement: ye: everyone at Umea has occasion to wish for a quick and simple treatment for these minor annoyances. The prompt re suite achieved In such cues by Dr. T. Halls Gouraud’e Oriental Cream will prow to the most skeptical the heal- lac and purifying virtues of thle preparation, and go toward establish 1112,000 to aid the people In dissem inating useful knowledg<*- gnd assist ing the business men of thnt gcfilqn. This train expedites the delivery of mall from twelve to twenty hours. Collaterally. It carries Its benefits a hundred miles away from the trunk line, which is paid. It Is of great ad vantage to the towns a hundred mllea away from the think line. Through free rural delivery this fast mall reaches thousands of the mass es of the people and glveB them the beneflt of their papers and letters mnny hours in advance." esults of • c*. cas, a;d may bo prodi . af.u::rj iiiv atlon — at: " V’tem. Nervously ed people nre easily athrili strung, Irritated, exhausted gered. They arc touchy, flgety, often sleepless and despondent. In ex treme cases It passes Into, unnatural fears, eccentricity, mania and insan ity. The most common: causes are frequent and long continued head- Juice. Sold by A. E. Dlmmock, Valdosta; and J. P. Carter, Naylor, Ga. The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remejy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley’a Hon ey and Tar many imitations are or fered for the genuine. These worth less Imitations havp similar sound' ihg names. Beware of them. The aches} dixzlness, neuralgia, jirrltablo genuine, Foley’s Homy and Tar Is In and eyes, bsek-aebs, hysteria, care,‘anxiety, overwork, ‘ TLutre l»', nervoit- —— ll . a yellow package. Ask for it obstftu ; J Dlmmock. ! It is th^t, I colds. A. *■ the . . Is an Infallble cure tor nervousL In all Its different forms. It has this I Devil’s Island Torture quality because It It such a wonder- Is no worse than the terrible case of NeJ™l, P nm. e tL, a .™ ' ?!“ bulld «-'; Piles that afflicted me 10 years. HfhimonS 1 » h. ™ nervous Then i wa8 advised to apply Buck- Jfrenro I'^SSrtii J." * 50naillo “ ot leu’s Arnica Salve, and less than a "><* tts nu ' ho* Permanently cured me, writes a Ph^olagfca, function the l. S. Napier, of Rugles, Ky| Heals connection bpKveen DlUIngham’s all wounds, burns and sores like .- nt dSnd neuralgia will road- magic. 26c at A. E. Dlmmock’s and tly aj>g|ar^It lsa sure. qnlck andW. D. Dunr.way's, druggists. To Begin Work of Building. Mr. W. L. Converse has placed an order for three hundred thousand brick and the work of excavating hax already commenced for five brick Xlorce, which ho is to erect on the old Stewart house block. These stores will cover a space of 210x88 feet, 1 and will be on the side-track which I the Atlantic Coast Line hax Just put In. As soon ax thlx work Is finished he will begin to build up “Rat Row” In brick structures. New Bridge Over Grand Bay. The bridge over Grand Bay on the Valdosta and Hotchklee road bae been torn away for the purpose of rebuild- j ing It. The work of building the new | bridge will be puahed as rapidly as possible, but the road at this place will be Impassable until the now bridge it completed. THE CHEST WITH THE CHILL IN IT, WHITE MOUNTAIN RFRIGERAT0RS AND ICE CHESTS, IN OVER ONE MILLION HOMES. In Food Preserving, Heat Repelling, Cold Retaining Qualities and in the details of interior construction, which make the “White Mountain" Refrigerator so easily cleaned, it is unapproached by a ly other refrigerator. Grip Quickly Knocked Out. "Some weeks ago during the se- .,T7,.,.uuu, uuu *U HI..,. ...OUIIBU v . , , _ lag faith and confidence In Its claims !!? *'“*?/ ™‘ b ' r ***> »‘ t * to be sn unrivalled skin purifier an! ^ }S* hesmlfler for use. not only In emeri ^ v , £*? d !i r •?*!!. , ° p ® d _.^ ,0 „, *£* grades, but as sn srttcle of the dally ~?.7Lk, lad iL 1 ,* *rL pp ®. * 1tb U1 *'• djjnjt^At Druggists and Fancy Good. ^'^o^oTS^pl'e "Knees and Joints aching, muscles „ v sore, bead stopped up. eyes and nose For Over Fifty Years. running, with alternate spells of An old and Well Tried Remedy— chills and fever. V.'e began Cham- tseen used for over sixty yearx by berlxln’x Cough Remedy, aiding the minions of mothers for their children Mme with a double dose of Chamber srtrile 'teething, with perfect success- i.ln's Stomach sal Liver Tablets. Tt soothes the child, softens the and by It* liberal use sooa complete^ gams, allays all palu. cures wind ly knocked out the grip." Sold by cwMe and Is the best remedy for dla’ A. E. Dlmmock, Valdosta, Ga. rrfcoea. la pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of A helIthy man ,, a Wng tn hllown the world. Twenty-fine cents t hot- right; an unhealthy man 1s an unhap- Its value Is Incalculable. Be DT slave. Burdock Blool Bitters .-nre and ask for Mrs toothing Syrup and take no other. Winslow's builds up sound health—keeps you ' “**■“ well. DON’T BUY YOUR FERTILIZERS UNTIL YOU SEE Major J. 0. Varned^e. He has prices that will entertain you. He represents W T Lane, who handles Kainit, Acid Phosphate, The Old Reliable Lane’s A D. Bone. FARMER’S SPECIAL COMPOUND. All These Go at Prices Less Than liny One. ■ ■■i Thera i» no opium or other harmful suO- stance in Chamberlaqn'6 Cough Reinctiy. It may be given to a babv as confidently n io sn ailuli It it pleasant to take, too, and alvvayt cure, slid cures u.r; ll i» » favorite with i kina! 1 ..' til colds and Troup •it's NV" Water Coolers the Best by Test Limoges China, in Decorated and White Open Stock Patterns. jjj Ice Cream Freezers. Jersey Ice Cream Freezers, the best on the market and will cost you no more. J. E. Roberts Hardware Co.