The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 21, 1906, Image 6

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j THE VALDSOTA TIMES, SATURDAY. APRIL 21, 1906. THE VALUOSTA TIMES. c. C. BRANTLEY, Editor. L. TURNER. Btalnow Manag.r. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE SI A YTAR. Entered «t the PotlofBco (t VeldotU Q*., <• Second Clue Moll Matter. VALDOSTA, OA., APRIL 11, 1906 TWELVE PAGES Dr. Dowio wasn't bom In Missou ri, yet ho 1* back to Zion City in or der that the insurgents may “show him." "Railroad presidents" will be pleas ed to learn that it Is not a crime to be caught “talking to a United States senator." In addition to the photographs, as Mr. Rockefeller painfully realizes, theref are the cartoonists who even worse. There is plenty of faith In the fu ture of the Panama canal, but the people are beginning to think it Is time for the works. THE COMING STRUGGLE. try besides the mlllli The eventual struggle la this court- imported, try will be between individualism ! The terlff on ,ucl * and Socialism, and the Republican , meat Increases the prli (more than 50 per cen1 party, with Its persistent efforts Ior jfor ^ manufacturm> ' centralization, Is to blame for the , by ^ tax which 1 growth of the socialist! propaganda. Ion Imported millinery. Nothing having been heard from Agulnaldo for some time, it Is safe to assume that ho is getting his three meals regularly. 1 Engineers Shorn* and Wallace do not agree in the Isthmian canal mat ter. Each Is trying to give the oth er the “Culobra cut/ Nobody has as yet started a mon ster petition for the release of Geo. W. Perkins, ex-vice president of the New York Life Insurance Co. Henry James has been comparing Chicago and Philadelphia and as soon ns his remarks are translated Into ChlcagO'M there Is going to lx? trou- big., Hard work and nothing else will bring promotion, and the one who looks at his position with the busi ness house from any other view is surely doomed to disappointment. Our good old Uncle Samuel’s fi nancial condition is improving almost every month. During March the to- total receipts were $45,709,669, leav ing a surplus of $1,861,500. The IxmisvlUe tailors whoso shops were robbed lately, complain of un just discrimination. “Why," they ask "don't the burglars tackle a millinery emporium once In a while?" for seven years, to show him that New Yorkers will stand for no trifle ing. The government will no longer pay express charges on money sent to banks. The sum amounts to a large figure. For Distance the cost of trans porting $1,000 from Chicago to Mon tana Is $26. Dr. WHoy, the scientist, is credit ed with saying that most of the whis ky sold over the bar is merely prune Juice. That helps explain what U meant by the saying that " a man Is full of prunes." The agricultural department says that 3,000,000 cords of wood were used last year In paper making. And the committee on the government priming office thinks it knows where the most of it wont. A dispatch from St. Petersburg nays the Csar was a dismal failure in the rinient skating carnival. That Rooms strange, in view of the stunts the csar has been doiug on thin Ice for several years. Cement on the choice of Gov. Jeff Davis* of Arkansas, to the United States senate, seems t\> waver be tween two opinions—whether he will succeed In "rough-housing" that body or it will succeed In bridling and tam ing him. A Rochester, New York, husband sues for divorce from his wife for the alleged reason that she tried tv> kill him by putting hatr In his griddle cake. Any experienced boarder will doubt the possibility of killing a man by that method. The Democracy nas always stood for the freedom of the Indi vidual and home rule and opposed to the paternalistic and Hamiltonian theory that the Federal government must be all powerful. The constitu tional provision that all rights no: granted by the states to the general government are reserved to the states and the people, is the funda mental doctrine of the Democratic party. Jefferson, the apostle of the Democrats, declared this and no true Democrat has ever galnsayed it. Mr. Bryan, who has been accused by the Republicans of Socialism shows by his conservative views in his article entitled “Individualism vs. Socialism,'’ in the Century Magazine for April, his own and the Democrat ic position. In that article he says: Much of the strength developed by socialism Is due to the fact that So cialists advocate certain reforms which individualists also advocate. Municipal ownership of monopolies, or instance, is advocated by Indl- Iduallsts, because It is practically impossible to have more than one ater system In a city, and by the latter on the general ground that the government should own all the means of production and distrlbu tlou. Mr. Bryan remarks that 'this sentiment for municipal lighting plants Is not yet so strong, and the sentiment lu favor of public tele phones and street car lines Is still less pronounced; but the 3ame gener al principles apply to them, and in dividualists, without accepting the creed of socialism, can advocate the oxlenslon of municipal ownership to them." He further shows plainly the evils to the Individual tjltlzen of Socialism wnen he says: "If the government operates all the factor ies, all the farms, and all the stores, there must be superlntehdents as well as workmen; there must be dif ferent kinds of employment, some more pleasant, some less pleasant," and he asks: "Is it likely that any set of men can distribute the work or fix the compensation to the sat isfaction of all, or even to the satis faction of a majority of the people?’’ How great, therefore, Is the gulf between the Democracy and the So- lallsts, who believe In concentrating all power In the central government, wheras the Democrats stand for the utmost freedom of the Individual citizen without Infringement upon the rights of others. The trend of Republicanism is to rush to Congress for a cure for po litical evils; to overlook, and even aid, executive usurpation over the representatives of the people; to favor trusts and corporations who In return have furinshed money to cor ruptly keep their friends In power. The Democratic doctrine Is exactly opposite and Is expressed by "Equal rights to all and special privileges to none." Without the Democratic party, which alone offers all classes equal rights, there would be a cer tain hurrying of the unthinking to the extreme of appropriating all the means of production and distribution by the national government, so that ultimately there would be no Incen tive for Individual effort. The con fiscation of the property of those who, by saving or superior ability. for what la ‘ &i*' e five hundred. These figures . would prove ah excellent nucleus as adorn movement to build a hospital millinery should take definite shape, and average strikes us that It would be a good protected | Idea to try and get a mass meeting collected of citizens for the purpose of Jnaug- tbat they Inrating the hospital movement, can add to the price of thelhome prod- The Times hopes that the citizens nets about what the Imported articles j will take this matter under conslder- have to pay at the custom bouse Every woman therefore |s interest ed In the tariff question, through the protection It give* thel American manufacturer the cost of hats and bonnets is increased quit t 50 per cent. If the present tariff; rates on millinery were reduced to 21 per cent the women of the country wbuld have nearly one third of what they now pay for such articles, whether import ed or made in this country, for the price of the American manufactured "Because some men are there who cratlc system the trusts and combines oughl not t0 ba there—some who that control so many articles of neces-; bought the position—shall we say sity would have to reduce the price that tha governors of our body poli- “thiey charge and thflf present high j tlc ar * guilty of treason? Base men cost of living would be greatly reduc- ’ are tbere * but when In the bright, !breezy sentiments of modern news- had secured a competence would fol low the appropriation of the property of those who had amassed millions. goods would have to decline to meet the reduced cost of the imported ar ticle. It would be tedious to^jive all the tariff rates on hots and or the many articles that go hats and bonnets that a*a v i In his country, but the tariff tyx runs from. 50 to 70 per cent of the boat of the articles in the country froth which they are Imported, so tiiat If a hat cost $10 In Paris, the tariff taf on it Is from $5 to $7, and as the post is often much greater than tfcl fore the tariff tax is so much In proportion. The protectionists tell us t! must be willing to pay this duty to protect our manufi from foreign competition and ttTpro- tect American labor in being, paid higher wages than the foreign labor ers get. The Democrats claim that to reduce the tariff to a reasonable rate would stilt give the American labor er all che protection he needs, while at the same time producing enough revenue from customs duties to run the government. Under such a vleino- ation and discuss It among them selves. It is by agltatling that near ly all great movements have been pushed to a successful termination If We will keep this matter on our minds and hearts for a while, we will be more apt to see the great need of such an Institution In this city. Having built our new schools, churches and our court house, we should turn our attention toward a city hospital, which Is one of the most needed institutions that any city can have. Valdosta is already behind in this matter—it is time for us to wake up^ and move forward In this line of work. COUNTRY HAS HYSTERIA. In a recent speech District Attor ney Jerome, of New York said: "Public opinion goes hither and thither like a ship, but in the long (Course of time it Is sweet and sane ,Jand sound and will make its port; but It lies on you to see to It that Its tacks are no longer than they ought to be. It Is wasted power, that sen timent of the community that goes up one trail and back again to an other, Today all through this na tion what do w© find—a case of ab solute hysteria. David Graham Phillips is now writing about the ‘Treason of the Senate’ for a magazine. Treason is an ugly word. It is punishable by death. The Senate of the United States—is It a treasonable body? Trustees Sale. In the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, Southwestern Division. In the matter of Alderman Bros., Jos. Alderman and D. J. Alderman, bankrupts—In bankruptcy. In pursuance of an order passed at ThomaBvIlle, Georgia, April 9th. 1906, by J. H. Merrill, referee in bank ruptcy, all of the remaining assets of the estate of the above named bankrupts consisting chiefly of the stock of merchandise, store furniture and fixtures and open accounts, will be sold at public outcry ah the store house on the West side of Washing ton street near the A. C. L. depot, formerly occupied by Alderman Bros., at Quitman, Georgia, on Tuesday, April 24th, 1906, during the hours of sale to the highest the property to be first expo offered for sale in bulk, and such different parcels as Ita nitore may suggest to the trustee. The bids so made, both the separate parcel bds and the‘-bid in bulk Bhall be-re ported to referee for confirmation rejection before the sale Is abso lutely closed. 8. H. Wade, Trustee In Bankruptcy. If you should want something cheaper than the North Star we also have a large assortment of competi tion price refrigerators. Boyd-(Fry Stove & China Co. Vote for Jesse Scruggs for tax re ceiver. W. T. JENKINS, President. W. T. McARTHUR, Vice-Pres. J. E SCHUMPERT, Secretary. J. C. SCHUMPERT, GenT Manage. Nearly everything we conn wear, Is protected a rate, an^ whether wb buy articles, On which the government has collected the duty or similar home manufactured articles, on which the trusts, combines, or protected manu facturer has collected the tax, by ad ding the tariff fate to their profit, there Is no escape from the hlgtf prices which the tariff causes and the the Andean consumer has to pay the bills. - Wives and mothers should talk this over with the bread winners of the family and urge them to vote for the candidates of the party who will vote or ipafrer. 'Hfe you assert there Is treas- ** Jie or mtyoncelve the meaning jof the English language. "take this treasonable body that would strike down our national life and contrast It with your representa tive body swayed by popular opinion. "Take the Hepburn bill, seven men voted against It, and not a man able to understand it. But the yellows said we must have something doing and so your popular branch said we must do something, whether we un derstand it or not. With a President who thinks every yearning can be constitutionally enacted Into law, with a House of Representatives typ- Converse vBros. to revise this unreasonable tariff law j Ifled by William Sulzer, the . friend that taxes everyone unmercifully jo* the people, where would there be from the cradle to the grave. ( safety unless In the United States ■— ■ ■ .Senate? I hold no brief to defend In- A CITY HOSPITAL. jdlyldual Senators, but there are Among the thing, flat, Valdosta’ any men tber<! who were there needs at the present time probably . wben we were at our mother’s breast, more than anything else-Is a city , wto love thelr coaatrsr attd wouU be . hospital. There Is enough moRiyl^,, lt no sooner tUan Davlll 0raham wasted here every month to support I P h UH p a would. Maybe the railroads a hospital royally for a year. We |0ught t0 be decked but not bv some . know of very few cities the size of |> hlng those who vote for don’t under- Valdosta that have no hospital and j at and. If that is the way we are to It is hardly creditable to our town to govern . gWe me a benevolem de , spot . let lt continue to grow In population, |, ra ■ In business and In wealth without | Sea Island Cotton Gin Co., 1i/IDA LI A GA., U. S. A. Manufacturers of .the Famous Foss Double-Roller SEA ISLAND COTTON 0IN. The Most Durable, Most Rapid and the Most Per fect Lint Preserving Gin on the Market. Guaranteed to gin 4 to 6 bales a day at ordinary speed. Ha ginned as many as twenty-one bales in three days. Foss Double-Roller Gins require no more power nor labor than other gins. Built to stand, and used by leading ginners in Georgia, Florida and South Carolina. rite For Catalogue and Prices. Sea Island Cotton Gin Co VlDALit, - - QKORGIA. PACKAWAY TIME is with us agaiu. Summer clothes, sheets, etc., are in order In laying away winter goods you should not neglect to pack them so they will not be destroyed by moths. BUY SOME CAMPHOR BALLS and scatter them in with the things you are scoring away. You need not worry about their beiug ea r eh by moths then. You . et a whole lot litre for ten cents. W. 0. DUNAWAY. Druggist & Optician. THE EASTER BONNET. The glories of tht Easter season have come and gone, but the wonder- John Alexander Moses announces in a voice of thunder that he will smite with his right hand and lay low. After he has made a few pre-'M creations of the milliners art are limtnary passes In the smiting pro- still with us for further exhibition, cess, he may wish he had contented The co&t was great, but in most cases himself with merely “laying low." I , . . - necessary to keep matrons and maids the la good humor for tha; great consmn- Orders have beeu Issued by poaunaater general In.tructing the matlon ot thc | r hopes for distinguish- postmasters at New York amt Brook lyn to refuse to admit to the malls 1 “I'l'iaranco. the advertlnmonli of flfty-two Illegal 11 onlj ' rema lna to pay the bills of -medical offices” located In those clt- those who bought upon credit, and to los, and also to refuse to deliver mall think over the prodigious sum ex- addreaaed to the ftctlclous and assum-’ ded by the Amerlcan peop i e . od names, under which the persons I . . conducting thews concern, hide their 0ver ,:00 ’ 000 ’ 000 U eIpended identity. Some of these fake doctor. b ? our *>«• and d »ughter, for nuke $2,000 per week. much a month to the support of the itisttutlon. The Times has heard a number of citizens recently expressed a willing ness to subscribe to an Institution of this character. Only yeserday we heard one citizen say that he wou*- give one thousand dollars toward • millinery manufactured In this coun- one and another say that he would making some provlalon for caring i PEOPLE BEING BURNED for the sick and deatltttte among di, * as well aa for the stranger who hap pens to be overtaken by illness in v>ur midst. What this city needs Is a goott hospital—one that will cost anywhere from $20,000 to $40,000. fraught to ALIVE IN DOOMED CITY San Franciaco, April 19—4:30 p. m.—There seems to be now practical ly no hope of saving any part of the city. The Grace church and the St. Francis hotel which hitherto escaped be presided over by a board of“dlrec-| th * fUme * ar * now burn,n 8 and th0 tors and it should bo largely support- fir * li « ntlrel y b «y° nd control. Block ed by public charity. Of course, pa- tlents who can pay their way in case of sickness should be required to do so, but no one should be turned away after block of residences have been destroyed with dynamite in the hope of stopping the flames but after each effor the blaze would leap across this for a lack of money. An association ** emin8l> ' i,r P“ ,abl ' 8ulf - ' Tho,e could be formed here of as many clt- '" b0 hive been m0,t ,in « ulne o( th * Izens as will Join lt, each to pay so ultimate success of the firemen have iow given up hope and are fleeing •om their homes In despair. Many people are being burned alive impris oned in the doomed buildings where the rescuers could not reach them. The entire district from Channel to Broadway and the water front to Octavia and Golden Gate avenue is la mast of flames. Our Spring Suits Are In Come let us show you through our stock of high- class Clothing and Gent’s Furnishings. Absolutely new and this season’s produbts. STRAW HATS ,a ‘ est 8l,apes Converse Bros.