The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 21, 1906, Image 8

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THE VALUSOTA TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 2i, 1806. n, i::s:::iss:ss a .sssss::s::*:ss::s niiiiixxomitaiiiiaiBa BBaaaaaaaalialaaiaii «■ *■ SLQAT BROS. We Are Now in O^ir 24th Year in Valdosta. Everything in our line complete and up=to=date. —i am ■■ t— Ask your Neighbor, "frour Merchant or your Bank - lv about us. ■■ ■■ Send us Your Mail Orders ■■ If you want them filled right and with dispatch. ■■ ■*< SLOAT BROS, LIQUORS S Valdosta, Oa. ■« ■« ■■ ■ji fe ■r ■a ■■ ail :u^!s:sssssss;»ffff»;: m Settlement Work and The Rich By B abb I EMIL (.. MI11ICH at Chico ■ a ■ a ■ a mu ■a m-* B B B a . a ;«" a B ;. a ^»5S5:s^s&ss:ssii555SSS- Virtue Decreases as Religious Sentiment Is Destroyed By Juaticc MORGAN J. O'BRIEN of the New York Supreme Court =•$ H I.ONG with thu other social settlements let us open a settle ment for the benefit of the MILLIONAIRES’ SONS. Most of these rich voting men are failures. The successful one, as wo count success, is the exception. It seems to mo that the rich are to he pitied. Charitv, as the word is known today, is only a hribo of moneyed men to make a community FORGET THE WRONGS heaped upon it. “Charitable people” give money so that they may appear in the guise of benefactors. Charity, as it is known nowadays, is only a cloak to make people think the giver is deserving of praise. Away with tbo word charity. We don't want to hoar tko word in settlement work. The people of any neighborhood will refuse to come to tiio settlement, the hoys and girls will remain away from it if CHARITY lurks within theso walls. In place of the word charity let us substitute the word “philan thropy.” This is tho better word. It means the LOVE OF MAN KIND, not simply charity for mankind. It is this spirit that has moved tho founders of all settlements. The settlement workers in giving themselves to othors receive much moro than they give. Their lives havo become richer and their souls have bocorao gladdened. Those who give their lives to a oommiuiity RECEIVE much moro than they bring to it. As a matter of fact the children one hears playing in tho street are superior any way to many of those on tho boulevards. Tho peoplo of tho Ghotto often are superior to tho residents of the avenues and bou levards. THE RICH ARE TO BE PITIED. Let us establish settlements for the rich men's sons. Many of the rich men at the clubs arc far LESS EDUCATED than tho workingmen of tho poorer districts. The latter road, and they progress along educational lines. Ask the rich man at the club if he has read this or that hook which goes to make men nobler and better and stronger in mind. He will slmko his head IN IGNOR ANCE. Ask many of these peoplo of tho Ghetto the same questions, and they will brighten up with the knowledge they have gained from those hooks through long hours of study. You hear some rich women go back to the boulevards and tell their friends that they have been over in tho settlement. They act as if they had douo something brave. They tell how unclean the people are and what sights they found there! THEY WANT SELF ADMI RATION and so they pretend that they have done a wonderful act THAT It NOT THE SPIRIT OF SETTLEMENT WORK. IT IS NOT CONDESCENSION TO 00 INTO THE WORK, OUT IT IS A STEPPING HIGHER. 8 OCIALISM is strong in Germany. It is growing steadily, and its progress is radical. War, we are assured, MUST COME between England and Germany for supremacy on the seas. The massing of large numbers of the population in one place, which will increase with the century, will tend to strengthen the force's of Socialism and materialism, the result necessarily of the enormous wealth of the few AND THE POVERTY OF THE MANY. And thus, upon a larger field and under new and untried condi tions, will lie fought out .the battle between religion and morality on the one side and Socialism and materialism on the other, and upon tin- outcome will depend the defeat of the realization of the aspirations and HOPES OF DEMOCRACY. A fact that stands prominently forth in our history is that virtue has decreased in proportion to the destruction of the religious senti ment among our people. IT REQUIRES NO PROPHET TO TELL WKAT MUST CS 7HC INEVITABLE IF SOME CHECK TO THE RAPID INROADS OF SO CIALISM AND MATERIALISM CANNOT BE FOUND. Enormous Bond Issue Proposed by \the Southern Railway. Death of Mrs. Kirkland. Mrs. B. Kirkland diet! at her home at Pearson, Ga„ on Monday night, the 16th, Inst, at 9:30 o’clock. Mrs. Kirk land had been very sick for a long time, and ner recovery was despaired of several weeks ago. She was a member of one of the leading families of Coffee county, and a most excellent woman. She leaves a husband and two children. The re mains were burled at Antioch church, six miles from Pearson on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Kirkland was a sister of Dr. L. C. Holtzendorff «nd Mrs. J. C. Wilson, of Valdosta, who were at her bedside when she passed away. They returned home last night. SLOAN’S LINIMENT Richmond, Va., April 18.—The stockholders of the Southern Railway today voted to issue $200,000,000 in 50-year four per cent bonds. They also adopted a resolution approving the scheme of improvements devised by the directors. District Court for Miami, Florida Washington, April 18.—The House today passed a bill pro viding for the annual sitting of an United States District Court, for the Southern District of Florida, at Miami. Hit Bond Hat Been Made. Major J. O. Varnedoe, who has Just been appointed postmaster at Valdosta, sent his bsmd to Washing ton yesterday and as soon as It Is approved, his commlssidu will be sent him. The bond 1* for twenty-one thousand dollars, and Is' signed by well known bankers, capitalists and business men In this city, who could easily qualify on a bond of half a million dollars. Major Varnedoe will probably take charge of the office the first of the month. . An Altercation Monday Night. R. E. L. Harris, who works for the Ashley-Palne Manufacturing Com ipany, telephoned the police officers j about 11 o’clock last night that he ! had been assaulted by Scott Riles | one of the head men of the Valdosta Sash and Door Co. Officer Hill went out there and found Harris badly braised about the head where he said Riles beat him with a stick. Riles was placed under a $25 bond. Harris says Riles assaulted him without prov ocation, while Riles says that Harris had told stories on him. It Is estimated that one-fourth of the United States senators are being treated for deafness, throat trouble or failing sight. Cases of ingrowing conscience, however. extremely rare. Liberal Gift to Missions. Rev. A. M. Bennett, pastor of the Baptist church at Borman Park was here today mingling with his friends Rev. Bennett took a collection for foreign missions yesterday and $750 was raised. He made no effort to conceal his good feelings In the mat ter. Tills subscription follows the subscription made some time ago by a y member of his church, Hon. J. B. Norman, Jr., for $2,500 for foreign missions. The Norman Park church is a wealthy and wide awake church and It has a progressive pastor in Rev. Bennett.—Moultrie Observer. Dissolution Notice. The firm of Pate & Moore, 8 miles from Valdosta, on the O. S. & F. road, Is dissolved by mutual consent Mr. R. O. Pate, Jr., retiring and Mr. C. D. Moore assuming all lia bilities. » R. O. PATE, JR., C. D. MOORE 3 24 w 6t. A Sure Remedy j Lame Back Neuralgia! Sprains | S-Bruiscs! PRICE *- rWo*i 25 50&L0G! All Druggists Dr Earl S.SIoan BOSTON HASS.USA Administrator’s Sale. . E. Smith, administrator of the estate of Wesley Mathett, having In proper form applied to the under signed for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to said Wesley Mathett’s estate, this Is, therefore, to cite all concerned to show cause at the next term of court why said administrator should not have leave to sell said property, after advertla* Ing the same as the law directs. This April 4th, 1906. A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. FOLEYSHONEY^XAR children/ tafe. t»re. JVo opiate* A new law proposed in Mississippi requires that a legal dozen of eggs must weigh at least two pounds. There are cases In which nine goo^e eggs weigh more than a ton. Harper Rye ‘On Every Tongue.’ Scientifically distilled; naturally aged; best and safest for ah uses. Sold By J. E. G0RNT0 & CO., Sole Agents.