The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 28, 1906, Image 12

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12 \ -r ' THE VALDO VALDOSTA’S LOST •' ONE JAIME.' Easy Winners First Day, but Losers tiie Next Day. Tte Game Yesterday Resulted In a Score of 4 to 0 for the Albany Team—The Report of the First Game From the Albany Herald- Last Game Today. (From Taursdays Daily.) The second game between Albany and Valdosta was prayed on the Al heuy |t< unds yesterday and resulted r• a icore of 4 to 0 in favor of Al fcany. The last game between the two teams will be played today and the Valdosta team expects to win It. The following is the report of the first gurne played at Albany between the \w( teams, as It was reported by the Albanv Herald: "The first ball game of the season took place yesterday afternoon at the trail park, where the Valdosta grants" took from the Albanians the first of a series of three preliminary practice games, the score being 5 to 4. "This was the first gamo to be l.iay«Hl by any of the teams that com pose ihe Georgia State League, and It was watched with intense Inter est *>y the fans nil over the circuit. The Albany fans were out In .force, several hundred having gathered to see the opening performance of the men whom they expect to cheer to victory in the race for the pennant, which will open on May. 3rd. "The first Interesting feature of the game yesterday was the appear ance of the players In their new uni forms. The Albany club has dark blue suits nnd blue caps, with the seams piped with a nnrrow braid of red. “Albany" appears In red .letters across the shirts and the stockings are of red. The Valdosta team has tight grey uniforms, me caps being grey with' red visors to match the stockings and the lettering on the thhU. "It was not a disappointment to tbone who were familiar with- the conditions with obtained (n the Al- tany team thi» the gams vrrst to TO HAVE A SCHOOL RALLY. People at King's Chapel are Prepar ing for a Big Event. Cat Creek, Ga., April 20—There will be an educational rally at the closing of the King’s Chapel school Friday, May 4th. Several speakers have been invited to be present and deliver addresses. „ Those who are Invited are Col. J. R. Walker, of Val- dosta, Col. P. T. Knight, of Milltown Col. W. E. Thomas, Valdosta, and Hon. J. P. Knight, of Nashville, nice program Is being arranged by the school and everybody is cordial ly invited to come and bring a well filled basket. The governor’s race Is getting very lively around here now. Col. J. H. Estil] and Hon. Hoke Smith seem to be In the lead. Hon. Clark Howell Is about to be left here. It Is Hoke and Estlll. Several of the people around here went to Valdosta Saturday to hear Co). Estlll. Mr. J. N. Swindle, a prominent merchant of Milltown, visited home- folks one day last week. Mr. J. W. Deane has been on the sick Hat this week. Rev. A. M. Smith, of Hahira, was a visitor to the King's Chapel school Monday. He made the school a nice talk. Several people around here went to Hahira Saturday night to hear Col Thos. 9. Morgan. They were well pleased with Mr. Morgan’s address. DEATH OF ROAN D'LOACH. the visitors yesterday. Mogul Thom- a* has been unfortunate right recent ly in having a number of his players jump their contracts and go to the outlaw leagues. Some of the new player* have not yet arrived, nnd others only came In yesterday niorn- Sng, so that the foam that battled tor Albany yesterday was not the perfected organization to which the people of Albnny will be expected to ,»fn their faith. "There wus some very pretty ball- playing during the progress of the game, but at times the gnmo was •Hnchly, played by both teams. Some §H the p'aycrs showed up remarkably well, notably among these being Me Carmack, for Albany, and Mitchell who held the third sack for the "Va grant*." Several of the other play ers on **nch side did pretty work. "Perhaps the worst feature of tho game was the umpiring. The specta tors lost all patleuce with this lull virtual. who spent so much time pols fag bis walking cane like a tlght-ropo walker and hopping around the dia mond like a turkey In hot cinders tbat be rarely saw a thing as it was ■sen by the spectators. It Is too early to paaa judgment on the players, and the fans are waiting until they work themselves and the teams into form before criticising, but almost anyone you meet will tell you that that um pire won't do. "Lack of apace today forbids a de tailed account of the game, but the « nr. of the season’s first battle when Valdosta drew the first blood is giv en below: Score by Innings: R. H. E. Valdosta ...1 0 0 0 0 3 1 u 0—5 3 5 Albany .. ..1 2000001 0—4 10 $ ’Collier was In the box for Albany aad showed up well, even though the game was lost He struck out ten men, while only four of the Al bany men fanned at BuMmnnon's curves. Collier's worst fault was his wildness, for his delivery and field ing was good. Collier pleased the fans very much., for when he gets h!a control he Is going to pitch winning An Aged Citizen and Confederate Veteran Gone to His Reward. Another old veteran has passed over thO river and joined the great majority, who with Lee, Jackson nnd a host of worthies are awaiting the coming of the few who remain. Roan Delxiach died on the even ing April 24th after suffering for months from'an incurable disease. Returning from the army, he, like thousands of others, was compelled to grapple with poverty. How well he fought this fight his numerous friends can attest He died with the respect of his fellowmen—a respect won by his upright life and his neighborly con duct. 8TOP DRINKING. LAUREL TOR The Ladles Many Flowtra Thia Mornln Methodist Ch at 3 O’clock. (From 1'i.o Memorial Day ed In Valdosta closing their order that the < In the celebratl The Daughter* and a large cam to the cemetery decorated all of there, one hue laurel wreath* the graves of Considerable recently In beautl and It presented pearunce this ers and other d placed upon the The services afternoon at th~ pie and approprla eral songs that the occasion. Tb present and wer seats In front of The Vldettea w ance and took of the day, tiring elusion of the i The Memorial cd hr Dr. A. M. of the most' gll In this section hope to be able to his speech later, get It for thia lit The day was large crowd atten at the church, as - decorating the tery this month date the Demo 6-14-tf. A telegram Stove & China Co„ Ing the best bran made, ‘says he wo with a large line. Is the brand. The second game of the series of Three practice games will be played this afternoon and tomorrow- the final battle will be pulled off." The Great American la the name at the best high wheel, ball-bearing lam mower.' Boyd-Fry Stove & Co. Water coolers and Ice cream freei ng at Eo/d-Fry Stove A China Co. Orlnc Will Destroy all Desire for Whiskey or Beer—A Guaranteed Cure. Nearly every drinking man thinks I To tha that sometime he will quit He often f wears off, hut canaot resist the nra*. ng for drink, and the Jtscase for this Is what It really Is, becomes so firmly fixed that It cannot be cured without medical treatment. A Michigan druggist, H. G. Cole man, has made a thorough study of the various cures for tho liquor hab it, and gives this ns a result of his Investigations: “Before taking tho ngoncy of Orrtne, I went to consld- ornble trouble to learn about It and bornmo confident that It was a thor oughly honest preparation and put out by an honerablo firm. I havo sold It for years and enn truthfully say thnt lny confidence In It grows stronger tho more I see of Its results. I believe that any man who really ueslres to bo cured of the liquor hab it can cure himself with the help of Orrlne and bo rid of the bad effects which the habit has upon himself and family." Orrlne Is In two forms. No. 1, the secret remedy which can be given without the knowledge of the patient. No. 2 for those who take the rem edy of their own free will. A cure Is absolutely guaranteed with either form of treatment. Write for free pamphlet on the cure of alcoholism to the Orrlne Co., Washington, D. C. In every box la a registered guar- of D>u^money l> 5 t Ornn* U faUa'toeffect:Serchandlae^of a cure The prtce of either form u 11 . hn.' o.n „ . lug of furniture, dniLiVt *** br A ‘ E ’ Dlmmock -.and other merch druggist. store fixture! u " business formerly Found Box of Medicine In Road. (store by aatd While coming to town on Tueaday store bouse foi In the District C States for the of the. Soutbe Geo In the matter of Iture Conipan Bankruptcy. Under and by passed by Hon. Referee, In the nnd cause, on th 19(16, the under* public outcry to bidder for cash formerly occupied ed bankrupt, num ell street. In At!- Georgia, on the between the bou m. and 4 o'clock morning, Mr. W. E. Remerton, found by the road side, a Jaunty Georgia' box containing about ten doxeu hot-. May, 1906, betw tie* of Pitcher* Castorla. The box i o’clock a. m. and had been broken open apparently with | t an ax, or hatchet and a number of Q a .. consisting bottles of medicine were broken. '.furnishings and The box was addressed to A. L. together with ■ Post, of Valdosta. It was shipped '^ted^to «?d by Avery Bros Drug Co., of Quitman, - rapt; also at tt Ga. Ily occupied by Mr. Broadnax gathered the niedl- 110 South clue up and carried It to his home at on the'sthday 11 Remerton since which time he has the hours of 1 been making diligent Inquiries as to o'clock fi. m„ the owner'of the box. He has no merchandise c idea how it came to be left by the "onslstlng'of road-side, unless some one stole It ishlnga and o thinking it was a .box containing gether with st whiskey and was so disgusted when * n( * ®h° ut the lie found It wns medicine for babies ln ,ald that he went off, leaving It. by the The above road. will be offered and places, firs received k car load of North then In bulk, ; Star refrigerators last week and have sale realizing had to re-order somo of the stick Th* h**hest a this week. If you expect to buy a t '“ n m or refrigerator this year, call and make purchaser will your (election at once at Boyd-Fry ten per cent Stove A China Co. b,d at ,be WANTED—Hustling salesman sell city lota, alther on commission firmed, the or salary. Excellent contracts offer he returned Southern Real Estate A Loan This the 24 Co., Tifton, Ga. 4-27-*w-4t. R. S. the