The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 28, 1906, Image 3

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28. 1 CopyrighMflK>00 Ip By \\ .SCIILOSS BROS. A CO/V Tine Clothe* Moker% f Baltimore and Now York 'st cm Men’s ALLTHELATEST STYLES AND FA- n BRIGS IN OUR i NEW SPRING S k OCK FRESH' FRO M THbi MAKERS Months of studious care and preparation • have resulted in our a Spring Display of * Men’s Suits, repre- 0 -, senting the choicest _ products of America’s most skilled tailors. • These are now ready • for your inspection. 0 ■rough Investigation of the season’s styles emphasizes the prominence of two shlonable colors- -undeniably the^chotce^of the besUnformed and most^carefuHy fdmenThey IreTHE NEW BLUE SERGE AND THE QUAKER GRE'i nede by our tailors Sc hiOSS BfOS. & Co , ° f Bal,imore and NeW York I suits ire marvels of good form and correct style. They fit with distinctive ete- fe SU There Is no skimpiness of cut or exaggeration of outline. These garmentrep ft the highest development of the modern tailoring art. To see them is to admire llcir them is to be well-dressed. Quality, lit and fashion will satisfy the most Pap El'S within reach of the aveiage pocket book. Here arc two examples mutual values; — r. New Model strain and donble-broarted Soil* in both extreme Mid conservative lengths, broad collars tad lapels, side Coat Vents—v ry handsome and faultless nt ting Units; i. every Way the best value for I this popo'ar price that we have ever semi. By in Blue Serges and the new shades of Grey. Aristocratic garments for parttonlar wear era Far better than most onstoa-mado in their gracefnl npp tailoring. Both stngu •AT- appearance and perfect ingle and donb e-breast* ed styles in model* suitable for yonng or - “ -[real' erderiy 'men A great variety of appro priate fabrios, pattern* and colorings. OTHER SPLENDID SUITS AT $io, $f2, $i6, $20 and $25. flLSON’S girl. tHHKI1 §<@IS| 1111111 3iliousness, Sick 1 che, SourStom- Torpid Liver and thoroughly and sallow complexions ,r ° nic ^t"- Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant A. E. Dimmock, Valdosta, Ga. How’s Your liver? | Town&CountryMixedPaint The Very Best Made It win pay yea to take (Ml care of r Svsr, because, if you do, your |lrtr will take goad cate of you. Sick Ivor puto you all out of sorts, |makes you pale, diary, sick at the gives you stomach tche, |bo*d*cbe, malaria, etc. Weil liver you well, by purifying your | Mood and digesting your food. Than Is only one safe, certain and I raUabla liver medicine, and that ta % eeeeeeeeeeeeQeeoeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweseeeeeeg I Berry' Bros., Varnishes, Atlantic White Lead, Spencer Kellog’s Linseed Oil, Atlas and Lehigh Portland Cement. White Rose and Hydrated Lime, Brick, Mantels. Drates, Word's Hack-Draught Tiling, Window Glass and Wall Paperi Gasoline Engines, Best Made | For over 60 year* this wonderful vegetable remedy liaa been the standby In thousands of b In thousands of homes, and la today tbs favtrita Over medicine In the world. I It ads gently on the' liver and kld- I nays, tad does not irritate the bowels. ' It cures constipation, relieves con gestion, and purifies the system from an overflow of bito, thereby koeptag > the body In perfect health. Price 25c at all druggists and C. B. PEEPLES, Teat it 113 WEST HILL AVE. . VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. Telephone 36-x PATENTS [ Fred mTrtre, h-.w to obtain (At.-nt*. uade marks, I mcniy and oflrn tke pain Patent tad lefrlefinent Practice Exclusively. GASNOW SAVE THE PIECES and bring them to ns. mo break to aes bad but what we can repair it. W» draw the line only at kindling wood bnt it sometimes happens the 00*1 of repairing a carriage would be as great as the price of a new one, in whioh ones* we say so frankly. We also keep a full line of COFFINS AND CASKETS .. ..on hand Out-of-town Order* Promptly Attended to- Call Night or Day. Phone* 232 and281x. J. P. ULMER.