The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 28, 1906, Image 4

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# m ■■■■■■ mm3 ■■■HiniiaBaiapiiiiim 1 IF YOU 5 Buy It At Xh LAWNS. Plain White Lawn, 10c, 12 1 -2c, 15c, 18c, 25c. Nice Flowered Lawns, .... 5c, 10c and 15c Solid Red and Cream Lawns 10c White Persian Lawns . . 10c, 12 1-2c and 18c. White Dimities, from 10c to , . . . . 15c White Checked Muslins, from 5c to . . . 15c White Piqu 25c White! 25c White! Nice White 35c White Nice Dottefl White India Cream Br ALL THESE AND MA S The Empire Si : .* .-sss s s s s s si San Francisco Insurance and v the Liability of Companies. The Are insurance companies arelble. not liable for loss on San Francisco The flre underwriters while not lia- buildings and their contents which | e * or a fl,e ^ oss on burning deb- collapsed or (ell because of the earth-t' 9 °J °‘ B faIlen bulldlng , . jwiecked by the earthquake will be * ur - an « Mrs. Tiiomps yrmkp shock. The forms of Policies ],table for the flre loss on a building handsome winter cottage generally used in San Francisco all contain a clause covering this Ques tion, which reads as follows: “If any building or any part there of fall, except as the result of flre, all insurance by this policy on such building or Its contents shall Imme- stfetely cease.” By “any part thereof" In the above clause Is legally meant a substantial or functional part of the building -and not a few bricks, or a chimney, or a window. ' It looks as though some of the flre 'Companies would have to pay flre might escape, as we been Issuing while ol quite a numl Mow York Francisco (policies on San licles Uninjured by the earthquake to which the flames spread unless the policy contains a cause excepting this lia bility. There will unquestionably be many disputes and litigations caused by claims on the part of the assured that certain buildings which the In surance companies will allege fell be fore they were burned did, In fact, fall as the result of flre. It Is more than likely that such complications will burden the courts for several years to come. The blowing up of buildings to pre vent the spread of flre raises thej question as to whether the lire under writers are liable on property so de- There Is WOMAN WAS INC Northern Woman Indlctej asville for Perju Mrs. H. E. Thomas.i northern visitor to Thou has been Indicted for perl Thomas county grand jura Mr. and Mrs. Thompsl . h have spent every season vllle for some time past, a local interior decorator,! slderable amount of worl house several years ago. | never been paid for the Thompson contending that] not order it done. BrowiJ suing the cottager for sevj and has gained a verdlc superior court Jury at least! case has never been bei preme court The perjury Indictment^ of this case. Mrs. her inti npluy ihall not be liable . caused directly or Indirectly Invasion, Insurrection, riot, civil' or commotion, or military or usurped power, or by order of any civil authority.” On the other hand, many, It not most of the companies write San Francisco business on policies where the clause has the word "earthquake” Inserted as follows: "This company shall not be liable for loss caused directly or Indirectly bjr Invasion, earthquake, Insurrec tion, riot, civil war or commotion, or military or usurped power, or by or- 4er of any civil authority.” It will probably be contained In many cases that as the fires were in directly caused by the earthquakes the companies haring their policies so worded are not In any respect 11a- _ work lfl _ ! says”"ibe did order It, i lng this, some holding that the com* 1 evidence before the grand J^ pantos must pay If the Instructions * ceeded In getting them to were given by the mayor of the city j true blll a g a i„gt the lady for ; or other competent authority. On | h. Thompson, her husbat the other hand, a large number of i president of the First National underwriters emphatically Insist that I G f g ti paup Minn. He, himself this .would be by "order of any civil - native of the north, hut his m authority,” as referred to in the fol- wa8 a - Georgian, being the firs lowing clause and therefore he ex- , niale child ever born in Thomas cepted. * I Mrs. Thompson left Tboma “This company Bhall not be liable 1 f or her St. Paul home four days for loss caused directly or indirectly ■ and the warrant will not be B< by Invasion, Insurrection, riot, civil | until she returns to Georgia. war or commotion or military or ■ usurped power, or by order of any j civil authority." The best opinion in Insurance cir-1 cles Is to the effect that on policies j not containing the earthquake ex emption the companies will be held j liable where buildings have been j blown up in a reasonable and proper j effort to stay the conflagration. WEDDING8 FOLLOW FIRE. Women Appealed to Men to Whom They Were Engaged to Marry. San Francisco, April 23.—Weddings In great number have resulted from the recent disaster. Women driven out of their homes and left destitute have appealed to the men to whom they were engaged and Immediate marriages have been effected. , Is the Moon Inhabited. Science ha* proven that the moon has an atmosphere, which makes life In some form possible on that satellite; but not for human beings, who have a hard enough time on this 1 earth of onrs; especially those who] don't know that Electric Bitters cure Headache, Biliousness, Malaria, Chills and Fever, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, Dizziness, Torpid Liver, Kidney : complaints, General Debility and FemMe weaknesses. Unequalled as a general Tonic and Appetizer for weak persons and especially for the ageJ. It Induces sound sleep. Fully guaranteed by A. E. Dimmoclt and W. D. Dunaway, druggists. Price only 60c. President Roosevelt rubs It Into the people of Washington who disagreed with him about the Barnes' way of treating ladles, by appointing Barnes postmaster, although he Is a resident of New Jersey. A Skin Healer and Beautifler. A scratch or a small cut is only A Now York man fl^d from his one of the small Ills of life, and home because his wife required him 5'“ pIe °* *>>“kheaj la but a trifling 1 duflvnrement: vet enwmne flt tiroes The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley'a Hon ey and' Tar many Imitations are or fend for the genuine. These worth iest Imitations have similar sound' lng names. Beware of them. The genuine Foley’a Honey and Tar la in a yellow package. Ask for It and refnse any substitute. It la the best remedy for coughs and colds. A. E- Dimmock. to kiss his mother-in-law every morn- Sue. Who wouldn't run? Cured Hemorraghea of the Lungs “Several yeara since my lungs were so badly affected that I had many hemorrhages," writes A. M. Ahe. of Wood. lnd. ”1 took treat ment with several physicians with- smi any benefit. I then started to take Foley’s Honey and Tar, and my r age are now as sound as a bullet. recommend It In advanced stages of lung trouble." Foley's Honey and Tar stops the cough and heals the Are,-* and prevents serious results y-r*-" i cold. Refuse substitutes. A. X. Dimmock disfigurement; yet everyone at times has occasion to wish for a quick and simple treatment for these minor annoyances. The prompt results achieved In such cases by Dr. T. Felix Gouraud’s Oriental Cream will prove to the most skeptical the heal ing and purifying virtues of this preparation, and go toward establish lng faith and confidence In Its claims to be an unrivalled skin purifier and beautifler for use, not only In enter gencles, but as an article of the dally toilet. At Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers. Dr. Dowte should again read that chapter 'which tells how Teddy the Terrible led his troops up San Juan hill.