The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 28, 1906, Image 8

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'1HE VALliOSTA Til SS7jjf|7f||innsT!i*!S!l!’!.'i!SD SLO *B We Are Now in Everything in our Bfl Ask your Neighbor, B* Send us Y< If you want them SL' LIQUORS Bl B| • IMI! Sarf*Francisco Insurance is Es timated at $175,000,000. San Francisco, April 25.—Things are quieting down here, and telegraphic communication with Oakland has been reestab lished. Two hundred physicians are making inspections of the sanitary conditions under the health commission. One hundred and seven companies share in San Francisco’s insurance loss, which is roughly estimated by a local agent to be between one hundred and seventy-five and two hundred mil lion dollars. New York insurance men place it qt one hundred and twenty-five millions. Chicago’s loss was one hundred and twenty-five million, and three companies defaulted to the extent of forty-five million: The loss in Baltimore was thirty-five million, and was paid in full. % The bodies of three men and one woman were found in the ruins of the burned district yesterday and only one of them was I identified. / I Knights Templer in Savannah. I LOOKING FOR I — Savannah Surgeon , | Help Him Find I Savannah, April* 25 a veteran surgeon ha detectives to assist W. O. Mitchell, his In business. So far nd heard from Mitchell, | hopes to find him. He says there Is a| the accounts of the tween $2,000 and $4,0l was dissolved on Sal ell’s father seerfis vef find him and told Dr. do all he could to asj his son. TO INCREASE CAPll Savannah, April 25—The members of Appollo Commandery No.' 15, Knights Templars, are the guests of Palestine Commandery today and both visitors and hosts are having a splendid time. Since the arrival of the visitors from Charleston yes terday afternoon there has not been a dull moment in the program of en tertainment.. .Last night there was a band concert by the famous Appollo Commandery band. This morning was spent in sight seeing and this af ternoon is to be spent at the Casino at Thunderbolt, who has just retired as Eminent Com mander and Mr. Fred Clark the new Eminent Commander of Palestine Commandery were assisted by com petent committees in caring for the visitors. The members of the commandery are noted for their hospitality and there has been nothing to beat this display of the Savannah commodity in a long time before. The visitors will leave this evening for Columbia, S. C. Railroad Asks Right Millions New Atlanta, April I Birmingham and Atli filed a petition with, 1 Capt Fred Garden, | s,ate ,hls raornln ’s J capital stock from $10(1 800, to be divided inti perr6d stock and $9j| stock. STREET CARS ii Seven People Injured I in Atlanta Thl*; Atlanta, April 25— collided in West End| injw***ing seven pe%p none of them are s« Negro Boy is Lynched. Oakwood, Texas, April 25.—A seventeen-year-old negro boy was lynched this morning by a mob, who took him from the custody of • the officers. The negro had stripped himself and entered the home of a widow near town. He was caught and identified and, while waiting for transportation to the county seat, was taken by a mob and killed. Serious Out break of Plague. Laherea, India, April 25.—A serious outbreak of plague oc- cured at Jaman, in northern India, and there has been many victims ih the Royal household and among the Imperial troops. There were two hundred and eighty-five deaths in the past week. American Won Swimming Race Phalerum, Greece, April 25.—C. M. Daniels, of the New York Athletic Club, won the final heat here today, in the hun dred meters swimming race. Time one minute and thirteen seoofids. The Only Guaranteed! is Smith’s Sure Kidnf druggist will refund ^ after taking one bott satisfied with results.! A. E. Dimmock. GREAT Mrs. S. H. Harvard j mense Live Tape-\ Dimmock’s Drug 8t| Among the many r<* which have been broi tice of the Valdosta | Dillingham and his Juice remedies, none I much interest as the! mense paras\es from! tern by the Plant Jui| The following which came 10 light 1 lected from numbers I report their gratitudi fits they have recelvj callers in question Harvard, of Valdostal a sufferer for a nuq from what she supp case of stomach troi| induced a rundown, bilitated condition of I ing persuaded by a f