The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, May 05, 1906, Image 12

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KEITH’S $3-50 and S Shoes for Mi pips THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATUKDAY. MAY 5, 1906. PERSONAL MENTION. (from Thursday'* Dally.) llr. and Mr,. P. K. Wilson left to- Hay tor Savannah where they will reside In future. They were accom- panted by Mlsa Annie Crittenden, who will be with Carter ft Dorough a, one of their stenographers. Proclamation. State of South Carolina, Executive Chamber. Whereas, Information has been re ceived at this department that an at- troclous murder was committed In the county of Bamberg, on or about the lltb day of 'April, 190C, upon the body of Willie Cutter, (white) near Midway, S. C„ by John Anderson and Islab Bartley; (Description of An derson—black, 6 feet tall and when be laughs upper lip turns up. When last seen bad on blue over-all jacket) and that the said John Anderson has fled from justice. Now, therefore, I, D. C. Heyward, governor of South Carolina, In order that justice may be done and the majesty of the law be vindicated, do hereby offer a reward of one hundred land fifty dollars ($150.00) for the ap prehension and conviction of the Bald Mr. W. R. Starr, of Savannah, Is j John Anderson to the sheriff of Bam- on a visit to the city. berg county, at Bamberg, South Car- • • • ollna. Mrs. F. A. Coburn and little daugh ter returned to the city yesterday, after spending some time with rela tives In Macon. Mrs. A. L. Starr, of Savannah, has Joined her husband In this city and will remain here during the summer months. Mr. E. L. Vickers, of Adel, was among the visitors to tlje city yester day. THAT “TIRED FEELING” IThursday’s Game in This Ci The opening game of the Georgia State League in this city Thursday cross vs. Valdosta—wax as pretty a game of ball as one would-Care to eefe ihe score being 3 to 2 in favor of Valdosta. afternoons*" 1 WiU PlaV tW ° m ° re * ames of th “ ® erie8 * Friday and Satarday Mrs. N. E. Latimer left yesterday lor her home In Eastman, after a visit to her son, Mr. E. F. Latimer. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed • • I at Columbia, this the 19th day April, Mr. Slater Wright of Fort Lauder-j A. D. 1906, and In the 130th year of date. Fla., Is on a visit to this city, j the Independence of the United 4 States of America. Mr. W. D Lee. of Mllltown. was- D. C. Heyward, Governor, among the visitors to the city today. By the governor: • • • • ..J. T. Gant, Secretary of State. *Mr. J. B. Strickland, of Mllltown, I was among the visitors to the city; All kinds of grain cradles.'Boyd today. iFry Stove & China Co. Mr. R. C. Stapler, of Savannah was on a visit to Valdosta yesterday. * Screen windows, doors and screen dre. Boyd-Fry Stove ft Chinn Co. Is often joked about, but the condition itself is no joke. Jt indicates serious derangement of the blood and nervous system. People can’t help feeling lazy and worn out If Impure blood flowing through all their organs Is poisoning them and paralyzing their activity. Spring Is the season of blood Impurity. Nine people out of ten would feel better through the use of DUNAWAY’S SARSAPARILLA. This is a blood purifier that really purifies. Pure, rich blood means good health. Give nature a little help by trying a bottle. 75 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Valdosta— 00 / 0 / 000 1-3 Way cross- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-2 W. D. DUNAWAY. itflfUsjRand* Get?: Six Per[Cent interest ggisniANYIQTHERS ARE- WISELY DOING, j "SAVING MONEY BY MAIL” ON REQUEST. Equitable Banking & Loan Co. Macon, - - Georgia. Perfect ect f jg Solid Normal f g Loni es $ Comfort § lasts p we< SOLO BY DORRIS & THIGPEN, VALDOSTA, GA. ’ Mr. H. A. Jesup, of Cordele, was on a visit to Valdosta yesterday. Mrs. R. A. Brown, of Sandersville, lias reached the city and Is holding down a position with W. D. Dunaway. Mr. Walter Bell was called to his borne at Brantley, Ala., last night by a telegram announcing the dan gerous illness of his father, who has been 111 for eight weeks. Accord ing to the message, there was little liope that he would live more than a day or so. Mr. John E. Gibson, of Quitman, was among the visitors to the city tills morning. / Miss Mec Young Is spending a few days in Thomasvllle on a visit to rel ative^ and friends In that city. Mr. F. A. Coburn leaves this after noon for Savannah where he will be connected with the business of Car ter & Dorough In that city. Mrs. A. F. N. Everett, of Atlanta, reached the city Saturday, for u vis it to parents and relatives. XIrs. Young McRee, of Kinder Lou, was among her friends In the city ihis morning. It 1b understood that the young men of the city will have a dance at the Valdes tonight and that an or chestra from Jacksonville will ditv ponse music. Mr. Earle McKey has returned to the eJty, after spending several weeks in Atlanta. For all glads of surety bonds ap ply to B. 8. Richardson, Valdosta Ga REWARD FOR A MURDERER. John Anderson, Colored, is Wanted in South Carolina. We publish In this Issue of Tho Times,- a proclamation by Governor D. C. Heyward, of South Carolina, of fering a reward of $150.00 for the ar rest of a negro, John Anderson, who with an accomplice named Islnh Bart lett Is charged with the murder of Wlllio Cutter, white near Midway. 8. C., on April 11th. It is thought that Anderson may have come this way, and the officers In every section of the country are erged to be on the lookout for him. A letter to Tho Times from Sher iff Hunter, of Bamberg. 8. C.. says there will be no trouble in convict ing Anderson if he Is caught, as the murder wns committed In the pres ence of turoo reliable witnesses. Go to Boyd-Fry Stove & China Co., for blue flame oil stoves. The French Millinery Parlors Miss Lucie Polkow. over Dim- anock’e Pharmacy, will put on display Monday morning, at her second spring opening of French Millinery, some of the ewelleet dress hate ever displayed in Valdoeta... A lot of new white chip tailors, St. Elmo sailors. Leghorns, Neapolitans and alto the prettiest American' * Beauties have Joot been received... Mies Polkow la making extra efforts to pleats her customers and to show them juft the latest, most fashionable and best values In millinery creations. The ladies are cordially invited. A Present FPFF With a $i,00 Purchase. FREE! APRESENI FREE! FREE With Every ONE DOLLAR Purchase. WITH "EVERY ONE DOLLAR PURCHASE at THE EMPIRE STORE, IFhroascL 3>T©-w “CTaa-til 3"-©LZxe First. OHO ftft IVl I r O/VI F anc * as an inducement t0 assist us in raising this IYIUOI VU/TlCr amount we have decided to GIVE ABSO LUTELY FREE a Suable present Jto every customer who buys a dollar’s worth of goods at our store. The larger the purchase the more valuable the premTunryouTecelve; 7—^ Call, make your PURCHASE, ask for your PRESENT and you will go home SATISFIED- Summer Goods. 12 'A cents Figured Lawns 15 cents Figured Lawns Nice white India Linen 10c, 12 Nice white Wnistings 35c white Figured Piques 35c. white Dotted Swiss 35c. white Poplain Fancy white stripe Waisting 50c. white Soiesette White Dress Linen only 10c. only 12‘ s c 15c, 18c, 25c. 10c to 15c. 20c. to 25c 25c. 25c 33c. 30c. 10c. and 25c. Dry Ooodsl Dry Goods!! 6J*c. Calico, all colors, 5c. 7 l „c Domino Apron Ginghams\ 6c. 12)4c. A. F. C. Dress Ginghams 10c- Yard wide Percales 10c. Riverside Plaids 7c Good Mattress Ticking 10c. Good Feather Ticking 16c. 65c. Cream Brilliantcen 48c. 65c. Black Brillianteen 48c, 1.00 Black Brillianteen . 98c. 1.00 Bine Brillianteen ■. 98c. 65c. Blue Brillianteen 48c. 36 in. China Silk 75c. Miscellaneous. 16x20 in. 2.50 Framed Pictures 98c. 16x20 in. 3.0C Framed Pictures 1.25 Nice Assortment Window Shades 25c, 39c, 49, 3 00 Eight-Day Clocks 1.98 4.00 Eight-Day Alarm Clock 2 48 Ladies’ Under Vests 10c, 15c, and 25c. Men's Under Wear 25c, and 43c. $1.00 Lap Robes 75c We have bought 84 Ladles’, Misses and Children’s Ready to Wear Hats. SEE THEM RIGHT NOW. List of Presents FREE. Every Customer who buys one dollar’s worth of goods gets one of the following pres ents FREE: Handkerchiefs; 10c. Bottle Machine Oil; 10c. Gravy Bowl; 10c. Cream Pitcher; 1-2 gallan Coffee Pot; 1-? gallon Tin Cup; or 10c. pair Towels. A $3.00 Purchase Entitles our customers to one of the fol lowing presents FREE: 25c. Sugar Dish; 8-qt galvanized Water Pall; I set of Glass Tumblers; 25c Dish Pan: 25c Milk Bowl; 1 pair 25c Towels; 25c Butter Dish. A $5 00 Purchase entitles every customer to one]of the following, FREE: A 65c Lamp; a set of Goblets; a pair of 65c Towels; 10 yards of Calico; a set of Plates; a set of Knives and Forks; a nice Umbrella. A #10.00 Purchase gets one of the following FREE: A Bowl and Pitcjier; a $2.50 16x20 Framed Picture: an Alarm Clock; a $4.00 Bible; a pair of $1.50 Window Curtains; a 3 or 4 gallon Churn; a nice Summer Corset. Notions. Ink, per bottle, 18x36 Towels, per pair 25c Gafvanized Water Pails 35c Galvanized Foot Tubs 35c Sugar Dishes Nice Box Stationery 12 Pen Points for 10c Buckets and Pans 10c Lamp Chimneys 100 Fish Hooks Buggy Whips 15c. 5c, 10c and 15c 05c. Shoes! Shoes! Everybody knows our shoes. The Dixie Girl Shoes are guaranteed. The Roxie Ward Shoes are guaranteed. The Americans Shoes are guaranteed. The High Point Shoes are guaranteed. And if you buy either of the above Shoes you will be a regular customer. We have any thing yon want in Shoes and Oxfords at satis factory prices. Cjothing! Clothing! We have a nice selection of Boys’ Suits— Come early. Boys’Suits, $1.50 values * $1.25. Boys 1 Suits, 2 00 •• 149, Boys’ Suits, 3 00 •’ 2 50. Boys’ Pants from 25c, 39c to 48c. $1.25 Men's Summer Pants $1,00 •• 1.50 2-50 1.75 3.00 •• .... 225 To see this line means a sale for us. Remember you have this opportunity of getting your money’s worth, and all of these pres ents are FREE, FROM NOW UNTIL JUNE FIRST. THE EMPIRE STORE, Valdosta, Georgia, j 111 North Patterson Street, i