The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, May 12, 1906, Image 11

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THE VALD80TA TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY*i2, 1906. OF $1,000 TO $2o<ooo PLACED AT LOW TES ON IMPROVED FARMS IN THIS COUNTY. If ytiu desire such a Loan, write us fully. THE SOUTHERN MORTGAGE CO. ATLANTA, UA ***+****+* FOUR l +j + + 1 + j +! FOR ftll DISEASES RM CARLISLE’S & e. FOR ER AND BLOOD ACH AND KIDNEY CURE§„ i RHEUMATISM i( IN ALL FORMS /backache, headache, tooth- , ache, inflammation ot the kid- i neys, gravel, neuralgia, sore '^throat, diptberia, sprains, tttses, contracted cords, inns- iftuid stiff joints, cramu j and cholera morlms, bil colic, chills mid fevei, of insects, reptiles and lmad dogs, croup, caked breast*, suppressed menstrua tion, corns, felons, palpitation of the heart, piles, gonorrhea, erysipelas, etc. FOR INTERNAL HndlEXTERNAL * USE. I CARLISLE & CO. MACON, - GEORGIA 4* Price, " 50 Cents ... FOR SALE BY . . . ^ A. E. DlMMOCK’n PHARMACY. V4*4 , 4*4*4 # 4*4*4*4*4*4-4 f RUMORED RAILROAD DEAL. It Comes From Cordele and is Pub lished for What it is Worth. Yesterday afternoon’s Cordele News brings the following rumor of a railroad deal, or rather of two railroad dials: “It has been currently reported on the streets of this place and among •frjthe local railroad men, that the Al- 4* bany, Florida & Northern railroad •J. has been purchased by the Georgia, ^ j Southern & Florida railroad. Tl It la known that a few days since J Vice President and General Masager *** Parrott' and General Superintendent 4* Grady, of the G. S. & F., came to Cor- 4* dele and were met here-by Manager .j,' Crews and together in a special they 4- + + * * * the line from Cor- H WOMAN SHOOTS A MANJEAD Killing Occurred in Tomlown Yes- took a trip dele to Albany/ It has been surmised that the Sea board Air Line would want this prop erty, and on one or two occasions ru mor had It that they had bought it. It will mean much for Cordele If , ^ . ., M ... have twenty rooms each, one of them the G. S. & F. has taken over this j . /. .. . . , short line as It will be at once Thirty-Seven Thousaid Dollars to be Spent Upon the Buildings, Which Are to be Handsome Structures of Brick and Stone—To br«fleady for Opening in October. 1 (From Wednesday’s Wdflf > The board of trustees of the new Baptist High school which Is to be erected at Milltown under the auspic es of the Valdosta Baptist Associa tion and for which most of the mon ey has been subscribed, met here last evening to examlue plans and bids for the erection of the buildings. The (buildings consist of a high school building and two dormitories, to be built of brick and artificial stone. The school Is to have ten class rooms and a large auditorium and is to be handsomely finished, in side and out. The dormitories are to be of brick and • stone and will to be used for the girls and the oth er for the boys. made by a firm from Cordele, but the ... „ Tj 4 (contract has not been let. Their bid'the scene to prevent any one cross* was about thirty-seven thousand dol-|ing the path which the woman had 'lars. Some slight changes are to be: taken, while he returned to the city •r brought up to a high standard in 4* every respect, and operated probably 4* in connection WORKING WOMEN Their Hard Struggle Made Easier—Interesting State* ments by a Young Lady in Boston and One in Nashville, Tenth Sarah Armstrong Killa Jim Simpson Whom She Said Wat Advancing Upon Her With a Knife—Woman Then Fled, but Was Caught With Dampier’s Track Doga. * (From Wednesday’s Daily.) The Times made a brief statement In Its issue yesterday afternoon of a tragedy that occurred In Tom-town between three and four o’clock. At that time none of the particulars of the killing had been received. Chief Dampier and Mr. . Walter Godwin went to the scene at once to Investigate the killing. They found that a negro woman named Sarah Armstrong had shot Joe Simpson, a negro man. with a revolver, tlic bul let entering his foreheatd just above •ye, and producing almost in stant death. The woman had lied ne and there was much excitement among the negroes of the neighborhood, though none of them seemed to know anything about the killing. Chief Dampier left Mr. Godwin on west of Cordele and Albany. gardlng any changes In the manage-, . , . , . . . . , , , . , , ment of the property nothing could ' “ ad< 1 ln "; e p ' ans b 1 etor . e t,,rnlnB ‘° B *‘ track doBS and ,race hor ' Stock Profits am be greatly Increased by giving 1 care to the health of every lead fowl on the farm, [poultry,sheep, cattle, hogs, etc., depend on their livers to keep them weU Hack-Draught Stock and Poultry keeps their Uvers working and therefore keeps them well. Black-Draught Stock and Poul- |Vr • k’.ciidne is a pure, natural, vegetable, blood purifier, and «cts by regulating the stomach, liver and bowels. It prevents and cures Hog Chol era, Chicken Cholera, Colic, Dis temper, Coughs, Colds, Constipa tion, Fever, Loss of Appetite, Wasting Away, and all the com mon stock diseases. It is a perfect a edldne for gen eral farm use. Try It. Price 25c for a large can, at all druggists and dealers • PUBLIC 8ALE. virtue of the power and au- vested in the Valdorca Nat- ilaklff*knd Loan Association ed to secure debt given by Estelle Hamilton, to the National Building and Loan (lation with power ot sale, dat* 26th, 1899, recorded June 9. in record of deeds for ncounty, book "T,” pages 11} be sold before the court Valdosta, Lowndes l Georgia on the first Tuesday them over to the contractors. The Chief was gone only.g. few mo* Rev. L. R. Christie, of this city, ments when he returned to the scene was elected president of the board The dogs were put upon the wo of trustees, and Mr. L. W. Bargeron, j man’s tracks and ran some distance | cashier of the Milltown hank, was down through the bay after her. 8he to PIdcock, and the two will be op- , 4 ... made secretary and treasurer. Rev. heard them barking and knew that erated in connection with the main.. _ _ , 41 . .. _ , :.. , " . . , system of the G S & F " L. R. Christie, and Messrs. E. I* j it was only a question of a short 1 ” ‘ ’ Thomas and G. L. Patterson compose time when they would catch her, so the building committee. Rev. L. R. [ she ran back towards the offlcors Christie and Mr. W. L. Bargeron 1 and begged them not to let'the dogs be learned. The same report has It that they have also purchased the Georgia Northern line running from Albany WOMAN HANGED HERSELF. All women work; some in their homes, some in church, ami some in the whirl of society. And in stores, mills and shops tens of thousands are on the never-ceasing treadmill, earning their dally bread. All are subject to the samo phyaii laws; all suffer alike from tne same physical disturbance, and the nature of their duties, in many cases, quickly drifts them into the horrors of all kinds of female complaints, tumors, ulceration, falling and displace ments or perhaps irregularity oi suppression, causing backache, ner vousness, irritability and lassitude. They especially require an invigorat ing, sustaining medicine which will strengthen the female organism and enable them to bear easily the fatigues of the day, to sleep well at night, to rise refreshed and cheerful. How distressing to see a woman struggling to earn a livelihood or pe: form her household duties when hc_ back and head are aching, she Is so tired she can hardly drag about or stand up, and every movement causes pain, the origin of which is due to some derangement of the female or ganism. Miss F. Orser, of 14 Warren ton Street, Boston, tells women how to avoid suoh suffering; she writes: Tied Rope About Her Neck and Step ped from a Box. Dawson, Ga., May 9—Mat Lee, a .. 4 , , rinmonv. . • to begin’ as soon as the material negro woman of Dawson, was found*. . . , about 10 o’clock this morning hang ing from a rafter in her home. She put a plow line arount her neck and swinging it over the rafter stepped from a box. She had dressed for burial before committing suicide. No reason Is known why she took her own life. were appointed a committee on fac-jbite her. She was put under arrest j Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— War Against Consumption. All nations ure endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption, the "white plague" tnat claims many victims each year. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds per fectly and you are in no danger of consumption. Do not risk your health by taking some unknown pre- ration when Foley’s Honey and Tar is safe and certain in results. Ask for Foley’s Honey and ' ar and insist upon having it. A. E. Dimmock. ulty. Work upon the school building Is be placed upon the ground and it is expected that the school will be ready to open in October. It al ready has the promise of about one hundred ^nd fifty pupils. Milltown Deaths from Appendicitis, decrease in the same ratio that the use of Dr. King’s New Life Pills In creases. They save you from danger and bring quick and painless release from constipation and the Ills grow ing out of It. Strength and vigor al ways follow their use. Guaranteed by a. E. Dimmock and W. D. Duna way, druggists. 25c. Try them. GEORGIA—Echols County: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the ordl* nary of said county for leave to sell land belonging, to the estate of A. W.. Carter for the benefit of debts or for the purpose of distribution. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Or- 1 dlnary for said county to be held oc j the first Monday in May, 1906. This 2nd day of April, 1906. J. D. CORBETT, Administrator Upon the Estate A. W. Carter. J. E. PARRISH. Ordinary will also have a primary school un der the supervision of the town. The new school Is to be located In a South Georgia town that Is nestled In one’of the prettiest sites In the sec tlon and Is In one of the most pros perous farming sections. All of the money for the excellent school has been raised by the people of the town and In the country around. Libel for Divorce. GEORGIA—Lowndes County: Alonzo Jenkins vs. Bettle Jenkins. 1906, within the legal hours ; Libel for Divorce, Lowndes County » the highest bidder for Superior Court, May term, 1906. following described prop-1 To Bettle Jenkins, defendant in All that tract or parcel I the above state! case, la hereby re- tuated, lying and being in »quired to be and appear at the Su- portion of the city of j perlor Court to be held In and for lown and described as ! said county on the 3rd Monday TERRIBLE LIQUOR CRAVING. How Orrine Destroys all Desire for Whiskey or Beer—Guaranteed. The terrible craving for liquor is a symptom or disease and to over come it, the disease itself should be treated ln a scientific way. When one has used whiskey, beer or other stimulants for a long time, nerve cells have become accustomed to the effects of the stimulants and demand liquor ln order to perform their duties. If the nerve cells are properly treated, t.*e craving liquor will be destroyed. It Is In this way that Orrine cures alcoholism by supplying to the nerve cells the strength needed, thus de stroying the desire of the terrible liquor craving. Imparts new strength and vigor to the whole system, and restores the general health. Treat ise on how to cure drunkenness free on request. Orrine Co., Washing ton, *D. C. successful nas Orrine been that In every box Is a registered j guarantee which entitles you to a re fund of your money if Orrine falls to effect a cure. Never before was a treatment for the liquor hnblt sold ln this way. A guarantee like this shows the faith of the discoverer of Orrine and the agents who handle It, the leading druggists everywhere. Orrine is In two forms, No. 1, which can be given secretly ln food or drink; No. 2, in pill form for those who desire to be cured. Either form costs *i per box, and both are sold under the strong guarantee of money refunded if Orrine falls to cure. Orrine Is for sale by A. E. Dfm- mock. fix (6,) in block num- i shown ny map of if. H. Rogers lands, Williams, county sur- recorded ln book Said lot fronting street 90 feet, and s south 163 feet, on a four-room dwell- bounded on the street, east by. lot by lot number 10, tor 6. ity of redemption in said now owned by Mrs. E. L. ransferee. Said land to be ie purpose of paying the ie upon the debt which was given to secure, bal- e proceeds of sale, after | balance on said debt and M of sale, L any, to be said Mrs. E. L. Moore, the purchaser will be the Valdozta National Loan Association. National Building and tlon, by G. A. Whit- May, next, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s complaint for divorce, and In default thereof, the court will Hail 8torm In Berrien. Mr. Fred Bamberg spent .yesterday proceed as to justice shall appertain* ihis turpentine place near Lenox, Witness the Honorable Robert G.; in Berrien county, and he says that Mitchell, Judge of said court. March 15th, 1806. R. T. MYDDELTON, Clerk. 3 20 2t m 2m. Tax Receiver's Notice. I will be at the following places on dates given below for the purpose, . ... . . . , . . of receiving tax return, for the year| tliat "‘-■S' win h av <> 10 *>e replanted it is almost Impossible to describe the damage which was done by the hall storm there last Friday. He says the hark was beaten from the pine trees in many places, and crops were beaten off In the ground, so 1906: Naylor, April 2, 9, 19. Cat Creek, April 10, 20. Hahlra, April 3. 11, 23. Ousley, 4. 12, 24. Clyattville, April B, 13, 26. Lake Park, April 6, 16, 27. Club House, April *8, 30. Dasher, May 1st Darsey School House May 3d. Valdosta on all Saturdays and dal ly after rounds are mads until books dose June 1st '..8. BACON. Tv- Receiver Lowndes Co. Ga. 3-10-iat.*2m. The wind blew down many and his loss alone from this cause, is safd to he about two thousand dollars. He says the storm covered a strip of about five miles, and that the rain was the hardest that has been seen there ln years. The whole country being flooded. A woman In Collldge, Kan., tacked a scarlet-fever sign on her door, so sho wouldn’t be bothered receiving calls. and brought to the city. ( ”I nurered misery for several y«ars with The excitement among the negro S5^S5^^«id^L“hl2iih^ women in the neighborhood Is said F to have been intense when the ar- j ■* rest was made. They did not seem 1 — ■ r i. to realize what had happened until ’ that time. Then they began scream- W. T. JENKINS, Prcrident. Ing, wringing their hand** and Jump-. W* T. MoARTHUR, Vice-Pres. Ing up us if the world were coming to an end. — 4 • *- The woman stated to the officers that she and Simpson had been hav ing trouble, that he came to her house, and, after tearing down the window shades, jerking the cover from the table and throwing lamp on the door, he started toward her with a knife. She fired ut him with a revolver, causing his deifth. An -jexamlnntion of the house showed that tin?' shades were torn down us she snld, the cover was torn from the table, the lamp thrown on the floor and an open knife was found by the body of the dead negro. Simpson was a cook for Mr. II. Conoley, and had been working for hint for eight or nine years. He bore a good reputatton as a servant, and h^d been well trained as a cook. The woman also formerly worked for Mr. Conoley, both in Colquitt county and ln Florida. She is now in Jail awaiting an investigation the killing. P an around. I consulted two physicians without relief, and ns a Inst resort, I tried Lydia BJ Piukham’s Vegetable Compound, and to mV surprise, every ache and pain left me. I gained ten pounds and ara in perfect health.” Miss Pearl Ackers, of 327 North Siux*3 tner Street, Nashville, Tcnn., writes: j Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— " I suffered with painful periods, severs baekftcho, bearing-down pains, pains across the abdomen; was very nervous and irrita* bio, an! my troublo grew worsa every month. ''My physician failed to help me and I decided to try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. I soon found it was doing ms good. AU my pains and aches disappeared, and I no longer fear my monthly periods." Lydia E, Plnkham’s Vegetable Com* pound is the unfailing cure for all these troubles. It strengthens the proper muscleB, and displacement with all its horrors will no more crush you. Backache, dizziness, fainting, bear ing-down pains, disordered stomach, moodiness, dislike of friends and societv —all symptoms of the one cause—wlu be quickly dispelled, and it will mak* you strong and well. .. »ry of your sot* ferings to a wbman. and receive help* vice freey>f cost. Address Mrs. ngs ful advl . _ Pinkham, Lynil, Mass. Ths present Mrs. Pinkham It the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty* fire years she has, under her direction and since her decease, been advising sick women free of charge. Pinkham’* Vegetable Compound Succeed* Wbon Other* Mb DEATH OF MRS. P. A. KNIGHT. Prominent Woman of Adel Passed Away this Morning. Adel, Ga., ay 8—Mrs. R. A. Knight died at her home In this city this morning after a long Illness. She was a prominent and greatly beloved woman who’s death is deep ly regretted. The burial will occur here this af ternoon. Best for Women and Children. On account of Its mild action and pleasant taste Orrine Laxative Fruit Syrup Is especially recommended for omen and children. It does not nauseate or gripe like pills and ordi nary cathartics. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion and stim ulates the liver and bowels wliaout Irritating them. Remember the name Orrine and refuse substitutes. A. E. Dimmock. Arrested for Decoying Hands. - A negro named Wash Miller was arrested yesterday afternoon by Deputy Sheriff Crosby, charged with decoying hands. The warrant was out by a citizen who has been watching Miller recently. It was not stated for whom he was getting the hands or how many he had gotten. J. E SCHITMPBRT, Secftary. J. 0. StJHUMPERT, Geu’l Manage. Sea Island Cotton Gin Co., VIDA LI A GA., U. S. A. Manufacturers of tho Famous Foss Double Roller SEA ISLAND COTTON GIN. The Most Durable, Most Rapid and the Most Per- , feet Lint Preserving Gin on the Market. Guaranteed to ein 4 to C bales a day at ordinary speed. Has ginned as many as twenty-one bales in three days. Foss Double-Roller Gins require no more power nor labor than other gins. Built to stand, and used by leading ginners in Georgia, Florida and South Carolina. Write For Catalogue and Prices. Sea Island Cotton Gin Co VIDALIA, - - (1LORGIA. Take Time To Eat Hurry at Meala Will 8end You to A. E. Dirrmock’s for Mi-o-oa Stomach f ablets. "Eat In baste and repent at leis ure" is an old saying brought up to date. Hurry at breakfast means a bad start for the day, and »t you hurry ulso at the other meals you will soon Hiiffer with loss of appetite, sleepless- nervousness, furred tongue, specks before the eyes, headaches, hack-aches, weakness and debility, indigestion, or other Ills that are caused by an abused stomach. Here in Valdosta, as in thousands of other places over the country, hur ry at meals Increases tne druggist’s business. Not a day passes that A. E. does not sell several pack- of Mi-o-na stomach tablets to those who have ruined their Indiges tion by not taking time to eat. E. Dimmock has seen so many cures made by Mi-o-na that he sells it under an absolute guarantee that It will be successful in every case j "A bill to he entitled, an act I * Echols Sheriff Sale. GEORGIA—Echols County: Will b© sol! beflre the court house door in Statonvlllo., Ga., on the first Tuesday ln June, 1906, the following described property: Ix>ta of land Noe. 66, 67, 70. 71, 142, 143, 144 and 75 ln the 12th district of Echols county, 194, 148, 90 an! 48 ln the 16th district of Echols county, 440, 802, 896, 885 and 349 ln the 11th district of Echols county, 202, 146, 147, 159, 270, 846, 853, 364, 395, also 100 acres of lot 201 and 300 acrea ot lot 569 in 18th district of Echols county. Levied upon as unreturned wild land for Its tax for year 1905. Levied on aa the property of un- roturno! wild land to satisfy within fl-fa and cost This 4th day of March <1906. E. O. PRESCOTT, Sheriff Echols County. Ga. TO THE PUBLIC. GEORGIA—I^owndes County: Notice Is hereby given that there will bo introduced In the House of Representatives at the next meeting of tho General Assembly, and the General Assembly will be requested to pass, an act, the title of which la as follows: to it Is used according to dlrec-1 amend the charter of the city tlons, that Is, one tablet before each Valdosta so ns to authorize and em- al, and will refund the money to power the Mayor and Council of anyone whom It does not help. A the City of Valdosta to close Florida large box of Mi-o-na tablets costs Avenue In tho \Jty of Valdosta on He will probably be tried In th<- city 'hut 50 cents if It cures; nothing If It certain terms and conditions, and 1 falls. , for other purposes." ^ ——— ^^ i A copy of the bill that will be so Introduced In the House of Repre sentatives can be found In the office of the Clerk of the City Council of Valdosta. This May 8, 1906. court today. W A Wf « VEGETABLE SICILIAN HALLS Hair Renewer Makes the hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it soft and glossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores color to gray hair. Sold for fifty years. John T. Roberts, Mayor. FOLEYSHONEY^-TAS >tan Ui, comth.nd b.ila loxu*