The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, June 16, 1906, Image 2

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' \ slTa THE VALDS&TA TIMES. SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1906. FERRELL - DALTON The Nuptials of a Popular | gown of pink radium silk elaborate ly trimmed in tucks and baby Irish lace. With this attractive costume was worn a picture hat of pink tulle trimmed in graceful plumes and soft bows of the tulle. Miss Ferrell’s hands were burled deep in a soft muff of pink chiffon, with streamers in which were tied bunch es of pink forget-me-nots, banging to the bottom of the skirt The matron-of-honor, Mrs. Hawk ins, wore a gown of white silk, trim med with hand embroidery and car ried white carnations. She wore a white Neapolitan picture hat trim med with lace and plumes. The bride’s maids wore handsome gowns of net over peau de mouseline elaborately trimmed with lace and the plaiting* and fine tucks. The high girdles with sash ends were of pink moire. Picture hats of Neapolitan completed these attractive costumes, yet j while large bunches of pink carna- witnessed in Valdosta was that on.tlons and asparagus ferns tied with yesterday evening at the Baptist jpj n k tulle were used in carrying out church when Miss Emma Mae Fer- the color scheme of pink and white, veil and Mr. Oscar Davis Dalton Master Clauds) Ferrell, the page, were united In the holy estate of wore a handsome suit of white satin matrimony, the ceremony being im-' W |th ruffles of lace at the neck and pressivcly performed by the Rev. L. i H leeves. R Christie. . I \| rB E p Ferrell, the handsome Long before* the hour of nine the| mot her of the bride, was gowned church was crowded with n host offj n Javendar silk, the skirt trimmed friends, who were delightfully enter- j n tucks and plaits, while the cors- Mias Emma Mas Ferrell and Mr. Oscar Davis Dalton Were Joined in the Holy Estate at the First Baptist Church. — The Wedding Scene and the Reception Valdes. (From Wednesday's Daily.) The most brilliant w’edding and happlnes. Mr. Dalton la to be a congratulated on winning so charm- J ing a bride and one who has by her womanly graces and lovely disposi tion endeared herself to the people * of Valdosta. m Judge Mitchell Signed the Bill of Exceptions Tnday. The Case Now Goes to .4he Supreme Court on the Extraordinary Mo tion.—Cooptr 8 *U he is More Con fident Than Evir That the Boys Will Not Hang. (From Wednesday s Daily.) Attorney Cooper came dwon from Macon yesterday to consult J. G. Rawlings about his case and also to have Judge Mitchell sign the bill of exceptions, on which the case is to lied to the supreme court of Georgia. Attorney Cooper said this morning that he regarded bis, extraordinary mo’Ion. upon which a new trial for Is asked, 4JR3 the strongest talned with music by Abel’s orches tra, froln Jacksonville. The church was beautifully deco- ago, Irish point studded wit lavendar sequins, was effective ly combined with pipings of rated with a profusion of palms, pqquq velvet and fine tticks and ferns and pot plants, while the walls! ehlffon. A beautiful hat of cream back of the chancel were hung with bamboo entwined with white roses. The entire chancel nnd aisles were covered with white which was strong contrnst to the dark green of the decorations. The orchestra was behind a screen of sword ferns and palms, tall banana plants adding a tropical touch to the other decora tions . In the center of the chancel was an arch from which was sus pended a cross, the entire design of electric light, entwined with smllax, and banked beneath with quantities of white roses. At nine o'clock tne orchestra gild ed Into the sweet strains of the l.ohengiin wedding innrch nnd four dainty young Indies, acting ns ribbon bearers, passed down the aisle and took their positions, two standing in each aisle—Misses Lamar Lewis and Eul&He Converse ' in the right title and Misses Helen Lewis and v Evelyn Cranford in the left. youn^rildlHLJrore <*< ull straw lined with inouselline in pur ple tints and trimmed with plumes was worn with this handsome gown. Reception at the* Valdes. From the church about two hun dred guests proceeded to the Valdes hotel where they were entertaiued with a reception that was equally as brilliant as was the wedding. In the parlor, back of the spacious reception hall the bride and groom, with the bridal party, stood to re ceive the congratulations of their many friends. In this room the col or scheme of pink and green was carried out effectively. The walls were hung with bamboo and smllax, entwined with pink roses, while on the tables and mnntels were vases of pink cnrnntlons showing among the palms and ferns. From here the guests passed to the reception hall whero they were|f e ndanta hare provided the be that ever went before the supreme court. He says tt j* based entirely upon the corffeaSRv of J. G. Rawl ings, made after the f rlal and published Jn The -TJUpjte at the time. He spent somdfUm^pltlrftawlings at the jail this mot the old man and boyi mor, except that thq< little bit emphatic fics and politicians. The Times received the following from its Atlanta-^correspondent this morning: Mors Delay In the Cate. Atlanta, Ga., JMl 13.—It is not believed that the winnings, convict ed for the murder - i)f the Carter children in LownMs county, will be hanged July 13tb^ although that is the date set for thfeir execution. Is not thought that .the jqppeal which will be made to the state supreme court by Attorney Joiin Cooper, rep resenting the defendants, can hrard until the Octpger term cn irt, and' It t> thou effort will be made li «ei tor tie tfi|i|^" Under he'l yz With Us and Get Six Per Cent Interest AS MANY OTHERS ARE WISELY DOING. “SAVING MONEY BY MAIL” ON REQUEST. Equitable Banking & Loan Co. Macon, -* - Georgia. ONE PENNY r Will bring you a very handsomely illustrated Cats'ogue of the most rapidly developing College in the8ontb. Young’s Female College, Tiiom.sville, Georgia. - . beet Curriculum. I! Steam Heat, Electric Lights. _ Jteen Speoialilt. in Faculty. ! ] Gymnasium, Swimming Pool Broad Degree and Certificate Courses I Bowling Alley. Music ana Expression. 11 Trained Nnrse, and Physical Culture Kew Buildings, Newly Furnished. j; Director in Honte. BEST CHRISTIAN HOME INFLUENCES. Address: I. COCHRANE HUNT, f Harper Rye “On Every Tongue." if Scientifically distilled; naturally aged; best and safest for al. uses. Sold Bv J. E. GQRNTO & CO.. Sole Agents. + + + + * + * + + * + * + + + + + + * + + * + + The Atlas Copper Works, - MANUFACTURERS OF - Turpentine Stills & Supplies * * •8 BEST EQUIPPED PLANT UNITED STATES. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP THE VERY BEST. cake, in. Ing tho laid iial attention to repair work. I EXT sses of cctoper work solicited | JPt tjelljfcry J"' IA STILLS, WORMS, CAPS i IMS> ALWAYS ON HAND. | chancel Motara Ashley, Ferrell, • Srtawif'aloni Tcmianla ^proceeded to the ’ In : the following "order:. Clarence Smith and C. R. jr.. Scales Dalton and Ed Jr.,,who wore ushers. They were followed by Misses Elisabeth Coffoo and Pearl Lewis, Messrs Arthur Da- Tla and E. B. Witte of Tampa, Misses Caro Lewis and Margaret Chambers, of Montgomery, Messrs. Lowndes tV. 8haw and Warren Hall, of Mont gomery; Misses l-elln Fender nnd Pauline Wilson, of Savnnnah: Mr. Mat Pearson and Dr. A. O. Little. Mtaaes Evelyn Farmer, of Dothnn Ala.; “jnd Btirtha Dalton, of North Carolina Messrs. Thos. J. Jones, of North Carollua, and ‘Alvin D Ramos, llrs. Rufus Hawkins, tho matron of honor, was followed by Miss Vnlllq Ferrell, the lovely sister of the bride, Mrs. B. nond ana) w m give ny, proald- Attorney Col the bill ot oe.Mri, lurch, of ed over th& table. I The decorations of fbo reception g tt j. hall were olnbornto and effective In M r . Cooper will every detail. From tho center of tho.j nne 2 8th t$ servo room was suspended tho letters "F. 0 ti„. r side with tho b| nnd D." In electric lights, the wires „ f , ho | OW0r courf strung with pink roses nnd smllax. I ,j ny8 to transmit tho The room was a mass of palms and w m hardly arrive bef< ferns, among which were graceful noon. The last criminal K case until ugures on pedestals. On tables were| th „ October term will tx* beard July until the The clerk followed 16 and they this after cut \ glass candclabras bearing pink and white candles with shades to match. The mantels were banked with ferns and tho mirrors reflected cut glass vases filled with pink car- nnttons. On the punch tables bowls nnd vases filled With daisies were in charming contract to the pink of the candle shades. Mrs. D. D. Smith nnd Mrs. Clark presided over bowl while Mrs. Brown and who was the mald-of-honor. Miss j Chambers served at another. Ini-lotion with the state pardon board Elisabeth Dlnunock, the dainty llttlejmense bowls filled with hydrangias|( 0r a commutation of sentences. Ills* who carried one targe white j were tastefully arranged among thoj- . - rose, deep In the heart of which*palms, pinks and white electric and esteem is which till lovely bride IGth. but all papers in .cases to be heard then must have ben filed by July 7th. j This will delny the j Rawlings ap peal until the October term, as there will be Ao more criminal cases after July 16th. It la understood that the appeal may require a further respit ing of the condemned men. If the one 1 state supreme court turns the appeal Mrs. (down, Attorney Cooper will file a pe- Refrigerators, Ice Boxes and Water Coolers. wus hidden the weding ring, preced-1 lights casting a steady glow on the is held by her many friends, could td Misses Virginia Hamilton Staten I falry-llke scene. Tho high windows j be asked. and Thelma Brown, carrying largoJxvere draped with smllax and fes-J The bride is the eldest daughter of baskets filled with pink and white -tooned with garlands of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Ferrell *and al- sweet pei tlmi pathwaj Tne I urtn of and . a.v of the wore siicwn in the I Delicious refreshment beautiful brido. I of cream and cakes o owl leaning on the [white were served by 'r. Mr. K. I). Ferrell,land Anna Ashley, Eulali Mis nsisting though w and calling In Laura short whl Pink from tlu Cba Dnlto cbaac.d where she room who entered e It h his brother, of North Carolina, mouy Schurtuan’s 1 onvt Kvelyi Emile dishes hilnts •se. l.aniar and 1M»> 1 Crnnword, Katrina Briggs. Cut glass filled with pink at eat to in the parlor optio chest r c^ohn's bridal pn During 1 ting of vtood in 01 electrb e had the honor of Valdosta girl but a short while, she has surrounded her self with a host of f: lends and ad mirers. She is a beautiful young wo man of tho brunette type and pos sessed of a prepossessing and cordial manner that not only makes friends b it holds them. ! Mr. Dalton is a*native of North Carolina but for soafo time has been engaged in the wholesale grocery business in our city. He is a young man of sterling business qualitie and manly bearing, wao has mad< many friends in Valdosta since tak- pitifully render- tabl while Mendel- hall. larch was played as the. The handsome gifts eons! tv were leaving the church, cut glass, silver, china, hr 10 beautiful and Irapresivo' and linen wqre displayed in imny. »1ie happy couple'vate dining room, wh* re t!i ront of tin* arch and cross color scaeme of pink and gr • lights. so effectively used, pink and white jpg up his residence here. :i-.’ tr.ide was radiantly beautiful electric lights, garlands of pink roses, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton left on the in u gown of white satin made on'ami smllax being the decorations. A, 11:50 A. C. L. going west and be- traln. The skirt was a mass of tiny 1 gift that the bride prizes very highly fore returning will go to a number tucks betwen box plaits, nud finish-1 is a coverlet made by a cousin off ' 0 f places of Interest In California ed at the bottom with large tucks. I Mrs. Ferrell, who Is 92 years old’and among the Rockies. Upon their The coi3age of Irish point lace was land has never worn glasses. She Return Mr. and Mrs. Dalton will be trimmed with bands of satin em- has made it since she reclved her In-,at home to their triends at the Val- broidered In roses nnd French knots, ivitation three weeks ago and every fies hotel. A filmy veil of tulle was fastened to'stitch Is done by hand. The card, The bride’s going away gown was the dark brown hair with a caronet j bears the name "Cousin Temple 0 f gray voil elaborately braided with of lilies of the valley. The bride’s Hall." bouquet was of white roses and at- Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell presented paragus ferns tied with broad yhitalthelr daughter with a mahogany satin streamers The gift of t he I chest of silver, the plate on the out groom, a crown of pearls and dlapjslde bearing, the name "Emma Mae j oxfords completed this becoming Bonds, was pinned in the soft pom-[Ferrell Dalton.’’ A silver s ervlce.'costume. padour. the only other ornament was the gift of four of the grooms- Mrs. Dalton's friends are delight- worn being a bar of diamonds. jmen. A more handsome display of led that she Is not to be taken from Tfce maid-o:-honor, Miss Vallie gifts has never been seen in Valdos-1their midst and join with The Times Feire'.l, was lovely in a beautiful ta, and no better proof of the love in wishing her many years of health Sj Ice Creem Freezers: S? TWIX LIGHTNING and BLIZZARD of all sizes If you need a freezer let us show vou the best one made. We buy them by the hundred- North Star Refrigerators Both metal, enamel and opal lininf. Walls packed with guaranteed cork, the best packing known for refrigera tors. We have already sold one car load this season and expect to sell at least another one, so if you have not al ready bought a North Star which was worn a dainty lingerie waist. A jaunty hat o( gray Neapoli tan trimmed with moulllne and aigrettes, long gray glOTea and gray Water Coolers Of ill kinds and sizes, wate cooler stands, lemon squeez ers, sh ikers, glasses, etc. screen doors, screen windows spreen.s, ^cd im cloth,-flj\fan and tr ins j 11 v glassi fruit jars. we have one for you. Also a large line of Nercury refrig erators as shown by the above cut. This box is good for small families’ up stairs use or old bachelors. Call and examine them. Also our large line of season goods, such as Blue Flame oil stoves, Ste and all kinds of nice cooking utensils. All the latest improved high pressure!) steel cartridges for fish shooting. Lawn mowers and our large line of cut | Sterling Silver for wedding presents. Boyd=Fry Stove & China C