The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, June 30, 1906, Image 2

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THE VALDOSTA TIMES Beautify Complexion ft- ' mUNOAVt. Nadinola The UNEQUALEO BEAU TIMER, tn- iortcd bv thouMndr tfuvranUcd to remov' pimple*. »i' WANTTOWORKFORL THE CITY, Many Applications ol M« fn Valdosta by all Druggist*. CITATION. &BORGIA—Echo’s County: Mra. Pink Bennett, a resident ■aid state, having duly applied to be appointed guardian of the persons and property of James and Frank Staten, minors under the ages of fourteen years, residents in said county, notice Is hereby given that said application will bo passed oi the next court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Mon day in July, 1906. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this June the 4th, 1906. J. K. PARRISH, Ordinary. Cheap Sunday Rates S Sr Only 31.00 Por the Round Trip. ONMMM-ntAwg IttM Red, end on each flwdin tWr «tur until Hoptembvr. tho O. b. A F- Ujr will a train operate their popular Bamtay train known aa the Wlille Springs Limited. lrara Valdosta at 8:15 a ra . reaching White Hnrtnga at IPX* a. n. Itetnrn- tag. !»>• train will lanva White hprlnga at 6:43 p. a. and arrive at Valdoeta at **lk fear acted that the vary low rate of «1 «* wi*i tndaoe large eroarda to visit the petrakr rcaort on each Sunday. Tho## desiring to remain at the srAxusa&tu ^nSsssaas^ The City Hall There ie Thronged With Men Who are Willing to Fight Fire or Help Guard the Peace of the Town—Other Matter* of Interest in the Forest City. Savannnh, June 27—Tho corridors of the city hall are filled these days with men who hope to get upon either fire department or tho police force. Because of deaths among the police and the numerous instances where men have been fired there are four vacancies there besides a vacant ser- geancy and there are also four places In the fire department vacant. There are about fifty applicants for each place and they flock to the city nail every day to see if there are any plums dropping. .So far the mayor has shown no great havte to fill the places. One reason the applicant ate so anxious to laud is that the city is about to enter upon a heated mun icipal canijmign and they want to get Well* settled before the fireworks begin. It Is realized even by the most optomlstic Citizens Club mem bers that there Is to he n hard fight this fall for control of city affairs. Hibernians to Saratoga. On the 11th of July there will sol) from Savannah a delegation of prom inent Irishmen who will come from ifidh,‘Macon, Augusta and At Inn- ey will be going to attend the biennial National Convention of Ancient Order of Hibernians at Saratoga, N. Y. Mr. P. J. O’Connor, former National President, will be In charge of the party. The Ladles Auxiliary of Georgia which has just been organized' will also send a dele gation. Golden-Kehoo Wedding. This morn’ the Cathedral of St. John the Daptlst .Mr. .Francis Hugh GoldenandWIrs Anastasia Ke- .AWMAKERS MEI I IN ATLANTA. I SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1»06. E [BIO FACTORY WAS En ters Upon its work; The 8enate was in 8ettion Just Minutes, During Which Tims New Bills and Two RmoI Were Introduced—Senator Preeidee Over That pody. v " Y , Atlanta, June 27—Prompjlj o'clock this tiiornlug the two* Fire Occurred in the Boiler Room From a Spark and was Burning Fu riously When the Alarm was Turn ed in—Negro Cottage was Burned Early Thla Morning. (From Wednesday’s Dally.) The members of the fire department es of tho Georgia general assembly have had three fights with fire with- were called to order by their rMjMO- tive presiding officers, President W. W. S. West In the senate and Speak er John M. Slaton, in the housA/ Almost Immediately the five new members of the’Tiouso appeared be fore the speager'a desk to bo sworn In in the last forty-eight hours, and one he fights was in an effort to save property that was valued at many thousand dollars. Last nght a Ittle after eight o’clock the fire alarm was turned in from box number 51. which Is located They wero James Taylor, 6f Sumter; near the Vt , :dosta g a8h & Door Com . county, who succeeds former Rapr* ntative J. H. Lumpkin, deq jmny. short while the glow T. P. .Ramsey, if Murray countyjbho fr,,m the hlaz ‘‘ colll 'l be seen all ov had b$en elected to fill the un-etpired the city, indicating that the fire had term ^of hid father, Knox Ramsey, a pretty good start when the alar who was shot and killed a few months was turned in. ago; Eichol Graham, of Helfalr coun- BtSMH BREAST And many other painful and serious ailments f/om which most mothers suffer, can be avoided by the use of “Mothtr'S Frleit.” This great remedy is a God-send to women, carrying them through their most critics ordeal with safety and no pain. No woman who uses ‘‘Mother’s Friend” need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is also healthy, strong and _ m mm « _ good natured. Our book ■ ■ j U L KB 7 Ifi? “Motherhood,” worth ■Will 8 Hf H its weight in gold to every ■■■WW ■ IIHilB -W woman, and will be sent free in plain envelope by addressing application to Bradfield Regulator Co. Atlanta,Ga. ty, who succeeds D. C. McLendon, de- 1 The firemen responded very prompt- and after subscribing, went seats which they will occupy the session. After this cen the governor’s message was and read. In part, it was as 1 ceased; ,^T. H. Bradshaw, from Ware ^ an( * Found the fire in the engine county, Who will fill the short term and boiler room of the Ashley, Paine of James Mt, Spence, who has resign* Manufacturing Company. The ed and moved to Florida, and S. A. tire Interior of the room was a mass Way, who has been elected to 1111. a of flames and as the room was only vacancy in Pulaski county. ja few feet from the main building of All took the oath at the same time'their factory, the entire place, togeth- lejer with their lumber yards, was In g I imminent danger The firemen made quick connec tions and had two or three streams of water pouring upon the blaze in a ijgrv ifew minutes. From the city one The Senate's Short Session. could tell that the firemen were get- Atlanta, June 27—The Senate was ting tn their work by the manner in In session fifty five minutes. Eight which the glow from the blaze died new bills and two resolutions were out. In ten minutes time the fire Introduced. was under control, but there was such Senator J. B. Ware, of the Thirty*'a large mass of saw dust and shavings seventh, and Door Keeper Kresse^t’Hfct-the firemen remained there for Greene of Turnervllle, are both re* two or tjhree hours In order to be sure ported very^lll. , t 'that every particle of the fire was Senator MfHerity re-introduced a 1 extlngifixhed bill providing for the releasing c^he| ThjflHsB from the fire amounted to Western and Atlantic and the damage can bo tho a whilo Jr*? Wm. Kc- J treet. Mrs. Golden Is the ^tighter of Mr. Wil liam'Kohoe a well known Iron foun- The hqi/eo got dff tlko a. rush new bill* being Introduced. The ! Important was by Perry, ot 'Hittj reduce railroad passenger fare -Jo dor. Mr. Golden Is an employe of cents lg the state. Fire nsurance. Tornado Insurance. Insure Your Property With Blitch & Richardon, V you wont the beet insurance in the ties! companies We represent nothing Vattiwbnl Strickland Building, 103 S. Pat torso Stmt, Valdoeta. Ga tho Cltizcns-Southern bank. They left for the north at noon on their wedding tour. Woodmen go to Jacksonville. This morning shortly after flvo o’clock there left for Jacksonville a team of tho Jolllest Woodmen who ever threw their axes over their shoulders and departed for other fields. These were the representa tives of Savannah Camp Woodmen of the World, who are In Jackson ville today attending a parade and who will put on tho team work for the Florida city camp this evening. There are twenty-five members to be Initiated tonight. The team will re turn to Savannah on Thursday night. Troops to go to Chlckamauga. Tho First regiment of Infantry, Georglt 8tate Troops la looking for ward with great interest to the tlnu for their departure for the encamp ment of tho National Guard at Chick- nmauga. They will leave Savannah on tho night of Augusta 3d and will remain In camp until the 12th. The First will have full pay because of the excellent Inspection It stood. If Col. G. A. Gordon does not return from Europe In time to tako the reg iment to camp It will go uuder com mand of Lleut-Col. W. L. Grayson. Another bin appropriates $50,1 to tho Technological school. . resolution by Conner of Bartow, unanimously passed Inviting Wlllll Jennings Bryan to visit Atlanta di lng the state fair. Confusion was caused In the bousl at tho opening through having seal moved from the old order, cauie^ by custodian when the hall was revo- this morn- ilann was turned In from —imbqjr 41. the fire being lo * cated In a three room house on Oak J street, belonging to Mr. T. M. Cook. w | and formerly occupied by negroes. : “. The kitchen and roof of the house [were burned, though the main body of the house was saved by the fire- [men. I The firemen were delayed about ^ three minutes after reaching fire by the fact that some ono had flipped several pebbles Into the noz- sle which they were to # use, thus making the water spray Instead of go In straight streams. The nozzle jhad to be taken off and another used R. Y. LANE, Pkes B F. STRICKLAND. Vice-Phzs. J.T. BLALOCK, Cash. E. P. 8. DENMARK, Oewebal Couitsbl. The Merchants’ Bank of Valdosta, Valdosta, Georgia. Established Over Thirty Years. OLDEST BANK IN THIS SECTION OF GEORGIA. Capital iiii $100,000.00. Surplus and Prof Its 95,000,00. We Pay Four (4) Per Cent. Interest Compounded Quarterly In Our Savings Department. Conservative, safe and courteous methods have marked the con duct of this bauk since its establishment, and will continae as here tofore. We des're the accounts of firms, corporations and individuals, and are prepared to extend every accommodation consistent with safe banking methods. The accounts of ladies and children will re ceive from us careful attention and every courtesy will be shown. | Town & Country Mixed Paint | ♦ The Very Best Made | ♦ Berry Bros.,; Varnishes,‘"Atlantic White + Lead, and igh ir Kellog* Portland s Linseed OH, Atlas Cement, White Rose and Hydrated Lime, Brick, Mantels, Orates, Tiling, Window Qlass and Wall Paper. asoline Engines, Best Made .C. B. PEEPLES, I $ 113 WEST HILL AVE. VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. 4 | Telephone 3G-x f rated. The home was In season |„ | l8 |,i B ce nnd nn Investigation two hours. It meets nt 9 every wra-jiPowed what the trouble was. ng from now on. j I As the house was unoccupied It Is ,J highly probable that the lire was of Following tho Flag. I incendiary origin. When our soldiers went to ttb»| and the Philippines, health wssiha, . “oat important consideration. VtUij The Younger Set Entertained. T. Morgan, retired Commissary Jer- Missel Laura and Anna Ashley on- geant U. 8. A., of Rural Route 1. on- tertalned a number of their friends cord, N. H., »ay«: "I _ w “* ; last evening at a card party In honor p”net Ub tnd n bo‘ng Object to cold] “l!°f their guests. Misses Julia Good- took Dr. King’s New Discovery !for J win, Leila Artope, Leila Rogers and Consumption, which kept me in ter-1 Elizabeth Solomon. Cards were play- feet health. And now, In New ^^ed oa%he spacious veranda of the ■hire, we find It the best medlne [A 8 hi<w home, the prize winners be- chliY e troSblra and C °Jn ‘ung dlielosYSwL-^'Jde Cranford for the girls. Guaranteed at A. E. Dlmmock’i nd|and Mr. Will Ashley for the boys. W. D. Dunaway’f druggist*. Bee.Delightful refreshments were served PHCENIX LODGE NO. 4' l. C. 0. F wta every Kn.l»» **v«otnf al eight o'ch-ct. Aehli-r Hntldlng, oorner *4». and Hill Are. i t)r. Clarence Whittington. OKNTIHT trbre if Strickland Building -ear UantfnBk Hank. Geo. W. KEENE, DENTIST, Adel, - Georgia ALBERT 8IMMONS HANGED. COo and >1.00. Trial bottle Surprise Wedding at Wareebtj Waresboro, Ga., June 2(1—Q ' pleasant surprise was enacted residence of Mrs. Varah Husgln* this afternoon at four o’clock Mr. D. F. McDaniel and Mrs, Huggins wero Joined together^ li holy bonde of matrimony, Tom West, offlclatlng. There and It waa twelve o'clock before the crowd departed for their homes, tho occasion being one of the most de lightful the younger set have had, Mlsa Martha Willis entertained In honor of the Mlues Ashley and their guesta this morning. Had Killed Aunt and Children and Fed Them to Hogs. Arcadia, Fla. June 26—Albert Sim mons, the 19-year-old negro who on,i ar ge crowd of the bride and March IT laat, murdered his aunt nnd f r | c nds present who wished thi her two children, chopping up their ) ong an d happy life, bodies end feeding them to the hogs was legally hanged here today. Just before the execution he called for ham, egg. mid loe cream. 8or* Muscles. Prominent athletes throughout the For Over Fifty Veers. An old and Well Tried RemeH been used for over Sixty years " Entertained Yesterday. !amle and Elizabeth Coffee yesterday afternoon la. Emile Briggs and her Johnson, .Jones .and played, Mlsa Watts be er of the first prize, pair of fine silk hose. were mlUloaa of mother* for their cbU the guests or honor while teething, with perfectJiuo with a pretty ta f the occasion. it Boothes the chlM. gums, allays all pain* Prominent auueies -..-a*- ^ . country find that the best treatment i for wire muscle, after severe exer- J^Hv. drtiSw tn every pni t —■ ■ ' else or hard vork of any kind, la * .® M “ 07 . . , Homes lor Sale.JS^.iM )R SALE—Two nice residence* chamberlain’s Pain Balm vigorously,Soothing Syrup and .— three beautiful residence lota In rubbed Into the thin. Thta A hwJthy m gn U n king In hla i V-edl. Ge-. desirably located. wm ^L^ flvoriW nJbTS™'rifht;Cunh**lthy man la an ur ■ with view of reinvesting. “ d , t h “ ti promp u y end keep. th. py slave. BaT f < y)f.„P ,<> ? a „ n P < | \ W. F. Mathis, “nide. tn exceUent condition. For builds up sound health—keeps Cecil, Ge. mlt by A. B. Dlmmock. Valdoeta, Ga well. aa n Refresh- served and the occasion the most enjoyable of Wilkinson will enter- loon In honor of Ever See a House Fly ? You’ll see millions of ’em soon. Put the Wheeler Screen on for free trial as below, and fool ’em. During the trial watch the Wheeler win its way, up stairs and down, on crooked, straight, swollen and shrunken windows, under the daily duties of washing glass, cleaning sills, shaking out dust, rugs, etc- Ten Days Free Trial. • On any or every window you wish to screen. No matter what you thought to buy; what you thought to pay, first use the Wheeler ten days free, and learn all that a Screen must do to satisfy year after year. Off they come after the trial if they fail in any way . We also have a complete line of Screen Doors, Screen Wire, Hardware, Etc. Boyd=Fry Stove & China Co., Valdosta, Georgia. happen, but 'the families . keep Dr Oil tor each emer- tho pain B =g § PENNYBQYflL PILLS omissions,increase Tig- or and banish "pains of menstruation.- They are U UFE SAVERS” to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women eqnale them. Cannot do harm—life becomes a pleasure. #1.00 PER BOX BY MAIL. Sold by druggists. DU. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. Sold By G. A. Carswell Co-, Valdosta, Ga