The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, July 14, 1906, Image 2

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THE VALDOSTA. TIMES. SATURDAY. JULY 14, 1906. NEW BOOM ARISES CHURCH MEMBERS NO KISSING ON IKE Mr. Jacob S. Collins is Now Be ing Boomed (or Mayor. Friends of F Very Actlvi to Politico- . J. Davsnt are Also —Business Changes Due •Investigation of City Clerk Creamer—Funeral of Mr. R. D. White—Other Matters of Inter est In Savannah. Savannah, July 11—There has aris en in Savannah quite a prominent boom for Mr. Jacob S. Collin* for mayor. Mr. W. L. Grayson, who is Mr. Collins' business partner has been doing his share toward giving putl.c.iy and It begins to look as If thero is a concerted movement to work up public Interest In his favor. Mr. Collins fired the first gun against the present city administration which ended in the anti-administration club winning the /county election. It Is believed ho would accept a nomina tion for mayor. . The friends of Alderman R. J. Da- ▼ant are also very active. Alderman IN COURT, i STREETS. WILSON IN MEAT PACKERIE8. An Oscillatory Couple Were A ed Yesterday Afternoon. Woman Said She 'Vm&Aan 3 and She Would Klee Him Wh- Wife n Shej Cumberland Presbyterians do Not Want to go in The Union. Member, of That Denomination Ap peal to the Law to Reatraln Paator and Offlolal Membera from Merg ing Them Into the Preebyterlan Church—Other Newe from Atlanta. Atlanta, July 11—Asking that the Rev. George H. Mack, pastor of the [First Cumberland Presbyterian church ] and , office business yesterday after- and four elders and trustees, be re-! noon an(1 ] ast n | ght ln the neighbor- strained front carrying out a union of' hood of Kat Row ; - that church and the Presbyterian j Early In the avedinffMp' two of- churcli, members of Dr. Mack's con- fleers saw a negro man and woman gregntlon have filed a petition in the ['“id anting' kisses upon each _ ... , ebon cheek and doing other courts of Fulton county. They that . were calcu i ated t0 ahock that the defendants be restrained C0 |(i an( j apathetic officers. They from Interfering with' the worship jproached the cotiple and told them of “loyal members." The petition that it was agaAist the law contains a number of allegation!, on 00 against the pastor and the elders. Says Uncle 8am f s Seal on Meat will 8tand. tor Its Character. Chicago, July 11—Secretary of Ag riculture Wilson continued his Inves tigation of the union stock yards to day, and made a trip through sever al of the plants before breakfast. “It seems to me," said the secretary, that the packers are working with commendable vigor to make Improve ments and I understand that there will be no let up in the work until they have fixed things as the govern ment wants them.” Tonight Secretary Wilson said ^ .. „ „ , . 0 uJ "When the seal of Uncle Sam Is plac- pieaeed—The Officer.. Said 8h «| ed upon ln9p ected article of meat Would Have to ''8how" tho Record- j f nc ie Sam will stand for Its oharac- er—Several Idler. War. Also Pulled ter. but Uncle Sam will not put that J, | seal on any last year’s birds nest, (From Wednesday's Dally.) [neither upon any old rag found In an alley. "I have met and conferred with, and instructed thirty government in spectors summoned to meet me here, regarding the new inspection law have held my last meeting with the packers and they fully understand the situation. ” Officers Clayton and Dojrllng did a woman ck L rhey aV him He's my h man, “and I’m A temporary restraining order was whenever I please, granted by Judge Roan, In the super-'she meant what she said, the woman * i , . .. . . . ; married here five years ago lor court In the absence of Judge embraced the mt\n and began smack-, u „ A tVnf Bml k | 1Im Pendleton, and copies of the order »"« hlm fr ' 3e »’- Ttle offlcer « P laced ‘ both of the parties under arrest and KILLED MAN TO DEFEND HONOR Rlchford,' Va., July 10—Eva Beard race/, wife of Edward Tracey, of arnham, a village over the Que- boundary line Is In jail at Cowans, e, Quebec, on a charge of ‘murder- ToThow that ,ns Fore8t Howard * The Traceys ‘formerly lived in Rlchford and were Howard was shot and killed at Mrs. Tracey’s home, last Tuesday but the • rt“‘ D iuimi _ ,, . - tT , uuiu ui iuo uaruea uuua Biirm, turn . . , . . „ . ai,_ o,rl Davnnt may run as an Independent ■ w, ' rp ,erved U P°“ Dr ' Mack - L ' H ' charged them with indecent conduct c °™ er8 ** which heard the evl- candidate for mayor building up his Han.brlght and Y. E. Foote, three of on the 8treet- * > .dence in the case returned n verdict own party. He Is probably tho most the defendaats. For several year. The offlcerg were assured: too. that ,hat Mrs - Tracey acted la ce,f de ' Independent member of council. there has been on effort at a union the C0upl8 were not m arrled and this fe “ s ®' Politics and political affairs seem between -the Presbyterian church of wag the reason they were arrested. I A Big Haul of Idlert, for the arrest of Mrs. Tracey charge ot killing his brother. Mrs. Tracey is 26 years of age. She admits After considering the case for sev- to be Interfering with Mayor Myers the United States known as "Old I A Big Haul of Idlers. eral days % ne6 r* Joward ' brother °* keeping boards of directors of con- School Presbyterians’*..and the Cum- offlcerg cl „yton and Dowling made the vlctlm ,1>ad * warrant swora cerns with which he Is associated In berlnnd Presbyterian^ttiijrtb, which < ft blg haul of Idl9rg „„ g* How last ,nr ,he ot Mrs ' Tracey * tact. Mr. Collins left the board of separated from the.tfi^der body .n night. There haa been a good deal the National Bank of Savannah be- 1810. This union ap* bitterly op- complaint by people living ln that aiiso of differences with him over hosed by many member* of the Cum-i gecUon , n regard , 0 tbe no i ge that politfos and Aldermib Dixon! has re- herland Presbyteflan.,church, but was , g made thare eTery nIg i,t mill near- atgned from the board of the Ogle- Anally decided upon by a ’majority | . 7 thorp Saving* and .Treat Company of the member*. „ .A - , . , C-The vfitt»Bt hf-r Htli r T- 1 -* and the National Building Company’ Of. Ray Goes ^•Toronto. , Uj, )ngg w i(j, out having to make, ar- hecauae of difference* ln Connection Dr. Dunbar Roy. ot Atlanta^, butthelr efforts have (been In with the shortage of J.. Robert been invited to attend.the session of*^ #ln xJwtTnlght thd” Creamer, clerk of council. the'Brltlsh Medlyal AssoclaUon^ln 1 ^ of Alsterous? t To Investigate Mr. Creamer. |Toronto, Canada^ on August 20 to 25 ghoutlng ^L cg and The entire city Is <m the 4 U | vivo.and tq read a paper on tho diseases them ' D nel^Kwogei f.beostiSe oi the approaching -Invostlga. of ih.tfeye, In which branch of ,t^ Those were —f, , 1 1 •for bciaf shorAn his me«Js ’ In Npr-h Ainerli city and for not every ten yew police court pollep- 1 from England ’rotod. A ^od Man , .Jffhlnd by ordinance*. 'walee, Australia, Ca B »^, ; W^OtJ»*r^ Ho|J Smith, Sr.i jdted at There'll much speculation a* to the British possessions, embraclhff lllg home, two dnd a half miles north- emteome of the case. It Is believed by!of the most Inlluentlal bodies ot pro- HM from Jas ^ el ., i as t Frldaly after- many that Mr. Creamer wlll^reslgn fesiloual men In the world. •• [ n00n at two oc'to.x. He wa« In the .and nnothi e' killing Forest Howard, but maintains that she was criminally assaulted in the absence of her husband and was obliged to shoot 'her assailant. Handsome New BtruetOres. understood that the Kirk McLendon ji d° ,n * to be tflAb down, Old stad» adjoining J. T HOLLEMAN. U AMD TnZAB. LOANS OF $1,000 TO $2o,ooo PLACED AT LOW RATES ON IMPROVED FARMS IN THIS COUNTY. If you desire such a Loan, write us fully. ATLANTA, UA «r A 98.0D* LIMITBB MEANS ON IDUCATION NO HINORANOB. ALL OUR *,000 ORAOUATCS AT WORK. «.*.»*»■ »A IB. " run TODAY TO OA.-ALA. BUS. COLLEOB, Macon O# Thar* is no opium or other harmful sub stance in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It may be given to a baby as confidently at to an adult. It is pleasant to take, too, and always cures, and cures quickly. It it a favorite n with mothers of small children for colds and croup. MOTT'S They overcome Weak* ness, irregularity and omissions, increase vig- and banish “ pains PENNYROYAL PILLS pf menstruation.” They are “LIFE SAVERS” to girls’at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm-life becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PER BOX BY MAIL. Sold by druggists. DR. MOTT’S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. Sold By G. A. Carswell Co-, Valdosta, Ga ATLANTA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. Box 2S7, Atlanta, Georgia. * . ,, Lawnt medical college in this section of the South. Dignified institution of high grade Clinical Advantages most excellent. Unusual facilities for practical laboratt ry work in pathology, bacteriology and dissecting. Equipment new and complete. Facnlty of 35 edneated physicians experienced in profession- al teaching Four courses required for graduation. Largest medical college building between Baltimore and New Orleans will he finished by September 16tb. Write for catalogue M. PBIBIIIS INVESTMENT, DEPOSIT 1000 SURPLUS With Us and Get Six Per Cent Interest AS MANY OTHERS ARE WISELY DOING. "SAVING ^ONEY BY MAIL” ON .REQUEST. Equitable Banking & Loan Co. of the leading secret’ orders Jodge Loom. The lot belongs to the Convert i-state and it Is understood that new building will he erect ed for the estate. McKinley-Heldt* Marriage. 78th year of his age and dating his before tho Investigation is held. Ho - „ , - would probnbly be allowed to do this. Cnpt. Grayson V. Heldt, of tho rn- , ong 1|fo n0 one hag ever accused him Dp to noon today he hnd not resigned, teenth cavalry, son ot Dr. John W . - f fnuU or wrong. City Attorney Gnrrnnd spent tho Heldt. one of the leading Methodist ([(i w>(1 a good man ln all )he re la-' morning In preparing the charges ns Ministers of Atlauta^^^^. marr e ^j ong 0 [ jj^ e n8 citizen, neighbor, pul^ directed by conncll nnd will have on July 18 to Miss Howe - Ic *; j lc official, husband, parent and church thorn ready for tho henring this after- Klnley, n niece *nt} 0 member. B<K>n which Is to tic public. President William MBKlnley. inO| Hg hgd 3ervt>d hlg cou nty accepta- Alrondy there has been some gos- marriage will take place at Fort Des,^ as county commissioner and State ■Ip ns to Mr. Creamer's successor Moines. Iowa, where the bride-elect g engtor He wns a consistent member provided he resigus or If ho is dls- lives with her brother. Cnpt. Jnme* JIarg Hm primitive Baptist church McKinley, of the Eleventh cavalry, - -■ nnd by his wise counsel andisubitam- tlal support wns an important fac tor ln the prosperity >of that church! Ho leaves five children, all grown nnd married on aged wife, nnd many friend* to mourn his death. “ He wa* hurled Saturday in Hebron churchyard.—Jasper New*. Autrey Mad* Big Krcli»s)(S Mr. D. A. Autrey ha* elo«ed a trade for one half Interest in n big turpentine and mill property In De catur county that wns bought some time ago by the Carlton Company of this city. The price paid lor the place originally was one hundred thousand dollars and while the fig ures were not given the ‘public It is understood that Mr. Autrey paid something above fifty thouand for the halt Interest. Mr. Autrey will have the manage ment of the business, but will contin ue to reside in Moultrie. His son, Mr. Reaves Autrey who has b^Sn manag er of the ice factory will assist ln the ....... management and he will make his ... department of the waterworks office,' honJe |n Dacatur tor th* present. He Charles Shea a pntrolman. Is under j th8re has been a shake-up la that , g a j ready on the ground looking nf- charged from office. This has not tnk . eu any'permanent shape however. Tho ceremony will be performe y Broderick Plead Guilty. the bridegrooms father. Miss McKin- itr. .loa. Broderick, whose troubles ley was a guest at the white house with Mr.' Frank Dodd, of the Dodd up to the tlmo Mr. McKinley was as- Plumbing Co., and whose Indictment 1 sasslnated. for carrying concealed weapons was Col. Harris Succeeds Col. Huguenln. told of In theee dispatches yesterday! A commission has been Issued plead guilty today and wns fined $25'to Wnltor A. Harris, who was elect- Md costs. led on July « as colonel of the Second Funeral of R. D. White. Georgia regiment to succeed Colonel At cloven o'clock this morning the Hugenln, retired. He enlisted ln 1898 funeral of the late Raymond D. White V Company B, Mngon Volunteers, took place from St. John's church.'and when the Spanlsh-Amcrtcan war It was largely attended by the friends'began enlisted ns a private In Com- of the young man. Mr. White was p any F, First Georgia regiment. He drowned at Houston, Texas, on Sun- was appointed lieutenant and trans- day while with a pleasure party, ferred to Company K. Third Georgia The launch In which they were riding February, 1899. When he was mus- caught fire and wns about to ilnk. 'tered out ot service In the regular Ifr. White succeded In rescuing tho; ar my, he re-enllsted In Company , other* and after all danger seemed ! gPCO nd Georgia regiment. In Febru- over he was attacked with cramps ar y, 1903, he was elected a major and and died In the water. His body l no w becomes the commanding officer, was Immediately started to 8avannah| Shaksup In W«terwork«. and reaohed here today. He belong-! Because of friction nnd n growing ed to a family that woa once very m j ee llng among certain of the city prominent In Savannah. |offlclalt connected with the c,e ” cal Policeman 8he* In Trouble. charge* to be tried by the mayor. It 1* alleged that he alept on h!» post Th* report 1* that he wae found so round asleep that the superintendent of police went to him and divested him of hla belt and pistol without dis torting his slumbers. SHERIFF KILLED BY PRI80NER. Then a Deputy Shot end Killed the Stsysr 0* the Sheriff. Jacksonville, Fla., July 11—Sheriff Ctarlee Wilson of Clay county, was atet and Instantly lulled on a train near Green Cove Springs late this afternoon by a negro prisoner In his e 11 tody. Sheriff Wilson's deputy immediate ly Amt and killed the negro. vrtlaon was very popular. He was recently married. HI* young wife is frustrated with grief. BtHyNioe office. J. L. Hod son Is now chief ter th e business.—Moultrie Observer: clerk, succeeding Matt Torbett, haa held that position for some years Mr. Torbett is an expert accountant. His books were declared to he ln pep. feet shape, but. said Secretary of the Board Dlmmock, It was ImpoAlble for the office to be run as It should be when friction, bordering on Insubordi nation, existed. Brought us a Watermelon, Mr. T. E. Ryan came to the city this morning and brought a fine w* termelon to The Time* office—not for the office force to look at and see fine onee he Is raising—but for the boys to sample. We do not care very much about cotton blooms and freaks that'cannot b* eaten, hut the whole force always appreciates a big fine watermelon, a pack ®l peachea or anything else ln that list. HE* A Happy Home To have a happy home you should have children.] They are great happy-home 1 makers. If a weak woman, you can be made strong enough to bear healthy chil- j dren, with little pain or dis- 1 comfort to yourself,by taking J WINE OF A Tonic for Women It will use all your pain, reduce lafluuutlon, cur* leucorrhaa, (whites), falling womb, ovarian troubla, disordered menses, back- 1 ache,' headache, ate., and maka 1 childbirth attural and easy. Try It. At all dealers In medicines. In 11.00 bottles. < “DUX TO CARDUI I Is my baby girl, now two weeks I old,-' writes Mrs. J. Priest, Of Web- f ster City. Iowa. “She Is a fine I ' healthy baba and w, are both doing nicely. I-am still taking Cardul, I and would not be w*thout it In | the house.’* Every mother feela a great dread of the pain and danger attendant upon the most critical period j !( ! | j • ^ f i -~j k* r life. Becoming a mother ahould bo a source of joy to all, but the suffering and danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery. Mother's Friend it the only remedy which relieves women of the great pain and danpar of maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman’s severest trial is not only made painless, but ell the danger it avoided by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are overcome, the system ie made reedy (ot the coming event, and that serious accidents to common to the critical hoar are obviated by the use of Mother’s Friend. “It la worth it* weight in gold," says many who have used it. I1.00 per bottle at drag stores. Book containing valuable information of interest to all women, will be rent to any address .free upon application to SRADFICW REGULATOR 00., Atlanta. Qa. u jireo upon iron 00.. Mother’s Friend Will bring yon a very handsomel. of the most rapidly developing (. Young’s Female College, Thosusville, Georgia. Hi ? l Fifteen Specialists in Facnlty. Broad Degree and Certificate Courses Music and Expression. New Buildings, Newly Furnished. Gymnasium, Swimming Pool Bowling Alley. Trained Nnrse, and Physical Cnltnre Director in House. BEST CHRISTIAN HOME INFLUENCES. Address: /. COCHRANE HUNT, President* CO TO....... DR. L. C. HOLTZENDORFF, DENTAL SURGLON, ’•m y y///.■■: 14 CR3 wn t AND a - Georgia. Where you can get everything late and new In Dentistry. The best modern elec tric equipped dental of fice ln the South: Moderate prices for all operations. Over C. S. Bandnrant'a Drag Store—Converse Building, Come around and See the very Best stationery On the market. None better than Kora Linen; Dont forget the name. U can get it for a very Reasonable price And we can safely say Nothing would suit you better Than Kora Linen