The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, July 28, 1906, Image 1

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TWICSA-WEEK. VALDOSTA, GA., SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1006. “GET 'EM DEAD OR ALIVE." I COME NEXT; Hie Association May Work op Determined Effort to be Made to Get Kentucky Outlaw,. Brinkley, Ky., July 26—Much ex citement prevails here as the result ot an Order by Judge Gardner o( the county Court summoning a posse of 300 men to bring In a party of feud ists, dead or alive, from Beaver Creek. As a final warnlrg to the mountain eers, Sheriff Hr. ye left Hlnc'iman to- Charses Upon the Floor of the House t6r Beaver r ' eel whel ° ce . rtal “ I members of the Hall end Mai tin' fam- May Cause an Investigation to be^ |ii GSi nude,, indictment on the charge Held—Intimated that Officers are of murder hav i been defying the au- . thorltles for some time. Interested in Bucket 8hops that are , The Halls are at the homo of Dick Operated In Atlanta. Hall^ the wounded leader of tholr .... „ . , faction. Wyatt Martin Is hiding In Atlanta, July 26—If present Indlca- , . ... .. . the mountains with 50 well armed tlons count for anything .it Is likely' Both , ea(Iers are 9ulroun ded’by that the Southern Cotton Association armed mountaineers, and If the Sher is to be thoroughly Investigated to Iff attempts to make ally arrests, a prove or disprove the serious charge ®6bt Is expected which was made several days ago f .upon the floor of the legislature that P“bUc, for this would enable them to some high offleer of the association “ Ter tracks, but If Invaattga- ting committee Is appointed I will give was a part owner , of a bucket shop In the city of Atlanta. Secretary Richard Cheatham, of the association, while denying that he has been Interested In “future” deal ings, asserts that he would welcome a probing Just to show the public that the charge Is unfounded. He says be Is of the opinion that Hon. Harvle Jordan, president ot the association Is with him as regards an inquiry. In the house yesterday Mr. McMul len, of kart, called upon Mr. Ander son, of Chatham, who made the charge nst the cotton association ofllcer show his hand, or else shut up.” Anderson was not in the hall ^ho time Mr. McMullen called him came la reply. It was shortly! folock yesterday afternoon when sgan speak|ng. He said his re marks ot Tuesday had no reference to Hon. Harvle Jordan and that he had never In his life, wilfully wronged anyone by word or deed, but he did say that the directors ot the cotton association should hold an investi gation to flrd out who It Is In their to It all I have and will do everything In my power to help the committee get at the botton of the matter." While Mr. Anderson was speaking, Hon. Joe H1U Hall, of Bibb, came along, and, grasping the hand of the gentleman from Chatham asked: "Have. yon got the papers to show them up?” ”1 have the proof all right.” replied Mr. Anderson. It was understood that B. C. Coth ran, manager for Ware A Leland, held a portion of the Information on which Mr. Anderson based his sensa tional statement. Mr. Cothran says that when the piedmont Brokerage company was being organised he was asked to take some of the stock. He declined, saying he could not'afford cppnected with such a concern. Senate Does Not the House to KILLED AT HIS 8AW MILL. Atlanta, July 26—Unless the house Ing real gets busy soon and tackles some of bl11 * wh,c eratlon the senate bills which have been sent over for consideration and paesage It is altogether possible that the upper house will shut down on the bills, which, from time to tints, fl id their way to the »<nate. The temper of the senate waa clearly defined tome time ago when a resolution v.n offer ed asking that the house eet aside one day a week for. the consideration of senate measures. At that time It was learned that a rule embodying that sentiment was in effect but that no attention was being paid to it. That ruffled the senators to. such purpose that It Is hinted that some of tha moat cherish ed bouts bills are likely to strike a good big snag when they reach the •enate unless there Is something iji for i — , Piece of Timber Caused the Death ’#* Tfre Rlllc ! ° f J " C ' Buch,r ** Manor ^ Uliloe j c. Bucher, whose home Is at on many of tha senate Decatur, Ga.. but who has bcea oper- ly require a liltlo conoid- atlng a saw mill near Manor, 15 miles W h * P,rt , I 0 '‘ h3 mambir * this side of Waycross, for some time, " h ° U,e C ' •"was hit by a flying piece of tlmb£ e are Of *h. .h.f U,e 5*"’ ; "•‘‘i' evening at hla mill’ * a< * * h *. #pll " ,#B ‘ hl •* and Instantly killed. Just how the ak. the houte eanaelou. accldent M0mrea cannot ^ , earn H but « »* e ” a tha t Mr - Bucher was on •onubody’s pet toee „„„„ ... . somebody s pet toee near the aaw m m aden a p | e , e of ■ ^ km i* Ht him In the sto'na’h. *. . 3 . " I The body was sent to Decrtur to- wraooed Tha- the een inlg:ht f0r hurlaL Tho 'l^asod on- at. I. very sn^ Te .DMr.'nL anS U ,y ,rCea,ly » ald 8 •• bla won-, 1e a great deal of dilly-dally- ^ tbo “ r k ,t for 'I'M'* ‘ b ‘ Houae to cues ^1, 5XZ.T ^ ‘" , Thp»n,:. U «hlnk. It. bill. ar. of Mr ‘ Bucher U ,urvlved by 8 w,fe just as much Importance as those originating in tha house, and w'll In- TOM WATSON IS TO For the elat that they be given the same cour teous treatment se are accorded house bi'js Ir the senate, Atlanta Packers Under a Vei re Now Heavy Fire. Atlanta, July 26—Tha looal packers tion. I found one slaughter pen where are now under fire, and a,council onl^ fllthy sewer water from a eewer committee haa ordered an Investiga- branch wis used to wash the meat tlon made of the slaughter pens In There jar* elsughler pens around At- and around the elty. It Is, therefore, Isnta wh:i likely that something will come of the efforts of the elty authorities to call a halt on condition* which all say should not exist, and are a seri ous menace to life, end health of the dtlxene of Atlanta. Speaking of these conditions, In spector Waster, of the city sanitary re the water conus from shallow wells Into which runt the dirty fweier that hat already been ueed. Peoplj kill calves too young to rketed and bring the meat Into y at night .In bundles and tell It'to!-restaurants. I have found as - much jae e ca;loaf’'of meat that had beengklllcd only thirty hours, and be n ,thi department tayt: "Out of fiurtaen which bore tho government stamp, slaughter pen In and around Atlanta, only three are In good sanitary condl which I had to eondemn and have rpwn away.” soclatlon, was a Cheatham could be there was no reason why ran, should not be. Dr. J. M. Crawford, one of the eight original stockholders of the Piedmont Brokerage company,- says that while' the alack was Issued In and grown daughter, but was away from home a great deal of the time, attending to his lumber interests In the southern part of the state. Hie wife and daughter are prostrated by the sudden accident. RAILWAY TANK GAVE WAY And 8pllltd Twenty Thousand Gal lons of Water at Balnurldge. . Balnbrldge, Ga., July 25—The In habitants of West Balnbrldge thought they were In the way of a cyolone or earthquake at 3:30 yesterday after noon. The belief waa cauaed by the giving way of the thirty-foot tres tle supporting the 25,000 gallon reter- voir of the Georgia, Florida and At lantic Railway, Twenty thousand gal lons ot water Inundated the trabk, splashing locomotives, coaches and washing out part of the road bed. “Gethtamana and Calvary." The revival services at the Church of Christ continue with greatly In creasing interest. A large audlenoe was out to hear Mr. Harding last night, and a good Bermon was preach- j [The eubject headquarters had been speculating'blank, no names appearing on the in cotton In the name ot P. A. Lee’shares, he generally undei;tocd that and Mike O’Ctfady; who It was that Cheatham wee one cf tha stackhold- aided In forming the Piedmont Brok- era. He said he and Cheatham fre- erage company and what person orjquently dined together at the Pled- persons In their headquarters had moat hotel and that Cheatham gave had stock la that bucket shop, stand him tips on the cotton sHuat on which lng In their names or where directly or Indirectly Interested In the con cern. To a reporter Mr. Anderson said: he, Crawford, used to advantage. In view ot all this, It Is highly probable that some warm times are ahead. The bucket-shop bill has “I will not give out any of the proof yet to be acted upon by the senate. I have against certain officers of the! Southern Cotton association to the! C. B. Peoples sells wall naner tublln, Ga., July 26—A id this city of the suicide Thomas J. Walker, a young white boy agt 13 years, tha so a of Thomas J. Walker, a well,known former, who live* In Laurene county, near Laurent Hill. N Young Walker, It la reported, aeked hie father If he might go hunting. Upon being refueed, he became very suicide. Iked baek to hi! eh]5rt while afterwards, the report of ihot wa* heard, emanating from tha Yi room. Tha members of the family rushed to the room and found the boy lying dead on tha'floor, a shot gun by hla aide. Hla brains had been blown out ft la euppoeed that he committed Troops go to Mexican Border. Fort Worth, Texas, July 26.—Twenty-one cars loaded with Federal troops have passed through here enroute to Mexican border posts. It is believed the government is strengthening 1 the posts ^/anticipation of the threatened uprising in her sister republic. ■iWjmn for to- .ami Ce Airnra-CQme'ouT mil i g „. f v 32? to hear a profitable as well naiT Interesting sermon on this touching subject. Tomorrow night, tht*. ques tion will be discussed, "It a man were to do the best ho knows, would he not be saved? Would that not be salvation by works?” Come out and, hear this question truthfully answer- Reported That Watson Is to lyiake a Speech at Thomson on Friday, An nouncing Hla Return to the Demo cratic Party—Development! ar* Eagerly. Awaited. Dublin, Ga., July 26—It Is reported here on the authority, It Is said, of Hon. Thomas Hardwick, congress man from the Tenth district, that Thomas E. Watson will on Friday next make a speech at Thomson at which time he will declare his return to the democratic party and hie pur pose to take part In the present cam paign In the Interest ot Hoke Smith candidate for governor. The statement has created a great deal of Interest here, .and there- Is much speculation In regard to it. It is believed because It la known that Congressman Hardwick and Mr. Wat son are very close together.. Mr. Merdwlok was In the city, on Mopday and the statement Is said to have been made at that time. It is of course well ‘known that Mr. Watson Is a supporter of Mr. Smith and It haa been assumed that he would offer to vote In the eomlng primary. -It has not 'been known that he would deelare himself a dem ocrat, however. As to the Effect. A. prominent democrat of this city gives It ns his opinion that If Mr. V'ntnou declnrcB himself a democrat fulloweiH of Mr. Smith are ajorjtv when Hie elate con ed. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election as a member of the board o^ county commissioners ot Echols county subject to the dem ocratic primary and will appreciate the support of the people, till aug 23. 05 J. W. Sowell. Watson will be made tho chairman of tho convention and there- < fore be chairman of the state dem ocratic executive committee for the next two years. This Is pur* spec ulation, however, and there may hr nothing in It. Mr, Watson may coa tent himself with the naming of the chairman.’ It may be that he will- consider It glory enough to be an humble supporter of Mr. Smn^. The developments during the next few days wUl be watched with . In terest.. a H Peeples sens Alabastlne the best wall coating known to science. Base B; all Goods. SPALDING BASE BALL LINE. j T League Ba(v Masks, Mits, Ba a Guide Books, Etc., Etc. ts, HAMMOCKS J AND CROQUET SE TS. j; HEADQUARTERS, HAR DWARE GO., ■■ S< ■■ mm laa VALDOSTA, GA. ■■■! WHITE PINE SASH, DOORS, PAINTS, LIME, BRICK AND CEMENT. “LIGHTNING' SERVICE’’~WE PAY FOR PHON MESSAGES THAT ARE ORDERS FOR GOODS. iiiiiijii