The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, August 04, 1906, Image 2

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TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1906. G Our Big Annual Cut-Price Sale, Will Commence on Monday, August 6,190b. We have decided to give our customers a Cut-Price Sale for 15 days, commencing Aug. 6th, and closing Aug. 21st. Everythin* marked down at and below cost, for cash. We have either got to build our store larger or sell off some of our stock at a sacrifice, in order to m$ke room for our Fall Stock, which will commence to arrive about August 15th. All of our stock will be marked down in large, plain figures, so that the smallest child can buy at the prices marked. Remember, our big sale will commence August Cth, and only last 15 days We can fit you up with any kind of merchandise that you may need as we carry a $20,000.00 stock of the following: Dry-Goods, Shoes, Hats and Groceries, Hardware of all kinds, Crockery, Glassware, Sewing Machines, Coffins, Furniture of all kinds from the cheapest to the best, also a large line of Stoves. Btlow we make men tion of a few articles we cary in stock at the following prices : Our Shoe Department. In Ladies', Men and Children's Low Quarter Shoes Shoes worth $1.00 and $1.25 go at $ .65 1.25 go at 1.50 go at 2.00 go at 2.50 go at 3.50 go at Our Straw and Felt Hats. Large line of Men and Boys Straw and Felt Hats, as follows: $ .25 to go at $ .20 .35 to go at .23 50 to go at .35 , .75 to go at .50 1.25 to go at .85 2.00 to go at 1 55 2.50 to go at 1.75 3.00 to go at 2.00 Men’s Dress Shirts. Men's Dress Shirts, worth $ 50 to go at .65 to go at .85 to go at 1.00 to go at 1.25 to go at .50 to go at .35 to go at 25 to go at Ladies Undervests at 5, cents each. 10 and 15 Towels worth 10 cents, will go at 5 cents 15 cents, will go at 9 cents “ “ 20 cents, will go at 15 cents “ ‘ 25 cents, will go at 19 cents Large lot Palm Leaf Fans, 6 for 5 cents Sewing Needles, 2 papers for 5 cents All our Flowered Lawns worth 10 and 15 cents, to go at 6, 7, and 8 cents per yard. All of our light shaded Woolen Goods to go at 66?-, cents on the dollar. All our White India Linen, best quality, to go at 6, 8, 10, 15 and 18 cents per yard. 1000 yards best Kirkw'ood Zephyr Seersucker, these goods sell for 10 cents everywhere, our price, while they last, 5 cents per yard. 2000 yds. best white Homespun to go at 6 & 7c. yard. 1000 yds. best check Homespun to go at 6cts yard. 1000 yds. Woodvale Plaids to go at 5cts. These plaids would be cheap if they were sold for 7cts. pr. yard. Four Specials in Sewing Machines. New Royal worth $60.00 to go at $30.00 Carters r King Patent Head*Lift. Drop head go at 18.00 King Drop head to go at Box Top to go at This Box Top Sewing Machine has 7 drawers, will give ten year guarantee with each machine. The reg ular price of'these four machines is $35.00, $50.00 and Now is the time to get one at a bargain. To our customers who buv from our other lines- $1.00, also 20 balls best Sterling Potash for $1.06. Not more than one dollars' worth each to any one custo mer. To secure these two special values, each cus tomer must trade, not less than^ $3.00 in our other; lines or he will not be entitled to the two special val ues in Sugar and Potash. Best sack Flour, 24 lbs. for 60 and 65 cents per sack. Baily Bros., well known Hops Tobacco, 30 cts. pr. lb. or $2.95 for a 10 pound caddy. The F. R. Pen’s R. J. Tobacco, 30 cents per pound or $2.85 for a 10 pound caddy. Our Furniture Department. Bed Steads from Dressers from Big line of Chairs, from Big line of Kitchen Safes. Safe worth $ 2.00 to $10.00 each 4.75 to 15.00 each .50 to 3.00 each $ 4.50 to go at $3.59- " •■.... 6.50 to go at 5.00 “ '• - ... 7.50 to go fe- 6.00 ' Nice line of Side Boards at reduced prices. ’' Stoves from - $2.75 up. UMBRELLAS, UMBRELLAS. UMBRELLAS!! Well known line of Umbrellas made by Hasle Bros., & Donnell Co.,|of|New York, as follows : Umbrellas worth 65 cents, to go at 50 cents. / Umbrellas worthi$1.00 to go at 75 cents. “ "$1.25 to go at $1.00 “ SJu" 1,50 to go at *1.20 •• 1.75 to eo at 1.25. The above goods are made out of the very best materia amount of fines to date.. '. fTlfH2.A3.9s Respectfully submitted. C. DA5IPIER. Chief ^Police The Mortuary Report Report of secretary of board Many New Qiorgla Banks. .. Captain R. E. Park, state treasurer! . , -Tuff etate bank examiner, In a letter ' annah °! a I e “® oted * th *| to William B. Rldgley, comptroller ol p ' ,ssn f] of the Child Labor Law. Bn- currency at Washington, call, that of- ” nnah 9 Interests for heal h from certificate, d office attention to the many „cwl , K h '' ,,art only adu,t ‘V * V du y * 1!l * bor. There may be a few children! Deaths— In the cotton mill and perhaps a few, White, male In others manufacturing enterprises' Causes who will have to stop work when the Malaria fever, one. new law goes into effect, but thert Morphine poisoning, one. .will be very few of them. The cot-! Colored, male ton mill men who are here say that Colored, female they do not anticipate that It will of-1 Causes— |feet a single oue of their .employes. Typhoid fever, one. Llppman Block Not 8old. [cholera infantum, one. When an effort was made to «ell Unknown two. the Llppman Blook on the oorner | Puerperal fever, one J. P. CARTER, Naylor, Ga. ninny new t-’nks organised In the state of Geor- si-. Tho letter was written at the Hottest of Mr. Rldgely, who a<ked Pit Information. Ninety stntc bni.ks tave been chartered within th“ last ’year, and not a failure has been re- uwled Sixty-seven banks of 140b *00 atao got charters. The total | rnifMiit of capitalization of the 90 j banks la. $2,395,000. toldlar Suddenly Insane. After having become suddenly de- . _ . . _ - . . . t „„„ - - - ... ,, . . :of Barnard and Congroaa atraeta by Heart trouble, one. wWTa with hla regiment on' klJ . . v v . k _ I to Chlckamauga, Private r |private bids through the bankruptcy Dropsy, two. „ , .. , . . jeourt only ono bid was received. Births— riadw'hls oscane "yesterday from" ha ’ rhl * wna for not U mnch M the at- j 'White, male 0 torneya thought It ought to bring White, female B and It haa been decided to put the Colored, female 1 block up at auction on Tuesday of 1 Marriages— next week. The property Is worth)White .. 1 about ISO,000'. I Colored .. .. Qreen-Qaynsr’a Big Records. 1 The transcript of tho record In Women Who Wear W6IL the Qreen-Gaynor case, which as an- 1 , N I* aatonlshlng how graat a change a hospital at Port McPherson and la mill at large, although county officials aad the city authorities are looking •or him. Ho bolted from the hos pital tho moment he got from under thw watchful gaxe of the nurse. When flto "hike- for tho encampment at Chlckamauga was begun, Brady ap peared to bo In good health and men tally sound. At Kcnesaw, however, Ms reason deserted him, and he was AMERICAN QUEEN BEER nonnoed In theee dispatches several 1 °* married- life often make In ! «*• app#*ranc« and disposition of many - " b ° ut readjr 10 ““ a . women. The freshness, the chirm, the to NeW Orleans hare gone. The brilliance vanish Ilka the bloom from a h.ek in ,K„ grounds for a new trial have also 1 P*»ch which Is rudely handled. The orveral miles south of Attain Vbeen prepared and lent to the Circuit “‘ | r o, > •* only a dim shadow, a faint echo New I, u 1 Court of appeal.. The main ground “ ald “- “‘rearatwo New Appointments Made. I ,. . . . , . , rt**ona for this change. Ignorance and Atlanta. Ga., July 31.—The follow- upon Ch a n ®7 ^ V WR ? a * ked , “J* 1 '? 1 ’ Few young women appreciate 'was tho manner in which the Jury the shock to the system through the fas appointment, hare been sent to'™ 8 u 'T r m wn,ca l “\; ury the mnifd* hw ti, n mynrnnr „„„ |**• drawn. There wa« no Chatham. e*>»nge which comes with marriage and senate oy tno governor for con* I . .. . • motherhood Min* m»iyiih<«t tn w uk Ann,lion: “ U ■» **".0* ^ J. M. Bellah to bo Judge of the'* ord * “ ,be record ' 11 lho nssses which too often come with mar- years city court or Chattooga for Iran March 19, 1906. Charles W. Grinin to bo judge of **e city court of Eastman for 4 years *ront June 1. 1907. largest single case ever from this court. appealed rlage and motherhood, not understanding | that this secret drain Is robbing the cheek of Its freshness and the form of Its I fairness. As surtly as the general health suffers Given up to Ole. B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia St., I when there Is derangement of tho health Evansville, Ind., writes; Pnr tw»»r nf«k*^oii«a«. .._..i W. M. Morrison to be sollcl'ot of fire years'I was troubled with 'kit- when*th^orltant“i^^SblWtSTto tho city court of Eastman for 4 years ney and bladder affections which health the face iud form sToncs witness Jirac t. 1907. if a “*t! 1 ..? e . _“ d . worT3r -. ? to the fact In renewed comeliness. Nearly William A. Wooten to be aotlcl'.or > M * »»• ■ d '™» d ®» , J. a million women hare found health and — . i* y^ar ago find to nb&ndon work cn happiness In the dm nt nr pior,.o*a v* Wff.thn city court of McRae for 2 year, tiroly. I had three of the best physt- rorlt. Pracriptlo^Itmake.w«i 1™. tram Nos ember 1, 1908. J clans who did me no good and I wee en strong and sick women well Ingredl- J. S. Davie to bo solicitor of the pr * c,lCTU i y klvon “P '» <*'«• Foley's ents on lebel-oonuins no alcoholor —tl court of Wilkinson county fo. *“ k«blvfor».n, drnn. mad. two yuar. from July 1,06. p "ft ,waa enUrely cured.'' A. E. Dtmmock. leading medical authoritinTan thfUr^ Another Good Man Gone Wrong. I ' Sf* 1 schoola of practice for the core of Mo ncdcctcd to take Foley's Kid-. Unnecessary Expense. 1 Fornur5h!i?moihil?Sf*'.a Care at the first signs of kidney Acute attacks of colic, diarrhoea down "n h!sfi“by^^ ^n^^L'?; inur immi. rhllHrnn sIca ik. .... 1 -ible hoping it wouM w»‘ar away, and dysentery come on without warn* children, also for the expectant mothers.' aooo he wa. a victim of Bright’s Ing and prompt relief must be obtain* Jo prepsre the system for the coming of irkn» I. A |_ ... m L a_ -A . bih* ami mtblno <*• There la danger In delay, od. There is no necessity of Incur- lu , easy and int IT Foley's Kidney Cure Is taken ring the expense of a phyaio'an’a see Jo moif m «t amen the symptoms Will disappear, vice In such cases If Chamberlain’s can do no harm Inanrcordit?iW?Tf .'.'so kidneys are strengthened and Colic, Cholera and Dlarrho u R..medy system. It It a most potent iirricomtlng ywu are aoon sound and well. A. R. Is at hand. A dose of till, remedy * n< * *v«ngthenmg narvtnai nicely IBM, at Morgantown, Ind., had to will relievo ihe patient before a doc- 10 woman’s delicate system bya —: up tou or twelve Umea »r ms. had to will relievo ihe patient before a doc- Skl?fSfii 0 *r? m * n,,d ' r. , _ In the tor could arrive. It has never been sy be consulted b]f letter Address Or. R. V. pierce, Utnta, Is made veiy much as you make tea: two. of the most healthful vege- tables’known to medical science (Malt and Hops) are boiled and the essence made into American Queen. That is all there is to it. The small percentage of alcohol, less than 31-2 per Cent., has been declared by physicians to be an aid to digestion. (Some patent medicines contain over 40 per cent, of alcohol.) * Hops are an unequalled food for weak, starved, shattered, irritable nerves. Your doctor will tell you so, and Malt conveys even more nutriment than bread, the “Staff of Life.” Furthermore, you get the two as a liquid, a form in which the most delicate stomach can digest and assimilate their beneficial properties. It is something absolutely needed by every woman, child, invalid, convales cent—and in fact by every person weak from any cause. You never hear of a pale, peevish, dyspeptic drinker of beer. They are healthy people. We invite the most critical inspection of our brewery for cleanliness and parity, and for high quality of ingredients used. We do not fear comparison. Acme Brewing Co., Macon, Ga. W*tcb foe nu text ad oa “Testing American Queen." SAP PINE TIES 6x8x8 Daring the next thirty days we will place orders for limited quantity of 6x8x8 sap ties. Will not take any other size but 6x8x8, and will only take them from parties to whom we ive written orders. If yon wish to , writ! urnish any sap ties, write as. * ™ iweiTe uiin-n lu uie «jr couia arrive, a nil never ueen mimt nf •ad hod a severe bnektehe end known to tail, even In the moat so- Iff i fa the kidneys, and was cured v*>r« and dangerous cases and no fam- l*y Holey** Kidney Care. A. E. ily should he without it. For sale • A. E. Dtmmock, Valdosta. (*»ofcha«e. AddrsssDr.SV!| “isiirglcnl iJ Brown & Co., BRUNSWICK, OA. Far all ldnda of surety bonds ap ply to B. B. Riehardmm. Valdosta Oa Third b no opium or other harmful lub- tttnet in ChamberlMn’* Cough Remedy. It may be given to > baby at confidently at to an adult. It it pleaiant to take, too, and always eurei, and cures quickly. It it a favorite„with mother* of imaU children for coldt and croup. > Notice of Intended Legislation. Notice Is hereby given that a bill will be Introduced at the next see slon ot the Georgia Legislature to be entitled -An act to amend the Char ter ot the city of Valdosta so os U authorize and empower the Mayor and Council ot the City of Valdostx to close Florida avenue In the City of Valdosta, on certain terms and condlUons, and for other purposes" WOODWARD & SMITH, LAWYERS. OFFICE UPSTAIRS IN VALDOSTA BANK AND TRUST CO’S. BUILDING.' ■